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Show Fust What Ton Want AILING WOMEN. returned. I felt exceedingly foolish, FAICTINC SPELLS Tbe most complete Lithographic can assure you. of of the 32x36) Kidthat (8ize Map part ELOPED When she came luck she was carry- Reap the Kidneys Well end the Wind River or Shoshone Indian Reser- Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pillar the neys Will Keep Tou Well. ing a small wooden box. 8he placet In Wyoming to be opened tor The use of hand cream sepvation Remedy Which Actually Makue Blck, suffering, languid women are settlement. the bird In this and insisted that Compiled under direction New Blood. arators is very rapidly growshould go out into the garden with learning the true cause of had backs of John T. Wertz, Former United mokes the patient short of Anmnla curs and how to was her and oury IL I States Special Allot Mug Agent for tnia especially ing among farmers who milk them. Mrs. W. G. Reservation from IT. g. Gov't Surveys breath so that there is often a sense of By MARGARET FAWCETT busy that day, and every minute fas sometimes there is a oough men eows for profit Dairy Davis, of Gross beck, showing Townships, Fractional Town- suffocadou, valuable, hut the child has tbe most sufferer seems to be going into and the Sections, Lots, Mountains, "Backships, Texas, says: remarkable eyes it. is impossible to lUopycsht. by JoMiib H. Howto.) prefer to purchase the cream at others there is a m araches hurt ms so I Rivers, Creeks anil Streams, Allo- consumption, resist them when they plead. We tments to Indians, Proponed Railroads, mor of the heart and hourt disease la and be relieved of the work of My Dear Harriet: My housekeeper, marched stand. could I out into the garden, carryhardly Proposed irrigation Ditches, Wagon feared. In the following cnae aevere Elisabeth, has arranged everything Spells of dizziness Roads, Trails, Fords, Ferries, Bridges, ing a fire shovel and Pauline tbe box separating, and it is much more most for fainting spells were an alarming sympthe satisfactorily reception with the bird, and buried it under a aiid sick headache Big Horn, Hot Springs, Military. Post, tom resulting from too little blood." profitable for the farmer to do of Joseph Downs daughter. Give your- weeping were frequent and Agency, and principal towns near wlliov. It anybody bad obMrs. Q eorgo Forrester, of 7 Onrtia no self cousin. dear uneasiness, my his own separating, for he the action of tha Reservation. I much disEvery ilomeseeker, street, Watertown, N.Y., says : 'Some She will not be permitted to inter- served us, thduld have felt and should have was Prospector Engineer irregkidneys time ligo 1 took a heavy cold and it loft saves the skim milk on which fere In the least with my work. She tressed. Soon sfter I began taking this map, as with it he can make hie me in n very weak oomliLiou. I be1 am As ular. book. the you glad enjoyed a own has know sitting-rooaddiselection of and a and bedroom in his in he can raise land, just came worm ami worse nutil lnally X calves, Doan's Kidney Pills I passed several where he is at of the house quite remote troiii soon as my first article appears in the ftiuriuiu. I lost flesh and ippetite, stones. I got well and the tion to which he saves the haul- amypart gravel Be1 will let Scientific The above maps can he secured of hud you have it; no color nml was mibject tofalutiug workroom, so if she proves to be had trouble not has hack returned. S. D. Childs A Company. 200 Clark My lieve. pleas, that 1 value your merSometimes they would attack ing of his milk, which alone a flighty young female 1 will not be est spells. and you appreciation very highly. Is good and strong and my general Street, Chicago, 111., at rate of $1.00 me suddenly mull would fall to the floor amounts in many cases to the annoyed by her presence. each. health better." any warning. me Faithfully yours, John Marchand. My eyes have been troubling NOTE. For information as to char- withI hardly liod one of our best physicians, Sold by all dealers. Kfl cents s box. monthly payments required to lately, so if this young woman bus land T. acter to of John Wertz, apply but after lie had I won attending ms Co., Buffalo, N. T. When I decided Foster-Milbuof a mind 1 Intend to 111 My. Dear Harriet: Lander or Shoshone, Wyoming. about a mouth without auy improvebuy a cream separator. The anything suita for the position of amanuensis. that Maurice Gerry would be ment in iny condition, I decided to see Nothing best time to separate the cream her Alarming. Deal. Wanted a Square Only To tell the truth, Harriet, the young able husband for Pauline Downs,' 1 what Dr. Wilburns' Pink Pills would do. Next Door Neighbor I was about to said the Judge, stand "Prleoaer, from the milk is while it is female has invariably irritated me did so In complete ignorance of the say whats that terrible racket up"The pills were well known to ms up. Have you anything to say why for, about two yunrs before, members I have chanced to corns In necessities of so delicately constituted stairs? Is somebody having a fit? fresh and warm. The cream whenever of court the should not be of my fumily hail tukon them with the contact with her. I recognize her ne- an organism as the young female. , i Mrs. Hewjams No. Thats John. Judgment best results. I soon found that the pilla against you? separates easier and a greater cessity in 'he general scheme, but i am suffering ail the more, keenly, be- He's rehearsing the speech he Is going pronounced like to say, your honor," an- were just wlmt I needed for I soon be"Id cause in seems to fallen to Puuino inclined have our modern believe to deliver before the Uni- swered the prisoner, "that I hope yon ll to notice an improvement. percentage is obtained, and the After 1 has made a mistake In abol- with my plan, though she is really Igversal Peace society. Chicago taken them a wliilo longer I was enallow be to will not mind skim milk is left sweet' and preyour ishing the lmrem, I can say this quite norant of It. tirely cured, mid we all lielieve In Dr. judiced against me by the poor deWilliams Pink Pills and recommend fresh to be fed to the calves. I owe it to Joseph Downs to see frankly to you, cousin, for you know fense my lawyer put up for me. Ill thorn highly. Only One Luxury at a. Time. how I admt.'e your mind. Faithfully that his daughter's happiness is seThe U. S. Cream Separator, yours, Joha Marchand. Dr. Williams Pink Pills actually make Plggmus Im glad it is good form take It as a great favor If your honor cured, but 1 doubt very much whether not to wear a watch with a dress suit will just give me the sentence I'd have new blood. They do that one thing and e sold by the Consolidated WagMaurice Gerry is the individual to got if I had pleaded guilty In the first they do it well. Impoverished blood is Dlsmukea Why? My Dear Harriet: My secretary has whom it can be safely intrusted. He deficient ill red corpuscles. Dr. Williams' on & Machine Company, has Chicago Tribune. "Because I never have both at the place. been here just two days, but I am has begun to reveal a frivolous sAWtu Pink Pills increase the number of these same time. American Spectator. geatest capacity, skims the already confident that he will prove his character that I did not believe red corpnscles and iu this way send Experience Makes Da Wise. health and strength to every tissue. la HarTeacher a me Can He a tell a what man, Winslow's he and Mn. young the capable. works anyone possessed. Syrup. cleanest, Soothing easiest, All druggists sell Dr. Williams Pink For ehlldrsa tasthlsa. soflMa the sums, reduces is? vard graduate, unobtrusive and' orLast night the told me that she met alleys pslu, cures wind colic. Me .butt to. palmist lasts the PiUs or they will be sent by mail, postlongest Agents derly. "I know, teacner. Its a woman who Maurice Gerry at a dance, and that paid, on receipt of price, 60 oentsjper Is old an man's It weakness to boast uses Johand a her of The I had instead of plan. slipper. everywhere. Instructing he had asktd her for her hand, and box, six boxes for $3.60, bjr tha Dr. wfl. Judy. seph Downs daughter In the duties of had Insinuated that she had given of his youthful depravity. limn Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. WONDERS OF NEXT CENTURY amanuensis I abandoned the instant him every reason to believe that she I laid eyes upon her. In manner snd was in love with him. Xmprovexmnta Which Will Do Awaj) disposition ehe must resemble ner 1 am slov to anger, but I confess i with Much Trouble of the Italian mother; she Is dark, too, and was in a terrible rage at the young Generation. . her father, you know, was fair. It la not fit to touch .be has been many years now since I have coxcomb who But wuru "The bath of the next century," had occasion to examine the young hem of Paulines dress. v. wav not at was said follo She to it A T. Baron Russell in book his aye female at close renew. Do they all Hundred Years Hence," will lave the talk incessantly and very fast about all remarkable that be should fancy body Speedily with oxygenated water nothing lu particular? That is what she was consumed with love for him, since I had insisted upon throwing ner delivered with a force that will render Joseph Downs daughter does. I was rubbing unn essary, and beside it In my workroom when ehe arrived at the young fellows head. Can you will stand the drying cupboard, lined with Elizabeth, who had driven down imagine an accusation more painful, The Kind You nave Always Bought, and which has been Harriet? And the most unpleasant part with some quickly moving arrange- to tbe. station for her. in use for over 30 years, hag borne the signature of of It was fiat 1 could not denv It. ment of soft brushes, and fed with a She hail un absurd dog under ner and hag been made under big per. was love In she raid she Highly desiccated air, from which althat Then which she Insisted on piy shak most in a moment, the bather will arm, came This man! Asother some with AVcgetable gonal supervision since its infancy. fttparalionfor lng hands With. She told me that to me, and I begged as shock emerge, dried, and with a skin gently was ten years a Allow no one to deceive you in this. g great IbcftodandRegula-tinsimilating younger looking than stimulated, and perhaps electrified, to she had iheStaBBCtis and Dowels of All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jnst-aa-go- od are but to find me, and that her to tell me the name of the expected clothe himself quickly and pass down I affechealth and trifle with the of would look even younger if 1 did man who hail trifled with her that Experiments endanger the lift to his breakfast, which he will 1 N FA N T S C ffllD R F.Nr tions. She wouldn't tell, but she asnot Inflmts She Intendsaid Children she that and stoop. Experience Experiment against eat to the accompaniment of a sumas her father sured me that he hadnt been trifling ed to call me'J. M mary of the mornings news read out with her; that she had Just been foolshe did, and then Promotes DigestioibChce (fulbegan to cry. Can for the benefit of the family, or whisand hid fallen in love with him you Imagine the state of mind 1 was ish and Rest.Contains neither ness And pered into his ear by a talking mathen, without any encouragement. in? nor Mineral. Opium.Morphine chine. Harriet, she said the most extraorCastoria is harmless substitute fbr Castor OH, Fare, Fortunately Elizabeth hurried 'to Dishwashing will be easy in that, had been She ponderthing. la' Pleasant. the rescue i.nd the young person was dinary gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. all day. Dirty plates and dishes, for exing what my secretary had said nor I contains from removed other Narcotto workroom. the Bui neither Opium, Morphine will be simply dropped one by come ample, was greatly distressed and did not go evening, she declared, and had h.iV8 MqpffOUjySAMLXLPHVMlit Is substance. Worms its Its one into an automatic receptacle; guarantee. age destroys would she to conclusion that the cures Diarrhoea and Wind ' and allays Feverishness. swilled clean by water delivered with down to dinner. The very next day 1 to elope. 1 implored her to do nothbegan to look for a secretary, and reCello. force and charged with nascent oxyrelieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation so rash, and asked her whom she moved my workroom to the top floor. ing assimilates the Food, regulates the gen; dried by electric heat, and poland Flatulency. mind. But she answered, no in had aSSEmsUUs ished by electric force, being Anally Faithfully yours, John Marchand. Stomach and Bowels, one; that I would have to help her segiving healthy and natural sleeps MnM- as a superfluous act of oxygen-bathe- d The The Mothers Friend. Panacea Childrens lect somebody. My Dear Harriet: Yon are disturbed, e sanitary cleanliness before being sent was end She her said, argument to table again. And all that has come you Bay, lest the young creatjre we A perfect Remedy for ConsHpa-Ho- n. off the, plates will drop through the have in the Louse will annoy me, but sound, Harriet, that when a girl eloped one man, nobody could accuse ncr Sour Stomach.Diarrtoca do not alarm yourself. My secretary with scullery Aoor Into the destructor beI Worms .Convulsions .Feveriswith But love in another. of being I are and on secluded here the to be oxygenated and made away neath quite Bean the Signature of ' hness and Loss OF SLEEP. with." top floor; wo are only reminded of didn't like the Idea, and I told her s6. she didn't, either, her presence In the house when's door She admitted that There will be many other improveflu Simile Signature of ments. Trains will gather speed slams and she laughs. Her laughter but that it had to be done, and the over So went we Letter. sooner the more rapidly; moving platforms will la not exactly loud, but it carries very far. She seeniB to know a number of the list of men that Pauline knows, do away with the need of stopping NEW YORK. trains at every station. People will people in Boston, and Is always either a very long list it was, but there was t bnu.n t tvs o I Perone. to each some great i bjection have more accidents to avoid, an they Just coming home or going out. fTT Jlfli .M S' haps you have had occasion to rewill be cleverer in avoiding them. On One thing I cannot prevent her do) on the rapid degenerasmall dying machines they will visit ing; every afternoon Just before din- mark, Harriet, mountain tops on Saturday afternoons ner she insists upon coming into the tion of the young man. Pauline deDUCT COPY OF WRAPPER. refor (nonalcoholic) picnics." Actors workroom for five minutes. She says clared that she had frequently will only play once in one part; for that it is a duty she owes me. I have marked it When we had exhausted their performances will be reproduced endeavored to reason her out of it, the list, my ward stared into the fire 1 by a perfected klnetoscope and phonobut she is a most obstinate young while racked my brain to find same means of solving an awkward tangle. graph. creature. Since our last conversation an idea came to me that Buddenly have much of for thought marrlago Bare Church Treasure. took lb ay my breath, but the quite me that more 1 The little Roman church of Conques, her, and it has occurred to considered it the more feasibe would not if a had Idea she it lost in the mountains of Aveyron, is Very awkwardly, should marry my secretary, wno, as ble it appeared. possessed of a treasure which was on I I'm afraid, T explained to Pauline that I have told you, le a think view at the exhibition of 1900. It was Inasmuch as I, In my blundering, had young man. Her coming to of such marvelous beauty that a synthis humiliation upon her, il all inflamed, ulcerated and catanhal conbrought dicate of art dealers offered for It the the workroom every afternoon shsws was only right that I should sacnlico ditions of the mucous membrane such as not she in uninterested is that him, sum of 82,000,000 francs ($6,400,000). It her. She for nasalcatarrh, uterine catarrh caused asked, very myself shyly, to to he and listen kindly hei appears Contains the finest enamels In the by feminine ills, sore throat, sore if I meant that I would elope with Marchatter. John yours, Faithiuliy mouth or inflamed eyes by simply 1 confess to world, reliquaries given by the early chand. that you her, and, though the stomach. dosing in statues Roman and of France kings it cost me something 'of an effort, Hare But you surely can cure these stubborn gold and silver. Fortunately for France I Baid I think. es, very firmly, affections by local treatment with I am really not riet, My Dear Harriet: the art syndicate did not buy it aiid the Methuselah you would make me The child ves silent for awhile,wWtW--Toilet be out. 1 cannot, of course, pretend to then she said that perhaps that Gold In Haytt best arrangement, that wnat the which the disease germs, checks so a creaunusual understand destroys young The premium on gold In Haytl now became of her didn't matter very much, discharges, stops pain, and heals the as Pauline ture in but Downs, cent. d.dng 600 400 and per varies between inflammation and soreness. with the protection of my my best to encourage a union with my but that ; Paxtine name own would live she life end her represents the most successful 1 nm not aware secretary that.l am Old , local treatment for feminine ills ever Corns, as you suggest. would never disturb me. The story with ' rreiMW"p fire, r playing produced. Thousands of women testify A $2000 Gold Piece will leak out, of the of elopement Is excelwell Maurice has to this fact. 50 cents at druggists. born, Gerry About IbeSzeof a Silver lent prospect s. and is a neat anil meth- course, and it may affect my reputaDollar-B- ut tbe GddGou' Send for Free Trial Box 1 desc ientific world. in But tion the Such an absurd odical young man. joTlmej as Ran K. PAXTON C-O- Boston. Ms 1 TOE serve to humilieiicD for the suffer 1 thing happened the other morning. 1 have and brought upon Pauline, relate It o ou to show what a kind heart the child has, and also what really welcome this chance of proving the disinterestedness of my affection. extremely queer Ideas she bolds In I shall write you upon our return. 1 bad to scheme of life. the regard vmirs John Marchand. Faithfully gone down to breakfast rather late, TO. THREE Mr. at work Gerry leaving upstairs. My Dear Harriet: Our steamer sails Elizabeth wa. engaged In some houserP r ' "r hold duty, so Pauline poured my cof- in two hours, so I have but a brief Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1. Sold by all Druggists. 2 time in which to inform you of (he lavorlrg Extra cts are fee. Gold tba Detract World prove, I am swe, Just as we had finished breakfast a sequel to what-wil- l venture in my life 1 rethe happiest announced servant abruptly that the to fer my elopement with Pauline child's camry was acting strangely. Pauline rushed up to her room, and Downs. What do you think? I quite lost in an incredibly short time was down EVERYTHING head last evening, and told her was my dead on She the bird whaa as holding again. Places a grave responsibility 1 loved , loved haa-Ithat wo ship yoa seeds. Yea set tbe beastttef and had waa her, and always FOR in her weeping vio150 TAGE KBADKHS OR THIS FAPKB ear loag esperieaee sad ear DBHIKINO TO BUT AXTTHINQ It was most extraordinary! her. And then, Harriet, a great Joy lently. ILLUSTRATED EVERY STORY aaqaalifiad aasreatee. ADTKBTI8KD IX ITS COLCMNS She stood mere sobbing so long Lhst I came to me. She said that she, too, CATALOGUE BROWNING'S IN BBorui insist cron having had to remind her that ihe bird was loved me, but that she had always traWHAT THBT ASK FOR, REFUBIRO FREE ON PATENT I considered SEASON ii'tle her EVERY ded s ehe nad and silly, better ihai it dead, give scsnrrcTa oh imitations. all REQUEST I cannot she how me servants to dispose of. thing. to one of Imagine It quite took my breath away wnen could have entertained such an ides, he turnel cn me and called me a for I have always considered her stupid, musty, silly, very superior to most women. usasar apoanoa 0000s houso la ths unitid statss I have decided to take a years vaheathenish scientist" These were her iwee iBTrntlo. Book tot .M " MAM SI HiftoH it(wii. lfjb Cotooair FBF.K. exact words. I remember them dis- cation, and during that time we shall CootiXnllU. - Bnabltokrd lau. OmainjakUiwa fmwUk 4 . a aH Lake CHy. Vtth because Pauline will "to, the to bavo I travel. repreadjectives says Unm, tuMiji tinctly, sented such s heterogeneous eollciion. regain my youth before I settle down TOf ilputaro FOOT-EAS-E Then, before I could protest, she to work again. Wishing you good luck Writ. XKXm Bn fart, (14 1 St., Wuktoftoa, S. a thrust the dead canary into mv hand and a prosperous summer, I am faithI A Crrtala Cura for Tlrsd, Hoi, Aching FtaL p. o. ses a. s. asaawas. me to hold It until jbe fully your. John Marchand SLOimated, commanded and W. N. V., Salt Lake City, No. S3, 1800 SALT USI OITV. UTSN sa srarj boa. DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. a V. saaLBB. LcKof.JLX, WORTH INVESTIGATING. WHO WITH PAULINE? m -- rn " m . . linn.t i I What is CASTORS A a Not Narcotic. t'l It It It GENUINE ' It CASTORIA 30 Years BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Paxtine Antiseptic Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Sores, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Bums, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR lajM'iwi; -r ALWAYS The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought In Use For Over well-behav- ed It It 2 Your Written Request FREE hard-hearte- d, THE OLD RELIABLE PATENTS for PROFIT BROWNING BROS. Co., Ogden, Utah Union Assay Office lALLEITS hr pensions |