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Show WASATCH Canyon acct BITS Public Forum Set for Helicopter Skiing Proposal In response to comments and suggestions regardip from Save Our Canyons, and a representative from the the permitting of helicopter skiing operation’’¢ _ National Forest lands, a second public meeting ha — also be on hand to AOE Monday the 24th. This meeting is oF feting will be allowed to ask questions of the respective »panelists. : tinue heli-“skiih activities on the Uinta and WasatchThe overall objective of this forum is to provide the Cache National Forests. public with an opportunity to ask questions and express The March 24 meeting will be held atfitie Whitmore — opinions directly to key interest groups and decisionLibrary, 21197 East 7000 South in Salt Lake City from = makers in this proposal. It will also be a good opportu7:pm to 8:30pm. This meeting format will consist of a _ nity for people to become better informed of the issues — moderated panel discussion, made up of three panelists reeercine this proposal. This will be the last public representing different perspectives and roles related to 7 prior to the Forest Service’s April 7 due date nents on the helicopter skiing permit applica- local helicopter skiing. . will include Greg Smith from Wasatch Powd Suides, Alexis Kelner Brighton’s Snow a 801-943-8309 Number of lifts operating 6 of 7 Base Depth Cost of an all dayticket TL LL LEAN 123” $29 = sede reading” file co Mu Beaver Mountain - 801.753.0921 | Deer | Valley Resort -: 601.049.1000 - ©01.438,5433 Nordic Valley - 001.745.3511 | 201 49.077) Sr Full Day oa Park City 649.2250 Provo 3784553 eo 259.7669 Ogden aie 14 of 14 1 106” Gas SKI UTAH Snow Report: 521.8102 UDOT Road Conditions: 964.6000 Snowbird - 801.742.2222 KSL Weather 575.7669 SULan Weather 975. 4499 5 US Navy Exact Time: WG cise Solitude’s Phone Number 801-534-1400 Number of Lifts Operating For7 Mid Mountain Depth ewes, Early Season Full Day Lift Pass $34 3 1.900.410.1IME | Pilates® Method of Body Conditioning l. Builds muscular strength and flexibility j° Increases strength and support of back and abdominal muscles Wats. 1° Aligns body and and improves posture and coordination PARK ° A new body in 10-30 sessions i CITY, UTAH “Wolf Mountain : 801Number of Lifts Operating l° Relieves stress and tension le Workouts tailored to the individual. ability and needs Call 582-4846 for more inforiablon: a 621.2362 ae Snowbasin - 601.599.1159 Sundance Kesort - 001.220 4107. Number of Lifts Open Jupiter Total Avalanche/Weather Info: Brian Head Resort - 601.077.2035 The beart of America sings 7 Park City 801-649-8111] OPEN for skiing AND snowboarding! | | Katie Howard Certified Instructor | Page 2 Mid Mountain Depth 8 of 8? 106” # Early Season Full Day Lift Pass $32 t thy APN eRiteiniee tts. iste Wicked Handy Numbers! Meee Number - | Apologies to: Craig Gordon. In the co-edited backcountry etiquette article the use of the word _ “ass” when referring to backcountry cellular users was the publishers alone, and in no way represented Mr. arom s feelings towards asses or cellular phone users. pene MOUmbaM nton en tO #. “Sports<Guide announces their photo competition..... Meadows Aber * ? the “Press Releases we never 134” a to < 8 of 8 > Brighto ss Re | and Mineral Basin ef loca Call Sa | | Cost of an all area adult ticket Save Our Canyons and Alta Lift Co. are in dispute over plans to make trail impreyements in the Albion Basin. The improvements which Save Our Canyons opposes relate most specifically to b { glacially polished rock, “as well as extensive surface regrading, stream bed filling, and several other issues, To Whit: “Save Our Canyons believes that the very extensive summer use of the Albion Basin Area for picnicking, hiking, and wildflower viewing needs to be considered along with the plans of the ski resort” Save Our Canyons has requested that projects on the Devil’s Elbow, Roller Coaster, Crooked Mile ski trails, as well as the plans for snowmakiig.facifities and vegetation management be halted for one summer to allow further analysis of the situation. pe i : imple decision it seems, as these projects have been planned for several years, and a C8 is imminent. Both sides are in discussions as to how to handle the proposed mod- Elk Number of lifts operating Base Depth Albion Basin Improvements at Issue aa Alta Ski Lifts 801-742-3333 Closing date April 20 aly: ARNE B ae been cen Orest Service. A Bic DN. Jd LL wesaiek |