Show 2 JOINING JUNE II s II 1939 of the Japanese resistance Office Supply Walkout Cantonese Estimates for W inter Wheat tion Clamp Censorship Final Effort Announced as Settled It was reported however 48 Million Bushels Over 35 BUFFALO N June (A— On Hurried War Preparation Canton government might a member Huang Earl Harding assistant to James to southwest sion Y 10 ques- Social Security Unit the For Area Established send DENVER June 10 CD—Rocky of the mountain area regional offices of Nanpolitical council social security board under Dr the to a final effort in king persuade k to Heber R Harper former chancelGeneralissimo Chlang approve united Chinese action lor of Denver university were against Nipponese "aggression” here Wednesday chair- opened Already Chen Chung-f- u Dr said there will be at Harper man of the foreign affairs committee of the northern semtautono-mou- s least one district office in each state Hopeh-Chahcouncil was No location for state offices have in Canton On what was believed to been made be a secret mission competed with The office here is for Colorado Fine fast service also to the southern crisis In addition to the impressment of Wyoming Utah Montana Idaho Detroit ClevelandPittsburgh coolies schools were and Arizona Kwangsi Philadelphia Washington closed without waiting for exam! Boston Faster quieter 1935 nations seniors were conscripted tided with another freighter the planes type twin-enginfor war and juniors were used as Dakotan off Sea Gift' N J docked 5 convenient flights to the propagandists and lecturers Wednesday with "a hole about six East daily Stewardess service by eight feet in her port bow The Pacific-Atlanti- c Vessels Steamship To SAN FRANCISCO 4V hrs company freighter came into the T ic feefr Lobby Hotel Utah WA2002 Sea harbor under her own power The Dakotan was only slightly Hotels Trvil Bureaus Telegraph Offices NEW YORK June 10 UP) — The damaged and continued to Norfolk freighter San Simeon which col- - Va Chi-l- u H Rand Jr of president WASHINGTON June 10 (AV-T- he The condition of winter wheat on Rand announced Wednesday of 1 department agriculture an June was 667 per cent of a normal that the three weeks' old strike had nounced Wednesday a winter wheat compared with 670 a month ago been settled “fom the point of view of 482000000 bushels this year 742 a year ago and 739 the 1923-3- 2 of the crop company” with the return of was indicated from conditions June average 500 workers to the Won plant this L Rye condition was 632 per cent of noon A crop of 463708000 bushels was a normal compared with 743 a indicated a month ago and 433447-00- 0 month ago 842 a year ago and 796 Dam Completed bushels were produced last year the 1923-3- 2 average The 1928-3- 2 average production was June 10 tff — Condition of other crops on June WASHINGTON 618186000 buShels 1 was: Completion of Rye Patch storage Rye production is indicated as All spring Wheat 669 per cent of dam on the Humboldt river in Ne83400000 bushels compared with a normal compared with 852 a vada was reported by John C Page 85253000 a month ago 57936000 year ago durum wheat 608 and acting reclamation commissioner last year and 38655000 bushels the 844 cither spring wheat 679 and The dam was the third large stor 1928-3- 2 853 oats 745 and 744 barley 753 age dam completed with relief average A peach crop of 40600000 bushels and 843 hay 752 and 776 pasture funds is indicated compared with 21300 745 and 777 apples 467 and 713 000 last yeiir and 56500000 the peaches 518 and 625 pears 578 pared with 14706000 bushels or 1928-3- 2 124 per cent a year ago and 601 average1' Pear production is indicated as Grain stocks on farms June 1 inRye 15850000 bushels or 274 per 22500000 bushels compared with cluded: cent of last year's crop compared 21300000 last year and 23100000 Barley 66433000 bushels or 227 with 2827000 bushels or 176 per the 1928-3- 2 average per cent of last year's crop com- - cent a yeargo AH Saflti Remington-- June 10 teemed with military movements behind a thick screen of censorship Wednesday night Rigid news restrictions were clamped on both provinces of the Canton government — Kwangtung and KwangsL But word reached here from Canton through surreptitious channels concerning military conscription of coolies including women of the Kwangsl army’s arrival sit Heng-choimportant road junction in Huhan province to the north of government threats to execute spectators in falling Kwangsl bankHONGKONG (Reports reaching Shanghai stated two factions of the Kwangtung army had started fighting each other on the border of southern Fukien province one group opposing any move against the national Nanking government Canton author! ties the reports stated rushed re' in forcemeats to the Fukien border to put down rebellious elemental Cantonese militarists confirmed reports the Kwangsl army had reached Hengchow and said the Kwangtung forces were expected to join it there by midmonth (The Shanghai advices said Kwangsl commanders had seized all available transport in preparation notes ” for sending more troops into Hunan Canton Warning province) The soldiers were sent north with The continued troop movements South China’s warning it would not were taken as an indication the stand for increasing Japanese mili- South Chinese were not satisfied with Nanking's ‘offers for discus tary control Lake Day w IPenjumey’s w zt) Kal-che- ar ed Reach Port After Crash at UNITED AIR LINES Welcome LA oim&ei?einuse mg mg 1 s v- - 9 It r5 9 fc B y- - 14 Ml t m 1M 5 A? a vC 'll o iiOO 0‘ m w--" i'A “ £ f r n f 1 o ry- Wa i c IK f V I a N Washable Print Dresses A ' Sharkskin Jacket Dresses Printed Chiffons P)fll I ' A Sizes 14 to 52 0 1800 80-S- q Prints Wash Epochs a Sizes 12 to 44 Any Details You’d Find in Much Higher Priced Dresses? Haw About WHITE? - a slip with Smart and costly details! Hand fagoting full wide ascots fingertip jackets with every sheer loose sleeves new “fruit” and “flower” buttons Styles for business dating playing for every minute of your vacation Are there really 2000 Dresses in Event? W6rk and play in cotton They are very feminine! Very cool gay plaids smart checks stunning florals Well made well cut really unusual dresses and doubly unusual at this low price Sizes 14 to 52 COTTON SHOP Sizes 12 to 44 for another shipment has just arrived Probably more this very minute Sizes for everybody each size cut to be would if it cost a great deal more the measurements it Hundreds of white dresses and ensembles Sparkling clean dazzling white all the other colors too take to the tub like a duck to water Lots of DANCE DRESSES too! Will 1200 Flock Dot Sheer Dresses a Small Deposit Hold a Dress? Heavens yes! We make it EASY fer you to pay You may buy on our Layaway Plan Pay a small deposit now and we will put it away for you Then with a small payment every two weeks before you know it your dress is paid for Be dainty cool and crisp locking in a smart flock dot organdy dress They are youthful dashing and will play an important part in your summer wardrobe Trimmed with ruffles contrast ing bindings and stitchiqg Sizes 14 to 42 COTTON SHOP |