Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE ft THURSDAY MORNING JUNE 11 1936 Teachers Hire Club Sponsors U S Bureau Office? Group e Fair Starts Range To Open Meet U P Limited Gain This Year Coast Actuary fashioned country fair the number of Soil Studies Reserve Association to increase members of the staged fatalities this year as Will Draw Bill Track Misliap Delays Auto Fatalities Old-Tim- auin An as tomobilewith last year is shown comin a pared statewide report compiled Wednesday by V H Coombs statistician for the state tax commission From January 1 to May 31 acciFirst section of eastbound Union dents Utah took a toll of 63 lives Pacific train No 8 the Los An- In thein same five months of 1935 minwas limited delayed45 geles were 54 fatalities and in the utes Wednesday evening when a there corresponding period of 1934 53 fapony wheel journal broke on the talities e locomotive mountain-typmassive The number of deaths in each and threw the front driving wheels month this year with figures for off the track just as the engine last year in parentheses were: Janwas crossing First South street into 9 (13) February 14 (10) uary the depot 10 (7) April 14 (15) May March So gently did Engineer William (9) White of 177 North West Temple 18Mr Coombs said there also has locostreet bring the 230000-poun- d been an increase in the accidents motive to a halt that only a few of causing only injuries or property the many passengers on the had damage train were aware that Engine Jumps Train Enters Depot 12-c- ar thr made other than a regular stop The crossing at Second South atreet was blocked until the engine on the second section of the train backed up the cars and then pushed them into the depot on another track The train Was due here at 6 p m The right pony wheel was dragged for some distance over the crossing tearing up planking between the rails Veteren railroaders who viewed the scene said such an at cident was a very uncommon occurrence Minor Hurts Reported In k Mishap Auto-Truc- Two persons suffered minor accijuries in a dent at Fourth South and Ninth East streets Wednesday at 5 p m At the emergency hospital Elba Bluhm 38 of 1171 Sherman avenue was treated for a cut on the left forefinger and Gerald Sorenson 14 of 2011 Thirteenth East street was treated for lacerations on the left in- le Police Book Man hand A man booked as Ray Howe 27 Police reported Mrs Bluhm was Was held at police headquarters for the driver of an automobile that investigation Wednesday night He collided with a truck driven by assertedly was in an intoxicated Henry Tuckey 18 of 448 West aucondition and had a Eighth South street The Sorenson tomatic in his possession police youth was reported a passenger on aid the Tuckey vehicle An old will be Expert on Retirement Fund Dr Ray Nelson of San Francisco a consulting actuary was employed Wednesday by the state teachers’ retirement board to obtain actuarial information preparatory to setting up a retirement fund for the teachers of the state He also will prepare a bill providing for necessary changes in the present law write an argument in behalf of the bill and appear for it at the next regular session of the legislature For his services Dr Nelson will be paid an amount not to exceed $2750 The board at a meeting Wednesday in the office of Secretary of State Milton H Welling also employed Robert Funk as a part-tim- e secretary at a salary of $25 a month Mr Funk is doing research work for the state committee of nine and of his time will devote to the work of the retirement board J R Smith a member of the board was named acting chairman to serve for Dr LeRoy E Cowles who will leave soon to give a lecture course at Western 'Reserve university one-four- th Young Driver Booked D Avery 19 by International Salt Lake chapter Soroptimist clubs Saturday from 2 until 9 p m in the garden of Mrs 4137 South Maud Chegwidden Ninth East street club president The fair is being held for purposes of building a charity fund to be used by the club in assisting un fortunate or unadjusted women or girls Ip accordance with one of the aims of the Soroptimist clubs Affairs in general are under direction of Mrs Ivy L Hall corresponding secretary qf the organization and also home demonstration agent for Salt Lake county All the appurtenances of an old time fair will be present including barkers and clowns and freaks novelty vendors The country store will be in charge of Mrs Laura Clark the arts and crafts booth of Miss Joanna Sprague the antique exhibit of Mrs Margaret McQuilken and the 'fish pond of Mrs Maude K Baker and Mrs Thomas Homer Girls in Italian costume will serve spaghetti and Mrs Isabelle Murphy will be in charge of the refreshment barbeque There will be music by a cowboy quartet Stations Experimental Engaged in West on Program of Control street Wednesday evening was arrested on charges of reckless driving by Traffic Patrolman T B The offioer reported the youth drove on Second West street in an erratic manner Bur-bid- !DDNW®®IDEY'S: Department of Utah Reserve Officers' association will convene in Ogden Saturday for their annual convention Colonel Frederic Jorgensen department president announces the meeting win 1e conducted in ths Utah Power and Light company auditorium at 4 p m Department headquarters will open at 3 p m in the Ben Lomond hoteL The entertainment program includes the annual banquet and open forum at Dick Gunn's cafe One hundred members from Salt Lake City are expected to attend the convention Guests of honor will include Governor Henry H Blrod Brigadiet General Walter C Sweeney commandant of Fort Douglas Brigadier General W G Williams adjutant general of Utah Colonel James A Higgins chief of Staff Third re- -' serve corps area and ail officers of his staff Colonel Walter S Fulton commander of the Thirty-eight- h infantry Mayor E B Erwin of Salt Lake City and Mayor Harman W Peery of Ogden Colonel Hamilton Gardner commander of the 222nd field artillery Utah national guard and Colonel Carl A Badger commander of the 145th field artillery Utah national guard The program has been arranged to allow sufficient time for officers using motor transportation to arHve in time fop the business session All officers whether delegates or not are requested to attend said Colonel Jorgensen The Somali oarsmen are powerful fellows and know the treacherous shore and all the tricks of the wind and tide Specials! For Greater Salt Lake Day H WILSON BROS FINE QUALITY SHIRTS Plain white plain colors color combinations - The government division of range research is conducting broad studies on range and watershed preserv tion and rehabilitation in Utah W R Chapline chief of the division aid Wednesday Experimental stations are engaged in active work in Cache Davis Millard and Sanpete counties he said Test centers also are located in southern Idaho Nevada and southwestern Wyoming Seeding Underway Seeding and transplanting of domestic and foreign plants best suited for erosion control flood checks and range grasses are underway The forest service Mr Chapline said has developed a contour terrace system in Davis county tending to preserve existing soils and to build up depleted surface soils The plant lng too is designed to control the flood conditions that exists during Election to Be Held the storm season and the early run-oseason As much as By Safety Association spring 30 feet of snow which carried a 4 foot water content has been heaped Members of the 'Safety society will hold their an- on the area this year yet the work nual election of officers Thursday undertaken by the forest service has at 7:30 p'm at the Newhouse hotel stood up and little damage has been Jack Coombs is chairman of the caused Permanent Program nomination committee D J Par Mr Chapline sfld the area has ker is president of the organ!' been seeded and planted with zation plants and trees with the view of effecting a permanent control program The experimental stations in other sections are designed for similar purposes and for the rehabilitation of desert range plants which will not naturally recover for a good many years Me-CuC- ff Utah-Neva- of 438 University Convene Saturday I her-bacid- us $139 3 for $400— Regular $195 Values BEAUTIFUL PURE SILK NECKWEAR 79c Regular $100 Value WILSON BROS HOSE—Assorted Colors 4 pair35c$100 Values Regular BVD SHIRTS AND SHORTS 35c 3 ior $100— Regular 50c Values FILL UP YOUR WARDROBE Mullett Kelly Ca Police Judge Frees Driver Driver Gains Acquittal on Reckless Charge Hal D Cummings 39 of 1375 Thirteenth East street Wednesday was acquitted in police court of reckless driving by Judge A H Ellett One other reckless driving case was taken under advisement and 10 speeding cases were acted upon during the day Decieion will be handed down later the judge announced folof William lowing appearances Hensley 24 of 921 West Fourteenth North street to answer a reckless driving charge Disposition of speeding cases was as follows: B J Birrell 39 of 168 Herbert avenue forefelted $5 Scott Taylor 30 of 2603 South Fifth East street forfeited $5 Arthur T Numm 26 of 4751 Russell street forfeited $7 Laura Shepherd 40 Spanish Fork forfeited $5 Lewis C Olpin 42 Pleasant Grove fined $5 Leland M Thorup 21 of 115 Edith avenue fined $6 Perry Denis 20 2121 Mason street fined Mrs A J MoCallum 38 1547 Concord street fined $3 Martin 1376 Michigan avenue McMinn fined $5 Glenn Austin 26 of 488 Colorado street acquitted Merlin Rushton 20 of 963 South West Temple street fined $5 Twelve other motorists charged $7 Dinwoodey’s offer the outstanding modem suite in curly mohair for Greater Salt Lake Day We have had this suite built to our specifications with an extra heavy duty frame special Kant Sag web bottom Nachman spring seats and the finest of tailoring The covers can be had in beige brown wine rust or green and if desired a combination of any two colors This special purchase enables us to present this $17950 suite for this week I ®ny J with parking violations were fined or forfeited bonds of from $1 to $3 each Club Members Urged To Aid Tourist Travel Cl 50 An entrancing vacation awaits visitors to the Intermountain west this year and they are coming in increasing numbers according to latest reports of local travel agencies L D Simmons promotion manager of The Salt Lake Tribune ONLY NORGE HAS THE and Telegram told members of the General Motors ciub who met last ROLLATOR COMPRESSOR night in the General Motors’ branch smooth easy rolling office building in Salt Lake City Mr Simmons described the many power instead of theusual historic and scenic photographs hurried which will be contained in the rotoaction Result— more gravure scenic edition of The Suncold or the current day Salt Lake Tribune to be pubused greater over-a-ll econotny a mechanlished June 14 He said many of ism that is almost everlasting the regular readers of The Tribune will send their scenic section to friends and relatives in distant cities with an invitation that they Be sure your refrigerator has the Press no longer resist the urge to see the Action Lazilatch improved Autointermountain west He invited the automobile industry of the west to matic Flood Light Adjustable Shelf join in a concerted effort to tell Sliding Bottle and Dairy Rack everybody 'everywhere to take adRubber-seale- d vantage of the splendid highways Closely Spaced Shelf Bars of the Rockies and visit scenic Odor-proDoor on Ice America this year Orson Brown president of the Compartment Large Molded Live club was m charge of the meeting til i'oHl 1 1 back-and-jor- tb j ‘sire "v- - TrT ' LAWN SWINGS Again we say swing into summer with a new lawn New hand decorated canswing from Dinwoodey’s vas coil base and g inner-sprin- Here is your chance to own Extra heavy canvas in colorful stripes coil base and adjustable head rest $2650 on special You Always f fine terrace swing in fine painted stripe swing that rust procJ hangers awning with back drop and adjustable Only thirty left in stock at Pay Less $1 head-rq- W a st 995 at Dinwoodeyfs ’51 WEST FIRST SO Wp Rubber Seal on Door All Corners Rounded in Porcelain Six Persons Injured other distinctive Lining Many In Collision of Autos Norge features Acid-Resisti- will give yeu seasons of real pleasure and comfort We offer this of Six persons suffered cuts Wednesday night in an automobile collision that occurred at Ninth South ng “The Greatest Norge of All Time” means the greatest of a long line of leaders leaders in styling leaders in tested and convenience features leaders in construction and engineering improvements proved And the most vital improvement — the mechanism — is still Roltator made and sold exclusively by Norge With but three slowly moving parts in a permanent bath of protecting oil friction in the Rollator is practically eliminated On factory test a Rollator has been running constantly for the equivalent of more than 37 years of home use— is as efficient as ever Make sure of future satisfaction — future dependable performance — greatest overall economy through the years to come cold-maki- ng NORGE DIVISION Whetever AppHtnee You Art Considering Next— Refrigeretor Renge Wether or Inner— Borg-Wam- er (QMjnLCd E and Main streets The injured were reported as Mrs See the Norge Before You Buy I J H Halvorsen 46 Maxine 9 Julia RKO a t CAT OFF 16 and Marie Halvorsen 14 Mrs 74 of all Mane Nielsen WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS Magna and Ann Gustafson 15 of 618 West POCATELLO North Temple street The Halvorsens and Mrs Nielsen SALT LAKE CITY IDAHO were riding in a westbound car driven by J H Halvorsen who was UTAH BOISE IDAHO d attempting to negotiate a turn His machine reportedly struck “Wholesale Exclusively" one driven by Lloyd Freestone 19 Woods Cross which was proceeding cast on Ninth South street Miss 111 mo euctaic domestic so commerciai scmuiratioh sstiCIRCBLATOR mo t r e n e r s I R Gustafson was riding with FreeC0N0ITI0NINS WHIIIAT0S Oil IIRNIM I00M HIATUS MNItll MANASES all Lake left-han- cHafdrareo iiihui stone A Corp Detroit Mich 0 |