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Show BEAUTIFUL CALIFORNIA. fooling which makes them contribute canned, dried and crystallized. SPECIAL NOTICE. SALT LAKF A MERCUR RAIROAl -- TRAIIMSIn conclusion we will aing with all that they have inside of them to la If marked CO. TIME TABLE. this paragraph with a the hungry Inhabitants of the sea. Sarah Buckner Hardy, of Redlands, (Continued from Page 5.) red cross It indicates that your Well, when we got ashore at Catalina with apctagles for a alight change; When I'm tired of earthly things, Ita to this paper has been setvitaltnn from the management of the nearly all of ua ttruck up the tune; Effactiv December IA 1906. tled for three months from that data, HecU" theatre to atend the evening crosses, pains and toil. My Bonnie ilea over the ocean, And ofr a change, I shuffle off this frit-so- Ilf marked with a black cross It has We went there and My breakfast Ilea down in the aea. performance. BaatbounS Westbound. J only two weeks to run, bnt anleas mortal coll, After partaking of a splendid dinpent an enjoyable evening. No. I No. 1 Saturday, May 19, at 10 a. m., the ner, those of ua that could eat, some I knock with feeble, faltering faith, at otherwise notified we shall continue to forward tbe paper. Heaven's Oolden Gate, committee again waited upon ua and of ua took a trip in the glassbotlom VIA Lanes Stations. Arrives. took ua on a trip over the Pacific boats, viewing the wonderful subma- To find, alas! my usual fate, Im Just Very respectfully, Mercur .....l:48p.m 11:15 a. m a little late! THE PUBLISHERS. Electric Railroad to beautiful Paaafle-n- rine gardens, others went hunting 1:55 pm Summit 11:00a.m..... waa if The committee headed by Mr. moonstones and got moonshine, while And Peters got the portals closed, m latch-strina. 10:20 VIA EAST Manning ....1; 85p.m. COLORAA. W. Skinner, who waa untiring in some sat dewn on a atone muttering amf tbe pulled Inside, CHEAP RATES Now a word to themselves: "I wish I was well I'll turn around and come right back, explaining everything. DO MIDLAND RAILWAY. 10:05a.m.... Fairfield ....8:18 p.m altho I've gone and died. about thla Electric railroad. The cara over that pond again. Well, Catalina Arrives Leaves. are fine, run very smoulh and at an is an Ideal summer resort, both for And hie me to thla earthly bourne On May June, 3 1906, rate GO milea an about of rest. as for wholesome two the well as dollars for round of one fare plue average speed leafy shade and bowers, sport, hcur. Thla ayatem la about 600 milea At 7:15 p. m. we were all safe and The eucalyptus, . palma and flga, tbe trip to Chicago, Minneapolis,. MemThis Includes the famous in lerglh and waa Inaugurated by Mr. sound back again in Los Angeles. orange groves and flowers OVERLAND LIMITED phis and west thereof. Limit October H. E. Huntington, who haa spent many Of California! MUSIC, Monday. Mnv 21. waa the beginning and the new Slat, stopovers allowed, west Missouri It began millions of dollars in building railroads of Ln Fiesta dp laa Flores. We left Los Angeles for home Tues- river. For further Information write LOB ANGELES CHICAGO LIMITED PIANOS.' In Southern California. On our way with day-tim- e fireworks at Ascot Park, day, May 22. at 8 o'clock p. m., and L. H. Harding, General Agent, Salt Strictly Twentieth Century, Vestl-bulcin we panned East take Park, a moat 1 oclock p. m. One who never seen arrived In Salt Lake City. Electric Lighted Steam Heat-6will We all Organa And AB take. details arrange of Thursday 4G beautiful place covering about acres thin kind of fireworks will wonder morning, G:30. Trains operating Pullman Palace your trip. Musical Instrument and containing lagoons, palms and a how it nan be done; but. It waa done, We here express our sincere thanks Bleepers; Incomparable Observation-Libr- ary wonderful prof union of flowers. We nnd successfully, ton. The air waa full to the management of the Salt Lake 1 and Dining Cars the very 1 BIG SHOW AT SALT LAKE. next arrived at St. Gabriel Mission, of floating figures, men on horae-baclatest manufacture. & Laa Angelea Route for this moat built 1115 years ago. The keeper of clowns, animals, etc. 'here were at glorious, never to be forgotten trip, For three weeks the New Grand ONLY 42 46 South Mala the old cl.urch would not let ua in for least 25,000 people witnessing this and to everyone of our hosta in CaliHOURS, SALT LAKE TO theatre hae been crowded to the CHICAGO. leas than 10 cents per head, with or grand spectacle. fornia, for their generosity and kind- doors by the Ethel Tucker Stock comSalt taka dtp. In the evening we viewed the elect- ness. Au revoir! without hair. Here we saw the largest City Ticket Office, 201 Main St pany who came to Salt take for three BALT LAKE CITY. JTAH. and oldest vine In the world. Ita fo- rical parade which was the most artUtah. engagement presenting two liage covers COfH) square feet. and. istic and expensive pageant of the HER PRAYER FOR MAMMA. months new week each with plays ever seen on two Coast. kind of the tons It There special yields j graiies annually. vaudeville features between each act. was planted by the mission fathers were sixteen gorgeous floats. There CO YEARS Clause in Tots New The will Grand be Supplication 3peclsl open every over 14ti years ago. Here, as in all. were fifteen hundred Shriners ln line. EXPERIENCE . Dewith a Wednesday and Saturnight Prompted by Fear of parts of Southern California, grows It was nenrly two miles long. Two THE KEELlV CURL day aourvenir matinee for the entire railment. the eucalyptus tree, valuable for ita hundred thousand people saw It. The Drunkenness Cured. 30, 50c, presenting the best plays ob-3oil, which la used for medical pur- floats cost I12.0UO. A the ob55c, beat of force marvels The the greatest positive and permanent dleeaaee. presenting A Walbrook mother a few days ago plays poses. and the opium Our next stopping puace wan at the of all ages electricity were brought before starting an a trip to Atlantic tainable. a For out of town patrons neats will There is no publicity, no alcknosa-tfamous Baldwin's ,raicho. or farm, to iiRues never before equaled. The City told her two little daughters. as at taw as privately treated Alee be reserved and held by addressing wnlch covers an area of 64,000 acres craft and skill of the exhibition were whom circumstances Trade Marks forced her to Keeley Institute. 114 The effectiveness of It and Is worth about ten million dol- consummate. jenuest to the New Grand thea- Designs of the speed with whlclT ihe. at leave home, Lake City. Utah. WfcTremple. Afi. Salt CoRvmawvi startgajft not but t wrr fourteen Lake lars. artesian There are merely astonishing, city, Utah, would BS ikalrh and dwerlpttnn her the engines great hurry AW wells, over one hundred miles of water ling. Not at any of the World's fairs, antafclf aaaartaln our opinion fmo vhaUiar an bvantloa la probably nataniaM& Commnnloa-Momains and irrigation ditches, one hun- including the latest and greatest at train to the resort by the ocean and autatoaonfldantlairiMNU BOOK on Pataou FRprjmimtatawiwatiwA!PAmMw S' laid mm flaw Oldaac leaner for aacurmspatanta. out Si. Iiouis two years ago. was anyihlng of miles and miles of glistening rails If dred m.'lrs of beautifully Patent takan tbrotuh Mann A Co. nealvs PILES REMOVED 1 streets " r:ads and drives, miles upon bn night out in the way of electrical over which she would travel before HUDDART FLORAL CO. $ mMm, without ciiaraa. In the Saw r was to in whet the aeeiv and effects her KNIFE. relates milea the destination, pepper equal eucalyptus, palm reaching trees. There are 700 acres of oranges, srreeta of tas Angeles that night. The Baltimore Herald. DR. JOHNSON, A hawdaiwialr niaatratod waaklr- - ratvaat 100 acres of lemons. 100 acres of po- beauty of the display, ita good taste That afternoon, after kiasing the of any aetanttfle Journal. Tama, IS a street, Balt take Main South melos (grapefruit), 100 acres of olives, and bewitching delicacy, were without children good-b1 reshe asked them to GOO acres of deGOO acres of grapes. City. a flaw. Much was expected, but the member her ln their evening devotion ciduous fruits: apples, apricots, (teach- realisation far outran the most extrav- to which O O.OjDAOmuAQ the request youngsters tear wales, plums, figs, almonds, English agant anticipations. When bed the usual acquiesced. fully We cannot let this pbsr without nuts, etc; 2000 acres of vegetables and 26,000 acres devoted to corn, hay and saying a word of praise for the ex- time came around, the servant, aftei small grain.. There are 20.000 sheep, cellent. order that prevailed. No crowd- preparing them for their cribs, told them to kneel down and say their 3000 cattle, 600 wore mules, GOO ing. no shouting, no drunks, no every man. woman, boy and prayers. The younger of the tots war draught and carriage horses and 260 girl behaved like ladles and gentlemen. much longer in her devotions than her thoroughbreds. In the midst, of a beautiful orange Of course the little boy was ln evi- elder slater, and insisted on making a grove the committee served sand- dence, but not as a mischief-makeseparate appeal for each member of wiches and oranges, and after having they were selling soap boxes to tired the household. Toward the end o! to our sit lined before official, on; prices ranging her spectators up again was much aur CRAGER WIRE AND IRON nurse her prayer 25 10c to Hotel and went from to Oakwood cents, WORKS, etc., we child to the hear And. say: prised 11 Manufacturers of o'clock the Tuesday morning at sampled some of Baldwin's delicious all above let Dear Iron dont Office else, Lord, fences. Bank, and Counwine, or Bralnoil, as someone called flora parade took place. There were ter Railings, Flower Stands, Etc. All mother run off the track. it. Baldwin's winery Is the oldest and 50 magnificent floats, all deccf-atekinds of fancy wire and Iron work. finest in aClifornla. and his wines and with natural flowers. Time and apace ON YOUR NEXT TRIP EAST ASK Italian Army Tailoring. We do Electro Plating ln Nickel and brandies have won the gold medals at will not permit ua to go Into details; Officials ln have ln Italian the all the imLatest' Copper Finishes. TO HAVE TOUR TICKET READ VIA army but so as to get an idea of the several epositions. At 1:30 we arrived at Pasadena, mensity of the decorations we will been troubled over a question of tali' Write for Prices. State St Salt Lake City a matter of tunics or where the following gentlemen of the mention a few of them. One carriage oring. It t Moses w Taylor. Commercial Club received us: D. M. was decorated with more than 30,000 headdress, but of officers trousers, of Frank Y. Taylor. Coolcldg, Thomas Earley, C. E. Sar- marguerites ; another with 50.000 car- which it is said that their Infinite vagent, J. O. McCamefi, and H. C. nations. this one was from Pasadena; riety exhausts all the colon of the Hotellard. We at once stepped into the hose wagon of Company 2 was A limited scale of appropriMAXFIELD VINEGAR CO., handsome automobiles and were taken decorated with 20,000 .roses, and so on, spectrum. TWO TRAINS DAILT TO CHICAGO all arouEd Pasadena, tl is Indeed a Lon Angelea ia a very busy city, in ate shades is being submitted to vote Manufacturers of -- OGDEN TO CHICAGO OR DENVER on se a the and be based will result boomIs ia a been verttaole fact and has tl it beautiful place, booming TO CHICAGO. ANOTHER GOOD PURE FOOD VINEGAR. heaven cn earth. It is impossible to ing for the last ten years. Today it lection which will simplify army tall ROUTE TO THE EAST IS VIA KANdescribe . Its beauty in words. Here has a population of nearly 300,000 oring. . itory: 720 South Second West "'1' millionaires and wealthy men from all while 25 yeara ago it didnt have SAS CITT AND THE FAMOUS ' Enough. 8 1 have United built States of the Telephone 979-parts LIMITED. NO EXCESS SOUTHWEST "What do you think! cried the woOn one atreef corner alone, the cortheir summer residences; many of FARE. 2. them live here permanently. One of ner of First and Main, 5,000 street man. "Mrs. Crank's maid has inherTICKETS OF ALL AGENTS, OR OF hours. The ited 850,000! the most beautiful streets in the world care pass every twenty-fou- r M TAYLOR BROS. is Marengo avenue. It is lined with clearings of the city banka for the Well, she deserved it, mused her REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. ' pepper trees which form an archway year 1904 amounted to 1335.000,000. husband. C S. Williams, Commercial Agent, Tel. 171., Utah National Bank Salt over the asphalted street. The resi"How do you know? You never saw Lake City, Utah. Considering that twenty years ago Salt Lake City. are dences elegant beyond description there waa not a single paved street Salt Lake Real Estate the beet inand nearly all of them have some of ln the city. Los Angelea has made re- the girl. vestment In the world. Utah ComNo, but I've seen Mrs. Crank! the tasteful old mission style embodied markable progress ln street improvemercial and Mining Stocks the safest Detroit Free Press. in their architecture. We vlsted Ho- ments. 350 now are about There in the world. tel Raymond, situated on Raymond miles of graded and graveled streets, NOTICE. Members Salt take 8tock and MinDELINQUENT Gabeautiful San the Hill, overlooking 25 miles of paved streets, and 200 milea ing Exchange. Consolidated Glance briel valley. Of this place it has been of sewer. Los Angeles has a complete Copper Mining, rswwmatwwR tRMRWaWWWRIMlIRRWWtWWWRW MfifillllWMIMIMlllMlllifilllllW Milling and Smelting Company, a corSMrtMMMrtiMaMaMaiaiaMalMiniliMi said, that It is a picture for the gods. sewer system. American Plan, $1.25 to $2.50. poration; location of principal place Pasadena has a population of At night tas Angeles presents There are no saloons. Has two brilliant appeainnce. It was the first of business. Salt take City, Utah. European Plan, 50c up. Notice. There are delinquent upon beautiful parks, fine streets, 100 miles city in the United St&tes to entirely the acon described stock following cemented sidewalks, gas and electric abandon gas for street lighting, anil HOTEL HALLS. haa moved from Main Street to our own premises on State count of assessment of e mt plants, the finest street railway sys- replace it 'by electricity, which was 8. M. RIDDLE, Manager. tem in the l'niie.1 Stales, and a cli- done over twenty years ago. It Is now per share levied on the 24th day of We like the change. Our trade is growing very Street mate that has no rival. The average one of the best lighted cities in the April. 1906. the several amounts set Corner Third 8outh and State Our Lard ia temperature in wlnrer is GO degrees, Union. Many of the lamps are on opposite the names of the respective nicely, cod we on give you better service. 8treete, 8alt Lake City, Utah. and In summer G8. Living in Pasa- high masts. Seen from one of the share holders ss follows: dena Implies that you can pluck fresh surroiinC'ng hills, the of the guaranteed absolutely pure. ORDER OF US. fruit and vegetables and beautiful city at night is most beautiful and flowers every day in the year. The striking. Broadway is now lighted prolusion and buauly or her flowers for its entire length by clusters of and trees cannni be set out in words. electric lights on handsome Iron Goods delivered at your home at Pasadena is without question one of paid for by the property-owSalt Lake prices. residence era. the city supplying the juice. the best rities in the world. Los Angeles is. and will, remain Try our Mail Order Department and be satisfied. We next visited Carston Ostrich the commercial metropolis of South' & 751 farm, which is the oldest and the best ern California, admits of no doubt, t he Groceries, Dry Goode, Hardware in America, it is a Veritable tropical city possesses the great natural ad Everything. garden. (Here, by tbe way, we met vantage of being located on the shortand shook hands with Batttling Nel- est route, hr the easiest grades, beWa BARNES GROCERY CO., son, who was staying here training tor tween the Pacific Rnd the Atlantic You his fight with Herrera, who on the day oceans. The merchants of tas Ange-- ! 143 North First West Street, of battle got cold teet and wouldn't les do a large business vflth a secSALT LAKE CITY. tion of country extending from tbe fight Nelson.) Co., spa- eastern limits of Arizona to Fresno on The entrance is thrrngh-thIn the City. To t.e right and tlie north. Th, Moat Reliable cious salesrooms. no3puiti Teeth extracted without pain by our scientific The street railway system of tas left are the most beautiful plunus and 8M0KE LAPALOMA CIGARS! method.. with Freo other work. There is boas produced in the world. One is Angeles Is very complete. Theyre High Grade and Union( OUR SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES. Made. Impressed n.;t i:..!y wiih their beauty, probably no city of the size in the Bet of teeth (beet red rubber). i. Gold crown e. hut with Lh:i size and luxuriance. The United States that has such a modern M. MARCU8, Manufacturer. ., H.E0 to 5.00. Bridge work, beet, 3.50 to i.00i feathers Rre n'.inuUrtured and sold ?ml w'ell equipped street car system, Gold filling. 1 and up. Other filllnan, iOe to ffa 155 East Third South Street. hero at ( dimers' prices and direct to the total mileage of single track being TWELVE YEARS PROTECTIVE GUARANTEE. SALT LAKE CITY. A feather that you in over 200 miles, all elect rie. consumer. 6 till p. m., Sunday 10 to 2. Phonee. IndM ISM; Bell. 17W-attraction Opa chief is 3.m can the all here After said, for. you Salt Lake pay lies new deto EXAMINATION FREE. 834 Xa a St arrivals, of tas Angeles DR. rnrR'Riww get ter 31.26. tie liate already The rare scribed r.n Ostrich farm, bet will hero in its beautiful homes. Do Yant You Work? say. that the Harlem gent is discount- beauty of the grounds surroundin';. the of tas Angeles, ed by the feathered rreaiurea that attractive bourne WORK FOR EVERYBODY. with a sly twinkle of the eye shoot Pasadena, and other Los Angeles Teamsters, Laborers, Always Wanted. their b'lur necks over iho fence and county cities I a constant theme of We Furnish Ail Kinds of Help. grali a righted pipe from the mouth admiration on the pn! (jf Eastern OHtor cities can show grander of s inn inquisitive visitor who has DIXON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. . Tin good- business Mucks, hut when it comes to approached too closely. 62 East First South, Salt take City. bye pipe when nil ostrich takes to gardens. tas Angeles is facile 1872-Bell Phone Ind. Phone 923. The mildness of the climate, Their methods is not ap-smoking." That la tha happy trinity that; loved by polite society because they permits the most delicato plants and makes happy travelers on Rock lal-swallow the smoke, tobacco, pipe, and trees to flourish ln the open air all UTAH PHOTO BUTTON CO. and through trains. Through Standards ull. One of these feathered monsters ;li roil 'rh the winter. At Christmas may geraof calla ofllcial our lilies, seen swallow4o be tried photoghedges H. N. Winter, Manager. Sleeper dally 8alt taka and Ogdan to J ten teet and more in rapher" camera and al : lmt. thank nium Chicago without chango. Arrlvoa InV the Campaign, Society, Advertising and goodness. he was rescued in time. Sun- height, and heliotrope covering Photo Buttons to order. Chicago In the morning. We also runj the viili. of a house, while the jasmine. day morning. May 2. at ! : e aize or kind or air We the from make nnd us iiii.er;i-any teok alsiard copy orange reception through tourist cara to Chicago andjj picture return same uninjured. Phoihe Eli (trie Railroad lieu ml for San hciny with their delirious perfume. St Louis. 8teamah!p tickets on sale" Ar.l in acvonlance with law and or- tos on Cuff Buttons, Brooches, Pina, Tbe development of the horticultural Icrfro where w arrived 3u minutes to all points In tha Old Country. r.f cf the on Bonn! der Directors made trust the 21 in travelin tas Angeles during miles in that industry tactyets, etc. Why Inter, having traveled 21th so of 19"G. the day April, strangers with your choice photos length of time. Here we embarked p ist few years has been remarkable. ruanv shares Let us know where you want to go. nf each parcel of such when permanent residents guarantee i horticultural prodthe ocundou steamer ('alirii'o" for Tlie most ns Wo will do the rest- Nothing flnertneh may l,e necessary will lie satisfaction? uct of the country is the orange. Other Catalina Island. This summer is hi i iilIic auction at the office of Cabinet Photos, Stamp Photos. Phoequipped and can ucooiiufhidare fruits raised In Los Angeles county than the Rock Jsland Diner. Sol D. F. Walker Bullil-irv- . to Buttons. 49 Main street. Salt take. 960 passengers. A jolly crowd we are the lemon, almond, fig. prune, wal- the on Lake at Salt the Utah, City. P. O. Box 1301. were. We stood their singing Ach nut. pear and berries. Telephone 967-Both phones 245 26th day of June. 1906. at the hour of The shipments of ritrits fruits de deber Augustin, when all t(. the Enlarging; copying, reducing, etc., 12 M.. to pay the delinquent assess- any kind or size of picture In photo, N. L. DREW, General Agent E. DRAKE, Diet Past. Agent! sudden the tune changed to "The Old ' ranges and lemons from Southern 800 17th Street Denver, Colo. A. BIBLE, Trav. Paee. Agt.1 Oaken Bucket. and the bueketa came California points for the past season mentH thenim, togerter with the costa crayon, 'sepia, pastel, oil, etc. Finest 100 Wast Second South r ernd'ea consistent with price. into use too. They have lots of them amounted to ahont 28.000 carloads. A f advt'i rising and expense of sale. Every St, A L. H. GRAY. Secy. Salt Laka City, Utah. aboard thla steamer. You know, the large proportion of these shipments grfirte of work absolutely permanent j First 10. 1906. counJune publication will not; fade. Frames and framing. passengers sometimes get possessed of were eonirihnted by tas Angeles fresh. tast publication June 24. 19tt6. All size and grades made up to order. that peculiar, indescribable, generous ty. Deciduous fruits are shipped 4 inb-jacriptl- 4 nr DAILY E A S 1 v a. -- g 1-- 26-2- 8 d, 4 Beesley Music Co., 0, ur Scientific Jfitiericatu y iM&KSdEftl hood-lumls- T ry This Route East r; I Chicago, M il wau kee & St. Paul 1 - 10,-000- x I SHERWOOD'S MARKET 26.-00- one-fourt- h vie Both Phones Robert Sherwood. elec-t..ilier- s. n 749 State Street, Salt Lake City. Why Pay More? Utah Dental e Can Sava Money. 234 Main O-k- T. vr Good Service - Good Company) Good Meals. prin-eept- t 1 lin-h- I - ele-ganf- k. a |