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Show WaM4WiWirtiWXWtWWW.WWWWIMW Ho 1 For a. Nice Room in a First-clago to the ss New Southern Hotel. fcjj I Hot and cold running water and ateam heat, electric lights andi bell aerTlce in every room. Rooms under direct charge ot Mrs. Cand-S- l 5j land. Hotel centrally located at NO 144 WEST FIRST SOUTH STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAHjI P. H. CANDLAND. g a; WltWStStStStStltSWWtStKKRIWtlWMW MAXFIELD VINEGAR CO., ftVUMIBBUHSIAN Bilk far Bill, far ha much u la .mart an think he knows It all So him an ma wr dont aaraa; I never lllwd lllll's brand o galL talks a lot. lie's An' thlnl; brcua ha says its so Nnbuditv 01 shl hi say it s not, H aliu aanis to boss tha show. halnt He's erhi lastin' tuskin' in An' leillti' folks Jest what to do, An' gorx to shovin' out hla chin An squarin' at a faUer. too. He's got a notion in hla head That what he taya has sot to M, An' nothin' else won't do Instead, Ha alius wants to boss ths show. At mestln's he sits In ths ehalr; If there's a light ha's tight on hand To tell what Is an' Isnt fair An' swells aruund to beat tha band. He's nothin' but a bluff an blow. I'm sort on him good reason why: Ha alius wants to boss tha show. . An' so, by jlmlny. do " - 1! ' '0 Arent You Glad She Waentf ' If your mothers mother was my mother's sistera aunt, what relation PURE FOOD" VINEGAR. uncle's would ycr ctory: 720 South Second West 3 nephew be to my older brothers first ? Answer: As your cousins Telephone 979-mothers mother is to my elder brothWMWMItWIWiaWaMMWWMIli er's cousins so is my mothers sister's aunt to your greatAmerican Plan, fl.25 to 92.50. grandfather's uncles nephew. Divide European Plan, 50c up. your mothers mother by. my elder and brothers firat cousins HOTEL HALLS. multiply my mother's sister's aunt by 8. M. RIDDLE, Manager. uncle's nephyour Corner Third South and State ew, and either add or subtract we Streets, Salt Lake City, Utah. forget which and you will have the Manufacturers of Mori Men Than Women. There are 1,840,280 more men than women In the United Slates, and the same proportion prevails lu almost very other country. The only exception Is In Paraguay, where there are ii'.ore than twice as many women as . This Is due to the fact that 'me years ago, In a political revolution and a vpr with Brazil and the Argentine Republic, the men were alii ost exterminated. vsgggiwwitiKltiiltRiUtrrrm fl nu-n- Lighthouse Destroys Birds. After two recent nights of fog nearly 6,000 birds were found dead under tbe lantern of Cepe Grlenei Chronlighthouse, sys the icle. They had beer, attracted by the brilliant light, and were killed by lying against the lighthouse. 'a ' BYBWRKS SALT LAKE CITY MOBILE 40 B 2nd Bo. sMiraraMWrfWcrariniiM WIKSMHT We hare established a plant for bottling this moat popular drink and we want an agent in every town in Utah to handle it Good profits. Write us at once for prices, etc. Salt Lake Coca-CoBottling Co. P. O. Box 3. Salt Lake City. EUROPEAN HOTEL, asHUksOMr. In the heart e Rales Reaasaahl UgkL ally, el the IN BOTTLES. COCA-COL- 8. answer In the epring.--01- CRAGER WIRE AND IRON WORKS, ' Manufacturers of Iron fences, Bank, Office and Counter Railings, Flower Stands, Etc. All kinds of fancy wire and iron work. We do Electro Plating lb Nickel and Copper in all the Latest Finishes, Write for Prices. S SUte St .... Salt Lake City THOMAS F. A8HWORTH. Attorney-at-La- Practice' In both state and federal courts. Special attention given to mining and mining, law. Communications solicited, and answered prompt312 Dooly ly. Bell phone 590-Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. WHEN . A thorough preparatory ac hool for boarding and day pupils. An academic course for four years, with a preparatory course ofj one year, corresponding to tbe eighth grade. Music department, with pianos for practice. Excellent boarding department, with Christian home Influences. Small clasaes, with personal help from teachers when necessary, J 8 Expenses very moderate. For catalogue and particulars address ; ; GEORGE B. SWEAZEY. Principal SALT LAKEJCITY. iXuwiwwamxawmmiwneimw-xxrRiwKXKKitwwRitiwKiwiuuwi- BOYS AND GIRLS, WE PAY CA8H. NEWEST HOTEL IN 8ALT LAKE NEW BUILDING, .NEW .FURNITURE, NEW EVERYTHING. RATE8 REASONABLE. NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, ORPHEUM THEATRE BLDG. 80UTH STATE ST LAKE CITY. 138 SALT PROPRIETOR. H. E. BARTLETT, Scrap- d book. e44444444444444F44444444444444f444 Why Pay More? WE ARE SALT LAKERS. We Oan Sev Why trust your treasured pictures to You Money. strangers? Ours is a Utah firm, managed by Utah men. w In India ink, Pictures en- larged, mounted Sapla, on cardboard or $ Water Colors stretchers. a or Oil.Plctures sent by mail are as safe as If brought in person. FRAMING A SPECIALTY. UTAH ART CO 55 West Second 8outh, 8alt Lake City. Mail Orders Solicited. Utah Dental Co., 234 Mala la taersqr E g son-in-la- I that rune to all points of interest, with a good guide. Fare 91.00. 'Seeing Sale Lake Car and Autos., SALT LAKE CDLLHBI-AT-" INSTITUTE. Many bright boys and girls are mak-in5 weekly after schoolTworking for us. If you want the same chance, send us your name and address and we will send you 92 worth of our quick-sellin- g Household Specialties. When eold, send us 91 and keep $1 for yourself. You can do this in one day. We will furnish you permanent work. Address N. II. Groesbeck A Co., Springvilie, Utah. eon-ln-le- WtitRimatatiMataeRRitatlWU4KKW DONT MISS THE LARGE IIT rw.M(AtRltRStwjtltIlttSlW.itltitiUWD( IMWMlleMlleMetfeMsielgMl'AigMM! MMMeMenieieMiMMfMdgMMMriiMi The Meet Roltebte Deettete ii the CHjr. Teeth eatraetert without pain by ear sateattto natheSs. Free with ether werh. . OV1 BYBCXAL REDUCED PRIORI Sat ot teeth (hast red rubber), Ml OaM .. BA te PCS. Bridge work. beat, JUS OaM IIHw 11 and up. Other fllilnga Note Tie. TWELVE YEARS PEOTSCTXVS GUAXAETER 01 P- ., Bssdty 10 te S. be nee, Ind, MM; Ban, Xns-884 Van Bt BXAXXVATZOE FREE. SR. BX3CXBBKAM, Mgr. - l5k M-h- 'r RtttittRWWKttRWMtttWWtRititiWMtttatRtttWttatttwatit!tg; g. VMWMaleMMllaMUleMUMsMttlaMeMSMMMlaMaMMsMeMtiaMtilMMttllliaMMMlf msmstRswsimiNRimMsiiiitMNmtiiyiMiiMwtiMmsiiiitwmmtst MkWWMSNaasWirtrtVWMirMtrtllrtrtsWNWteWNlSislStrtnrtrtrtVlrtrtrtrtttflrtiartiartrti Boost, BoosDea r j22!2Reader,ij5ilBobst! 1 Help to Build up e. GREATER SALT LAKE CITY! THE WAY TO BUILD UP A GREATER. UTAH IS THIS: DONT USE Imported Goods Unless Bought From a. UTAH DEALER! this List of Business' Houses. You fail to find What is Wanted, Wait until Our Next Issue, and Perhaps You Will Find It There. If, In vRomney & Ryan, V iiiSJSJSSV ' Western Goods for Western People!1 The Manufacturers and Merchants Association of Utah, (Incorporated) The New Road BELIEVES IN BEING The Best Line t Busy All the Time In Utah he object Southern California of the organization ia to promote tbe use of ALL FAST FLYERS DAILY BETWEEN OGDEN AND DENVER; GOODS in all lines, in preference to those manufactured outside the State. UTAH-MAD- Only direct line Salt LaW to Los Angeles. Most Modern Palatini Trains equipped "with Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Diners : i:l Free Reclining Chair Cars. All trains via Salt Lake City and Nevadas literal Belt. Ask nearest agent about California Bacor-sion- s E Its Interest Is Wide. OHOXOB State-- 1 THROUGH H. BURTNER, D. P. A. Salt Lake City, Utah. F. a BOX 1584, AND TOURIttT Frae Bonieo a la cargo ea For fhUaB, ' l jl mm; eif.bl SALT LAKE CITY. A or bodtib. SIFFPaj MBfll OR BALT LAKE TO ST. K0U1S WITHOUT CHANGE OF CAM THE MANUFACTURERS AND MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION. S. P. L. A. & S. L. R. R. PULLMAN 3 FROM The betterment of industrial conditions in every dty, tewn, village, j hamlet aad district is its aim. For full particulars write to or write to J. THI TOURISTS FAVORITE FOUTI Ooe salt am, ms ASS Ml PWSMWIWIWBIMlWIIMWIMglWSWIBI Good Service-Goo- Company d Good Meals.' That Is the happy Witfly makes happy travelon en Reel ami through trains. Through Standard SlMpar dally Balt Lake and Ogden 9e! Chlcege without change. Arrives In Chicago In the morning. We alee nth 'through tourist cere te Chlcege and 8L Louis. Steamship tickets en oalo! te all polnta In the Old Coantey. Let ue knew where you want to go. Wo will do tho root "Nothing gnor than tho Rock loland Dioaa goth phonoo L N. DREW, General Agont, MB 17th Btroot, Donvor, Cetab UN 848. E. DRAKE, Blot A. BIBLE, Tim. IN Wool Beooi . Salt Lake CHg 44444444444444444 4 444444444444444444444444444444444444 4 444 44 4 4444444444 44i VStBtatltlWtimBtBtBtBtlWaWItBIBtltBtRRBtl An Enviable i44i ALL HALLOWS COLLEGE, Reputation. Salt Lake City. I Under tha Direction of the MarUt Fathers. Boarding and day ochool for boyo. Situated in the heart of the Rocky Mountain district, nearly one mile above sea level. It enjoys an unsur-paase- d climate. Building! modern, steam heated and electric Hot and cold batho. Tbe Institution claima to giro moot thorough lighted. courses In classical. Scientific and Commerrial branches, in conferring degrees the same. Inspection of Chemical and Physical Laboratories Invited. A fine Museum and Mineralogy department. Separate care of little boys by competent master. Gymnasium of thhe best Indoor garnet during the winter season. Compulsory military drill under the direction of an army officer. Music of every kind, the band and orchestra being special feature of tbe College. Private training of desirable students, outside of regular school hours. In higher Mathematloe, Chemistry, Assaying, and In Commercial On no railroad in America I the system of discipline among employes and watchfulness for the safety of passengers developed to a higher degree than on the i ?oubecta. Terms moderate. Apply for full Tear Book aad other particulars to THE REV. PRE8IDENT. 1 ' t w ' Two trains every day Ogden or Denver to Chicago via the Union Pa elflc and 8L Paul line. Through sleepers and free reclining chalr can. 1 For tickets and Information call oa G S- - Williami, Commercial Agent, Salt Lake Gty. 444 4444444 44444 44444TTT444444444 444444444444444444444444444444444 t4 4444444'fTf'MTT 44t444444l4T444 4T4 Ik J .Chicago, Milwaukee&St. Paul Railway 4 4444.4444 4444444 W. 4 4 4 4 4 4 T 44444-Mt- j 4 |