Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE 24 Event of the Day Wedding Takes Place Wednesday n Royal Neighbors of America No 4986 card party 2:15 p mi 332 H South State street L D S Annual homecoming alumnae association of the Dr Groves’ hospital school of nurses 8 p m Memorial house Memory An interesting nuptial event of early June took place Wednesday at high noon at the home of Mr and Mrs Harry F Kimball 238 A street when their daughter Mary became the bride of Kenneth W Ryan 450 South Thirteenth East stheet The ceremony was performed by George D Pyper in the presence of members of the two families and a few close friends The bride who was unattended wore a smart tailored siiit of White congo cloth with hat and accessories to match and carried a bouquet of Cecil Brunner roses and gardenias The couple stood in front of the" fireplace which was banked with ferns and baskets of fragrant sum- Prowning-Princ- e mer blooms On the mantel were pink June roses intermingled with honeysuckle The serving table was covered With' a handsome lace cloth and centered with a mound of pink and White roses Shell pink tapers were crystal candlesticks The dining room was in charge Of close friends of the bride including Miss Verla Birred Mrs D W Leonard Mrs D Frank Wissmar Miss Melba Turner Miss Virginia Wells and Miss Sheila Woodland Mr and Mrs Kimball and the bride and bridegroom were assisted in receiving by Miss Jennie Ryan a aister of the bridegroom During the ceremony music was furnished by a stringed orchestra Mr and Mrs Ryan left during the afternoon for a honeymoon in the parks of southern Utah and on their return will be at home at 450 Thirteenth East street In Tea Honors Bride Mrs Charles Brauer entertained at an artistically arranged bridge tea Wedhesday afternoon at her home on Ninth East street in compliment to Miss Dorothy Carlson Whose marriage to Lieutenant Bruce Easley Jr will take place at St Paul Episcopal church June IT at 7:30 pm ( Small bowls of crimson and white combined with snapdragons Joses the centerpieces for the hmall tables at which the guests Places were marked pvere seated ifor Miss La Vonne Vincent Mrs (Lyndon Daynes Snow Mrs J Carl iMcGinley Miss Mary Jane Worthen (Mrs Welby N Emms Mrs Alfred A Kinney Mrs John T Atkins Afisa Lulu Keyting Mrs Thomas J (Walsh and Miss Elaine Young j Miss Elaine Young will be hostess Jat a luncheon Thursday afternoon at d)er home on East Thirteenth South (street for Miss Carlson who on Friday will be the motif of a picnic n puncheon to be given by Mrs Daynea Snow and her sister Miss La Vonne Vincent at the home !of their mother Mrs J G Vincent Hn Yale avenue Tables will be ar Ranged for bridge in the garden Lyn-Ido- Smart simplicity marked the marriage Wednesday of Miss Barbara Browning daughter of Mr and Mrs John nue at St Mark's cathedral the ceremony being performed by Dean Franklin L Gibson in the presence of members of the family The bride wore a smart beige sharkskin suit with black and white accessories With the costume was worn a turquoise blue blouse and corsage Of pink rosebuds and gardenias Mrs John D Rice sister of the bride was the attending matron and wore a rose suit with white accessories and corsage of gardenias and roses Richard Mulliner acted as best man for the brideMrs Browning mother of groom the bride wore a smart pink knitted suit with matching corsage The young couple left immediately after the ceremony for Los Angeles where they will make their home m Feted Bride-to-B- g Miss Edna Boyle a bride-elewas he guest of honor and Mrs Thomas A Clawson Sr the hostess at a prettily arranged luncheon The luncheon table Wednesday was decked with pink and white summer blooms and covers were laid for Mrs Ashby D Boyle Mrs Wal- lace F Bennett Mrs Thomas A Clawson Jr Mrs Theodore C Jacobsen Mrs James T Hammond Jr Miss Esther Clawson Miss Betsy Boyle Miss Peggy Boyle Miss Elaine Evans Miss Emma Rae McKay Miss Florence Wells Miss Alice Wright and Miss Leah Henderson Thursday Mrs Jaren L Jones and Mrs Harold Boyer will entertain at a buffet supper in honor of the Mr and Mrs William H Mqln-cyr- e bride-eleand daughter Phoebe accompanied by Miss Elies Yeates daugh- Late June Wedding ter of Mr and Mrs Kenneth W Mr and Mrs Ben P Morris 673 left the first of the week Jrentes o spend the summer at the McIn- First avenue announce the engageof their daughter Mary to tyre ranch at McGrath Alberta ment Hoitt H Ellerbeck of Salt Lake City JCanada The marriage will take place June Mrs Clara M Clawson 105 E So 27 at the Morris home The bride (Temple announces the arrival of is a former student of the University Tet suits Chic' Smart Ideal for of Utah and a member of the Pi bummer wear See Sale adv below Beta Phi sorority Mr Ellerbeck t also is a former student of the Uni(Advertisement) versity of Utah and a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity 1 Clara M Clawson IAS EAST SO Troth Made Known Early June roses combined with Shasta daisies formed an attractive centerpiece for the tea table at a beautifully appointed tea given Sun- day by Mrs Auguestus Reeves on First avenue when the betrothal of Miss Carma Frank daughter of Mr and Mrs Valdemar Frank of Logan to Lewis Reeves son of Mr and Mrs Reeves was made known Mrs W A Cavanaugh Mrs Frank Heglnbotham were in charge of the tea room and were assisted by Miss Afton Walker of Logan Mrs Helen Reese Mrs E V Hardy and Mrs Glen Dixon One hundred and seventy-five invitations were issued The wedding will take place June 29 In Salt Lake City TEMPLE SPECIAL Greater Salt Lake Day 10 Discount on All New Storks Chic Styles— Smart Models Kasper Quads Get Different Attire Condition Perfect Popular Couple Married at High" By JOHN WADE PASSAIC N Y June 'A®! T' i Mrs Robert Stanley Wilson a bride of early June who before her marriage whs Miss Margaret Louise Wosnlak of Detroit Noon Wednesday Couple to Wed History Harmony club 8 p m Mr and Mrs Earl N Crtandall 1715 Herbert avenue Immanuel Baptist chuirch 1 p m Mrs D A Hartwell 1017 McClelland avenue Here Thursday At Cathedral One of the interesting nuptial events of June will be solemnized at St Mark's cathedral Thursday at 7:30 p m when Miss Margaret Louise Parsons eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles C Parsons 1710 Twenty-firs- t East street will become the bride of Lieutenant Charles B Winkle of Fort Douglas The ceremony will be performed by the Rt Rev Arthur W Moultdn bishop of the Episcopal diocese of Utah and Dean Franklin L Gibson of St Marks A small reception will follow for members of the bridal party and the family at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Fisher Harris 1122 Military Way Shower for Bride Thursday evening Mis Agnes Watson will entertain at a handkerchief shower at her home on First avenue in honor of Miss Don-netBennion bride-ele' Miss Helen Woolley and Miss Mig-no- n Campbell will give a luncheon Thursday afternoon at the Hotel Utah complimenting the bride who op Wednesday afternoon was entertained at a delightful luncheon given by Mrs J C Landenberger Jr at her home in Copperton Shell pink rosebuds formed the center-piec- e of the luncheon table and the following guests attended: Miss Bennion Mrs Fred C Dern Mrs Arthur Q Cannon Mrs Alfred N Catrow Mrs E C Love Jr Miss Madge Scalley and Miss Florence luncheon Hammond Following tables were arranged for bridge ta ct Annual Silver Tea A Smart affair of Wednesday was the annual silver tea given at the Town club for benefit of th Girl Scouta The tea table was covered with an exquisite cloth of Italian lace and fillet and held for a center- w P'ece e deP frimson ross Tall silver candelabra held ivory Princess tapers and the tea and coffee urns were presided over by Mrs Henry H Blood Mrs A H S Bird Mrs R H Harkness Mrs H C Goodrich Mrs W C Howe and Mrs G H Short Wed in Reno Shower and Supper Mrs D L Davis assisted by Miss Beth Fryer and Miss Vivian Flotron entertained Tuesday evening at a linen shower and supper honoring Miss Gladys Murray a bride of the month The affair was held at the Davis home on Ninth South street Varicolored garden roses formed an attractive centerpiece for the serving table which was lighted with matching tapers Twenty-fouof the bride attended r guests For S L Visitors Dr and Mrs L R Hafen 'of Denver are the guests of Mr and Mrs M F Lence 1716 Princeton avenue Dr Hafen is the state his' torian of Colorado and Mra Hafen is the president of the Colorado Po etry society Thursday afternoon a luncheon for the visitors by Delbert Draper In Pinecrest and Thursday evening Dr and Mrs Henry Rails will entertain at a dinner party for Dr and Mrs Hafen at their home on Wolcott avenue Mrs Lence will be hostess at a tea Friday afternoon at her home for Mrs Hafen will be given Mr and Mr For June Bride he pink-face- Colored Gloves More Popular Brides Honored Yale avenue ld-T- Kasper quads wiggled out of their little cotton cocoons this week and thus took a big step towards being regular babies Sister Frances in charge of the maternity and children’s wards of St Mary’s hospital Passaic ordered d that the quartet be put into shirts and napkins They don’t need the hot old cotton wrappings they've been sewed into every day of their month’i existence The next big step is when they come out of their incubators That event according to Dr Frank Jan! who brought them into the world probably will be about June- - 25 which if they had been normal infants should have been their real birthday With the breaking out from their little glass houses the famous four also will begin to take bottle food of a cow's milk mixture as do ordinary infants Dr Jani reports that the four are in “perfect condition" Copyright 1936 The New York Distributed by Daily Mirror King Features Syndicate Inc all-da- Of Wednesday 1938 11 At high noon Wednesday Miss Betty Knight daughter of Mrs Harry S Knight and granddaughpark ter of Mr and Mrs Maurice M Bethlehem Shrine UD White Johnson 521 East Second South Shrine of Jerusalem 8 p m street became the bride of Dr Colonial room Masonic temple Edison Graham Dorland son of Ladies’ auxiliary to Meat CutMrs C E Dorland 1777 Harvard ters’ local No 537 business meetavenue The ceremony was performed by the Rev John Edward ing 8 p m Labor temple Ladies’ auxiliary to the Veteran Carver of Ogden in the presence Volunteer Firemen’s association of members of the families and a y 11 a m few close friends and was folquilting The Emmarettas 1 p m Mrs lowed by a buffet luncheon Fragrant June flowers were used Zina Cannon 2381 Seventh East for the decorations of the living street lawn party rooms and the serving table The The Lake Breeze Improvement young bride who was unattended club 2 p m Mrs Hannah Jeffs wore a chic white wool suit with 1960 Euclid avenue matching accessories The Missionary society of the Late in the afternoon Mrs DorCentral Christian church 2:30 land mother of the bridegroom enp m Mrs S F Lawrence 1546 tertained 60 guests at a delightful Fifteenth East street cocktail party in honor of the young Section 4 Women's society of couple The home was decorated the Immanuel Baptist chuirch 2 throughout with garden flowers and the serving table was artistic with p m ’church parlors decorations of blue delphinium and Naomi Past Noble Grands club lilies of the valley The couple will 1 p m Newhouse hotel reside tn Seattle Wash 1 m St Margaret’s guild p 1774 D R Firman luncheon Mrs Wedding Event M Browning 2500 Tyler aveOgden and Frederick Seaton Prince of Los Angeles sonof Colonel and Mrs F A Prince of Pittsburgh formerly of Salt Lake City The marriage was solemnized at 10:30 a JUNE Womens Clubs of and News Society Kimball-Rya- THURSDAY MORNING “In honor of Miss Mary Bergstrom a popular bridof the month Miss Marjory Hyde entertained at a prettily arranged luncheon at her hrfme oh B street Wednesday after noon A bowl of silver moon roses centered the table and white tapers were in silver candlesticks Small bags of rice tied with white satin ribbons and lilies of the valley were at each place and the guests ia eluded Miss Bergstrom Mrs S A Whitney Mrs R C Freed Miss Marjory Parrish Miss Virginia Hi! ton Miss Charlene Scowcroft Miss Peggy Tanner Miss Becky Whit ney Miss Susan Richardson Mrs Thomas W Harris Mrs Louis M Terry Miss Beatrice McCrea and Miss Betty Shepherd Thursday Mrs Albert Eccies will give a garden luncheon at her home "Brookburn" in Mill Creek in honor of Miss Bergstrom Thursday evening Miss Marjory Parrish will entertain for Miss Bergstrom and Miss Mary Morris another bride of the month at a buffet supper at her home on Federal Way Party for Bride Miss Va Lois Davis a popular bride of the month was honored at a dinner party given by Miss Elizabeth Thorn Wednesday evening at the Beau Brummel cafe’ The table was decorated with crimson roses and lighted with matching tapers in crystal candlesticks The and place cards were horoscopes those in attendance were Miss Davis Miss Alberta Fischer Miss Carmen Morton Miss Mary Rogers Mrs Richard Snow Miss Anne a bride Cannon and Miss Gene Morris PARIS — Colored gloves are popular for evening wear green or yellow gloves go with gray black or white and Bordeaux red glovea and slippers look well with a pale blue dress If slippers and gloves match the bag should not be in the same color — this is overdoing the stress on accessories Many a Parlsienne In the trimmings of her ensembles at least carries about with her the mark of her dressmaker’s pet superstition for if a particular flower feather or color brings her luck ths dressmaker will repeat this in various forms throughout her collection Fortunately for her clients she will not account the sams things lucky every year Through the Garden Gate By BARBARA VORSE follags off after the blooms have faded if you want blooms next sumblooms have mer The foliage is Although most of the necessary to faded on the tall bearded iris ths help ripen the bulbs season for this flower is not yet After the bulbs have been In si years they should be over In many yards now are seen garden several lifted and divided as ‘they multiply — clumps of tbs bulbous sorts as well rapidly as thole known as the spuria Irises Irises are tall beardless Spuria disThe bulbpus irises are a very flowers which somewhat resemble tinctive group best known by Span- the iris but are much larger ish and Dutch varieties which usu- The Dutch roots ars not bulbous The ally bloom during June and the first stalks sometimes are as high as four part of July ' Their blossoms are to five feet and ar very strong very beautiful and make a fine ef- and cane-lik- e Ochroleuca is a vafect in the garden when planted In seen often ia an white with It clumps They also are useful as riety blotch on the falls Aurea cut flowers as they have exception- orange is a fine rich golden yellow al keeping qualities Dutch iris are ' r ‘a A to considered superior the Spanish Take Examinations' in having blossoms of greater brilliance and purity of color as well POCATELLO Idaho — Graduates as being larger in size of the school of pharmacy at the There are a number of excellent University of Idaho southern varieties among the Dutch iris branch began taking examinations Jacob de Wit has flowers of a rich for licenses to practice Wednesday medium blue Poggenbeek is a uni- under the direction of ths state form dark blue while A Bloemaard board of pharmacy has standards of dark purplish blue Bear tracks like fingerprint and falls of a lighter blue Golden Glory furnishes blossoms of a rich have highly individual characterti' golden yellow while White Excel- tics sior is uniformly pure white These bulbous irises grow about ST CROCES’! 20 inches high They should be as as in fall the Sepearly planted If planted in tember if possible 12 15 or of the bulbs with clumps placed as close as three or four Dutch Iris inches apart they make a very definite display If you have some of these flowers in your garden now do not cut the Faded Home Decorations made GAY and NEW! Perfect results alwoysl 41 colors 15 a package at drug and notion countars Ask to see theTintex colorchart long-lasti- Girl Learns to Fly PARK & TILFORD P O C A TELLO Idaho — Among the new students of aviation who are taking flying instruction at the Pocatello airport is Miss Hazel Davis of American Falls who has completed her first hour says E L Anderson manager of the airport City for a three weeks’ visit with Miss Losee’s and Mrs Pearson’s parents Mr and Mrs F E Losee on East Sixth South street Mr Pearson will join them next weeki OCRitfa Many male butterflies are exceed- ingly jealous and aggressive Miss Peggy Moormeister of June 23 was the motif of a delightful supper party and shower Salt Laker given Wednesday evening by Mrs Mies Grace William Jensen and Joseph Woznlak of Detroit anZubiri at the Jensen home on Tenth nounces the marriage of his daughter Margaret Louise to Robert East street The guests embroidered their Stanley Wilson son of Mr and Mrs names on linen towels during the Robert N Wilson 321 Third aveevening for the bride Places were nue The marriage took place in marked for Miss Moormeister Miss Detroit Saturday June 6 The couMiss Lavonne ple will spend their honeymoon in Geneva Burdette Quinn Miss Jerry Simmons Miss Bermuda and on their return will Patricia Holman Miss Lucy Woods rpside in Jackson Heights New Miss York Miss Margaret Brockbank ll Dorothy Johnson Miss Lucille Miss Ueen Ivers and Jack Ivers Miss Lou Call Miss Zonabell Mr and Mrs Moreland Mrs Afton 'Smith Miss sop and daughter of James Ivers have gone to Butte Leone Miss is Kathryn Blankenship Mont for a visit of several weeks Mrs Harvey Robinson Knudson and with Mrs Mr James Finlan Miss Lester E Brown and Dorothy and Mr and Mrs James Finlan Jr Savllie Weds Sto-na- James Ivers Jr returned Monday from Columbia university Captain and Mrs William F Dean where he has been at school for the and two children June and Billy will arrive in Salt Lake City later past year this month to spend a month at Mr and Mrs Richard E Spiker the home of Mrs Dean’s grand- have returned from their wedding O Phoebe Mrs mother McIntyre trip and will be at home at 60 East will avenue later on Seventh They Mrs Spiker First North street go to California for a month be- formerly was Miss Ellen Christenfore sailing on August 25 for sen Mrs their new post at Honolulu Mrs L W Snow will leave FriDean was formerly Miss Mildred Dern day for a month’s visit in the east She will later visit in Denver with The marriage of Miss Jane Warner of San Mateo Cal daughter of Mr and Mrs E F Warner of Bunnell Fla and Paul Howard son of Mrs Robert Howard 1720 Yale avenue took place June 6 in Reno Nev' Mrs J L Williams twin sister of the bride was matron of honor and Clayton Gledhlll of Salt Lake City was best man for the d Major aftd Mrs George Van bridegroom Following a wedding Art Display and little daughter An interesting social affair of trip south the couple will make Miss Nora Losee and Mrs Earl their home in Utah Sunday will be the tea tn be give-by Dr and Mrs Fred Stauffer at Pearson and son Nolan of OakThe Rev and Mrs James L Hayes their home 133 First avenue be- land Cal have arrived in Salt Lake and mall son Jimmie of Water-vin- e tween the hours of 4 and 7 p m Me formerly of Salt Lake Paintings of Dr Stauffer will be City and Provo are visiting Mrs shown One hundred and fifty inie e Hayes’ mother Mrs Walter Daniels vitations have been issued at the home of Mr and Mrs H D Heist 975 East Fourth South street Mrs John Q Ryan and daughThey will be here about a month ter Kathryn have returned from Mrs Hayes will be remembered as San Francisco where they visited Miss Marie Daniels of Salt Lake Mrs Ryan’s son John Q Ryan who recently returned from China City The Paris Beauty the most Salon modern and comfortable You can relax in perfect confidence at The Paris Beauty lor only tho most Salon modem eteriliied only equipment is ueed genuine supplies and soft water used Air conditioned too ior your Comfort Mako your appointment today Call Wan 7100 Absorbent : i “I think your M D Toilet Tissue could take the place of absorbent cotton used in the physician’s office” M D it absorbent soothing super-refinepurified and free from irritating fibres hNE doctor wrote ust d 'At Presents Her Further Reductions I regardless of cost Our Contributive Offer to Greater Salt FROZEN DESSERTS— REFRIGERATION— ICE SERVICI SHELF OiollttWood (Values to 1250) All Kinds of Straws il 4$ Billtll INTERIOR LIGHT puler ttlliit sirfici STREAMLINED REALITY Sl " RASE CUT ICE SILLS "HIGH-LEG- LATCHES Votes foe OLYMPIC Qlefeigeeaioe ARCTIC ICC CO Wrt 255 South Temple 1205 East 21st South IT Will IEFIIIEIITII A 0FI Wasatch 1234 Hyland 497 US IMELEt Lake Day Better Hats 8 $hlvanccd Features "SNAP ACTION" Dealert — 3 roUt 25$ eLc REFRIGERATOR D ms Hospital Cotton Jr OLYMPIC --$iCotu£itiowL WMD UTOGfc Utah I L Distributort Mrs A J Fries of New York City formerly Miss Ruth Kerr will arrive Saturday for a visit in the city She will stop at the Hotel Stud-difor- ! ng Essential Cream— $175 Face Powder Fur Felts size Soothing Freshener Lotion Cucumber Emulsion Cleansing Tissues © OX 200 conpreparations are snugly encased in It costs venient box (ust the ideal size for traveling All these Another group Model Hats marked to 2500 CALIF “Ck arm 99 now of formerly 500 you but a little more than e single jar of Essential Cream n w— —a triple process toilet tissue — a good grade I tiling for 5 cents roll III UJULfr 11 ISSI |