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Show - I EDITORIALS 11 that an Investment here would pleased that this is true. Every mine which has bran expended in FT safer in almost every opened up adds to the atrength of the would have brought result a.N. respect Utah 1 1 yet have her day. great industry, as well as tending to as those of the new Nevada build up every other industry iu which men engage. 4 wr We hoie that thta wit! continue and 44 that all the properties will turn out 4 to be bonanzas. We suspect, however, that there will come a time when the 4 wild cats will be sifted out from GARU RANGE among the properties of merit, and then, as human nature is much the 4 MONARCH Mi 1 .EABLE RANGES. same the world over, there will be 4 4 fiR PEINM RANGES round many of a shady character. 4 That Nevada will not suffer too dee-l- y 4 4 from the process is our wish. At 4 we same of the time Utah should stand ready to claim our share of atEEK TERM SH-0CASH, 61.00 PER tention. This state contains many 4 known mining camps. Not one of 4 thoso have been worked out. Park City and Tintlc produce more than 1 any live earnps in the neighbor'll? state. Mercur anil Ophlr is only beginning to pour out their wealth of 4-- t 4,4 gold. Pinte county Is capable of givas as central camps many ing gold Nevuria. Bingham and Stockton rival as all others copper and sliver producers. Braver county has produced and is still producing its millions, while the old camp ofAlta Is putting on new life. 14 We believe It to be a fact that the same money Invested In Utah camps 4444444444444 Thl paper is on file at the American Minins Congress, Dearer, Colorado. REPUBLICAN 8TATE COMMITTEE. Address. Name. County. Betfver, William Hurst, Hearer City. II. Klder, li. H. Jones, Brigham City. Cache, H. Uullcn, Jr., Logan. J. Ft. Harrison, Price. Carbon, Davis, J. M. SecriHt, Farmington. Emery, George Miller, Castle Dale. Garfield, Thomas Sevy, Pangultch. John K. Pace, Richardson. Grand, Iron, Alfred Froyd, Cedar City. Junli, J. A. Hide, Nephi. Kane, H. S. Culler, Kanab. Millard, Miah Day, Fillmore. Morgan, Moroni Helner, Morgnn. Piute, Charles Morrill. Junction. W. K. Walton, Rich. Rich, H. take H. P. Mytop, Salt take City. Sanpete. I R. Richardson, Mantl. Sevier, J. H. Erickson,, Richfield. Summlr, M. J. Dailey, Park City. Tooele, I.. L. Baker, Tooele. Utah, Eph. Homer, Provo. Uintah. It. S. Collett, Vernal. Wayne. Willard Pace, Washington. Joseph T. Atkin, St. la. RANB I s SALE, 0 $20 MONARCH COMPANY, 44 444444444444 I $70. hardware: sJTJSsTMh. t 444444444444444444 A Richter estate. First South. West Salt Lake City, Utah. George. It Is one thing to claim a worldwide reputation for accurate predictions and another thing to furnish the evidence of such a reputation. Here's letter from a man now in Los Angeles, formerly of this city: Los Angeles, July 28, '06. Dear Mr. Arnold: It will no doubt Interest you to know how I am getting along in my new position. To be short, 1 will say that I have met with more success tnan I expected, and to he frank, I do not think that I aojld have accepted the offer ef thla position' if I had not been encouraged to do so by you." Owing to his wife and relatives still living here, we withhold hla name from print, hut any one may see the original letter at our offices. Thla gentleman received an offer of a position as draughtsman at a tempting salary, If he could fill the place. He was very much In doubt about his ability to give satisfaction. He consulted us about it and we predicted success and told him to go. This was some months ago, and the letter tella the rest No matter what you wish to know, come and see us. Dont trust your affaire to traveling clairvoyants. Our fee is fl (everything Included). Hours 10 to 7:30 dally. Amold-Dick-so- n Bros., 26T East Third South St. Salt Lake City. (Bell 2417-K). ESTABLISHED 1893. Wasatch. J. W. Mimaer, Heber City. Weber, Kudi. lph Kuchler, Ogden. A. L. Brattain, Manager. Have you ever thought of getting ln o business? For instance, a good paying rooming house, grocery store, saloon, cigar btore, restaurant, or. In fact, any business enterprise? If you contemplate such a move, see me. I have a number of genuine bargains, guaranteed to be money makers. Correspondence solicited. Business Opportunity Department A. RICHTER, REAL ESTATE. OFFICIAL CALL. For Republican State Convention, Sep. 20. 1906. Republican Electors of the State of Utah: A state convention of delegated representatives of the Republican pnrty, in the state of Utah, will be held at 8alt take City, for the purpose of nominating a state ticket, to be voted for at the general election, to be held on Tuesday, November G, 190G, the 861(401100 of a state committee, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before it. Said slate convention will assemble at 11 o'cl.'ck a. m. on Thursday, the 20th day of September, 1906, in the Salt take theatre..' Candidates are to be nominated for the following offlces: Judge of the Supremo court and representative in the Sixtieth congress of the United Stales. The Republican electors of this state, and all other electors, without regard to past political affiliations who believe in the principles of the Republican party, and indorse its policies, and will support the candidates nominated at such convention, are cordially invited to unite under this call, in the selection of delegates. The sald state convention shall con sist of 527 delegates apportioned to the several counties of this state, on the basis of one delegate to every one hundred votes, or a major fraction thereof, that were cast for Hon. Joseph Howell for representative in congress, on November 8, 1094, as 444444444444 FORMER 8ALT LAKER'S LETTER To the lutataomw WRRRRRRRawmwwRMWRimiiRRRaimstiwmawaw f, A HINT TO THE INVESTOR. THI8 IS A CONFERENCE AD. BOOST You will come to Salt Lake City in ft October, will .you not? While there ft ft you will want the cheapest and best pianos for the money to be obtained in Utah. I! They are to be found in our ware-roocatching up is when values will double In No. 52 Market street, half and good money be made. block from the poet office, Salt Lake City, Utah. Meanwhile, we will send you a list Pw9MtAt1eWiimhisleWhfiihiilasirairttlsVil of such used upright pianos aa the Weber and Chickerlng, Steinway, Knabe, with prices attached, etc., If you send a postal. Whan you call you will find thla is a one price house, ticket! are attached to each piano, containing price of tame and condition of sale. No dickering. We will deliver to your nearest rail road station, freight free, all pianos purchased from us. Town and country Is the same to us. NEW YORK A WESTERN PIANO Salt Lake! m s OPENING OF THE FALL AND TER SEASON, 1906-33- WIN- 7! Mr. Daniels, the Artistic Tailor, Wishes to inform you that he has Just returned from, the East and la now In a position to show hla patterns, the largest and most varied selection of fabrics In the West, at prices which are within the reach of everybody. 8urte or overcoats worth from 635.00 to 650.000, from 620.00 up. Panto, worth 6&00 to 812.00. from 86-0-0 up. Como and see for yourself, or write for sample and blanks. M. DANIELS 57 West Second South Street, S. L. C. all-wo- te Dele- - Votes Beaver Box Elder Cache Carbon Davis Emery Garfield Grand Iron Juab Kane Millard Morgan Piute 823 2229 3901 1119 1151 857 654 235 729 1328 395 899 486 334 8 22 39 11 16 9 7 2 7 13 4 9 5 14.014 119 3552 1617 1891 1174 713 5972 990 715 303 5664 140 1 36 16 19 12 Summit Tooele 7 Uintah 60 Utah 10 Wasatch 7 Washington 3 Wayne 57 Weber The respective county committees are requested to arrange for the election cf delegates to the state convention. The chairman of the county committees will forward to the chairman of the state committee, immediately nrtcr their election, a full list of the delegates chosen. By order of the Republican state committee. Salt take City. Utah. Aug. 21. 1906. JAMES T. HAMMONI). Chairman. Rudolph Kuchler. Secretary pro tern. TO REPUBLICANS. We are anxious to have every Republican in dose touch, and working in harmony with the Republican national congressional committee in favor of the election of- - a Republican congress. The congressional campaign must be based on the administrative and legislatite record cf the party, and, I hat being so. Theodore Roosevelt's personality must be a central figure a central achievements and his thought in the campaign. We desire to maintain the work of this campaign with popular subscriptions of One Dollar each from RepublTo each subscriber we will icann National sc;ul ib - Kci'ubliean Text Hcok and all documents issi.e-- l by i lie committee vlctnrv. Help us achieve a gf-- ai JAMES S. SHERMAN. Chairman. P. O. Box 21163. New York. Cam-i-atg- UTAH AND NEVADA MINES. Fur the past two or three years our neighboring State of Nevada lias been given the major isirtlon of Interest In the mining world. Any property situated in the sagebrush stare will the deepest attention from mining investors. The result Is that ail immense amount of ' capital has been put into Nevada enterprises. Where but a few months ago there was nothing but wilderness, towns have sprung up as It by magic. Territories long neglected have been prospected, and many great mines have been born. No western man can help feeling ANTI-MACHIN- There never was a time in the history of the Republican party In Utah when there was such a widespread revolt against machine and machine methods in politics as there is at the present time. From all over the state the word comes In, that the people demand fair play for all candidates. It is an honorable thing to aspire to public office. It is the right of every citizen to so aspire, and nothing so tends to break down Republican Institutions as bosslsm in the great parties. It is s hopeful sign when the common people begin to act, and when they do act the verdict ia usually right. The state convention is now only a few days off. There are many candidates In the field for the two positions which this year are in the gift of the people. The appearance now is that the fight will be an open one throughout upon the floor of the convention. With this a fact there is nothing which can stop a Republican victory in Utah. o WORTHY OF THE PUBLIC EVE. THE POLITICAL SLATE. 3 4 Rich Salt take San Juan Sanpete Sevier gates 411 Politics Is a peculiar game. But the politics of Charles M. Owen is most peculiar of all. An attempt has been made upon his part and upon the part of those over or under him, aa the case may be, to destroy the chances of P. P. Christensen for nomination to congress at the hands of the Republican convention. It is generally known that Mr. Christensen Is out for the nomination as m purely fndependent Republican. His eandtdacy is such as to place him above any machine or dick that may be Imagined by its opponents to exist in the Republican ranks. The nomination of Mr. Christensen would go far to prove that the church is out of politics, if it ever was in. Yet the attempt Is made to put him in the hole, to raise a hue and cry whichever way he may act in the matter: An information has been sworn to by Owen charging President Smfth of the Mormon church with a statutory offense, and the matter is up to the office of the eounty attorney. The charge Is such that ample oportunlty was given to begin action by Owen before the accused left the Uulted States for Europe, or having waited so long, why not. wait until he returned home from abroad. We much mistake the big county attorney if he does not act In the matter according to the law. Not because the redoubtable Owen thinks it is the law, but as the attorney knows the law. The charge was not made so much for the purpose of getting at Joseph F. Smith, for wrongdoing aa it was for the purpose of in a box. Owen placing and hla coadjutors will fall. Their work is too coarse. Several weeks have gone by since the name of Judge Frick was mentioned through these columns as a candidate for the position of justice of the Supreme court of the state. Since that time there has been nothing to transpire which would change the status of affairs the least The Judge is clearly the choice of the Independent republicans. The conducting of his campaign has been dignified In the extreme. The longen the people discuss his name the more convinced they become that he is the proper man for the position. We are glad to make the people acquainted with Urn for the more they know of him the better they like him. COMPANY. follows:-- . County COARSE POLITICAL 8TATE EVERYBODY Sait take Real Estate is tne sarest, surest and best thing to buy In the whole wide west. It Is cheap, too far cheaper than It should be, considering resources, geographical location, rapidly developing tributary region, climate and the attractions of Salt take. The country around about Is far ahead of Salt Lake. Salt Lake must and will catch up. and while It Is A There Is nothing which antagonizes human nature so greatly as a slate in politics. There seems to be an inborn desire on the part of mankind to break it or at least to crack it. It Is like waving a red flag in the face of C. J. BOWMAN ft CO., a mad bull. It has been the cause of Rooms 11 and 12 Eagle Blit, 8alt Lake City, Utah. splitting more parties than all other causes put together. It is, m s consequence, the cause of more political GEO. M. McCONAUGHY, defeats than any other known thing. The slate depends upon the strength Real Estate and Loane. of the party to carry it through, and In a fighting' election is a source of Investment, Securities, Trades and Business Chances. Ind. Phone 1101. great weakness. The Republican party cannot afford 41 West Second So. SL, a In its convention. slate Salt take City, Utah. Nice homes on easy payments. Farm Cheap lots, any part of city. loans. MEEKS A LYNCH, 315 A 316 Atlas Block, 8alt Lake City, Utah. homes Vacant lota, modern maineaa Investments. Money to Loan. Nineteen years in Real Estate in Salt take City. and Bust-les- a ItOMXKY AND LIX0TTPER8. SALT LAKE REAL ESTATE. Ml SOlTII WEST TEMPLE ST, SALT LAKE CITY. The I.arjcrKt Imlrpradrat Manly Plaat Went of Chlraao. All Klada f Type SHI Ins fmai Agate In Plea Promptly nad Skilfully Kzeepted Special Kdllloaa, Tax J.lata, llrlefa aad ProapcHos a Specialty. A Full l.lae of Machine Harder oa llaad. Write for Eett matra. Addrrna 1. O. Boa 1141, Salt Alwaya Lake City. Bell Phase S117. Now la the time to Invest. A rapid advance is certain. Choice building lots all parts of city, 6100 to 6500, 612.50 cash, 67.50 per month, 7 per cent. HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO., 78 West 2d So. SL OUR MOTTO: Quick Sales In Real Estate. If you want to buy or sell Real Estate, lict your property with us for quick sales. We have the buyers. ll-YA- HOUSTON REAL E8TATE INV. itssentyressreggyppygeyitgiai sysrryryprrrvssyrvsvrsrrvr j4444444444444444444 44444 Salt 2 Lakes Greatest All-Yea- r r Altractioh s ti ti tiThe Sanitarium Baths. Frank build, or borrow, let us know. 49 S. Main St., Hooper-Eldredg- e Easiest terms., Lowest 251 Main St., Salt Lake City. We have all kinds of Investments In real estate and we write all kinds of insurance. ft YOUNG, General Insurance, Real Estate and Loans, 202 Whitlngham Blk., Balt Lake City, Utah. Ind. Tel. 1077. FOR REAL ESTATE See Peterson Real Estate Invest- : yrprevresrerypyyypysryyyyg rewrererespreyprepyppppyj Sdddddddddddddddiiddoeddiid UaSddiiiMeddddiiiidddddddedd Mosea W. Taylor. . TAYLOR BROS. THE HISTORIC WORCESManufactured John by REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS.-Tc- l. TER. Reeves Co., Salt Lake, and Bank Salt Utah National 171., QUEEN OF ALL SAUCE Indorsed by the M. ft take City. Utah. See the Ass'n of Utah. Ask your Salt Lake Real Estate the best InOn the Labels. Grocer. vestment in the world. Utah Commercial and Mining Stocks the safest In the world. qmwretmtmtKKimWRMWWtRR -- rerM-.mi Members Sait take Stock and MinNEW RECORDS FOR OLD ONES. ing Excbange. OM DUc sr CjiMsr rooorta talu a m part ar broken before a HOME or UlY a LOT Nn We advise you re prices advance. FREE TRIAL AND RASY PAYMENTS. tarding localities and make your in icreat ours. The new IMS models of the COLUMBIA QRAPKOPBOM MARINGEll INVESTMENT CO.. embody all ef the latest Improvements te the talking sbmMm 40 East Second south. verld and nre the standard ef perfection. Manager Seeing Salt take City ANY OLD MACHINE TAKEN AS PART PAYMENT Care." In eaehans for the latent type, aad dont forgot that A WRITTEN GUARANTEE EGAN, REAL ESTATE. Backed by tb targert TalMIng Machine Company In tha WorM ttoee With tha Mach.ne. If you want to insure, sell, buy, Y. Taylor. prices. YOUNG Anderson Real Estate Investment Co. THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. Homes on Installment Plan a Specialty. Farms and homes for sale or trade. Horses, Buggies, Etc., Bought or Exchanged. Room 8 O'Meara Block. No. G3V4 W. Second South Street, Salt take City. Homes for rent and sale. BIG PARLEY P. CO. m- - COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH Main SL Atie coupes. Be. CO., GENL ALT LAJCB Oil ment Large list bargains for which we are exclusive agents. Special attention to property of estatea and Old reliable agency. Correspond or call. 330 So. Main SL. Salt taka City, Utah. Co. Big Parley P. Christensens congressional boom is growing apace. From all over the state comes the word that the people are coming to him. He has warm friends where it was thought he would have but enemies. His friends are greater In number In other places than it was thought they would be. From the north and from the south comes the same story. Those who are after the nomination will know congressional they have been in the light of their lives. The big county attorney Is good congressional timber. This Is the reason so many are coming to him. A DINING CAR Is one of the many things you consider when you are trying to figure out the best route East. The dining car service recently estrhllehcd on the Cc lore do Midland, is cf the very In latest modern cars, and W. J. HALLORAN, every respect. The line runs through the mountains all the wry, therefore Real Estate and Loans. and with the Pullman Obserrac 823. Established 1187. cool, Telephone what more can von desire? tlon cars, 14 W. Third South Street, In the evening, spend the Leave Salt Salt take City, Utah. Rockies. 6350.00 buys very choice Main SL next day in the , 4 Lots. SALT LAKE ft MERCUR RAIROAD CO. TIME TABLE. CLIFT HOUSE. Third South and Main Streets, Salt Effective December 10. 1905. Lake City. Eaetbound. Westbound. All New But the Nam. No. 2 No.1 This centrally located and well Arrives. Leaves. Station:. known hotel has been thoroughly re- 11:15 a.m.... Mercur 1:45 p.m. 1:55 p.m. Summit novated and refurnished throughout 11:00 a. m Manning ...,2:35p.m. Under the new management reason- 10:20 s. m 10:05a.m.... Fairfield ....3:13p.m. able rates and first class accommoda- Leaves. Arrives. tions will prevalL REMOVED PILES WITHOUT Can be reached by street cars from KNIFE. all depots DR. JOHNSON, MRS. A. L. MASON. Prop. Specialist in a'l Rectal Diseases, s. ... |