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Show RR BALES ‘Wasatch Canyon Reporter, ~ Wasatch Canyon Reporter Tro Bota oo. * = ioe May ROCKsROLL R.J. PINNER acel dmaitsie Page 3 __ witH RON . 5 MARTA. oe — WASATCH POWDERBIRDS VISITED __ 8 DAVID PECK & ELIZABETH WISE Cover Boy Kelly “WhiteBuffalo” Hancock Advertising Sales Executives FIREHOUSE OVERRUN with KATZ Jon “Salsa”Atencio Kami Taylor SARA Contributors J. LINDEMAN 9. : ALTA OPEN ‘Sara J. Lindeman _ Ross Courtney Wile E. Coyote Marta Heilbrun | Contributing Photographers Chris “BigHair” Murray — J. STUART BRESEE oe | BIG RON’s ASTROLOGY oe ~—E__s1t IN SOME ISSUES: --—EDITORIAL 2 LETTERS 4 PHOTO GALLERY 12-13 Craig Dillon Lee Cohen Copy Editors Carolyn “HoneyBear” Uhle Mara (Wanna?) Walsh Equipment Manager Chris “Mountainsmith” Murray BULLWHEEL Intern 14 “ COVER PHOTO BY:Craig Dillon ¢ Rider unknown Sara Lindeman WCR Legal Team Brady “Slip and Fall Guy” Toensing LOCATION: April Fool's Party, Snowbird Ie COO AKIOGHEOV 2G Hk OF AAR WKEA OB AKS ORE OHO VEOASN HTS DOMED Gk od KO% 6 EERE ASOOKT] Eddy “Tort” Carrrolll, Ill, ESQ ~~ rae Bee Nica READ Ross COURTNEY - Editor & CEO David Charles Baker Production Manager & CFO SE. Balog. Staff Model David “DrSlice” Peck — ‘Staff Mystic RJ. “Gimpy” Pinner ‘Real Estate Editor AlexAnder “Alex” Miller Editor At Speed David “BigEmma’” Doherty oe 1 t: 1 995 AVALANCHEDOGS Publisher & Figurehead John “Three Putt” Bresee Prank Caller Kimmy ea apn ay r 4 deste 171 re rn morn Volume April Te eg oe ee eo eee + Walton General Authority's Daughter Ot veally happened. Stop by Melanie Kay Edgley and ask Mx. 7 Video available for $ 5 (000. Wallace to shou you the photograph. Shirt used available for 37, 500. TO SUBSCRIBE: $20 for about a year, $38 for two or so, $54.20 for threeish, $68.78 for approximate four years, $1000 for a lifetime subscription’; to: WCR SUBS, PO BOX 8118, ALTA UT 84092-8118: Despite what you may hear or read, we really do send out the papers, eventually. New, special offer: BUY 10 SUBSCRIPTIONS for $200 prepaid, GET 1 FREE*: Order them for all your friends. *Do this and.get a free psychiatric interview from|} “Dr.” Baker. No crustaceans were harmed in the creation of this paper.| Back issues $2 each. Bulk discounts available. Letters to the EDITOR should go to the same address. We publish every one we get if it has your name and address and it doesn’t call anyone a *@$%#&! or discuss dangling toilet parts.. We'll withhold your identity if you ask, but we gotta give it to the man if he calls. The Wasatch Canyon Reporter is a community newspaper published once a month until November when we got back to approximately twicea month. The next issue comes out around the middle of May. The WGR is the medium altitude alternative published by another bunch of people with a computer and a laser printer. (Actually, we rent the laser printer from Perry & his sisters and brothers). This paper is staffed almost exclu- sively with Cottonwood Canyons employees but we'll take anyone. 10,000 issues are mailed or hand-delivered to a wide variety of people and places in and around our canyons, the lower 48, and the world (one issue goes to Hong Kong). We can’t afford that subscription verification service yet, so trust us. All.material © 1995 and all that. Printed on partially-recycled paper. No swiping our brilliance without written permission of someone. To call us: 801-486.1388. The facsimile number is 485.2735. The opinions expressed in this august publication are those of the writer if you agree, and of someone else if you disagree. A surprising number people lack a good, solid sense of humor. Try to find yours if you read something you hate. Until you see a “Fact Checker” listed above, accuracy is not guaranteed. Caveat Emptor. You get what you pay for. If you don’t agree with something, write a letter. Or better yet, type an article of 1,000 words or more. Send it to us in text format on an IBM-compatible disk with printout. None of that Apple stuff, please. (We probably won’t run it but at least you will feel better.) . Wasatch Canyon Reporter - POBox 8118 . Alta UT 84092-8118 Chat line 801-486-1388| Facsimile line 485-2735 CompuServe E-Mail 72557,2760 } | |