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Show Salt Lake City Utah, Sunday, September Vol. I. DELINQUENT 7 he Rural Repunblica Published Feb-Tua- (ton. Mr. Sharp has proved himself a man of parts. What Is more, he d has proved that he would make a C. Frank Emery has come out and declares that he Is not in splendid sheriff If he Is elected to the the field for a third term as sheriff of position. The Republican party can do no better than consider his name Salt Lake county ' o when this Important office Is before A STRONG CANDIDATE. Its convention. IS NOT A CANDIDATE. NOTICE. Blue Jay Extension Mining Co. Ltd. Every Sunday. Location of principal place of busiOffice of Publication 257 Cora'l Club Bdg, Salt Lake City. ness, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice. There are delinquent upon matter Entered as second-clas- s the following described stock on ac20, 1906, at the post office at count of assessment of one eighth Salt Lake City, Utah, under the Act per share levied on the 25th dayqsnt of of Congress of March S, 1879. July, 1906, the several amounts set opposlt the names of the respective Subscription: shareholders as follows: 75 One year, 81.00; six months, cts; No. three months, 50 cts. 613 James Stirling . . . The above prices are cash in advance 187 Frank Scovllle ... and do not apply to subscription 824 Frank Scovllle . . . due prior to July 14, 1906. 356 Frank Scovllle . . . JA8. T. JAKEMAN, 374 Frank Scovllle ... Managing Editor. 383 Frank Scovllle ... 408 Frank Scovllle . . . LIONEL H. GRAY, Manager. 591 W. M. Pepper ... Editor 140 John Farrington.. J. G. WEAVER 152 A. B. Dunford . . . 190 Wm. Wlscomb . . . METAL MARKET. 207 John Hlgham 206 John E. Wlscomb. F. P. Radcllffe . . . Thursday, 6 Silver, 67 4 cents; 217 144 J. G. Morrison.... 18 cents. 85.75; copper, lead, cents; 325 J. G. Morrison.... Friday, 7 Silver, 67 4 463 J. G. Morrison.... lead, 85.75'; copper, 18 cento. 619 Saturday, 8 Silver, 68 8 cents; 271 J. G. Morrison.... Walter W. King. . cento. 18 85.75; copper, lead, 823 William Lloyd . . 10 lead, Silver. Monday, 8epL 497 William Lloyd. . . . 85.75; copper, 18 cents. lead, 333 Alva L. Scovllle.. Tuesday, 11 Silver, 681-4- ; 334 Walter B. Scovllle .62 25.75; copper, 18 2 cento. .62 Wednesday, 12 Silver, 681-4- ; lead, 385 Walter B. Scovllle 352 Ella B. Scovllle. . . . 62 cents. 5.75; copper, 18 2 407 Ella B. Scovllle. . . . .3114 355 Ellen .. .31 "THE HOLY CITY" September 16th. 380 Ellen Crawshaw Crawshaw . . .31 405 .31 Crawshaw .. For this, the third season of Gordon 357 Ellen E. F. Hanna 6.25 The A Bennett's wonderful drama, 384 Wm. D. 1.25 Holy City, every degree of theatrical 419 Wm. D. Pyper.... .62 exPyper.... to made been has representation 505 Wm. D. Pyper.... 1.25 cel. The allegory, musical, spectacle 378 .31 Clara Wright and thrilling situations so greatly en- 404 Mrs. Mrs. Clara Wright 250 .31 joyed last year, the large company of 381 Maria G. Scovllle. .62 500 In costumed garments superior talent, is of almost bewildering beauty, stronger and more brilliantly arrayed, and additional accessories have been provided. Nothing more dramatically complete will be seen this season and it Is of pleasant record that last years success is being surpassed. Manager Cox confidently expects this engage- - flat-foote- ") WHISKEY IS NOW IN SEASON. WE HAVE TfE GOODS. RIEGER A UNDLEY, "The Whiskey Merchants. Salt Lake City. ry .... 3-- 3-- 1-- 68; No. 38. 16, 1906. The friends of Deputy County Attorney Hansen are growing more busy as the days go by to give him the chlefshlp In the office where he has so ably served during the past two years. He Is certainly a good man for the position and a strong man from a party standpoint. There are others who are aspiring to the position, but at the present Mr. Hansen Is the most spoken of (or the office. I .V, o GETlTHE BEST! A GOOD CANDIDATE. the names which 111 he Among placed before the forthcoming county In having1 your teeth fixed, why not get the beet? Republican convention will be that of r Col. M: M. Kalghn. The colonel will allow his name, to he placed in nom lnatlon for the position of county at torney. Colonel Kalghn Is so well 261 known In Salt Lake county that he scarcely needs an Introduction, and he Gives his personal attention to all work done. Keeps certainly needs none to the Repnbll no hired men or boys to practice on you, and prices can party. With It he has been Identl are within reason. Fifteen years in Utah; seven years tilled since its organisation In Utah, In same office. ICL MAIN STREET. and during all that time his RepubSign, "DIDNT HURT A BIT" BOT. TsL 1679-licanism has been of the stalwart kind. He has always stood high In his profession and as such la fitted to fill UTM1 K DOING "NfCjCOh. the position of county attorney. Col THE OWL 'COTTON re IT onri Kalghn Is a veteran of the Civil MATTReSA War and has ever been a leader In the DRUG local branch of the Grand Army of the (The buyers Republic. His claims to preferment second to none friend) Is locat-ar'- 5 DR. WEST Main Street C. M. BROWN. Visitors to the City and County building have for the past six years seen a face In the office of the county assessor. It is of a young man and the possessor Is known as C. M. Brown. For two years he has been the chief of the office, and his name will go before the republican conven tion. If there Is anything in being f&mHIar with the duties of an office which fit a man for a place then Mr. Brown has that fitness. But beyond all this he has the honesty and the heard headed determination to do right by all which makes him one of the best aasesors. We helleve the republican party will give Mr. Brown a second term and It could do ho better than to do so. K. I ALBERT SEARS. Albert Sears is out again for the nomination for county democratic clerk. Mr. Sears was the choice of his party two years ago for the position but was defeated by Mr. Eldredge. He Is popular In the democratic ranks and a man of good ability. He knows the Ins and outs of the clerk's office having been a deputy In that office for some time. P. C. PERKINS. ed next door UPRIGHT PARTY MAN north of the postofflee, in the city of J. U. Eldredge still stands alone as opportunities, and we do Owl drug business. tho Republican candidate for county clerk. Mr. Eldridge has added to his yTAH. J J. M. TH0MA8 .popularity as a Republican organiser, the popularity of an excelent county . Attorney-at-Laclerk. He deserves a second term In , Salt Lake City, Utah. the office, and we honestly believe he Offices. 11 and 12 Eagle Block. will get the nomination at the hands I Inventions patented. of the Republican party, lie is an marks secured direct with Wash- - j honest, upright party man, and Is ington. not a machine candidate by any man ner of reasoning. -- oPETERSON'S DETECTIVE SERVICE THE SHERIFF. afCounty Recorder Perkins Is out have should he term and ter another It. The principal of second terms as a reward for efficient service Is all SALT LAKE CITY Certain right and should be followed. has not It la that Salt Lake county had as paintaking and falthufl a recorder In her history as It has in Mr. Perkins. He Is always on duty. The affairs of bis offico are always well i ft Wand and in perfect order. Go to the will there you recorder's office and ' ' find Mr. Perkins. Mr. Perkins la a consistent republl-ca- n The Holy City, will also theatres. and has spent many yean la serve to bring to our notice a new star . Utah, flof A Ions time he wss the , on the dramatic firmament In the perCOMPANY, auditor of the Union Padfla son of Miss Luella Morey, a brilliant 328-32-9 Sheriff Emery still hangs to his special car and hotel system. After D. F. Walker Bldg, will be actress that young, emotional word that he Is not in the field for a dining served some time tn. he seen as "Salome, the daughter 'of 8a It Lake City, Utah. third term. Under these circum-1 this in all of these W lUO King Herod. .I., canstances We is the Joe are to SALT all undertake Sharp ALL. leading THATS himself thoroughly SALT prepared proved While we tire of a sameness of the proper detective business intrusted to flldate for the Republican nomination riortbT Md competent objects of everyday life, we never find and Individuals. I to the office. .Mr. Sharp has many I Wjj ror Mr. Perkins a sec. field a the bore amusement class ROYAL CRYSTAL BRAND jLoYsultotlon. first -to. and advice free- -. CaU orlWepds who would like see.hlmjKU)- j y rebordefh'ofltodu-Vand amide thought and study . I ored with the nomination. write. Phones: Ind. 3988, Bell 1316-for anyone. In Miss Morey's rendition Manufactured orly by I o J. U. ELDREDGE. ' of the Queen of Qallllea, who was the INLAND CRYSTAL SALT CO, GIVE THEM SECOND TERMS. beautiful daughter of the puppet King a public servant wno has served the N. W. Clayton, Manager, 1th a hand who an ruled and law with In despotic And accordance Herod, I REMEMBER. 0 As the days go by no o position Is people with Salt Lake City, Utah. the empire in the days of John, she order of the Board of Directors on the If your local merchant does not office he. than llgenoe found of to renomination f the enerfor County her finds the greatest field 25th day of July, 1906, so many shares carry in stock Temple Brand Gar' Recorder has T In the Perkins, Republican JjmLoSa ments, Ranms Head Sweaters, Segies and the one thought In her heart of each parcel will be sold at public ranks. He has handled the office with Jheld It. MrEldrldge Is to rnder this sublime tragedy In a auction at the office of the secretary, THE BERRUM PORTLAND CEMENT ga Lily Underwear, send your ord and le ecffllent, he ers to the sole manufacturers, Salt credit to himself and the county at I way that naught but good many ever 305 D. F.' Walker building, at Salt STONE CO. n h large. It has long been the policy of today than come of It The cast selected in the Lake City, Utah, on September 25th, Lake Knitting Works. as f tte public .y Ber-r- e a his to reward one good CONCRETE each of Miss party public has BUILDING ROCK support Morey I 1906, at the hour of 12 M., to pay the J- - U. Eldredge, the vant can term. bv a second This also been chosen for their special fitness delinquent assessment thereon toI be said of Assessor Brown. No op- - clerk, Is a candidate for the role portrayed, and the scenic with the costs 6f advertising I Since Salt SOLE AGENT8 FOR at School The located position to him has thus far devel- - the office. embellishments are all that one could gether Plerpont never been and expense of sale. . , 87 East North Temple, Salt Lake, lopfd In the Republican ranks. it i came a county, there. has desire. . L. H. GRAY, Secretary. Concrete Block Machines. Want to Re- - office where now he is cnie as true looks fifth and if these tried its 17, opens year, The Holy City will be seen at the September First publication. Sept. 9, 1906. establish a plant in every city, town 1906. This school offers as thor-- 1 publican officials will be renominated. ord Is an open one ana Grand for five performances, starting Last publication, Sept. 23, 1906. and village In Utah. can he has been a consistent party o-ough and excellent work In Its lines I orSunday, September 16th, as It was im Block machines from 8100 upward. worker; aa secretary of the county eastas can be had in the finest possible to secure the attraction for two years Inthe small a for and Start past become and plant ganization ern colleges. Its courses include a longer period this year, and It therecommitNOTICE OF A88ES3MENT NO. 1. dependent. The friends of Frank Hlgglnliotham, as chairman of the county Elocution, Voice and Physical Cul- fore will be another 12 months before I tee. He Is a safe man, a popular man, Correspondence solicited, ture. Public Speaking, Theatricals, who has been chief deputy In the local theatre goers will have an opporcan P. O. Box 1131, Salt Lake City. Write flee of the county auditor, name hint and an efficient man. No more and Shakespeare. Citizens Salt Company, a corporatunity of seeing the beautiful producHe has candidate. 8806-a for Ind asked Phone be a for of the candidate for circulars. las tion. Location of principal place tion again. Republican, nomination for auditor of Salt take richly earned business, Salt Lake City, Utah. county. Frank Is one of the most Notice Is hereby given that at 8MOKE THE BEST. poiilar young Republicans in the counmeeting of the board of directors held ty. He has proved himself to he a on August 29th, 1906, an assessment BLUE POINT PERFECTO CIGAR. The Salt take theater will be opencents per share was levied on of 2 for drunkenness and the opium die- - man of affairs and has got the routineof the exW. 134 of office the and to Whitaker down auditor's three the days Dallas, Makers, during the first eases. There is no publicity, no the capital stock of the corporation, oom-vateALTA BRIEF8. Ladies treated aa pri- - actness of an applied science. He ing week to the Salt take Opera 3rd South Street, Salt take City. imyaov' October 3rd, 1906, to L. H. Is an aggrega-Keele- y a baa of friends to who host ould like This company 300-The homes. own F. pany. D. as Wal their at I The directors of the West Colum- Gray, fleasurer, at Institute. 334 W- - So. Tem- - RPe hint on the tlcet, and no opposi I tion of local vocalists, with Emma Salt Lake City, Utah. bus and Alta Peruvlon companies have ker Bldg., so tion has far their appeared against Lucy Gates as the prima donna, and WASH IT AWAY. pie, Salt Lake City, Utah. Any stock upon which this assess come to an agreement over boundary wishes. It looks strongly as if Frank J. J. McClelland aathe conductor. The on 3rd the remain ment may unpaid It held would land the nomination. Lead and uremic poisoning cured. lines without the necessity of going bill la the Wedding Ring. day of October, 1906, will be delin' Castilla Hot of o last the the does to court about It portion boards Water the during Springs ' quent and advertised for sale at pub- work. Rheumatism vanishes at Its of all is TRUNK8. It THE COUNTY and Jt Jt worthy ATTORNEYSHIP. last week, TRUNKS, unless payment Is C. H. William S. Cleaves, one cf the big lic auction, and praise. will be sold on the 25th touch. For rates apply to R. 223 The choice of a candidate for the men In the City Rocks company, came made before, Room Southworth, Manager, of hour of the at October, 1906, A Womans Sacrifice has been the in from Houghton, Mich., and visited day position of county attorney is always D. F. Walker Commercial Club building, Salt take at 300-- 1 bill at the New Grand during the last a one for the Alta last week. He has gone back to 12 o'clock, pleasant Republican City. sucSalt Lake City, Utah, to pay the party. It has so many young lawyers week, with the Holy City" the Michigan to dream of his blight pros- Bldg., assessment, together with bill. This playhouse is holddelinquent alceeding of in Its Do You Work? is ranks It that Yant ability pects. 155 Main St., Salt Lake. the cost of advertising and expenses JtJt WORK FOR EVERYBODY. ways assured of proper timber when ing its own among the amusement sale. of a selection Is to be made. A. E. Snow of the South Columbus Among houses of the city. Teamsters, Laborers, Always Wanted. r.'exwcxxsxJxxj.y.jfv. isvnstsrosyas L. H. GRAY, Secretary. none of Kinds to who We All those the was up from the metropolis last week Furnish Help. place aspire D. F. Walker Bldg-Sa- lt The Orpheum is giving high-clas- s Office, 300-DIXON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. WINDSOR. stands higher in the estimation of and looked over the properties. When and Is keeping up Its repuvaudeville, I.ake Utah. City, 62 East First South, Salt take City. EUROPEAN HOTEL. the bar and the people at large than he returned to the briny burg it Is safe as Is also the little "lion Ton tation. 23, last First pub., 2; Sept. Sept. 923. 1872-Lake two Phone for Salt Ind. Willard Hansen, who Bell 'Phone City. to say he was elated with the appear- 1906. on Main sheet .At the Lyric the stock . .Located in the heart of the city. ance of things. occupied the position of deputy B earning the thanks of the hjis Ratea Reasonable. CUTLER BROS. CO. In the office. Jt Jt theater-goinpublic by 11s rendition First-class Mr. Hansen is too well known as of Light, airy, clean rooms. The Columbus Consolidated comtast week the bill plays, popular Knit Underwear and Woolen Goods. NO. 18. In every respect. Steam, heat. Elec- a Republican to need any lntroduc-- l pany marketed during the first six NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT to on Best order, earth, pants tric Lights. tion from us. tast year he occupied days of the month 442 tons of crude houses, 83.50. Copper Glance Consolidated Mining, the position of chairman of the city I ore, which netted abbut 860 per ton, cor36 Main 8L, Salt Lake City, Utah. To be assured of a pleasant Republican committee and filled the it may lie said that the theater bringing more than 836,300. The com- Milling and Smelting company, a eaat. purchase your tickets vis the poration. Location of principal place with credit to himself and j son is falrlv oen in the city. People panys August receipts aggregated of business. Salt take City, Utah. Men and women to learn barl-e- r trade the. party at large. In the position of I fro rathe outside will be able to spend about 830,000. Notice Is hereby given that at a Jt Jt deputy he has shown that he Is made pleasant evenings while in town, held in 8 weeks. Wages paid every night of the timber of which good county Sidney Bamberger, who was ten- meeting of the board of directors dered the position of manager of the on August 28th, 1906, an assessment Graduates earn 815 to 833 per week. attorneys are made. The Republican cent per share was levied on Cat free. Write us. Mohler System West Columbus Copper company ! of party would make no blunder if It 60 YEARS some time ago, has concluded not to the capital stock of the corporation. of Colleges, 62 E. First South St. Salt gives him the nomination. EXPERIENCE October 3rd, 1906, to L. H. duties other so payable has many He accept ake City, Utah. THE SHERIFF. which demand hla attention that he Gray, treasurer, at 300--1 D. F. Walfinds It Impossible lo look after the ker Bldg., Salt take City, Utah.assessECZEMA AND PILE CURE FREE The Republican party has always! Any stock upon which this Interests of the Alta proposition. I Knowing what It was to suffer, on the 3rd been ment remain may happy In its choice of a sheriff unpaid Jt will give FREE OF CHARGE, to any jt never It has delinhe 1906. will of October. Salt for county. take shareholders of day The annual meeting afieflted a positive cure for Eczema. I chosen a inan but who proved himself of the City Rocks Mining company quent and advertised for sale at pub- Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Piles and Tradc Mark elected when desired be Is could reunless all and that lic payment auction, Designs Skin Diseases. Instant relief. Dont was held In Salt Lake City and has C. Frank 25th on sold Emery to the position. the be Ac. Copyrights suffer longer. Write F. W. WII, from Omaha to Chicago. sulted in the election of W. S. Cleaves madeofbefore, will 1906, and and four Mfidtns iM(b years daaertpHnn at the hour of LIAMS. 400 Manhattan Avenue. New held the position for Aiwhlarartain October, wbathar as president; John Edwards, vice day our fna opinion Blrtlr been has ever D. F. Walker York. Enclose nankin First-clas- s secre- 12 oclock, at 300-- 1 service also between no word of complaint I stamp. president; James P. Edwards, HlrtonMontlai. HMUBOl on PmmUp to pay the beard against his handling of the Salt take Utah, L. Edwards, Omaha R. City, Bldg., and fTM. iftdMC unm-- tor and l Chicago Minneapolis treasurer; and tary poA Co. laatfvs Patpnti taUn tbrouah Mann assessment, together with and SL Louis, as well as all points In office. So well has he filled the are GLADSTONE HOTEL. without charm, la tan manager, and W. S. Zehring. assistant delinquent ytnlwlln. sition that many of his friends cost of advertising and expenses the M. Marshal, Prop. South Mrs. A. the SontheasL and secretary. Mr. I of sale. urging him for a third term. 119 South Main SL, Salt take City. I that however, or on full writs For Information call says, Sacramento H. L. constantly GRAY, Secretory. Emery A haadaowalr lUaamtad waatlr. Inraeatehu Neatly furnished rooms by the day. The treasury cf the event In the field. Varna. S3 a the reIn not 300-Is anlatipa of anr he Salt been D. F. Walker Bldg., Week or Month. Office, Gold Mining company b roar: fraraaontha.il. Sold by all aawadaalatn. then A. J. FOLEY, the of out running, Is he that the Utah. cento 50 818,000, Rates. to cf extent take City, the per to dty. plenished New York 'Commercial Agent, his well known deputy, . Mr. J. C.- MUNN First pub.. Sept. 2; last. Sept. 23, Special rates by the day, week or net returns from the late shipment of Bran OOaw OS SU WaaShHMfc St Is a candidate for the posiNo. 75 West Second South StreeL Sharp, month. 1906. quicksilver. You buy w fresh Eggs. Why hot insist onit HEWLETT'S FRESH Tf! ROASTED COFFEES. ts-' f V 6!) lerepuir J 7. I Utah State News 1 -- . com-sicknes- s. ly 1 Oliver Meredith, Trunk Manufactur- er. I 1 e" g I sea-positi- Illinois Central nru inmnik Scientific American. 1 81-5- 6 I JL Jr |