Show y THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Blackburn T ells THURSDAY MORNING JUNE II 31 Era Bosox Make Hits Count How Louis Came To Be Ring Killer Whip Tiges ’By J C Derkt- 1936 Sixty or more of Utah’ swiftest Werber’s Homer Telling racing pigeons 'get the supreme test of the current season during of Blow Injuns Repulse Bomber Easy-Going From Story Change the coming weekend Youth to One of Greatest Told by Elderly Senators Score 10-- 2 The occasion Win be the annual flight from Barstow Cal Negro Pugilistic Paradox Qarif ied The course covers a distance of American League 496 miles airline and is beset with hazards both numerous By JACK CUDDY and severe The birds will be Yorlt LAKEWOOD N J June 10 (UP Copyright) — Jack Black-bu- m New Boston liberated at Barstow at 6 o’clock Detroit a young looking elderly negro with razor tattooing on his Cleveland in the morning possibly Friday and are expected to reach their coffee-colorleft cheek chuckled and said: “No chappy— Joe Washington Chicago home lofts in this city the fol- Louis ain’t no natchal bawn killah he’s a manahfactuahed Philadelphia £t Loul 4:15 about lowing morning killah” o’clock WMni4wi Result! Boston 4 Detroit 3 Blackburn a grand scrapper himLast year the event was won 10 Washington 2 Cleveland self In the old days went on to exrhlourn at Philadelphia postponed rala by Harry by a bird entered St Louie at New York postponed rmia how 1 killer the had instinct plain Erskine been breathed in- Wednesday's Pltchera 2-- 1 to brown Chicago at Wuhlnitoa—Ula ra Da the TherBarstow flight will be the Short — how bomber a Cleveland at Philadelphia-- Brown va final of the official season of the sleepy-eye- d easy- Kelley Salt Lake Racing Pigeon club for Detroit at New York— Rowe va Hadley va Henry St Loula at going amiable old birds The next division of the young negro had BOSTON 1936 program will be for young 10 Red (Ah— The June been transfered birds — that is pigeons hatched of five one used Sox their one of into every the is a possibility this year There most deadly fight- hits Wednesday to finish on top Market Loses however of a special flight from Thrifty ing machines the the Detroit Tigers 4 to 3 in Los Angeles within two weeks W oodbury Thriller close pitching duel with Wes ring ever knew This point will be decided defiTrainer Black- Ferrell nosing out rookie Clarence nitely next week when the club burn A clarified the Phillips for the hurling honors Defeats C Tooele Los The holds a meeting Angeles para-dopugilistic Although outhit 8 to 5 the Sox project is also somewhat dependthat has puz- capitalized every safe blow They ent upon the condition of the birds S L INDEPENDENTS zled the boxing scored three runs in the second which return from Barstow Los CAPITOL LEAGUE world for more when Bill Weber lifted a home 100 miles is airline about Angeles Pet than a year and a run over the life field wall scoring the 1 000 Barstow than farther making half He turned a Jimmy Foxx who had singled and 857 miles 600 about flight if held 750 upon the slashing Flit McNair who had hit & two-- j 333 who will be un- bagger 333 Stock Develops 286 leashed in Yankee stadium’s ring In the third Dusty Cooke doubled 286 200 against Max Schmeling a week from and was promptly brought across The Salt Lake club is in the 167 Thursday night the plate by Heinie Manush's tenth year of its activities having to right Ask to Help Prospect been organized in 1927 During Baseball in almost every phase that time members have devel- was dished up for Independent “Y’see ah aint heard of ‘this Joe Except for those two innings Louis when John Rox borough comes Phillips pitched hitless ball oped their stock to the exten association fans Wednesday in Capi- t’me in June 1934 an’ The victory stretched the Red where Bob Hawthorne race sec asts me to Sox’ second place margin over the tol Realtors feels league play Woodbury of the a handle organization retary good heavyweight prospect Justified in pronouncing “our birds and White Star Service put on track he’s found” Blackburn continued Tigers to four full games and are now as good as those to be meets at the expense of opponents briskly “That was in Chicago So pulled Boston up to 2(4 games back g the Yanks who ah says foah Roxborough to bring found anywhere in the country’ the former were rained out winning from Tooele around this white an’ ahll look boy DETROIT BOSTON About 350 birds are devel- A C 11 to 1 fend the latter being him ovah” BHOA BHOA 4 0 2 2 Cooke rf 4 110 oped here each year by club even more impressive in a 15 to 1 But it devolped that Roxborough Rok11 Fox rf 4 3 2 OlCramer cf 4 0 2 0 members The training process one of Joe’s two 4 2b over 2lManuah shuffling Cates’ If 3 13 0 of Billiards Qehrlngr 11 managers triumph 4 0 1 01 Foxx lb is a serious business with these was not referring to a white boy Golln If 3 114 2 Simmon cf 4 0 3 O'Cronin 3 0 0 4 Murray Blue Bell Gas and the He was owners and much knowledge Bum a about negro heavy4 0 12 O'McNlr 2bi 3 13 3 lb talking town Tooele Owen 3b on team 1 1 4'Werber 3b a 4 are skill 3 10 2 and put slugfest required patienpe weight prospect Relber c 4 2 2 c 3 0 2 0 to bring out the best a bird may which was comparatively close the Soon’s ah heerd that ah tells Phillip p 3 1 0 JliRFerrell W Ferrell p 3 0 2 4 possess The races themselves former gaining a 12 to 8 victory Roxborough ah won’t have no truck Total 35 8 24 lol Total 29 5 27 15 are fascinating affairs and are Quality Oil and Thrifty Market en- with a cullud boy because ah Detroit 100 010 100— 3 031 000 OOcullud boys ain’t got much Boston attended with no little anxiety gaged In the best game of the day — Runa batted Summary: Error Cook if the birds are delayed in re- the Oilers taking a 2 to 1 decision chanst fighting nowadays — unless In — eGolln hitFox— Phillip Werber 3 Manuh McNair Manuh Phillips vast a and beat-ahto be they jest s happens world naturally Cooke Home run — Fox Werber turning from their youthful rivals Strike— Phillip 2 W Ferrell 2 deal of speculation is aroused as Roxborough he laughs an1 out Umpire Paul May on the mound for — Johnston Summer Time and Owens to which will trap first in its Woodbury held the Tooele A C says that’s zactly what he’s got —1:31 loft crew to five hits as his mates paced That’s what evahbody says when R Lindorff and Gilbert crashed they gets a fightah so ah’m not Travis Bobs Blaeholder The Salt Lake Racing Pigeon by Well John brung this culout 11 safeties including a home Ameriis lud affiliated with the club boy ’round to Howard’s gymn Of Shutout Triumph Moesser and a double by run Ah gives him the eyes an’ ah’m can Racing Pigeon union and its Carterby WASHINGTON June 10 M—' The flights are under official sanction Gerald Rydman on the mound for still not umpressed” Cleveland Indians slugging away In fact The timing devices employed are White Star Blackburn ‘umwasn’t behind the effective pitching of Service allowed the quite intricate and all the courses Cates’ crew only two hits His pressed’’ until after he saw Louis George Blaeholder repulsed the out in are accurately measured the gymnasium for fourth-plac- e mates combed the offerings of lanky working bid of the Washington t more than a week The big brown Senators Roy Heesch for 16 safeties Wednesday by winning Local Record Blue Bell Gas in winning its first boy caught on quickly to Jack’s the final game of an abbreviated and he pointers to 10 to have series 2 of appeared the out batted campaign The velocity of flight is usually game a good wallop in either hand— alBlaeholder held the Griffmen to slated in yards per minute The 13 swats as compared with the six though he was best time noted in Secretary Haw made by the Tooele town team insisted upon quite awkward and six hits and was on his way to his tangled up in second straight shutout over the thome’s record is 1689 yards per Knight for the winners slammed his own feetgetting Joe team when Cecil Travis minute made in 1934 by a bird out a circuit blow in the third in- considerable amateur already had Washington experience hit a home run in the ninth Budowned by Max Erskine One of ning but he was still a diamond in the dy Lewis was on base at the time! Gardner on the mound for Thrifty Hawthorne’s own birds was by rough CLEVELAND WASHINGTON fraction of a yard behind the win Market held Quality Oil to three BHOA BHOA Might Be Right and his mates made five off 2b 5 3 3 6IBluege 2b Hugh 4 0 2 2 ner This record speed was aided hits rf 5 2 1 01 Lewi 3b 4 2 3 0 Ren Butcher but games are paid "Ah begun to figuah maybe Rox- Gleesou Averlll cf wind tail a OIReynold cf 4'0 3 0 412 Incidentally off to the team Iby strong was borough Vomlk If 5 2 3 01 Stone If most the continJack right” 4 0 3 0 making direction it may be said that the Hale 3b 5 2 1 2ITravf rf 4 2 3 0 runs and this time Quality Oil had ued 4 2 15 OIKuhel lb lb 4 1 7 0 of a wind prevailing upon the day this distinction Mr Blackburn sat Joe Louis down Troky Knickerbock- IKrea 3 0 14 of a race is an important factor er 4 2 1 4IBolton on a rubbing table In the c 3 3 The scores: c 4 00 OlWhltehlll p 2 0160 1 dressing ytlalt in the average velocity A shout room THRIFTY MKT about a week before Joe’s Blaeholder p 4 1 1 llMarberry p 0 0 0 0 QUALITY OIL 2b 3 1 2 2 first der or cross wind is extremely Pratt 2b B3 HOAlCoon IsMilea 10 0 0 professional fight That fight 0 4 OlOrr rf 3 0 0 0 trying Seville If 3 0 2 OjPRuBhtn If 3 0 0 0 was on July 4 1934 and Blackburn Total 40 15 27 131 Total 33 6 27 10 3 3b 1 c 1 0 3 II Greer 0 15 Batted for 'Whitehall In eighth Bjorgran breathed into Louis the spirit of the Cleveland Openshw aa 3 1 2 3Chriatan 3b 3 0 500 001 112—10 Thirteen races are allotted the Drueve e killer The cl 3 1 0 OlFrancora cl 3 1 000 000 002 — 2 fighter poured Wahlngton local club by the national union Urry rf-3 1 2 OlSylRahtnlb 2 0 2 0 words into Error— 2 Reynold Summary Joe’s aa somewhat amazed Run batted In — Vomlk Lewi 2 0 1 2 Hal 2 Troky Of these eight are for old birds Bailey lb 22 00 71 OjWooda o Butcher p 2 0 0 0 ears— words that burned Knickerbocker 2 Travis 2 hit Tarry and sizzled 1 41 — 0 Voamlk and five for young birds The p 3 Lewi Hale Hughe He warned Joe never to forget that run —hitHal— Bolton Troky Vomlk Horn flights each year are conducted 25 5 18 81 Total 24 3 21 2 he was a negro fighter— not Totala Troeky Travis Stolen base— a white Market 000 000 1 — 1 Bases on ball — Whltehlll upon a scale of gradually in- Thrifty And that if he wished to Knickerbocker 010 100 x— 2 fighter Quality Oil 3 Hit — southdistances ?'rll'0'itTjwh'‘hlll The hni — creasing Summary: Errora Sjogren Opfnahaw climb up the 3 In 1 Winning heavyweight ladder mcher Baeholder Stolen baaea —Coon Francom Byl ern course over which the club Orr Losing pitche- rhe had to win fights e Sacrifice Rushton And that exclusivealmost has operated hit— Greer Double play — Christensen to negro fighters do not go to town Coon to Rushton out — By Butcher ly in the past witnesses flights 15l Gardner 3 8truck Baaea on ball— Off by winning decisions Pacific Coast League in this order: From Lynndyl ScorerButcher 2 Umpire — Swanson Standing of Teams Black Rock Lund Modena Mokes Won Lost Pet BarSeattle 41 A TOOELE Las C and 569 (2) 31 Vegas Moapa 30 565 Poland stow Mission 39 33 542 Y Pjra L Specials From Our MEN’S SHOP ed Oilers Annex Decision In Fast Game Madboro and Wilsliire Boatoa-Thom- aa FITTED CASES Comes with comb brush mirror and 2 bot-tie- s Shirred pockets on either end Fine moire linings to match Black or brown laath- - N ars Regular $1 195 special M SHIRTS Broadcloth and Madras with Duka of Kent collars link and trubenized collars Size 14 to gfl I Si Regular $165 to $195 17 V leagUe-leadin- fig-ua- x- Two-bas- ' im ii silk $165 $100 set of fittings in pigskin leather tray which makes an Individual "Beauty Box" when removed from case Regular $15 35c Light and dark colors clox fige Lastex garter top ures and special 4 two-ton- UUC Genuine undergrain cowhide Reinforced leather corners double leather support straps gusset style kerotal washable lining Black or brown leathers Special $1I K1 I 12®5 GLADSTONE CASE fZfZ SLAX-SO- X Reg T1 W 22 in FITTED TRAY CASE TIES Regular $100 New Hollyvogue hand made ties Lrght ahd dark grounds special K HA dd two-bagg- er Deeptone Shirts special White Broadcloth Shirts special L C Z M I $95 Luggag— Streat Floor HANDKERCHIEFS Pure Irish linen Hand embroidered initials and hand rolled hems large size 4 for $1 PQA SCANT SHORTS combed ribbed front fly special Fine OO Lastex waist band PAJAMAS Broadcloths satins special madrases coat and middy styles (M CQ ' v Sporting Goods SHANTUNG HATS Shower proof washable ventilated coolness Smart new colors special Z C M Men’s I crown for MQ£ ' t Firestone Fishing Boots all sizes Reg $500 $395 Siore — Street Floor $175 Sale! I Dozen special Fishing Baskets tl broken patterns and sizes Regular Dry Flies Allcock's No 5 de luxe style tackle pocket and front Split Bamboo Fly Fods length extra tip ot special $345 $495 old-tim- c Two-ba- e Three-bas- e Two-bas- IL S Poloists The southern course is extreme ly dry and moreover is in some infested with bullet stretches hawks These predatory hawks frequently have caused much trouble both in outright killing and in diverting pigeons from their courses Men and boys with stolen bases — Sears Shep guns too have taken heavy toll Summary: Clement Murray A Shields Home this year Also the course is diffi- herd Three-basrun — Moesser hit — England e hit —Carter Double play— Mosscult on account of the height of to Shepherd Sadlvltch to Ray Shtelde mountains the birds must cross ier to Simmons Struck out — By May 5 L 6 Bases on balls — Off L Shields Although one would not ordinar- Shields 2 Scorer— D ShepUmpire — Richins ily regard a course traversed by herd birds through the air as being BLUE TOOELE TOWN PELL GAS either "uphill’’ or downhill’’ we BHOA BHOA McRae as Thomai3b 411 5103 are informed that the elevations Moore 4 2 3 0 Del Paw cf do ct It 4 12 0 Penobicnse 4 0 0 play an important part Davidson Knight 2b 4 3 0 4 Gresrmn2b 3 2 1 in determining the average ve- TClaytnlb 4 2 9 0 Rowberryp Ooodeellrf 4210 Eckerm&nlf 3 0 2 0 locity 3b Brown C 3 0 e Two-bas- in-fa- San Win Thriller is also available the northern course and over this will likely be held the young bird series this year There will be flights from McCammon Po- catello Twin Falls and other Idaho points In some respects notably that the northern route is f&r less arid this course finds favor with many interested perThe sons western course from points in Nevada has been tried but it develops (Continued on Following San Diego IOS Angeles Sacramentd LONDON June 10 OP)— Fighting with unexpected fierceness and effect against the smashing power of the American attack Grea&Britain gallant Four Horsemen Wednesday came thriliingly close to springing the biggest polo upset since the war before yielding finally 10 goals to 9 in the opening match of the in ternational cup series at the Hurl-Ingha- club With California’s sharpshooting Eric Pedley riding in centaur fashClayton 4100 4 2 6 0 Leelb-nine goals thereby Lemmono 317 ion and scoring 3 10 2 8edarrf Evansp equaling his own record for cup Bushtp 1001 Knowldene 300 10 0 0 competition America’s latest “Big 'Crellenlb 1 00 0 Fpur” squeezed out their Totals 37 15 21 It) margin of triumph only after nipBlue Bell G&a ping a furious ’British rally in the Tooele Town Home seventh and last Summary: Stolen base — Goodsell period run — Knight bit — Moor Credit A fashionable crowd of 10000 witStruck out — By Evans victory to Evans 4 Bush 2 Bipley 1 Rooberry 2 Bases nessed the triumph engineered by on balls — Oft Evans 4 the dazzling Pedley in combination Michael Phipps Stewart Igle with Diamond Calendar hart and Winston Guest over GAMES THl'RHDAV’R patched-u- p British four It was 9 I Independents the ninth staight victory for the Victory league Lourdes C Y O vs 8 L Moose 5:45 Americans in cup competition since p m No 1: umpire Houston Lemmon’s Distillery va Super Neon No 1921 and the closest since 1914 One 2 5:45 p m umpire Barney more will clinch the current series 8 L Federation the first held since 1930 but today’s Open date outcome forecast a real 8 L SOFTBALL h At Fairmont Park 6:30 p m fiffht by the home side this SaturOptical Shop vs G E Supply W 0 W va Salt Lake A 0 day in the second match va Granite Page) one-poi- nt Three-baa- e Soap HY-POW- ER REGULAR I Q -- lO1 201 West South Temple 434 West Fourth South (North Side of Street) 003 Softball 420 Tuesday Night’s Results At Los Angeles: R H E 000 000 000 — 0 11 0 102 10Q Olx— 5 7 1 Angeles Beck and L Johnson and Outen: and Bottaiinl Mission Si At San Francisco: R H E 8an Diego 101 000 401 — 7 12 3 San Francisco 000 001 002 — 3 7 2 Salvo and DeSautels Ballou Cols and Wolverine Automatic Free Stripping 50-y- d Oreno Mafic 50-y- d Free Stripping 80-y- d Jones President Tapered Lines SHOES Reg $750 Kangaroo Shoes: Waterproof Smart styles made from Genuine Kangaroo and Kid leather Absolute comfort for thoee burning feet Special for Greater Salt Lake Day $645 Reg $750 White Buck: Genuine white buck oxfords all new styles cially priced for Greater Salt Lake Day day special SpeThurs- At Sacramento: R H E Portland 000 002 000 — 2 7 0 Sacramento 000 000 000 — 0 1 0 Caster and Brucker Andrews and Nar row Leave for Regatta SEATTLE June 10 (UP)— Three I crews of University of Washington oarsmen — varsity jayvee and frosh — left Wednesday night for the Poughkeepsie N Y Hudson river regatta and Olympic trials FOR YOUR CAR on convent JERMS ft i OJilDtl) M ttod rtDClit! ml rircarone at 2nd Broadwaj auto sumv stores service East Was 2320 and Boy's Sport Oxfords reg $445 special $365 : Broadway at 2nd Weat Wax 2S11 $630 $735 $750 $850 $695 $500 $395 $295 $195 HiBoys I $295 Sportswaar — Straet Floor Men’s Shoas — Street Floor I SAVE money all ards CAMEO CLASSICS Faust Romeo and Juliet special Modem Meal Maker 89c Children's books in series) 19c "Congress" PLAYING CARDS 50c Single deck special Double Deck special 98c MONTAS PERSONALITY STATIONERY sheets end 100 envelopes regular 79c special Scrapbooks with leatherette covers reg $1 special !069c I 89c Stationery — Street Floor Pt No Rubbing Wax — Lamb’s Wool Mop year with these rA DVC Rubaiyat etc Electric Servants Menu MasterGrill Adjusts to any thiclmass of sand opans lovtl Spaclal wich $49 New Toaster tr trays Bright chroma- - (b 1 AA platad and complata with cord Y I vAJ Spaclal Turn-ov- $ 110 OLD ENGLISH Valuel For a Limited Time I 69 In Old English No Rubbing Liquid Wax you £et a true liquid wax for floors and linoleum that DRIES to a lovely lasting polish — without any buffing Just spread it around with the long handled Lamb’s Wool Applier and your work is finished Old — will not turn English is water-proo- f white when mopped Get your set and save work and money — today! -- BAILEY’S INC size d SANTNER SWIM TRUNKS: De Luxe Wikies special Wikies special Z C M Books-Stationery-C- 50-y- breech style or long leg BoSun Z C M tnt Pants $645 Z C M $100 ' level wind Quadruple multiplying special Monso : Wednesday’s lineups: 8:30 p m AMERICA Peerlese Coal va L O 0 F 9 :30 p m ENGLAND N° 1 Pedley At White Park Hughra No 2 Phipps Balding Burlington vs Baker Motor 7:30 p Nn3 Tyrrsll-MartlIplehart m vs Woodmen Modern 8:30 p Flrmage uet Back CapL Gulnneu Merit Hitter va Knight Sporting Goods Score by period: 9 :30 p m America 3 0— 10 22 1 2 0 3 0 1 2—9 England America — Pedley 9 Guest Scoring: S L England — Hughes 7 Balding and Guluness Free shots — Balding 0 out of 3 (Fairmont Park) Referee J Nelson R H E Umpires E T Oer-r- y America 4 6 1 Utah Oil Captain H C Walford En5 9 1 gland Shell Oil Seven periods eight minutes each Batteries — Anderson and Lareu Richardson and Coppln R H E TEXAK LKAtl K 2 18 15 Dallas 10 Galveston 0 Cudahy 6 7 10 Firestone Tulsa 7 Ran Antonio ft Port Worth 4 Houston 1 3 Batteries — Heugly and Haacke MorOklahoma 8 Beaumont 9 U0 innings) gan and Foulk 40 40 507 477 473 444 Result last-ditc- CHAMPION 36 34 39 At Ran Francisco: R H E Ran Diego 210 110 003—8 15 3 San Francisco Oil 001 000—3 8 3 Ward A Campbell and DeSautels Stutz Cols and Salkeld p Other Courses 37 31 35 32 29 Wednesday’s 11 There Francisco Portland Reels Men’s White Housewares — Downstairs 3-- lb Electric Iron Espacially adapted All travaling Spaclal for usa whilo chroma-plata- d (T "1 4) I OQ 0 Electrical Appliances — Downstairs If it's for your atacfrical convanianca WE HAVE ITI A t |