Show 4 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Hoover Assails New Deal Policies Leading Country To Bankruptcy Meet Told President Voices Warning Against Trend Toward Dictatorship Lauds Supreme Court for Rulings ( “Will you for expediency's sake also- offer which Hoover tralizaUon of government” the people? Or have you beguile supplied this answer: determined to enter In a holy cru-sa- de “When we examine the speeches liberty which shall deterIckes and mine for Wallace of Tugwell the future and the others we see little indications of of a nation of free men? perpetuity repentance” "That star shell fired today over Telling his listeners that "you the land of world dehave the duty to determine the prinwould Illuminate the world spair the Republican which ciples upon with hope " party will stand" he said "the imAt the outset of his address Hoovthe to set country er asserted that "in this room rests mediate task is on the road of genuine recovery the greatest responsibility that has from come to a body of Americans in Pijt One) Enough Inventions three generations” "In a lesser sense” he explained "We have enough inventions and enough accumulated needs” he went “this is a convention of a great But in the larger on "to start the physical rebuild- political party sense it is a convention of Amering of America “The day the Republican party icans to determine the fate of ean assure right principles we can those ideals for which this nation turn this nation from the demorali- was founded That far transcends zation of relief to the contentment all partisanship” of constructive jobs "Herein— and herein alone — is a PUBLIC HALL Cleveland June 10 (UP)— Republicans went on the' guarantee otoba for the idle based upon realities first major demonstration of their national convention and not on political clap-tra- p Wednesday "In the meantime the party which when former Preside!? Herbert un- Hoover strode to the platform and relief of the efficient organized employed three years before the told them the time had come to new deal was born will not turn “stop the retreat” He came here tonight to take from those in need That support to distress comes from the con- charge of the November offensive of science and sympathy of a people the G O P against the new deal and had he been so Inclined he not from the new deal” might have stampeded the convem Social Betterment tion away from the standards of must “The Republican party Governor Alf M Landon who is achieve true soclaLbetterment” he certain to be nominated this week Mr Hoover smiling and alert aid “But we must produce measures received two Ovations in which the that will not work confusion and state standards were swept out 1m disappointment We must propose to the aisles for the first parade a real approach to social ills not the of the 1936 convention prescription for them by quacks of Sparkling Speech poison in place of remedy One was at the start of his speech "We must achieve freedom in the and the other at the end Between economic field We have grave prob- them he delivered a speech sparklems In relation of government to ling with metaphor and bristling agriculture and business Monopoly with challenge to the Democrats is only one of them But he did not to gather “The Republican party la against whatever harvest linger have the greed for power of the wanton been for him — somethere may say he could boys who waste the people’s sav- have won the nomination on the ings But it must be equally adaof the speech — but hurried mant against the greed for power strength out while the applause still was unand exploitation In the seekers of quenchable and boarded a train special privilege” for New York Economio Prosperity The word he left with his fellow Discussing his appeal for “liber' Republicans was: “Stop the retreat!" ty” of Americans he urged the convention to declare “without shrinkYounger looking than four years ing” that "the source of economic ago smiling and waving his arms at the convention Mr Hoover atprosperity is freedom" “Man must be free to use his tacked the new deal along broad and own powers in his own way” he general lines He condemned waste said “Free to think to speak to extravagance and the drift toward Free to plan his own life "dictatorship” worship Free to use his own Initiative Sounds Call Flee to dare in his own adventure "This Is your call" he shouted "It Is the essence of true liberal- from the circle blue light in ism that these freedoms are limited which he stood of "Stop the retreat by the rights of others Freedom In the chaos of doubt and confusion both requires and makes increased and fear yours Is the task to com is no freeThere responsibilities mand” dom from exploitation of the weak No reference was mad In his or from the dead hand of bureauspeech to any desire On hi own part cracy” for the nomination Nor did he "The free spirit of man” was deaid or comfort' to any other scribed as a campaign issue "vastly give He stood above the candidate bigger than payrolls than econom- wars of the convention and called ics than materialism” on the troops to unite behind prlnci Liberties at Stake pics Mr Hoover arrived her liber"Fundamental American at i ties are at stake" he went on "Is time when the “Borah-for-prethe Republican party ready for the dent” movement had collapsed and issue? Are you willing to cast your when the old campaigner from all upon the issue or would you Idaho was sitting in his hotel suite falter and look back? whittling at platform planks Borah 11000-00000- $ si yw y w o iiwjlli f nnr— — — ri MORNING JUNE II 1936 indictment of the new Blasts New Deal Record United Air Protests ever written” Mussolini Landon Heads “devastating May the His words TWA Plans in West of a planned attack upon the Further administration Roosevelt Oaim Victory sentative York the Open June permanent chairman Posts Cabinet told an the United Air Lines On First Tally this morning dent as an "unconstitutional interstate deal came as second wav Snell of New convention’s described- Repre- Empire ’Quaker States Swing on Bandwagon Snell Flays New Deal “seduced” lative branch - and and jibe” at the Snell as had others vited Democrats to the legis- thrown "sneer supreme court before him inJoin in favor of Predictions Heard That struck his principal chord early sounding a call for party harmony wooing wavering Democrats stressing the constitutional issue and lambasting the new deal and Duce Will Relinquish Four More Positions examiner Wednesday that direct plane service into San Francisco by Transcontinental and Western Air Inc would injure U A L’s business Harold Crary of Chicago U A L vice president in charge of traffic said the' proposed T W A airway to San Francisco by way of Albuquerque N M and Las Vegas Nev wopld "simply duplicate to all practical intents and purposes our own midcontinent service” He denied that United because of weather conditions over the Sierra Nevada mountains was unable to maintain its schedules saying his company completed 98 per cent of its scheduled mileage between New York and San Francisco in April By Tribune Leased Wire ROME June 10— It was predicted President Roosevelt Wednesday that Premier Benito Sink Differences Mussolini soon would relinquish the "Let us here” he said "resolve to war naval air and interior mlnis-terisink all differences reconcile all Such a move by il duce would opinions moderate all ambitions and unite all energies in the su- complete the sudden and sweeping preme task of restoring the gov- cabinet shuffle carried out Tuesday when he abandoned the foreign afernment to the people ?rhls year the Republican party fairs colonial and corporations is not contending against the Democratic party as such It offers to Belief that 11 duce would give up Former Mayor Dies lead America against the unconsti- the war naval and air posts was NORFOLK Neb June 10 (Ah— tutional dictatorship— yes the arro- coupled with widespread reports Achille Starace secretary of Herman Gerecke 91 first mayor of gant individualism of Franklin that led Italian who the fascist party Delano Roosevelt” Norfolk died here Tuesday night into the Lake Tana region The short heavy-se- t New Yorker troops in Ethiopia soon would take over brought the delegates to their feet il duce's interior portfolio cheering making the convention If Mussolini drops the four portfloor a sea-owaving hats and folios he will be left in possession sound when he quoted a letter of only the premiership and the written by President Roosevelt to of the fascist party a congressional committee chair- leadership CLEANING and It further was reported that man about the Guffey coal control j Aloisi Italian repBaron Pompeo bill urging that he "not permit resentative at Geneva would be DYEING SHOP doubt as to consttutionality how- named ambassador to France and ever reasonable to block the sug- that Vittorio Cerrutti ampresent bloc gested legislation” bassador and Dino Grandi ambasThe rival camps refused to give Rising on his toes and pounding sador to Great Britain would be reas on Snell no table relish the evidenced but speakers’ up they Specials for called from their posts they read the results of the day's shouted : No change in Italy's foreign policy "Thank God no Republican presi- is expected to result from the apGreater Salt Lake Day delegation caucuses Senator Borah did cancel plans however to dent has ever so violated his con1 pointment of Count Galeazzo Viano attend the night session and hear stitutional oath by calling upon the 11 duce's as foreign minMr Hoover speak members of his party in congress ister Ladies' Plain Wool Drosses or to violate theirs” "Governor Landon will have Gents' Suits Coah substantial majority out of every ‘Broken Piomises' Director’s Wife Hurt state and every delegation except Snell devoted the main or WwW of 10 Topcoats (Ah— HOLLYWOOD Cal June body the three or four bound to a favor his address to what he the Mrs Olive Del Ruth wife of Roy called ite son” Hamilton said "broken promises” of the presi- Del Ruth film director was seriLengthy Debate dent Toward the close he thun- ously injtfbed Wednesday night !KwJ when her automobile failed to make Dresses vUup Foreseeing considerable debate dered: V over the platform the Landon man“But overshadowing all these a curve in the road and crashed into ager said balloting would begin Fri- grave assaults upon the liberties of an ornamental light standard She Skirts Blouses day morning As for the vice presi the people is the president’s per suffered a possible fracture of the Sweaters sonal affection for a government-dictate- d skull dency he added: collectivist order "I will discuss the vice presidency "He runs the true course of the —the greatest prestidigitator of the after the nomination” Hoover1 meanwhile dominated the dictator Having seduced the leg- age steps forward with a new magic enthusiasm-stirre- d scene But b' islative branch by billions in pork —a ‘breathing spell’ hind it a series of significant de barrel patronage he now casts “Can this be America where citl-zeliveand breathe only by the velopmenta were shaped They in- calculating eye upon the judiciary or and by advice to congress and gracious consent of an ambitious cluded: Bertrand Snell New York congressman and Veteran An at least partially successful sneer and jibe seeks to usurp the ruler?” G O P leader Wednesday drew cheers of Republican delewooing of the Hon of Idaho Sena- last bulwark of the citizen against Only routine business occupied tor Borah by the Landonites ac unbridled autocracy! He the morning session aside from gated with his attack on the Roosevelt administration "And when the damage Jias been Snell's induction as permanent Use Your Charge Account compllshed by a measurable capita accused the president of attempting to be a "dictator” done — when business is bludgeoned chairman and his speech lation to his platform demands There The launching of other peace ef- and bleeding when all trade is bur were a few shouts of "Bring 'n' Take" against from ths fast- from delegates who wanted to go forts by the dominant Landon lead- dened by excessive taxation and In- the selection of Snell protest won concessions to preside but ers including compromises to oth- competent bureaucratic regulation the movement quickly died out rolling Landon steamroller when there ers besides Borah on the platform they agreed to allow him to present -- his to the platform committee Man Held issue with the whole plainly intendeLouisiana planks on money industrial monopd- to the party out of the’ conOn Coast for Murder ventionbring oly and foreign policy’ The comand into the campaign withmittee received them favorably out too many lasting scars But the main show was under LOS ANGELES June 10 (Ah Report Delayed the main tent tonight f and not in Alex James 28 negro was arrested A certainty that after failure of smoke-fille- d hotel rooms on a from warrant Wednesday the platform committee to bring We Want Hoover Its report to the convention floor Shreveport La charging murder Was ths "We want Hoover" cry Deputy sheriff Ray Bogie said Wednesday night this Republican as that sounded through the aisles conclave will work overtime and the demonstration at the end of James admitted he shot a m still be in session on Saturnamed Anderson in February 1936 may the speech started day A blonde woman from the New after having been threatened with Mr Hoover Wednesday night climbed onto a a knife He indicated he would waved before the convention deleYork delegation chair swinging an American flag waive extradition gates a speech which even befojfe Delegates clustered around her The he spoke had been called the most California delegation honored its A F L Unit to Absorb distinguished resident by carrying its standard into the aisles Auto Workers’ Union Maine Colorado New Hampshire DETROIT June 10 (Ah— The Au Georgia Pennsylvania and Vermont The convention chair- tomotlve Industrial Workers’ asso followed ONE LOT OF 365 man Congressman Bertrand H elation largest independent labor Snell of New York tried to pass group in the automobile industry the news through the loudspeakers will be absorbed July 1 by the United that Mr Hoover already was aboard Automobile Workers' union an a train American Federation of Labor af- "What train?" came back the cry filiate CONVENTION HALL CLEVELAND June 10 (Ah— Alf M London’s campaign managers definitely nomination claimed a first-ball- ot Wednesday night and the bulk of the big New York and Pennsylvania delegations toppled Landon-warjust as the Republican convention reassembled to bear a valedictory speech by Herbert Hoover The swing of the mammoth eastern delegations caused such a stir among the delegates that the evening’s convention session and a continuing deadlock over the platform seemed completely overshadowed Can’t Stop Him 'I can’t conceive of anything that would stop us on the first ballot now” said John M Hamilton the Landon manager indicating that he expected other smaller delegations which have been waiting up to now for a definite bandwagon rush would fall in line speedily behind the overshadowing eastern es d e port-folio- ZCMI son-in-la- w fiQlb 79c (Jvk 88c IS 6 48c GREATER SALT LAKE’ DAY HART SCHAFFNER & MARX ' m —i — SPECIAL SPRING and SUMMER SUITS for Greater SALT LAKE DAY! $35 and $40 Values and SATURDAY TODAY-FRID- AY A most fortunate buy in a rising market made this unusual event event possible Be here early today for this money-savin- g STRAW HAT SPECIAL JUNE For Cool 'Flattering White Millinery Salon —Second I Greater Salt Lake Day Only Str"0ui Choice They're right for town — and they're right for country They're witty and feminine Zephyr light linen stitched crepes felts in graceful peachbaskets popular bretons and and toyos brims We have them in white and pastel colors and in your headsize J (A0— officials commission commerce presi- a "square deal” Snell 10 WASHINGTON - dicta- tor” who had r Former (Continued from THURSDAY Floor ZCMI 400 Arthur Frank 208-21- 0 SOUTH MAIN STREET |