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Show The Age of Lead. Wo are wont to apeak of thla era aa the age of Iron, and there la no galnaajrlng that. Industrially iipeaklng, iron la a precious metal." Nevertheless, few people realize how useful, If not absolutely neces. sary, to modem civilisation, la that other metal, lead. Soft, yielding: pliable, it is not much like ita Bister metal, but those distinguishing quail ties are what give It such a prominent place in the arts and industries. Modem plumbing, requiring many turnings and twistings, but withal tight Joints, would be almost impossible without lead pipe. The great est civilizing agent in the world the printing art is absolutely dependent on lead. Hand-se- t type, linotype slugs," monotype type all are made of compositions of which lead is the chief component to say nothing of the bearings in the presses as well aa all other kinds of machinery in which babbitt" metal is used. Solder la another lead product what a field of usefulness that one form opens up. Then there is the most Important , tase of all to which lead is put paint, that necessary material which 4c eeps our houses looking pretty Inside pnd out and preserves them from decay. How many of ua thank metallic lead for the comforts of paint? Yet the beat house paint is nothing but metallic lead corroded by add to a white powder known aa white lead." Of course, there are many imitations of white lead," some of whim are sold as white lead and some which are d offered by the name of paint under the familiar pretense that they are Just as good" aa white lead. But all good paint is made of the metal, lead, corroded and ground to a fine white powder and mixed with linseed oil. White lead la also used In the coating of fine oil cloths and for many purposes besides paint Red lead" is another product of metallic lead and is what is known aa an oxide of lead, being produced by burning the metal. Red lead is the beat paint known to preserve iron, ateel or tin, and la used largely in painting metal structures, such aa akyacraper skeletons, mills and bridges. There are many other products of the metal lead, auch as litharge, orange mineral, etc., which are essential to many of the arts in which we never imagine that lead would be of the leaat use. Verily, we live in an age of lead aa well as of Iron. ready-prepare- States of Brazil. Politically, Brazil is divided into SI states (including the federal district), but so unequal is the division that three of these embrace practically her entire lowlands, as well as a portion of the western uplands, and exceed In area the remaining 18, which lie within the highland region, except for their narrow margins upon the coast These latter, however, contain more than 96 per cent of the popula- When Woman Isnt. Young. The report is that a local religious institution which is for young women" has drawn the deadline of youth at S6. Every woman over that age will be marked 23 and requested to skiddoo. This Is painful. It Is unkind. What is worse, it is impracticable. We are glad the task Is to be performed by women. No man nor set of men would ever have dared tackle such a problem not they. . This is simply another example of womans inhumanity to woman. ' We have been told for many ages ithst a woman is as old as she looks .and a man is as old as he feels. Just now, we say it with regret, most women look like 60 and most men feel like Methuselah. But the 'general rule seems, a good one. It is a plain, unpalatable fact that women will deceive as to their age as long as possible and Itfaen openly lie about It. There are many women who were born during the ravages of the civil war who still claim sweetly to be in the thirties. HOW MANY OF U8f Fall to Select Food Nature Demands to Ward Off Ailments. A Ky. lady, speaking aboat food, saya: "I was accustomed to eating all kinds of ordinary food until, for some reason, indigestion and nervous prostration set in. ?After I bad run down seriously my attention was called to the necessity of some change in my diet, and I discontinued my ordinary breakfast and began using Grape-Nut- s with a good quantity of rich cream. In a few days my condition changed in a remarkable way, and I began to harre a strength that I had never been possessed of before, a vigor of body and a poise of mind that amazed me. It was entirely new In my experience. "My former attacks of Indigestion had been accompanied by heat flashes, and many times my condition was distressing, with blind spells of dizziness, rush of blood to the head and neuralgic pains In the chest Since using Grape-Nut- s alone for breakfast I have been free from these troubles, except at times when I have Indulged in rich, greasy foods In quantity, then I would be warned by pain under the left shoulder blade, and unless I heeded the warning the bid trouble would come back, but erben I finally got to know where these troubles originated I returned to my Grape-Nut- s and cream and the pain and disturbance left very quickly. 1 am now In prime health as a result of my use of Grape-Nuts.- " Name given by Ponum Co, Battle Creek, Mich. & SR;C Author of TRe&afdmf&o by g. B. Crockett) ward them and punctuating his meaning upon the palm of his left hand with the fingers of his right Tho Hall of tho Guard. If I. Loud rang the laughter in the hall Werner of Orseln, were now to walk Kerns-berat Castle of the upstairs, and in so many words tell There bad come an embassy my lady, the sweet, easy princess from the hereditary Princess of Plass-enbur- as you name her, Joan of the Sword, recently established upon the as we are proud throne of her ancestors, to the DuchJoan of the Sword! Hoch! s ess Joan of Hohensteln, ruler of that The at the lower table, cluster of hill statelets which is called the bearded captains at the high collectively Masurenland, and which bonrd, the very page boys lounging In Hohensteln, the the niches, rose to their feet at the Includes, besides original Eagles Eyrie, Kernswald very name, pronounced in a voice of thunder-prid- e also, and Marlenfeld. by Chief Captain Werner. the in of the hall audience, Above, "I thank you, gentlemen, on behalf ambassador, one Leopold von a great lord and most learned of my lady, in whose name I comcouncillor of state, sat alone with the mand here, said Werner, bowing cereyoung duchess. They were eating of moniously to all around, while the the baked meats and drinking the others settled themselves to listen. Now; worthy soldiers of plassengood Rhenish up there. But, after all, it was much merrier down below with burg," he went on, be it knqwn to Werner von Orseln, Alt Plkker, Peter you that if (to suppose a case which Balta, and John of Thorn, though will not happen) I were to tell our what they ate was mostly but plain Lady Joan what you have confessed and their drink the strong to ua here and boasted of that you ale native to the hill lands, which is lied and double lied to her I lay my life and the lives of these, good felcalled Wendlsh mead. Get you down. Captains Jorian and lows that the pair of you would be Boris," the young duchess had com- aswlng from the corner gallery of the Lions Tower in something under five manded, looking very handsome and minutes. e twenty-onof in her the pride haughty Jorian rose to his feet Up, Boris!" years, her eight strong castles, no kern of and her two thousand men ready to he cried; rise at her word; down to the hall, Hohensteln that ever lived, shall over g where my officers send round the was- crow a captain of the armies of and a soldier of the Princess sail. If they do not treat you well, Helene Heaven bless her. Take your e'en come up and tell it to me. ring in your hand. Boris, for we will Good! had responded the two soldiers of the Princess of Plassenburg, go up straightway, you and i! And we will tell the Lady Duchess Joan turning them about as if they had been hinged on the same stick, and that, having no sweetheart at legal and no desire for sky, we starting forward with precisely the standing, shame stiff hitch from the halt, they choused her into the belief ttsat we would bestow her rings upon ohr bemade for the door. trothed in the rose gardens of 'PlasBut stay," Joan of Hohensteln had Then we will see if indeed said, ere they reached It, here are a senburg. we shall be in five minutes couple of rings. My father left me Ready, Boris? aswlng one or two such. Fit them upon your Aye, thrice ready, Jorian!" fingers and when you return give About then! Quick march I" them to the maidens of your choice." A great noise of clapping rose litAnd with their rings upon their round the hall as the two stout sol tle fingers the two burly captains went diers set themselves to march up the down the narrow stair of Castle staircase by which they had Just desKernsberg. Being arrived at the hall cended. beneath they soon found themselves Stand to the center of a hospitable circle. Gruff, the chief the doors!" cried Werner, captain, do not let them bearded Wendlsh men were these ofStand up and drink a deep cup ficers of the young duchess; not a pass. to them, rather! To Captains Jorian butterfly youngling nor 'a courtly car- and Boris of Plassenburg, brave felpet knight among them, but men tanlows both! sol-of the ned like shlpmen Baltic, The toast was drunk amid multimostly who had served under tudinous shoutings and hanriahfcfng he father Henry, foraging upon occatwo men had stopped perforei The direcone in sion as far as the Mark in the other, for the doors were in the hands of tion and Into the soldiers of the guard, and the pike men grounded and compacted after points clustered thick in their paths the hearts of Jorian and Boris. turned now in the direction of It was small wonder that among They the high table from which they had the such congenial society risen. found themselves presently very Sit down, gentlemen, and I also much at home. Scarcely were they seated when Jorian began to brag will sit Now hearken well, said of the gift the duchess had given him Werner; these good fellows of mine will bear me out that I lie not You for the maiden of his troth. And Boris here, that hulking co- have done bravely and spoken up like bold, that Hans Klapper upon the good men taken in a fault But we spoiled the will not permit yoif to go to your housetops, had well-nig- h asked him deaths. For. our Lady Joan God bless her for whep ladyship jest; sweet voice for her would not take" a false word in her time a secopd the name of his betrothed, he must from any no, not if It were on needs lay his tonguq to Gretchen, Twelfth Night or after a Christmas She would not forgive Instead of Katrin as he had done at merry-makinit from your old Longbeard upstairs, the first! Werner von Orseln, the eldest and whose business it is that Is, if she It out. To the gallows! she gravest of all, glanced round the full found circle of his mess. Then he looked would say, and we why, we should back at the two captains of the em- sorrow for having to hasten the two good men. Keep bassy guard of Plassenburg with a stretchings of and keep also your lads, your rings, pitying glance. And you lied about your sweet- wits about you when the duchess hearts to the Duchess Joan" he said. questions you again. Nay, when you Ha, hal Yes! I trow yes," quoth return to Plassenburg, be wise, seek Wine may be dear, out a Gretchen and a Katrin and beJorian jovially. stow the rings upon them that is, if ever you mean again to stand within the danger of Joan of the Sword in this her castle of Kernsberg! "Gretchens are none so scarce in I Plassenburg, muttered Jorian. think we can satisfy her but at a cheaper price than a ring of rubles set in gold!" (Copyright, 1191, 1900, CHAPTER I. men-at-ar- g, men-at-arm- Des-saue- r, Plaa-senbur- T 1 V Bor-Russ- g. i CHAPTER II. The Baiting of the 8parhawk. Bring in the Danish Sparhawk, and we will bait bim! said Werner. We have shown our guests a poor entertainment. Bring in the Sparhawk, I say!" Through the black oblong of tbe dungeon doorway tbere came a lad of seventeen or eighteen, tall, slim, dark-browe- limber. He walked be- tween two who held his rists firmly on either side. Ilis hands were chained together, and from between them dangled a spiked ball that clanked heavily on the floor as he stumbled forward rather than walked But stay," Joan of Hohensteln had into the room. He had black hair that waved from his forehead in a said. but this ring will pay the sweets of backward sweep, a nose of slightly Roman shape, which, together with i many a night!" Ha, ha! It will, will it" said Wer- his bold eagles eyes, had obtained him the name of the Spar or Sparrow-hawner, the chief captain, grimly. echoed Boris, the Aye, truly. Werner von Orseln turned to his mead beginning to work nuttlly under his steel cap, when we melt this guests and said. Hits Sparhawk Is a ha, ha! Katrins Jewel, well quaff little Dane we took on our last foray many a beaker. The Rhenish shall to the north. It Is only In that direcBow. And Peg and Moll and Ellsabct tion we can lead the foray, since you shall be there yes, and many a good have grown so and strong In Plassenburg and the Mark. His fellow" Shut the door!" quoth Werner, the uncles were all killed In the defense chief captain, at this point Sit down, of Castle Lynsr. on the Northern Half. Jorian and We know not which of these had also gentlemen! Captains Boris, you do not seem to know that the claim of fatherhood upon him. you are no longer in Plassenburg. At an events, his grandad hpd a manHere are no tables of Karl the Mi- or there, and came from the Jutland s llers Son to hamper our liege misto build a castle upon the tress. Do you know that you have Baltie shores. But he had better have lied to her and made a Jest of it?" stayed at diome, for he would not pay Ha spoke Terr Slowlr, leaning to the Peace Grid to owe nenry. So the men-at-arm- k. g sand-dune- Lies soaisa, naa ms went to CutM and made an end save of this ilttlng Sparhawk, whom our mastes d not 1st us kill, and whom now keep with clipped wings for oir oft." The lad listened with erected head d haughty eyes to the tale, but answered not a word. .Now, cried Werner, with his cup, In his hand and his brows bent upon the youth, "dance for us as you used upon the Baltic, when the maids came in fresh from their tiring and the newest kirtles were donned. Dance, I say! Foot It for your life!" The lad Maurice von Lynar stood vfth his bold eyes upon his tormentors. Curs of he said at Bor-Russia- last, in speech that trembled with anger, you may vex the soul of a Danish gentleman with your aspersions, you may wound his body, but juu will never b(e able to stand up to bim in battle. You will never be worthy to est or drink with him, to take bis hand in comradeship, or to ride a tilt with him. Pigs of the sty you are. man by man of you Wends anil boors, and no kings gentlemen!" Hans Trenck, lift this sprlngalds " said Werner. pretty At the word the man laid down hlq partisan and lifted the ball high bo! tween his two hands. Now dance!" commanded Werner INDIAN8 GIG FISH. BIG Ppvn the Use of Red and Reel, Rut Lead Borne Great Bass sad CUP OF DELIGHT Catfish. i Tho mountain streams of Indian territory, which abound in game fish, principally black bass, have been as dear as crystal of late, and the Indians have been having great sport gigging . them. In a mountain stream in the territory when the water is clear the bottom can be seen through six feet of water, and this makee gigging a great sport for the Indians. They are experts with the canoe and tho gig, and spurn the finest fishing tackle in the way of rod and reel, as it is too slow sport for them. It is interesting to watch a couple of Indians gig fish. With the long, slender reed, tipped and barbed with steel, one Indian leans over the prow of the canoe while the other with his paddle gently and noiselessly lets the canoe slide up to the big rocks and around logs in deep water, where the bass and catfish lie. The Indian carries his gig uplifted and ready to strike at any time. With his face not six inches above the water, his keen eyes scan the bottom, and he will locate a bass or eat-fl- sh lying partly under a rock or log that would never be seen by the average fisherman. The stroke of the dexterous arm is like lightning, and in a flash the fish is speared through and Ufted in the boat. There is no struggling to land him, no excitement of winding in the line, for the Indian hunts for game, and not for sport An Indian seldom misses his fish when he throws the gig. And his motion is so perfect and his balance so even that there is scarcely a tremor in the boat while the amateur is more likely to not only miss his two feet but stand on his head in the wa- T E3 A la full helf lM everywhere red end SoU eertene ONLY ( euaee) PLAYERS FROM COUNTRY. i Boys from Small Towns Hava come Great Baseball Be- Artists. If It were not for the small country towns baseball would soon ha a thing of history, said Bradley Walters, of Sterling, 111. The really great baseball players who were developed In big cities can be counted on the fingers of one hand, I believe. It id the prairie player of the email town who stands at tbs head of the profession. Tho reason fer this is easy to find. Ths city boy has so many restriction thrown around him by the police that he cannot acquire any great ability. The urchin la not even permitted to play in the streets or alleys If ho dose ho must station a few boys around to watch the copper. The boy in the email town can play where he likes. Then outdoor exercise has itfade bis eye quicker end his arm stronger, qualities which are In great demand in baseball. Tbe quick eye develops Judgment in distanced, another quality needed by the baseball player. I find more enjoyment In watching these prairie youngsters play than in seeing ter besides. league game. There Is one thing about these klde are dead In' HE PUT IT ABOUT RIGHT earnest and out forthey blood. They are your true amateurs, even if they play Ait Any Rate When He Had Given for e mask, s hall or even 60 cents a a Demonstration She gams at times. Called Encore, Ws Maks Travel Easy. 1 have Five an trains Joined daily via the Atchison just Topeka A Santa Fe. Colorado to Kandub, said the beautiful girt. Why, do you believe kissing Is dan- sas City, St Joe, Chicago, Galveston. gerous?" asked the man, according to El Paso, City of Mexico. Ask me about reduced rates. C. F. Warren. "Pigs of the sty you are man by the Chicago Record-Heral- d. A S. F. Ry.. 411 Dooly It depends on what you mean by G. A., A. T.Lake man of youl Salt Block, City, Utah. me mean to ask von Orseln, dance the Danish milk- dangerous. If you maids coranto, or t will bid them whether I am afraid of microbes, I POINTS ABOUT THE MAYPOP can say that I am not I believe a drop it on your toes. Doit want them great deal of this microbe talk is ab- Little Known Southern Fruit Prists man? Jellied, ' see Medical Virtues Aa far as catchsolutely ridiculous. Recently Drop, and be cursed in your lowmicrobes is concerned, I shouldnt ing Discovered. born souls! cried the lad fiercely. hesitate a moment to "Untruss my hands and let me loose To permit that sweet mouth of A new fruit that seems likely to with a sword and ten yards clear on yours to be kissed by tho right man," the floor and, by Saint Magnus of the he of considerable value has boon prove suggested. ales, I will disembowel any three of Well, if yon want to put It that developed by the cultivation of .the common maypop, a plant which Is you!" way you may," she returned. You will not dance?" said Werner, But I wouldnt put it Just that way. very familiar in tbe southern states, nodding at him. May I show you how I would put it? quite ornamental, easily grown from seeds and affords a handsome cover I will see you fry In hell firs first!" "I am waiting for you to do so." the Down with Hans He gently placed one hand against for arbors and verandas, it ie known ball, Trenck!" cried Werner. "He that will the back of her splendidly poised head, to botanists as passiflora not dance at Castle Kernsdorf must placed the fingers of his other, very The fruit in its improved form lo somewhat bigger than a hene egg learn at least to jump." tenderly under her pretty chin, then Ware toes, Sparhawk! cried the with a deft movement which, as far and decidedly palatable. It looks jifc soldiers in chorus, but at that mo- as she was concerned, was absolutely a May apple. More Important, however, la the recment, suddenly kicking out aa far as painless, tilted her face upward and. his chains allowed, the boy took the bending forward, completed the proc- ognition which tbe plant has recently stooping lout on the face, and In- ess with an ease and a naturalness obtained aa the source of a harmi continently widened the superficial that left her with absolutely no cause drug which is utilised by physicians area of his mouth. He went over on for criticism. After it was all over aa a sleep producer end nerve soother. Unfortunately, most nerve soothing his back amid the uproarious laughter he asked: of his fellows. Wont yon tell me now why yon and Bleep producing drugs create habits which are difficult to throw off and g The fellow rose, spluttering an- Joined the club?" Because grily. because," she sighed, In their after effects Urey are Hnblo theres such a thrill, you know, about to be injurious But the fluid' extract Hold his legs, some one, he said, doing anything that would get you of the maypop, which ie obtained from 111 mark his pretty feet for him. leaves and flowers, while wonderHe shall not kick so free another into trouble if it were found out and the effective as a soporific, has no fully then it me to a introduce chance gave time. Nemesis The Improved fruit of tho the too. as How that it subject, you A couple of his companions took maypop la available for use both froth hold of the boy on either side, so would put It? and preserved. In all likelihood it that he could not move his limbs, and will make its appearance before long How to Meet a Burglar. Hans again lifted high the ball. In our markets are around Highwaymen and Now, then, for marrow and mashed we should all make our minds up hoy trotters!" he cried, spitting the blood to behave should we meet German Humor. them. One from the split corners of his mouth. An aeh tray from Germany contains to is hold a out to hand way the thug Halt!" Defilement of the How are you, old - mah? this warning: and say: (To be continued.) by ash of cigars is forbidden to Glad to see you! Put it there! Ais room tbe severest Anyone who, notwithperplexes him and Ita sous to francs A Flimflam. he shakes hands. Then you exclaim: standing, makes guilty of such a one Senator Depew was explaining to a will bo punished Irrevocably by bouse By the way. have you got a cigaclergyman tbe slang term of flim- rette?" Utterly disconcerted, he offers arnsL" flam." one. Thus you have gained time you "To flimflam," he said. Is to confuse Feminine Repartee. it in thought Its asa mans mind to such a degree that and employed When my husband wont buy how actively the mind works he actually consents to, and concurs tonishing In the presence of a highwayman. In what I want" rejBjitked Mrs X In, his own cheating. a few seconds you have worked out a "I cry. Then he will agree that I ms Now, permit me to give you an -. Just a moment, old man," you have It Just to get mo to stop crying plan. lustration of flimflam. wait till I ask one of those chaps say. A boy goes to a grocer and asks bsck there for a match." Boston for a pint of molasses. Put the molasses, sir, he says, Transcript in this pitcher. Have your watch fixed right, To Clean The grocer draws the molasses in or buy a good one if you Let lie In alcohol for a a pint measure, pours it into the havent any. See us. few moments, then polish with pitcher and hands it to the boy. chamois. are If the set into glasses But the boy, looking at the measbrush gold frames, a fine camels-ha- lr ure, exclaims: "See here, you havent given me will lift the dust from tho edges and all my molasses. Theres some still make them look like new. sticking to the bottom of the measAnd Thats ths Limit ure.1 Some wise guy said there was noth-in- g 170 all Oh, thats right, sonny, says equal to the hatred of a soorned MAIN ST the grocer easily. There was some woman. This fellow in the measure before. probably never SALT LAKE CITY. UTAII rubbed up against some of the soreThereupon the filmflammed boy head politicians and heard them exgoes off content. press their opinion of the men whom they blamed for kicking them out of Beating of Dead Hearts. M. e. SMWH. P. O. BOX 1..S d Hearts of animals will the public trough. Fargo Forum. I. V. IIOLH. SALT LKI OITV. UTAH beat for a comparatively long time after death or removal from the body (if kept cool and moist), because of Internal collections of powerful nerves, known as ganglia, whose automatic Impulses cause the regular at small cost is posable anywhere by using Fairbanka-Mon- e contractions of the muscles. Similar Gas, Gasoline, Kerosene or Alcohol ganglia exist in man and other warmEngines Sizes 2 H.P.to200 H.P. blooded animals, but their action is lest prolonged. Scientists hare as- Tbe same engine can be used lor certalned that a turtles heart will beat ,' electric Eght and many other purposes after removal. If put on a piece of cool cor-and and ! 5 i to r.i.lncM NT 895 moist, glass, kept I believe it has ered with a bell-jaG been known to beat 36 or even 48 common hours; 12 or 14 hours Is Salt Lake City, Utah record. Ft. Nicholas wrist-bauble!- antl-klsa!- ng to" . lncrf anti-kissin- 11- Dont Waste Time Eye-Glass- es. eye-glass- ee Union Assay Office cold-bloode- A Modern Water Works System nwi r. FAIRBANKS, MORSE f I COMPANY |