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Show The Ogden December 15, 2007 Valley news Your Community Newspaper PRSRT STD POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 11 EDEN UT POSTAL PATRON EDEN-LIBERTY-84310 HUNTSVILLE-84317 OGDEN CANYON- 84401 HCR 843AO Photo by Jim Huddle Free Lead Testing Offered at County Fairgrounds— Health department offers public service after TV report on Ogden couple View at Causey Reservoir. Photo taken by Dennis Maher of Eden. Residents of Weber and Morgan counties are invited to bring their dinnerware and other household items to a free lead-testing event at the Weber County Fairgrounds on December 13. The testing is in response to public concerns over lead-contaminated products after Weber-Morgan health officials found lead on ceramic dinner plates in the home of an Ogden couple whose 18-month-old child had been diagnosed with elevated levels of lead in its blood. The story was featured on a recent segment of KUTV’s “Get Gephardt.” “That news report generated a lot of public interest,” says Frank Carlsen, environmental health scientist with the WeberMorgan Health Department. “We thought with the holidays coming up, people might be wondering about the dishes in their cupboard, and some of the family heirlooms they plan on using this time of year so we are offering this as a free public service.” The case was unique since most of the LEAD TESTING cont. on page 16 Weber County Commission Takes Utah Citizen Taxpayer Groups Form Coalition Coalition Formed ed in many people facing significantly highPublic Comment on Proposed Sensitive NewGrassroots, volunteer citizen groups er property tax bills. The coalition’s goal is about taxes and governmental to ensure that homeowners, young and old, spending in Utah announce the formation of are not put at risk of losing their homes due Lands Overlay District Ordinance concerned a coalition of citizen taxpayer groups from to unfair property valuations, higher taxes, By Shanna Francis Ogden Valley News On November 13, Weber County Commissioners held a public hearing on a proposed Sensitive Lands Overlay Districts Ordinance gathering input from the audience that filled the Commission chambers at the Weber Center in Ogden. Brandon Fuller of Liberty stood and complemented the commissioners on their effort to develop a balanced ordinance, and asked that those offering public comment state how much property they owned, and how the passage of the currently proposed ordinance would negatively impact their property—how many possible building lots would they lose if the ordinance were passed. Neil Clawson stood and stated that a six acre parcel he owns on the east end of Pineview would become unbuildable with the adoption of the 100 foot setback requirement around the reservoir. “This proposed ordinance is an encroachment of private property rights,” Clawson stated. “I can’t build now; some day, because of this ‘progressive’ ordinance, am I not going to be able to farm?” Eden resident and GEM Committee Chair Steve Clarke asked the commissioners, “Do we need an ordinance like this? throughout the state. The founding members of the Citizens’ Coalition for Tax Fairness are: CitizensForTaxFairness.org (Davis County), Wingmen for Tax-Reform (Weber County), and the Fair Property-Tax Committee (Washington, County). These groups will work together to ensure that taxpayers have a voice on tax policy at all levels of government. The immediate focus will be on reforming Utah’s property tax system, controlling government spending, and ensuring that taxpayer funds are fairly and efficiently managed. who would like to create their SENSITIVE LANDS cont. on page 21 ownCitizens taxpayer groups or to join one of the Coalition groups are invited to send an e-mail to info@citizensfortaxfairness. org. Existing taxpayer or other groups that would like to become part of the Coalition should send an e-mail to the same address. Weber County Still Wading Through Property Tax Appeals Co-Founders Comment Jim Bray of the Fair Property-Tax By Jenny Harris Committee said, “A badly flawed, market According to Roger Brunker, Weber based property assessment system has resultCounty Chief Deputy Clerk Auditor, there have been a high number of appeals to this year’s property tax notices. The county deals with an average of 1,000 to 2,500 appeals annually he says. This year, they received approximately 2,200 By Jenny Harris citizen appeals, as well as around 600 board-initiated appeals. There are also “I’ve gone to find myself. If I get back citizen appeals filtering in late. before I return, keep me here.” This saying According to Brunker, the county usually applies to losing one’s mind, but has completed processing about 80% of in the case of Jesselie Anderson, it applies this year’s appeals, and has received an to losing one’s statue. Anderson has been extension from the state for completing looking for herself (in statue form) for the remainder. December 31 is the new over three months now, and on Sunday, deadline. But the appeals process can be December 2 she was found. Her statue was delayed further by hearings. Regardless, standing at the corner of 100 South and and excessive government spending.” Retired fighter pilot Donald Bell (DBell) of Huntsville, stated, “Enough is enough. Elected officials have failed to protect the citizens who elected them so we have to fight to protect our communities, ourselves, and our property. We are being taxed into the late 17th Century by legislators who consider property owners as their major source of stable revenue. We encourage everyone to join a citizens group in their area and, if one doesn’t already exist, create one.” According to Ronald Mortensen, retired diplomat and co-founder of CitizensForTaxFairness.org, “The Coalition will have a strong legislative agenda this year and will be represented at the capitol full-time during the upcoming legislative session. In addition, the Coalition will organize and train citizen lobbyists throughout the state so their voices can be heard by elected officials at all levels of government during next year’s elections.” COALITION cont. on page 21 Missing Woman Found—Soon to be reunited with bovine associates 7900 East, propped up against the stop Bird City. Photo taken by Larry Zini of Huntsville. sign. Maybe these cold winter nights have been getting to her and she decided it was time to return home. Huntsville resident Jim Truett saw her standing there in the cold as he was driving by. He loaded her into the back of his truck and continued on to town. That day she traveled to many destinations in the back of the truck before she was brought MISSING WOMAN cont. on page 19 TAX APPEALS cont. on page 21 NOTICE OF PROPOSED TAX INCREASE WEBER FIRE DISTRICT The Weber Fire District is proposing to increase its property tax revenue. • If the proposed budget is approved, this would be an increase of 16.50% above the Weber Fire District property tax budgeted revenue for the prior year. • The Weber Fire District tax on a $265,000 residence would increase from $163.82 to $169.16, which is $5.33 per year. • The Weber Fire District tax on a $265,000 business would increase from $297.86 to $307.56, which is $9.70 per year. All concerned citizens are invited to public hearing on the tax increase. PUBLIC HEARING Date/Time: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. Location: 2023 West 1300 North, Farr West City, Utah To obtain more information regarding the tax increase, citizens may contact Weber Fire District at 801-782-3580. Snowbasin begins operation of snowmaking equipment in anticipation of holidays. Photo taken by Dennis Maher of Eden. |