OCR Text |
Show fcr Sale 9Q -Automobile - IM Automobile for Sale - for Sale LOOK AT THESE BUYS OUT CLOSE-O- ALL '69 EVERY MODEL AND ALL USED CARS D- 517 brekes. Power steering, '69 COMET H.T. 1984 $5,795 Air conditions brand naw. $2,595 '69 MNTGO. 2019. Heevly equipped, '69 LINCOLN $2,995 4-D- Radio, white side walls, -Autcmobilw for Sale for Sale BRAND-NE- THE 70's ARE ON THE WAY '69 COUGAR 190 New Available for Immediate Delivery "See and Drive Our Little Gas" s F.O.B. 2002. '68 JEEP '68 top. 1 $2,295 '67 Radio power $1,995 EL trans., real s '63 FORD '67 OLDS. IN A IK sedan. fact. air. CHEV '67 CHEV. $1,895 '66 $1,595 CUTLASS hdtp. $1,377 '63 FORD '65 CHEV. OPEL, GMC TRUCKS '65 MSTNG. RUNNER Plymouth STOKER $2,497 - TOOELE 882-- f66 S.L.C. 390 1944 HP, hdtp. Galaxle, like new inside and out, only 404)00 mi. 4 new tires. See It at tha Conoco station, 2460 East Parley's Way, r. eir, fully eaulpped. Lady's Factory 72. car. 41 FIREBIRD 400, vinyl too. qreen inter., conwarr. owr. steer., brakes, sole, eft. 5. 2784)241, . GT. ,390, MUST sell 1947 Fairlane buckets, stereo, 4 new tires, 4444)990, 244:9043 Jll20 S.Main. s44 IMPALA white sports sedan, air auto., cond., pwr. steer good cond.. 21,100. 43 CHRYSLER Imperial hdtp., full pwr. and a'r, good cond. end mileage, $785. 47 GTO, showroom cond., loaded with extras, below blue book price, 9 new tires, want smell car. '44 LeMANS hdtp.. 324, auto, trans., pwr. steer, end brekes, excel, eond. 43 MERC. COMET, euto., good cond. 5 S '65 VOLKS. Green bug, radio, heater. STATES LEASING ifWhere You Buy (Sunday call 2776576) CHRYSLER all hdtp., CESSORIES, ETC., NEARLY OR NEW, CALL 487-224- 3 PLAY it smart, be aura of what you art buying. 22 FINANCE AUTO LAB AAAIN 66 OPEN EVENINGS PLANS Ken Garff Co. FREDA. AUTO DIAGNOSTIC CLINIC 2 State, S.L.C. $1,189 '64 Cadillac $1,899 Cp. deVllle, eir. '67 Impala '68 Riviera $2,099 '66 OLDS. $4,199 '63 Catalina $1,099 '65 Rambler $1,299 '67 Ford $1,899. '65 Catalina $1,399 Chevrolet 0 '66 Mercury HAYES 7 BUICK H "OK" Best Deal on Wheels OK i '66 s p.s radio, heater, Sport Cpe capriceV4, $1,395 radla, htr $2, 295,'65 '68 MALIBU $1,45 IMPALA , ti At $ IVIALIDU 4 dr. hdtp., V,, radio, heater, euto--l Sport Coupe, V4, RaJio, htr malic, power steering. 66 FORD I $1,245 ,'66 GTO radio, custom, htr 500, $895 radio, htr., '65 RIVIERA Hardtop, radio, heater, htr., p,$ DODGE $2,09565 air. Monaco p $., p.s., '68 CHEV. R H., tmosla Soort Sdan P. Steer. Auto. Air Cond. $2,395 radio, htr., '65 CHEV. $1,395 radio, htr '65 PLYM. euto. Belvedere, stick. stand, CURVAIR "700" c. 'If radio, air. htr Coupe, r eond p.i., DELMONT 4dr. hdtp ont owne. p.t $1 SKYLARK p.b., p.t. p.b. p.t p.b., cond hdtp $1,399 LeSABRE 2280 SO. Phone 484-618- 1, Men love pwr. RIVIERA CUS I DC $pt. cpe p.s pb. 37 $495 h., $295 Mickey Finn pi., HOia PHILl I'VE JUST REAP SOME OF THE MOVIE COLUMN: AND fT LOO 5 AS IF WE'VE FINALLY GOT A HJX THANKS ' 1966 PONTIAC long MOON MULLEN '66 T BIRD $1,444 $1,995 pwr. Open till 9 pm. South Main, Bountiful 292-045- 1 PUBLIC NOTICE Main St. HINCKLEYS 1 Save $702.16 ort DEMONSTRATOR mv like brand new 1969 Renault sedan, radio, heater disc Call me perbrakes and Mitch Bishop Towne & sonally Country Murray, 452$ 6. State. Ph. '68 FORD XL hardtoo, V-- t, automatic oower steering. PWR. AND AIR Local car, miles can be veriied. STOKER 33 East 21st South brakes, 2651 $2,287 MOTOR $888 CHEV. PRICE ROY CONTINENTAL FULL It HT. steering, To satisfy repossession procedure en 1948 Serial Dart Green LL21BSB337012 bid will be acceoted SATURDAY. AUGUST 9lh, 1969 at 10.00 a.m. at 10th South and Main. USED CARS $988 steer auto, trans - '45 '63 Impala 1962 COMET SHAW '63 CHEV. Privately Owned " $1,295 MARION WILLEY AND SON CHEVS., 295-348- 2600 MAIN 1969 MUSTANG, beaut, car., $1295, 65 East 21st So. 4'70032. '66 Bountiful N. Main 190 '64 1 FORD WG., 322-169- 1 Javelin Ctr W9 have a good selection of cars andj pickups, will trade down payment tor guns TV or anything of value, SELL or trade '62 Ford convert, for 3224861, 1165 So. Main. after 6:30 p.m. motorcycle, WE 5aJLii2LSr3i2'i Close-O- ut over Hinckleys 30 V-8-s, 1962 1963 PLY. RMABLER waoon RMABLER BUICK cpe. 1964 1965 1965 1966 DODGE BUICK DODGE Polara CHEV. 1966 1968 PONTIAC Tempest DART 4d. DODGE Coronet 1968 AUGUST One-Ma- n 7 IN STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM AUTOMATICS, AIR CONDITIONING SAVE SAVE clean $295 $395 $295 $1,095 $895 $895 $1,195 $1,195 $1,295 $1,695' $1,295 r. I960 I 960 CHEV Waqon DODGE DODGE 1964 DODGE Wqn. 1964 PONTIAC 1964 PLYM. $2,395 1961 1965 CHEV. 1965 FORD 1967 DODGE Polara 1967 DODGE Coronet 1966 MERCURY cpe. 196$ MERCURY Coronet $1395 $2,C95ll966 PLYM Val. $2,295i 1965 FORD 8 FROM 7:00 to DUKE HANCOCK & Brcnd from dr. $2,395 over $1,295 $2,095 9:00 P.M. 40 Famous All Over Canada BUY WHERE YOUR CAR WILL BE SERVICED ram dual TEMPEST, auto., $225r6SEast 21st So. 1966 CHEVELLE 375 hp , SS low ml. positract. '64 IMF ALA 44r. auto., $795. 2701 S. Main. j bast offer, excel. ONconyart. '65 3284934 m m I960 484-311- Full power, air, Dream PECK This automatic m - BONNEVILLE trans Automatic power DODGE, power brakes. VrblercV9?9ch1v 1515 S. 1926 CE Larson Ford 5500 S. State, PONTIAC Grand Prlx, automatic, 882 1064 TOOELE power steering and brakes, factory 4-dS.L.C. w.w. tires. r. air, power windows, '68 ELECTRA $3,488 Extra sharp and runs Ilka naw,10 steer. auto., pwr. till 4 good tires. CREDIT? BAD finance Vl, $1,499. Open plans. Air cond., pwr. steer pwr. brakes, 4528 Towne 8, Country, Murray, P.m. HAVING DIFFICULTY BUYING A '64 PLYMOUTH whitewalls. 3. S. State. Ph. station wagon,. OF CREDIT? CAR BECAUSE auto, trans., radio htr. many OVER IS YEARS EXPERIENCE other extras. Sale priced at $592.41. IN HANDLING SIMILAR SITUALow monthly or weekly terms easi- - . OGDEN TIONS. PHONE DEAN Iv arranged. Contact Mick. Call at euto. trans., 2580 S. Hwy. ! DEAN AUTO, Raft's Cars r. 292-177- 1 68 CHEV. Caprice, 1967 hoo., with biacx vinvl too. owr. HARDTOP LANDAU, '64 FORD Galaxia 2 dr. hdtp. brakes, pwr. steer., .act. air, 396 radio heater w.w. tires. OWEN WRIGHT PONTIAC eno., extras, excel cond., by owner, & Real sharp $744. 4 finance plans. 570 North Main Leyton, Utah $3,200. Open till 10 p.m. Towne & Coun 8 '62 FORD, 355-419- 3 Murray 452$ S. State. Ph. ONLY $275 AT WOOTTON'S EM 65 Sacrifice MUSTANG price, 351 W. North Temple 4-d- r. '59 VOLKS. eaulpped iust riaht, $994.64. Low ONLY $295, AT WOOTTON'S monthly or weekly terms easily clean. Stand. EM arranoed. Contact Jeft Clark. 351 W. North Temple tran.jsvervj very . A GOOD BUY 1958 VW bus good 63 Classic 550 4lr. body, enqine needs work. Call any RAMBLER OPEN EVES, 'TIL 10 P.M. sedan, clean, excel, cond. Needs time, '67 Cad. cpe. deVHfe, felly eqeipped. trns. work. Call 2 excel, cond., . '58, on Call $3,600. RAMBLER I960 "Buick"-"Opelgood cond . $150. other for parts, $400. 1962 OLDS. Dynamic 88, 1956 Olds., excel, cond., $125. '68 CAMARO British green, sta. wag. Factory air, auto pwr. $2,200. , new tires, very 68 BARRACUDA formula S, 383 eteer., brakes, new , '61 with stick, overdr., FORD, $700. clean, new tires. 2664498. clutch, runs good, , 67 LAND RBVER 109, 4vl. Take over pay- '66 PLYM. 64 OLDS, convert. Fury real nice car, air mileage, grtat shape, ph. Jan. 1965 BARRACUDA FB. cond., $1,175. Dgden, Utah. ments. Call after 4 p.m., 2 PONT. Tempest wag. 1 owner, 1967 VW. sqback., Michelin Urn, . automatic Power steering, trans., 44 BUICK sports waaon, . excel, cond., make offer. SKY BLUE , owner, air, full power, clean, owner good cond. $800 or offer. 62 PONTIAC transferred $200Q. Call 2777454. hdtp. good 68 VW., excel, cond . make offer. 1427 Alder Rd. cond., $595, , '65 RENAULT SEDAN ONLY $595. AT WOOTTON'S new '67COUGAR289 p.S., p. disc b 66 MUSTANG. Good cond. 351 W. North Temple EM 461fW7 tires auto. $1,975. lowjni., '67 COUGAR, AUTO. P.S. 60 NEW YORKER or '61 Olds.!'62 CHEV. Impala 'SS. stick, 1 AIR, waqon $225. good cond. $595. VERY clean 1962 Plymouth, $595. '67 FIREBIRD 400 dark '65 VALIANT green excel, cond. SLC direct line WHY WALK? . BUICK, RUNS LIKE A WATCH, ONLY $99. DEWEY WOODS CAR CO., 750 $. MAIN. 47 WAGON Chevel1 Concours, whit panel. P.S. P.B. R., H rack, pold Int., on owner, Srm.new. $2,095. 2 63 CHEV. 9 pan. wgn., 283 with pwr. glldo, excel, fam. car at near 62 Ext. $1,988 NofiJLAh quads,runsgreat.j$375. STATE $99 TO $499 295-233- 4 Your Oldsmobile Dealer 5hlouthVENINs 67 ELECTRA 1960 413 CARS-SIN- y SPECIALS $2,295 $588 "usem" 300F USED transportation' OYOTA -T- OF THE LITTLE GUYS ACROSS FROM ELIM OLSON'S Ken Garff Co. FORD Hdtp., whittwelli. 1 A R s! BchKk CHRYSLER Glen Boyce Mel Osborne EVENINGS 1100 South Main LAST Bountiful $2,188 '64 535 SO. MAIN 364-199- $1,750 M. J. Rasmussen OPEN "HOME OF ELECTRA $1 .888 iso East Air cond., pwr. steer., pwr. brakes, whitewalls. Carleson Pontiac $1,59511 ,095 '65 Buick tedan, p.i., p.b. Powerglido. CAPRICE ' clean. heater, radio, htr., ltd. trans. wgn 65 Buick 4. FRED A. W ' Hinckleys Dodge Q00 50. Main SLC 359-7- 6 1969 LUXURY EQUIPPED air conditoned 55 $1,145 radio, V-- '64 FALCON $295',,, 63 (rent. '62 CHEV. $1,299 p.t '66 Olds. $1,795 '66 Buick $1,895 lr 4dr. SPECIAL $1,495 hdtp., cpe., auto. Super sport, '65 Catalina vinyl top, Buick $1,995, $2,195 '67 SPECIAL Adr. sedan, p.b., pt. cpe DELTA Adr. hardtop, air cond. red, black '67 Buick $2,595 '67 Olds. $2,295 air LEsw. $1'i'65 Buick auto, CAMARO, spaed. l real euto. WILDCAT p b. radio, heater, eiitp. 66 CORVAIR 005 $1,995 V-- hdtp., ,yt 68 Pont. (50.000-ml- $1,599 '65 Bonn'ville $1,399 $2,995 '67 Chev. $1,995 M,ch' 327 Sedan, p.i., euto. euto. Sport '69 Ford $1,699 '66 Catalina JOIN OUR MANY SATISFIED CUSTOMERS WHO BUY WITH CONFIDENCE Lapira ' 899 $2,285 FREED'S $1,488 '64 ELECTRA Air cond., pwr. iteer whitewalls. Oil For The Life Of Your Car $1,997 SV988 "You hove fun when you buy ot" '65 PONTIAC FREE $6,250 $1,438 COLD DRINKS PLYM VAI 1941 YOUR CHOICE-4121940 FALCON. YOUR CHOICE $150. 1959 Pont.i '67 SKYLARK $1,688 1940 Plym. hdtp.! 161 Stud. trans., Hdtp., pwr. steer., auto, YOUR CHOICE $199. 1962. Flat! whitewalls. 1961 Ford; )754 Chev.i 1963 Nova. YOUR CHOICE $299. '41 Chev.i TRONADO 1962 Ford; 1962 Dodae (Lancer)) '68 BUICK $2,388 Excellent Is Motor 1960 Chev. hdtp. LeSebre, air cond., pwr, steer., auto, smooth and throughout. Quiet. Finished in beauCHOICE $399. 1962 Pont, YOUR tiful Aztec Gold with white leather trans., whitewalls. hdto.t 1964 Slmca; 1964 Eng. Ford; interior. Excellent tires. Our special 1962 Chev. won. '68 PONTIAC YOUR CHOICE $499. 19M Chev.! $2,188 today omv 1962 Ford XL; 1963 1967 Ford; Hdtp. pwr. steer, auto, tranr. pwr. Chev. hdtp. i 1964 Merc, brakes whitewalls. Hdtp., pwr. euto. trans. ,688 W Pwr. stear., radio, haatar, auto. tram. Carleson's OLDS. ECONOMY BUYERS (LOOK) Like new, real clean '44 Chevy CUTLASS SEDAN Nova, hdtp., V8, auto., new tires, must sell by this weekend, Excellent V-- throughout hat 350 cu. In automatic transmission, leaving town. Open to any reas. motor, finished In attracoffer, pvt. owner, csll day, power steering, tive Pacific Mist Green with dark aft. 4 p.m. clean throughout. Extra top. Rreen whitewall tires. Our special (or today only WE CARRY CONTRACTS NO PRICE PENALTY LOW INTEREST RATES DEWEY WOODS 750 S. AAAIN 8 auto'65 FORD station wagon, Your Oldsmobile Dealer matic, power steering air. OPEN EVENINGS 150 East 5th South Stand. 1940 FORD fully re stored, new tires, chrome, grill, Larson Ford 5500 S. State, paint. Interior, mechanically excel.. 1 KSL at Bob Call Simmons BY OWNER , after till noon, or Orem A, ,M. .AS- lT.pi?:,.SSe' 4 P.m. See So. 13th East. 10? $1 Big Choice! '67 OLDS. 521-3859- l Wl re sporty Doug J. Wood Jerry Howard Val Smith WILDCAT $788 Pwr. steer., auto, trens., whitewalls. MA1LBU, $2,800 hardtop with pwr. steer., auto, trans., green hdtp., factory air. with black vinyl top 907 eng. only 3 5,200 ml. or set at 1059, Buccaneer Drive. air, bramlum tires. r68 MUSTANG convert., 8 4-d- r. excel, cond. Only 1,400 mi., blue wiih 1966 TOYOTA white tep Pwr. steer., auto., very clean. auto, trans., for best Station wagon, stick shift, low mileWagon, air. offer. age, exceptional buy, $995. $10 down 45 Ford Gal. 500, SHARP 1966 IMPALA delivers. or hdtp. low mt. sedan. 352 eng., auto, trans., rad., auto, good cond., portable air '67 FORD GALAXIE 500 Waqon "990", air. htr;, pwr. brakes, steer air cond., cond., pwr. steer, and brakes, new 8895. tires. Best offer. power steering, power brakes, '40 CAD., fully equipped, good run- car Ilka new. Hew tires. Must sell, II SS '66 CHEVY 327 nlng cond., very clean, $395. $1,585 or best offer. Galaxia 44r. hdtp., air. Hurst, new tires good cond. $1750. East 400 South. Bountiful. new, low '44 Gold color. 2252231 Orem bet. 7 '49, VOLKSWAGEN, Ilk auto, trans., PLY. waqon, offer! must best sell, mileage, P.m; reliable family car,. $550 or bast '68 FIREBIRD 400 owr. steer. consan. 5! hdtp., air. offer, cell S550. ole vinvl too black int. 3,000 ml 62 CHEV. convert. Good cond., 327, '45 auto trans., MUSTANG, 289 V-51 '42 Landau. MUST SELL. Take over payments or will take .fully equip. 44V0118. Call $1,400. trade. $700 or offer. KEEP COOL, eir cond. '41 Pont., BH Alr wao ILDS,. goo runs good, $258. 2701 3. Main. STICK 1966 CHEV. 11 wagon owr. brakes '57 CHEV. HDTP., pwr. steer. auto, trans. 327 enfl. CONVERT, '42 Temoest, 8250. 2701 after 4 p.m. '58 CAOF air. full power, axeal. excel, 5644 s. 6th West. 42 CHEV. Impale convert., S. Main. r HdtD cond., $375, factory air. $495. cond. stick on floor, i'64 Landau. Air, new fires. 'ZO fVinFlrB- -, Vw?ras?rpwr.SPwindows,tgoodjHEy cond. 44 CORVAIR Soyder, OO real car. nice Kavsvtlle. , htr., rad., $1,395. Z,OyV cond. 1 57. 315 St $795. Vine I 428, stereo. Call hdtp., air. $960 $500. 473 E. S220 South. '49 MACH wkdys. eft. 4 p.m. wkends. aft. 9 e.m. $948 TORINO GT, fastback, '59 CHEVY, $200 or offer, excel, runpositract., $2,595 . 5 good '64 full oower with air ning cond., new battery, tiros, cond. $1.550. After 5 call extra '44 COMET, hdtp., air. full clean, $30h. deVllle, CAD, Cpe good cond. Eves, call pwr. II. 327 excellent '47 CHEVY SS 1942 CHEV, convert., Impale condition. hdtp. excel, cond.. make otter. Good $1,150. 1965 FOR Mustanu, '67 VALIANT SIGNET. after 4 p.m. cond., CLEAN, 81.295. '69 CADILLAC deVllle,.. fully Smciai. 1944 FALCON. GOOD COND. equipped, 900 illes, $4, '69 69 38 $1,388 $2,223 A See Us Today! '64 '66 pass Wgn., $1 air . CLOSEOUTS!! FREE Pwr. eteer., euto. trens., brakes, whitewalls, tilt wheel. Satisfaction" 9 $1,183 l,!fit$ $1B8 '69 IMPL. h ., air color, $td. shift. '45 FORD XL h.t. '66 CHRYS. h.t., 300 lP DIVUmiTU PLYM. Sed., air h.t., 'act. air A special sporty h.t. 167 FORD plym. sedan. See itl Air cond. 600 SOUTH '67 CHEV. $1,688 BARRACUDA fcdr. h.t., fallback. DODGE Fon Greene, Ron Warrington, Steve Argyle, Ernest Wolfert, Scott Brinkerhoff, Bud Taylor, Don Kilpatrick ac- - BUCK 65 . . . '66 2,788 $1,098 HT. N.Y. CHRYSL. Special Cutlass convert., radio, heater, trans., power steering. FORD FOR $139 FORD Wgn. 6 cyl., A.T, A Big Selection Now A.T. ' ford wagon V 8 DODGE Wg. '44 CHEV. 6Pas! , air PONT. Tempest '64 CL OS. P8, CHEV. A.T., V.l CHRYSLER Convert, air '65 65 PLYM 9pass air Pwr. steer., auto, trans., whitewalls $1,198 LE BARON LEASE '64 '64 64 '64 '63 $2,198 '64 OLDS. ; Sta. Wagons! $888 uto. trans., whitewalla '66 OLDSMOBILE NEW YORKER, EQUIPPED, WILL LEASE FOR $114 PER MONTH. r. hardtop. Radio, power steer- ing. CHRYSLER 300, '68 CHEV. Drink. Hamburgers Swimming With Every Purchase This Week W BRAND-NE- Bankrupts Welcome MOTOR Larson Ford 5500 S. State 10 P.M. 500 heater, '68 COUGAR CHOOSE FROM 3 All in immaculate cond, 295-348- 7 $3,098 landau, radio, heater, Cruise-0Ma,ic- - pwtr' r eond. FULLY '66 $1,698 Impale custom hardtop coupe, radio, heater, auto, trans., pwr, steer. 4-dr., 858 So. '67 530 South 5th West $1,195 red. Hdtp., BOUNTIFUL 4-d- $995 stick. V-- l, 1969 IMPERIAL WESTERN '66 MSTNG. auto, 485-019- hdtp '65 FALCON Wag., IN $1,495 Super Sport, WILKINSON '64 CAD. $795 hdtp., auto, trans. Galaxia TOTAL PRICE ROAD 795 $1 Hte siedwall power steering, sedan, blue. imp., tires, radio, heater, PANELING WARRANTY. TRIM, etc. Imp. conv. ONLY. TODAY ' $2,295 i Galaxle 500 4dr. H.T. Radio, heeler, lew power automatic, steering, miles. 61 TILL LOADED, WILL PER MONTH. 1969 '67 FORD STATION WAGON, country trans., engine, outomotic 9-86- I I Galaxle 601 So. Main SQUIRE radio, heater, auto, '67 EL Name of Quality $2,198 $1,498 trans., pwr. steering. 633 ow . Vr Petty Motor BUICK, Rdalo, heater, Rides 3,088 heater, $698 14571. Delmont OPEN J fastback, radio, heeler, trens. A A LAKE Hdtp., 24-- $495 $795 BUY AT LAKE FOR QUALITY SERVICE AND SALES V-- Galaxle Air conditioned. $995 COUNTRY '63 FORD '61 WAGON Free Tickets For IS UNDER WAY AT 69 ' LAGOON DAYS Le Scbre $1,198 UCUUot $898 '68 FORD radio, heater, Crulse- - Custom $1,295 oeed. herdtoo. $1,898 H.T., No. 15441. Radio, heater, auto, trans., power steering, air conditioned. $M98 '65 FORD 500 Air conditioned VOLKS. PLYM. Fury Ml power .tearing, elr Dart Woer. Radio, mafic ,ranS- - GALAXIE $2,295 $1,995 auto- kadlo. heater, OO 500 $1,395 '65 $1,198 '67 heater, Radio, FORD Custom air rond.toned Awheel dr., e s. Air conditioned. trans. '67 '66 MONTCLAIR '66 WAGONEER THUNDERBIRD '64 $1,995 $1,395 Menlove's stick shift. hardtop, radio, heater, '66 PLYM. Fury matic power HDTP. i BRAND-NE- '67 GTO Cpe. steering. steering. '66 MONACO $1,095 '66 ouwer Power steerng. clean. Red 90 Automobiles for Salt The Whole Family Construction $1,698 $1,595 $1,795 66 VOLKSWAGEN r. auto. steering '67 MUSTANG CAMINO real sharp. root Power steerlrg. COMET $1,995 $1,995 Sun '67 '67 MUSTANG 4-d- i FREE Jm Go!! 3,488 SPECIAL auto., trens. heater, $2,595 '67 CUTLASS CPE. Shift on the floor. '67 Radio, $2,195 COUGAR H.T. Air cord., '69 FORD 600 JAVELIN owner, trade. W 9 Wednesday, August 6, 1969 90 Automobiles for Sale What a Way to Pwr. steer., pwr. brakes, auto, trens. COMPARE THESE PRICES FOR VALUE drive, 90 Axitomobiies for Sale Wildcat - $1,995 1970 AAAVERICK Sed. $2,495 r. DESERET NEWS, Bennett 69 U MUST BE SOL- for Sale 90 Automobllet Ambassador DPL'S I THINK MW7Y-B-OT 50, V, IT WAS $3,095 MNO aifFZEAli 3- $2,245 auto. Rancho Rambler Capital Chevrolet 6th So. State 8:30 A.M. - 8 P.M., 6:00 P.M. SAT. 7 8th So. & State - 8th So. & Main - 328-964- 3. OPEN LATE "Whore Financing 355-753- rw rr rfl..xiTrr..ii mHfifl Ttii.H miriMT 'fn ijfTi T,iiif - iiiH iiW1i'nfc.iatflh4irfiitrYTrniii iTii itrmgri ;rn ifn uiMeMmuNRi. IICJM Is Made Easy" : |