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Show Wasatch Canyon Reporter, Mid June - Mid July, Page Snowbird’s year wish list byRon Penner Staff Writer will not be ignored by the Forest Service. Issues, comments, or opportunities arising from Snowbird’s proposed actions can be sent to District Ranger, Salt Lake Ranger District, 6944 South 3000 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84121. Additional information or questions can be answered by Rangers Rob Cruz or Mike Sieg at 801-943-2667 or 801-943-1794. 13 day since it closed. It should hold snow well into August. We accept all submissions, photo, text, food, whatever. If you submit for the cover please send slides with a self addressed stamped envelope. The LETTERS preferred method is to have your slides put on a CD-ROM. You have a pretty good chance to get some pictures in the paper. We pay fifty American green backs for the cover shot. Not enough to buy a good meal in the islands, but it will help you establish yourself as a serious photographer. We also accept submissions for the bullwheel of text and photos. Bahamas for the month of June? Go easy on that trust fund Clayton it’s gotta last you for a while. for back country. Craig is the man to get information from. He should reached it’s functional density, as they don’t deal with the snowfall too try. We have packed to the able to access of the summer. boarders have enlighten the rest of article. | vene legally to halt the development and Snowbird. The most controversial of Snowbird’s proposals is a new facility on Hidden Peak. According to information released force Snowbird to submit a master plan for approval. The group feels a master plan is required by the National Environmental Policy Act. by Snowbird, the “new three story facility Public comments will be most effec- 7 tive if sent by June 19, 1995. Comments on the top of Hidden Peak...will include a cafeteria, water storage, restrooms, limited sent by this date will help retail, fine dining and access for the disabled. Ten to 15 feet of rock will be exca- frame the relevant issues vated to accommodate the structure.” resolved. However, comments sent after June 19 Such a structure would be “unspeakable” know some safe spring back coun- noticed the Apron is top. You should be snow at Alta for most The hard core snowbeen riding Alta every well right now. Maybe you could us in a future | become the first detachable quad at ayy Snowbird unveiled their 5 year “wish according to Gale Dick of the Citizens list” to the public on June 6, 1995. Ata Committee to Save Our Canyons. sparsely attended “scoping meeting” held_. Almost half of Snowbird’s proposals -in Sandy, several proposals were put out relate to trail widening and _ trail rework. | Dear Whoever Receives This, for public examination and comment. The They cite skier congestion and safety as is Clayton — Hey, my name Hutchinson and I’m 15, and just starting Scoping meeting is the first step by their primary justifications. Creation of a i Guys! out in the back-country scene. This Snowbird in the process of development summer road/ snowcat track diagonally Just picked up your latest issue as | season was the first one for out of involving the potentially conflicting needs - ascending up Regulator Johnson at the came back into town and immediately bound hiking. My friend and | have gotof resort expansion and stewardship of noticed the addition of ay editor. Tell head of the Gad Valley is one of these proten some help from a local tele guy Ms. Walsh thanks for a good job, as you named Craig Gordon, you might know public lands. The following proposed posals. Additional actions include the conprobably aren't paying her much: him. He’s shown me around Brighton actions are just that - proposals. No decistruction of hiking/ biking trails into It was g to hear that the last of (Wolverine Cirque, Tuscarara Main). sions are made until public comment and Mineral Basin and the improvement of the water will remain in the creek for Last weekend my partner and | hiked up environmental analysis’ have been evaluatnow. | was just visiting an Alta alumnus, _established hiking/ biking trails on to Patsy Marley from Alta and skied the John Iitis, on the occasion of his graduaCirque down to Brighton in the slush. ed. Snowbird property. Also, Snowbird hopes - tion in the field of Conservation & probably wondering what the hell From the looks of Snowbird’s pro- _ for development of a snowmaking capaci- — You're Resource Studies. He brought this sub| even wrote you for, but | was wonderposed actions, the Utah Ski Association ty. The snowmaking would cover approxject up with some of his professors, and | ing if you could mention or do an article suggestions to save our riparian area at has been effective in marketing our - imately 110 acres of high traffic and race about any areas in the Wasatch that the bottom of LCC included: 1) Find an keep snow all year round. Or at least till famous powder. | areas, using an estimated 40 million galendangered species. [Yeah.] 2) Make it August; I’m going to be in the Bahamas Snowbird makes several proposals to lons of water from the Wasatch drain tunexpensive through legal action. [Legal all of June. Any response to this letter improve and expand basic infrastructure nel. | action and expensive—aren’t they synwould be really helpful. I’ve been readonyms?] Opponents of the proposals highlight around the resort. Expansion of the Miding the “Wasatch Canyon Reporter’ now This could include the devaluation for about six months and really enjoy it. _ Gad restaurant, paving and grading of the Snowbird’s failure to put forth what they of properties downstream, where I’m not sure how you choose your cover feel is a legally required master plan. Gad Valley parking lot and creation of a property owners predicated their valpictures, but if you accept “send ins” we new day lodge/ skier services/ bus stop Without a master plan defining have some pretty cool shots. During the - uations on an actual shoreline, with actual flowing water. ea facility in Gad Valley are proposed to help ten to twelve times I’ve been in the Snowbird’s boundaries, opponents fear the canyon-friendly members of the backcountry, I’ve noticed there aren't serve and disperse growing numbers of resort could grow piecemeal and indefimuch-maligned legal profession many young (as in under 18 or so) nitely. The recently proposed actions, _ Skiers. Snowbird has suggested upgrading could look into this. | skiers back there. I’d just like to say the Gad I chairlift, with the greatest vertiincluding Baby Thunder, are perceived by ~ Another item | just noticed was. we're trying to get out there as much as the request for additional “density” at cal rise in the state, to a detachable quad. opponents as outside the parameters of a possible. Thanks. — Sugar Plum Condos made to the Alta Clayton 34 | A Gad I chairlift upgrade would help legitimate framework for resort developTown Council at their most recent Editor’s Response relieve pressure on the Tram and would ment. Save Our Canyons is trying to intermeeting. | though this area had __ This has been a strange spring With best personal regards, | am Sincerely yours, Bruce Ewert : which will eventually be FATHER, DAY _ JONE1 Enjoy a relaxed Father's Day at Salt Lake Valley's best Sunday Brunch—in the mountains! “Absolutely the top brunch in the state of Utah,” according to Fred Wix, the Gabby Gourmet (NBC) has risen to new heights at the Aerie Restaurant. The Aerie has been selected as one of the top five restaurants in the Salt Lake area. Indulge in an all-you-can-eat buffet featuring sushi, fresh pasta, prime rib, peel & eat shrimp, and a fruit flambé dessert station, in addition to all your traditional favorites. So come early and avoid the wait. We'll be open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Reservations accepted | for groups of 10 or more. For reservations, -| please call: RESTAURANT W Cli LodgLeve e, l 10 -§21-6040, ext. 5500 nae - HOT NEW ‘95 SPECIALIZED BIKES, HELMETS AND ACCESSORIES IN STOCK! ) STOP IN AT ANY BINGHAMS AND LET US CUSTOM FIT YOU! Lar MIDVALE SANDY ‘new SLC CRin m ?s 1370 S. 2100 E. 583-1940 SUNSET | 2317 N. Main. 825-8632 707 E. Ft. Union 1300 E. 10510 S. (106th) 961-2453 571-4480 neha | OGDEN LAYTON 3259 Wash Bivd 399-4981 110 N. Mail 546-3159 — | & “ wee | *stop in and see our new Sandy store behind MeDonaid and Beehive C.U. a |