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Show : CLEARING A WRECK HAY FEVER FOR ENTERTAINING CHILDR Some Games That Will Afford Amw mont to tho Llttlo Folks. 'Having uu4 Ptraaa for catarrh mud hayftvtr, tmm ncommtn&it to mil whs HARDEST WORK DONE BY THE MEN OF THE RAIL. It is not a difficult matUr to git art tufftriag with tht above datauu 1 children a happy time, because mm happy to ha atit to up it has htifti To them their responsiveness. MM wmdtrfultj" Outfit and Complete Equipment Kept splendid time" means merely a fe Smith. Maynu Always In RsadlnsM for Emergencies- Lessons That Accidents Should Teach. 444 E. Ummd Strrtt, Cohtmhu, Ohio. FEVER is emlemie catarrh. It caused by some irritating substance in theatoifjsphere during the late summer montha thou, HAY 40-to- six-inc- h and Change of locality teems to be the only rationnl cure. The use of Peruna, however, ht imulstes the nervous Rystem to reshit the effect of the poisonous emanations and sometimes carries the victim through the huy fever season without an attack of the disease. A largo number of people rely upon Peruna for this purpose. Those who do not And it convenient to change their location to avoid II ay Fever, would do well to give Peruna a trial. It has proven of priceless value to many people. Three Great Conversationalists. The three greatest conversational lets with whom it has been my good fortune to come into touch were Mas-sln- l, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes and biamark. Of these, Dr. Holmes was the most spirited in the bel esprit sense; Bismarck the most imposing and at the same time the most entertaining in point of wit, sarcasm, anecdote and of historical narrative Interest, brought out with rushing vivacity and of illumination lightning-lik- e conditions, facts and men. In Mazzinl words there breathed each a warmth and depth of convlo-tlosuch enthusiasm of faith in the sacredness of the principles professed and of the aims pursued by Aim, that it was difficult to resist such a power of fascination. Carl Schura, la McClure's Magazine. .with n, His 8cheme Worked. It is related that a certain man was recently very sad because his wife had gone out of town on a visit, which she would not shorten in spite of his appeals to her to come home. He finally hit upon a plan to Induce her to return. He sent her a copy of each of the local papers with one item clipped out. and when she wrote to find out what it was he had clipped out he refused to tell her. In The scheme worked admirably! less than a week she was home to find out what it was that had been going on that her husband didnt want her to know about Pittsburg Press. Facial. "Don't you think her face too thin? "Well, I don't know. I can't see any place where it's worn through. Can your Puck. STOMACH You want a story of bow we clear away wrecks? "Well," says the old wrecking foreman, In an article in the Iron Trail, "peihaps It is after a herd day's work on the 'rip tracks, repairing broken down cars; for usually the wrecking crew is made, up of ten of the car re-pair men. "Every man knows exactly where the wrecking outfit Is on by the roundhouse where the night crew la doing all it can to hurry along the fire and the rising steam pressure of the engine that Is to take the outfit on its errand of mercy. "This 'outfit,' If it Is modern, consists of a steam derrick car, with team always up, weighing in the neighborhood of 160,000 pounds, with a lifting capacity of 65 tons. "Behind the derrick comes the truck car. It contains extra trucks to be used under derailed cars or cat bodies whose trucks have been ruined Next comes the blocking car, loaded down with all necessary blocking and timber. "Then there is the track supply car, equipped with all the necessary track material, such as ties and rails. This carries Jacks of all descriptions, from n hya pony Jack to a draulic. It is loaded also with bars, wrenches, dope chisels, hammers, buckets, packing spoons, lines, tackles and blocks, night and day signals, tan paullns for covering merchandise and stretchers, blankets and sheets for the Injured and the dead. "Next is the cook and bunk car and finally the caboose. The former has s range, a refrigerator and a stock oi food that will keep. bunks for 18 or 20 men. This train, or 'outfit,' as-i- t is called, is always coupled together and stored on a side track. "The wrecking outfit' has the right of way over all trains between the starting point and the place where the wreck occurs. Passenger, atock and freight are all side tracked. "A stop is made at the station or siding nearest the wreck. Here the steam derrick is switched ahead of the engine, with the rest of the outfit coupled behind. On arriving at r the wreck a man is stationed at the front end of the crane whose duty It la to give signals to the engineer of the derrick, whether to raise, lower or to awing the crape. "The first thing a wrecking foreman does after finding out where the Injured are and getting them loose la to figure on working a passageway through the wreck and replacing the track as the debris Is cleared. If the wreck is a bad one and there Is the chance a temporary track Is built around the mess that traffic may be resumed as soon as possible. "Cars that are damaged to the extent of 100 are dragged into the ditch, all the truck and air brake rigging taken from them and the body of the car set afire. All of the iron parts are afterward loaded on to flat cars, often even the boiler of the locomotive. This scrap la taken to the shop to be repaired and used over again. One time we went to pick up stock wreck of 11 cars. These, next to passenger wrecks, are the worst to handle. This particular wreck was one of great confusion. The penned cattle were bellowing frightfully. On each side and far over toward the fence lay dead or injured stock. "Now there is nothing that makes these western steers so angry as the smell of blood, and add to that injury and the terrible excitement of a wreck and you have a combination that makes the poor animals fairly crasy. Woe to the man who gets dose to a head or the .heels of a struggling beast The cars were piled in such a way that we ware compelled to rip the tops off. , "Then men crawled out along the wreckage, fastened lines about the horns, and with the aid of the derrick the animals were finally dragged loose . Those in the car thqt were badly injured were" killed by a blow on the head with a sledge, while the others were rounded up by men on horseback and herded Into the field, to be finally driven to the first stock chute and there reloaded. "Yes, passenger wrecks are, without a doubt, the very worst and It can be said of them, as of war, they are anything but cool, "The lessons wrecks should teach PAINS Williams Pink Pills Brought Relief, and Cure for Splitting Headaches as Welt Dr. Williams Pink mis, a remedy Dr.. which has beeu before tlie American peo-pi- e for a general iou, is still acoomplUh' Ing wonderful results as is evidenced by the following interview with Mrs. Rachael Gardner, of Wilsey, Kan a. "It whs very strange, slie aays, never coaid tell what canned it and. neither could anybody else. For n long time I linil bad spells with my stomah The pain would commence about & heart and was so deadly agonizing that would have to scream aloud. Sometimes it would last several hours and I would have to take laudanum to stop it. Besides this I bod a headache almost con' stantly, day and night, that nearly erased me, so yon nee I suffered a great deal. And when I think of the agony I endured it still mokes me shudder. " Doctors, did yon say? Their medicine made me sicker. I couldn't take it and I kept growing worse until n friend advised me to take Dr. Williams Pink Pills, and I did. I began to feel better and was soon wholly converted to this wonderful medicine. It did mo man good than I bad ever hoped for. I kept on with the pills and now I xeoommcnd them to all who suffer. Dr. Williams Pink Pills have cured severe cases of indigestion, bloodlesaness, influenza, headaches, backaches, lumbago, sciatica, neuralgia, nervousness and spinal weakness. The genuine Dr. Williams Pink Pills are guaranteed to be free from opiates or any harmful drugs and cannot injurs themost delicate system. At all druggists, or from tho Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Scbeneotad & N.Y., postpaid on receipt of price, cents per box, six boxes lot 13.60. It-ha-s -- as? "Never to tako chances. Never make men work longer than nature Intended they should. Equip all roads with every safety device known for safe train handling. Make the train order system as simple as possible. Stop loading cars beyond their capacity and until they break down. Employ only experienced men, and when such men make mistakes and trouble Is the result keep them; do not 'can them, for nine chances out of ten they will never make the same ntintnv again. We all learn by experience, therefore the man who hai mdt mistake Is a safer man, for all concerned, than one who has not." Significant Facta. Then remain the facts, howsver. that more passengers are killed In collisions and derailments than in any other way, and that about two-thirof tho collisions occur on railroads d not and by reason ol errors which do not occur la N. Y. Praia. block-signale- block-Signalin- folly games, some bright music, perhaps a little dance, a light supper and a tiny souvenir. Their childish wishes are then more gratified and they go home happy as larks. For children from five to 12 yean of age, four to eight o'clock is the best time for the party, supper being at about half after six. For tiny tots, from three to six o'clock is a more suitable time, with' supper served at five o'clock. When a boy or girl ran write hie or her own Invitations they are much more appreciated by their little friends. But, for the wee tots, mother must, of course, send out the Invitations. . ai these parties the little host or hostess must welcome each guest aa he or ahe arrives. Mother, or some, older person should stand in the background and cordially second the welcome first extended by the little host or hostess. Half an hour may be allowed for assembling and then the games should begin. A very amusing form of entertainment is to request each little girl to bring her best doll, and each little boy Ua finest toy dog. Then have a baby show" and dog show." Let each little girl show her baby doll and let the Judges decide which is the cutest, which is the fattest," which is the prettiest," and which is Award the prises the best dressed. to each little mother. After this have 'the dog show." Let each little man show his dog In the ring, and have some grown men to decide the various points of the dogs shown, and then sward the prises. A lawn hunt is very nice for childrens parties. Sduvenirs of various kinds, wrapped in paper are hidden here and there over the lawn and the little one who finds the most of these packages receives a prize. Peanuts or fruits may be substituted for the packages.) Physicians Recommend Castoria rASTOEIA has met with pronounced favor on the part of physicians, pharma ceutical societies and medical authorities It is used by physicians with results most gratifying Tho extended use of Cagtoria is unquestionably tho result of three facts Fint The indispntahlodence that it is harmless That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, hut assimilates the food Thirt It fs an agreeable and perfect substitute for Castor Oil It is absolutely safe. It does not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other narcotic and does not stupefy It is unlike Soothing Syrups, Batemans Drops, Godfreys Cordial, etc This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say Our duty, ever, is to expose danger and record the means of advancing health The day for poisoning innocent children through greed or ignorance ought to end. To our knowledge, Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health, by the not and readers our are entitled to regulating Bystem by stupefying it the informatioiL Matt's Journal of Health. Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. MM AVfegctablc fteparaiionfarAs-similalinthcFood and Regula- g ting the Stomachs and D(mcis of 1 1 n r, n ts'Ch ltD Rf n i Promotes Digeslion.CheerfuI-ne-ss and Rest.Contains neither Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral. hot Narcotic. jfcgvarowifeHMmm&ar Ai Ho Sad-- M- - . u-- A perfect Remedy forConstipa-lioSour Stomach. Diarrhoea n, Centerpiece Holders. Some one hasRevented a pretty treatment of tlroomstlck or the pasteboard mailing tube which so many women have found the most satisfactory thing to wind center pieces and doilies around when they have Just been done up. A 25 Inch square of flowered dimity Is edged with narrow lace or bound with wash ribbon or with one of the many, pretty wash braids and attached to the tube, which has been covered with cotton batting in which sachet powder has been freely sprinkled, and then with the material. The doilies are laid fiat npon the square as soon as they have thoroughly aired after Ironing and are loosely rolled around tbe tube, both dollies and outer covering 'kept from unrollribbons attached, one ing by Inch-wid- e In the middle of the roll and one on each side near the end. Worms .Convulsions Jfeyerish-nes- . GENUINE s and Loss OF SLEEP. facsimile Signature of CASTORIA Bean tbe Signature of I ) EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. The Kind Ton Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. m Ill MOTMM M.MUti TV KUUUT ITRIST, NSW Cannot cr. 3.50A3.00 Shoes nEET IN THE WORLD $4 Gift Edgi Has, ManottMqirilsdilajprlM nitfiMin! W. I Don glu - Use for Worn-Ou- t Bucket. A pan or bucket in which holes have been worn may be made available for carrying water for flowers if small pieces of clotll are pulled through the flo.es as for aa they will go. Job-N- Tfoara 1 to mnrt oumplruin thu ooantrv BtoAfor Cato! Antiseptic for (VmveitlmnkNtF-i- DITCUTC CIl a". peared. OfTT W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES FOB. EVERYBODY AT AU. PXICXfl, Man's Show, SB to f LBO. JoW Show S3 l obi ment in your bands? B1MON WATCH cu. P. jimr. Care of Household 8ilver. a BosSI.M jiil Kewftrk! 1836. 11, or told been "August read that potaHaving is "'That is enough. Gentlemen of DEFIANCE STARCH IL to water will clean silver, I have tried package it for several weeks; and the method the Jury our case la closed." other uorrh-- only 12 nnrn m pile aad "DEFIANCE" IS SUPERIOR QUALITV. promises to reduce such work to a candidate But the defeated doesn't minimum. Each day at dinner time, the water In which potatoes have rare much what else happens. PATEXT ATTOKXETS. boiled is poured into a wide pan. In this la arranged all the silver as It I Trade Marks, I U LabelsCopyright sad comes from tbe table. There should proeared. li. 0. Nathan Bicsfosn, til F u. woahingtoo, be water sufficient to cover the sliver, and It Is left In the pan till the dishes W. N. U Salt Lake City, No. 37, 1906. are washed. The first two trials took off the egg stains, and after a week all general tarnishes had disappeared. Silver powder was applied to a few obstinate spots, and the entire collection looks as if freshly scoured. Mary A. Clark. If alabaster ornaments are merely grimy, washing with soap and water will clean them; if. however, they are stained, wash them first and then spread over them a mixture of whiting and water, made into a stiff paste, wash this off after a few home, when the stains win probably have disap- ALWAYS NEW YORK. l o sjo (I CTS'l.s' Paxtine Washing Ornaments. Fletcher. Caa-tort- Lincoln ac a Lawyer. You A leader of the Lincoln party told the other day in Philadelphia a story of the astuteness of Lincoln as a lawyer. "When Lincoln waa practising law, he said, he had a case Involving a all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal condisputed wilL The opposition claimed ditions of the mucous membrane such as Back Has New Fixings. nasal catarrh,uterlne catarrh caused The French women are fastening the will was genuine and for several feminine ills, sore throat, sore their skirts on the side, closing the hours adduced proof of this. For by mouth or inflamed eyes by simply to who Lincoln, had a the will prove back, fitting it perfectly to the belt idosing the stomach. The small snap catches are used, forgery, things looked black. But you surely can cure these stubborn "Lincoln, however, only called one affections and tbe assurance that ones gown is by local treatment with Intact and perfectly fitted at the back witness, a retired paper manufacturrenowned over er, Toilets wwMMMmmMasa the for country solves a problem that has long agitatsstaWMl his wealth and probity. ed the feminine mind. which destroys the disease germs,checlcs "'Mr. Dash, Lincoln said to this discharges, Buttons, stops pain, and heals tiie delicately embroidered, are a popular fad. Cut silk or cloth witness, banding him the disputed inflammation and soreness. will, please hold that paper up to Paxtine represents the most successful In circles; baste the circles to be embroidered on to a stiff tarleton; with the light and tell us what is the water local treatment for feminine ills ever on it produced. Thousands of women testify shaded silks in tbe pastel colors, em- mark " The water mark of to this fact. 50 cents at druggists. own my Irm, broider tiny leaves, French knots, a Blank A Co., the witness answered. Send for Free Trial Box vine of threads in graduated lengths. " 'When did your firm begin to THE K. PAXTON CO. Boston. Mass. The wooden molds neatly covered with a pretty design will amply repay manufacture paper? 'In 1841. SPECIAL OFFER I the dainty worker. " 'And what's the date of the docu- Aiiefcpt.HMoi Wind and stem ftet. To Clean Frames. Dont attempt to clean picture frames covered with goldleaf, as the finest and most beautiful of all gold frames are. Yon can tell them by the way the gold, as you look at It closely, seems laid on, here and there curling ever so slightly away from the frame. Any sort of cleaning, except the moat casual dusting. Is bound to make the gold scale off In an unsightly fashion. II. Dr. B. Halstead 8cott, of Chicago, Ills., says: "I have prescribed your Castoria often for Infants during my practice, and find it very satisfactory." Dr. William Belmont, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "Your Castoria standa first in its class. In my thirty years of practice I can say I never have found anything that so filled the place." Dr. J. 1L Taft, of Brooklyn, N. Y., aays: "I have need your Castoria and found it an excellent remedy in my household and private practice for many years. The formula la excellent Dr. It J. Ilamlen, of Detroit, Mich., aays: "I prescribe your Castoria extensively, as I have never found anything to equal it for childrens troubles. I am aware that there are imitations in the field, but I always Bee that my patients get Fletchers." Dr.Wm. J MoCrann, of Omaha, Neb., says: "As the father of thirteen children I certainly know something about your great medicine, and aside from my own family experience I have in my years of practice found s a popular and efficient remedy in almost every home." Dr. J. IL Clausen, of Philadelphia, Fa., says: "The name that your Caa-torl-a has made for itself in the tens of thousands of homes blessed by the presence of children, scarcely needs to be supplemented by the endorsement of the medical profession, but I, for one, most heartily endorse It and believe it an excellent remedy. Dr. It. M. Ward, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Physicians generally do not prescribe proprietary preparations, but in the case of Castoria my experience, like that of many other physicians, has taught me to make an exception. I prescribe your Castoria in my practice because I have found It to be a thoroughly reliable remedy for children's complaints. Any physician who has raised a family, as I have, will Join me in heartiest recommendation of Castoria. Do-lA- to 1.OS. Woman's Bboaa. SA.OO to SlAo. Until' A Children' StioM. SAM to SUM. Try W. L, Dougin Womw'L Ml moo sad otssdi Children' iImh; for atjrlo, thn tseel othor tushes. If I could take you Into my large factories at Brockton, Mass. .and show you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then underrtand why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater value than any other make. Wherever yoe live, yoo an obtain W. L. Hie mom and prlc U steamed on tho bottom, which protect yea against high price and Inferior shoes. Tmkm no rwhrfi. Ask your dealer lor W. 1 Douglas boss fur. and Inalat upon having them. Fart Color tooloto uooo; thou mIII out wmjr brassy Write lor illustrated Catalog ol Fall Styles. W. L DOUULAS, Dept. 12. Brack loo, Mara. Douglas shoes. BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT MAKE EVERYDAY 3(1 y COUNT-- ' tJL namatterhow' ,baa the weather You cannot afford to be without a TOWERS WATERPROOF OILED surr ,,OR SLICKER When you buy tooK lor the SIGN OF THE FISH pa ton u uh parser h.hl ana Maple rUL WINTER iWheat. Mh.Sat.Lr BUkiUKU Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Burns, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1. Sold by all Druggists. |