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Show oe “Wasatch Canyon Snadies. April - -Mid-May 1995. Page 11 Big Ron’s Alpine| a ee tem RIES (March ot - April 19) This month is very conducive to creativity, much to the surprise of yourself and others. Expect unorthodox behavior from those around you as the liberation of springtime thaws the hibernation mentality. To remember your friends in their hour of need 1 is a minimum standard of friendship, to forget is a condemnable, | self centered act. | eR ee AURUS (April 20 - May 20) pee a rock has fallen out of the sky t onto you, thus di saes your innate optimism and rearranging your life in a new pattern! Taureans are-especially good at putting the pieces © ec in other peoples puzzles, however, be sure you spend enough time solving your ownm puzzles. Fortunately for you, romance is reaching a new plateau. | SAAD EMINI (May 21- June 21) Your life feels like spring pea hee+, wildly fluctuating between upper 70’s and snow flurries. Keep both skis and bike close at hand so you can maintain your balance. Nowi 1s _ time. to follow instinct, as your head will surely limit your possibilities. — ANCER (June 22- July 22) You may have felt like you are in a cage of your own design, and in fact you are. Despite a lack of walls, the constricting feeling will refuse to abate in the next month. However, a wie ing! EO (July 23 Sometimes another dimension, lusioned when events windfall is due in the near : eS - August 22) Freak events in nature it seems as though the forces of good and that war occasionally spills over beyond your control redirect you, as that may help overcome the oppressed feeles | | ate ee can reallly happen, beware! and bad are waging a war in into your life. Do not be disilthat is Ve the way it is. | 3 Sha | OW SCLC "IRGO (Ansa 23 - September 22) Sometimes bad things happen to sood people, and vice versa; keep this adage in mind in your travels. However, no matter how far you. stray, home is ay where your heart is. In the next month you may be - required to perform an act of strength; spiritual fortitude will be necessary to pull the act off. rs Relaxed, > Romance is a give and take agreement, not like your one sided arrangement of take; take, take! et Cee ; ~ ) — right to receive many a payback. Perplexing animosity from former friends can be explained by your typical flighty Sagittarian behavior worthy of scorn. On a good note, ey are quite capable of behavior modifications, even if only for a little while! APRICORN (December 22 - January 19) An intense stroke of luck, either good or bad, may fall your way in the next month, be forewarned! To be wise with your money is far different from being tight with it - loosen up and splurge, you really do only go . around once! Personal grooming habits are quite annoying for you, but it is still best not to forget them. QUARIUS (January 20 - February 18) Sympathy, nurturing, — and giving many a massage are integral to your actions in the next month as you will be a well of generosity to those around you. A visit from an old friend will prove rewarding and insightful. _ Unforeseen situations can dampen your lifestyle, beware! Stereotypes are for other people, listen to your own piper. | Views 5:00 pm | Fine i OO » Cuisine 4 Informal Atmosphere drink in Open 8:30 am to AGITTARIUS (November 22- December 21) Paybacks are Hell, and you have ctinivatee the cs . “Soe a are, SO. ” Mountain how do you expect to retain friends or romance in light of such truths? Fortunately this month you will feel as though everyone around you loves you just as = &® ‘Koei CORPIO (October 23- November 21) Your rarely revealed ability to fight for the sake of Gobi ing is simply absurd, S | Above Ip t— IBRA (September 23 - October 22)A long overdue jubilant feeling has overtaken you recently, expect the sensation to continue. Springtime euphoria is superlative and you are fully immersed -in it. The transition to summer is paralleled in your pivotal actions, look for duality ini all things. Carefully study the actions of others before you judge them. _ 3 Sh d i fh. A. ta since J 908. Daily for D Breakfast & Lunch (801) 742-2500 LOCATED IN THE es : — inner 6§-10pm 1 , Gauhaak. Little Catt | ALBION Day LODGE Reservations: 749-9177 igh has re ua S o of 00° Yo m J ore | ISCES (February 19 - March 20) Your efforts have not been in vain as the fruits of your labors are beginning to flourish. _ However, perseverance is necessary to attain full fruition. ‘Sympathy for others has not gone unnoticed; expect reciprocity if ~ arock falls out of the sky onto you! Although your life is gliding © along nicely, always beware the harm that may result from your deleterious lifestyle choices. * WCR ee S 1 7 Ing, 0 qe. 1 eee : every off-season, we stay Dusy making : 2 : ete sure skiers have more fun, with fewer lines. / So check out Our latest Improvements. We TRIN ROI shivace We're BUYING CARS & TRUCKS, running or not. , _ |Call 801-973 6234 or 1-800- 286- 2634 | new bowls. Se you ‘il be pleased- and televed. | ‘€3Brighton ae 0a E1600 ek eee WOO es alee oe 7 =e 22- 332 4731 yy | |