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Show and they have made no miatake. When THE FUTURE TOLD BY MAIL. we lot t Redlands we elt like endure- To be assured of a pleasant .tip I will answer all questions you wish ing President William McKinley's IN NEWEST LAKE HOTEL SALT east, purchase your tickets vli me parting words, when he visited this to know; give you advice in business piacc May 8, 1801, which were as fol- - affairs or affairs of the heart as easily NEW BUILDING, .NEW .FURNIlows: May I exoress the pleasure I by mall as at personal sittings. Give TURE, NEW EVERYTHING. Utah Press Association's Trip to California, the Land of Suns have had in theItsdrive today about your me a trial. Terms. 61- - Madame city, through parks and avenues, Schnleder, 48 West Third South, Salt RATES REASONABLE. Nnd in my admiration of your beautl- - Lake shine, Flowers, Palm Trees, Orange Groves, Etc. City, rul homes, it is hardly conceivable NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, that all this has neon done In a period ,ty of Maxico and Return, $69.80. of twelve years. We will carry way1 ORPHEUM THEATRE BLDG. (Written tor the Gray ft Jakeman At 11on o'clock a. m. the committee took with us the perfume of your flowers, car. through a and more than that, we will carry the uh 138 SOUTH STATE 8T., SALT Syndicate by Cha. V. Amlcraun.) most beautiful country. We passed away with us the memory of this beau-tufu- l ut the man- through groves of persimmons, pome. LAKE CITY. . Through the cotiin-Kreception and heart touch we agement of the Son IVdro. Los Ange- granates, grapes, figs, oranges, olives, have had from the good people of this H. E. PROPRIETOR. BARTLETT, les and Salt Lake Riillnmil," built by etc. At Highland, in the midst of an I don't wonder the people ihat thorough American business man. Immense orange grove we stopped and community. of Redlands are proud of their' city. Senator Clark, of Montana, the State partook of sandwiches and oranges. At 6 o'clock p. m. we returned to from Omaha to Chicago. Press Association of Utah, left Salt Oh, such oranges! If such oranges dear Saq Bernai'dlno, whose thrift, First-clas- s Lake City In their private Pullman had grown In the garden of Eden, service also between and generosity, shall never be car, .the "Macedonia," Saturday May dear Mother Eve would surely have beauty and Minneapolis and Chicago-anOmaha Utah associathe Press forgotten by 12 o'clock gRswrw?ppifs?s?ws?wstw?F5. midnight. taken an orange instead of an apple. tion. 12th, 1800, at SL Louis, as well us all points in DONT MISS THE LARGE HT It was at the beginning of the spook After this we were piloted to the the South end Southeast we 8:20 took at morning Tuesday MOBILE hour, and in a few minutes everyone Stewart Hotel, where a splendid lun the San Pedro local to Riverside For full lnformetlon call on or write looked like spooks, even If we didnt cheon was served. President Monahan where we arrived I later. minutes all to runs French Tablets. Dr. that points of Interest, Tansy Leroy's see uny; but. by the way, the spixiks made an elegant address of welcome Here we were metthirtya committee of An' Fare with by these tablets with a good guide. J. A. FOLEY, acquaintance in a Pullman are always the opposite in behalf of the citizens of San Bernar- Chamber of Commercle and Mr. J H. will result In a pleasant surprise to Seeing Salt Lake" Car and Autos., to white anyhow. dino and President D. P. Felt re- Bnrtner, then passenger agent at Rver-sidCommercial Agent 40 E 2nd So. The ladles safeBuffering women. The party consisted of the following sponded. but who since then has been In cases of painful or supNo. 75 West Second South Street After luncheon another car was In transferred to the Salt Lake office, guard. representatives of the Utah Press: D, pressed menstruation THEY SUCJ Felt and daughter, Davis County readiness, and the party took passage where he now occupies the position of CEED. Price, 62.00 per box. At all Ru-raT. and Jakeman J. wife, for Colton, in the meantime James district passenger agent, and at once Argus; drug stores or by mall, securely sealed. apERiiRawtawwwteutetatatiwumatatatireiMtRRFPPFRNNNW Republican; C. A. England and Fleming, J. R. Neff, W. M. Parker and started on a trolley ride through one Doull Drug Co., 338Maln, Salt Lake H. II. Fleer, others had added themselves to those of the most daughter, Ixigan Journal; beautiful stretches of City, Utah. NEW RECORDS FOR OLD ONES. State Journal, Ogden; Miss Agnes who Jumped Into the breach earlier in landscape that human eyes ever beCampbell and Mrs. Emily Adams, the day, among them Mayor Barton, held. Old er hroksn Disc or Cylinder records taken as part papassnl foe Now Once. Young aLdles' Journal; J. A. Burt, E. D. Roberts, President Monahan, no saloons, no slums, BOYS AND GIRLS, WE PAY CASH. Riverside has and Miss Jesperson, Juvenile Instruct John Brown and others, and the party five buildAND EAST PAYMENTS. TRIAL FREE parks, fifteen public school or; Parley P. Jenson, Blkuben; C. V. headed for Colton. of 12,000. Twenty a population ings, The new IMS models of the COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHOMB Anderson and wife, Times; Colton has a population of 4,000, and miles of electric Many bright boys and girls are makrailway. Twenty all of the latest improvements In the talking machine C. O. Elmqulst, Salt Lake Blade; Jo- is growing very rapidly. San Bernarembody tohusand acres of oranges and lemons, ing 65 weekly after school working for are the standard of perfection. and eorld Bull and in 75.000 acres wife, orange Korrespondenten; dina Valley has seph miles of paved streets. Two. us. If you want the same chance, send PAYMENT L. H. Gray and wife, Merctir Miner; groves, and the growers own their own thirty ANY OLD MACHINE TAKEN drives. shaded miles oiled and hundred and address and we will W. A. Raddon and mother,. Park City packing house, thus doing away with Ten that don't and uLyailtname Xn the latest for types, forget exchange thousand acres of alfalfa. Electric Record; Fred Jorgenson and wife, jobbers and obtaining better prices. light. This place is the home of the send you $2 worth of our quick-sellin- g GUARANTEE A WRITTEN I?phralm Een ter prise; C. A. Wilkinson, They have branch houses In New York, seedless orange planted In California Household Specialties. When sold, Cedar City Record; Dr. Middleton, St. Philadelphia and Boston. We visited about Backed by the largest Tsllflng Machine Company In the World or send us 61 and fruit, grape ago, years thirty 61 for yourself. Goee With the Machine. C. and keep Lochrte H. a was this establishment and it sight Pomalo. Is grown here to a large exGeorge Advocate; do this In one day. We will You can mother, Milford Times; A. W. Casey, never to be forgotten. Five car loads tend. This fruit is of orange COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO., GENL. Deseret Farmer; Misses Buys and are shipped every day, and they have and lemon, and is grafting twice as I furnish you permanent work, generally SALT LAKE CITY, Buys, Wasatch Wave; Johnson ft John- an automatic box making machine large as a large orange. It seems like I Address N. H. Groesbeck Bo. Main SL Both Phones. ft Co. son, photographers, W. W. Rivers of that makes about 5,000 boxes per day, i I yuuau'aWUUWAWlBViWrtGslsMIBiSlsMK no matter kkkkkkkMMskSsssaSMSSsS! pays big, always gprlngvllle.Utah, Salt Lake Tribune, and baby "Teddy The number of oranges shipped from grafting whether it is in fruit growing, politics, here every day amounts to about 250,-00- or Jakeman, the official mascot. of else. The name grape And they were a polly. Orange lands with water sell fruitanything for Pomalos derlces from the fact 4444444-f- r 4 4 44-ff-fintelligent and respectable company. from 6200 to 300 per acre, and ten that they grow in bunches just like xuwimtstimawstswitstttststatstiMat 44-4A California paper said we had min- year old groves from 6600 to 61,000 44 Just think of a tree laden grapes. 10,000 pieces of Sheet Music 10c 4 isters, doctors, lawyers, and a capital- per acre. will tree and the banna with fruit this ist in the company. We could easily The sun Rhlnes about 340 days in the full into 4 44 Riverside per copy. Insignificance. locate the three former; but It was year. but. no matter how warm the 44 44 of over the twenty shipment averages rather difficult to locate the capitalist; day. blankets are welcome at night. carloads or fruit for 44 44 AND ITS FAMOUS WINTER RE80RT8. every . working but at laBt we found him in the genial One hundred and four trains arrive 44 In the year. The returns from the day BernarSan H. treasurer like Mr. L. of the Colton, Gray, every day.. person 44 LOS ANGELES. and lemon groves alone give CATALINA. oi the association, who was always dino and other cities in Southern Cal- orange of 6250 a year to eVbry an 44 average both and water checks ifornia. receives Its supply, ready to cash drafts and woman and child in the place. 44 OCEAN BEACHES. ORANGE GROVES. assist the members of the asosclatlon for culinary as well as Irrigation pur man, Here is also located the governee 44 in every way. poses, from artesian wells, of which ment Indian school, called Sherman e-SAN PEDRO. PASADENA. 44 39 Main St, Salt Lake City. Now for the Journey: 12:30 a. m. some are 1000 feet deep, and send lustltute. Five nundred and forty Ine fr4 Saturday night bumpety bump. , What forth an Immense volume of pure wa- dian children between the ages of five e-44 SAN BERNARDINO. to to Apianos, Organs, Talking Machines, allowed RIVERSIDE. is to go water do are you trying crawling through ter. No common eighteen are here given a 44 the window? Please dont snore so waste; every drop is being utilized for and school education, besides this the girls A e-K 44 loudly, give ns a red. Porter tell them some purpose. FINEST DINING CAR SERVICE IN THE WEST. are taught domestic Bdence and the A e-not to- shake the train bo awrully, 44 The immensity or the growing of We k ' Please dont use my heRd for a boys receive manual training. 44 Vestlbuled Trains leave Salt Lake City 8:30 p. m. dally. Ob-- e Palatial step oranges, lemons, olives, grapes and Visited ik'sMiiiAiiii'sMitii's'siiirsirsMkii some In the of classes session, I wonder if our little dog other fruit will perhaps be better unladder. atserration, Drawing Room and Standard Pullman Sleeper, Tourist and'' Fido will mis us. and similar remarks derstood by the statement that the and wereandastonished at the order,child"ee WE ARE 8ALT LAKER8. of tention the Dining Car. brightness rewere heard until we finally fell asleep, growers in Southern California fr e soldierand ren. All bright not caring whether we slipped on a ceived in clear profit over twenty mil- like Indian Why trust your treasured pictures to ee- . FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR. 4fr boy was our guide. His banana peel or struck an earthquake. lion dollars this season. strangers? was Billy Brown of the Pueblo Ask nearest agent for information on Pacific Coast Excursions, or At 4 o'clock Sunday morning we arAfter visiting the Harlem Hot name and born Mex- Ours is a Utah firm, New at tribe, Lagoona, managed by Utah 1 4 write to J. L. Moore, Dlst Pas. AgenL Ban Pedro, Los curative sea for 6060 their above feet rived at Boulter, Springs, famous 25 Angeles ft Salt 4 ico. This school consists of about men. level, so we had in four hours traveled powers of rheumatism, dpopay and buildings, and occupies a large area e- Lake R. R., Salt Lake City. 4 79 miles and 1,800 feet up in the air other ailments, we went to beautiful v In India Ink, have Pictures en-. (Salt Lake Citys elevation being 4,260 ( Redlands. Here our party was Joined of ground. These Indian boys 1 . Sapla, 44 football team on larged, mounted 44 been the 44 Aboard or 5 Water Colors feet). At 1 o'clock p. m. we came to by Mayor J. J. Sues and Edward lit-S. the Pacificchampion coast. Beus this Took In who Utah. through Graham, w'r'TJvada,,the last station Oil. or lers. k avenue At the head of Victoria ing Sunday we had religious services, tle Paradise and up to the glorious If Redlands had In stands a gigantic palmtree about 60 Pictures sent by mall are as safe as because newspaper men as a rule, are Smiley Heights. It Palm. called the feet In Rumsey high brought person. very religious, you know. We had sev- 1904, a population of 8.611 and Is now Mr. C. E. Rumsey, was moved there A eral excellent singers in the company estimated at over 10,000. What na- and was planted by FRAMING SPECIALTY. in the present place and they opened and closed with sacred ture has not done here money and laUTAH ART CO., by President Roosevelt on his visit songs. Te hspeakers were Pastor A. bor has. There are some drugstores, to Riverside May 7, 1903. The enFleer of the German Evangelical but no saloons it is a strict temper closure is of cement and shaped In the Church in Ogden, and Elder C. A. Eng- anre town. When the thermometer in form of a V in honor of THOMAS F. ASHWORTH. Queen Vicland of Logan, who both spoke on the the east is hovering about and below toria for her constant fidelity Attorney-at-Lato the At 3 zero, and snow and! ice cover the observance of the Sabbath. Practice In both state and federal Rumsame Mr. American The people. are Redlands o'clock p. m. we arirved at Calfente. ground, residents of was the gentleman who took our co1u8 Special attention given to Nevada, and at 7:30 at Las Vegas, basking In sunshine, surrounded every- sey mining and mining law. Communicathrough beautiful Riverside. party wheer we all of a sudden was made where by flowers and groves of At one THE TOURI8TJ8 FAVORITE POUTS tions solicited, and answered promptthe at we o'clock arrived 590-one hour younger, changing time from orange trees loaded with the golden-rip- Glenwuod. where 312 Dooly Bell phone ly. served was lunpheon fruit. The temperature seldom In the Mountain to Pacific, we didn't look It Characteristically Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. refectory. FAST FLYERS DAILY BETWEEN though. (But on our return, although rives above 97 or falls below 54 de- good was the service and menu. When WHEN we were an hour older, we looked five grees, so there Is almost a continued the Mr. was coffees small reached, a OODEN AND years younger the ladies especially.) summer, and there are no mosquitoes Rumsey op behalf of the Chamber of Into or to the ourselves we threw happl your llees, earthly pester Again welcomed the guests and arms of Morpheus and awoke at 6:30 ness und pleasant dreams. Men with Commerce Introduced Secretaiy Charles to tell CHOICE OF ROUTES. to homes build a. m. Monday 14th, in San Bernardino, capital have come here some about the city. He us facts (or ''San Kerdoo. as some call it for in which to pass life's remaining days, made a concise statement of some of short). We had traveled through the distinctive the features, and Prcenr dreary desert of Southern Utah and REFUND CLAIMS ON LAND EN- was citys A. F. Clark, who welfollowed by COI be thus suddenly Nevada, and to on association comed the Utah Press FROM OGDEN OR BALT LAKE TRIES. thrown Into a garden of Palm trees, behalf of local newspapers. and help"! Mr. Fred W. Lake, the land agent orange and lemon groves, roses and the thanks Bend model, photo or sketch, and we send President Felt TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARf flowers of every description, seemed and attorney of San Francisco, re- of the association, expressed IMMRDIAT8 rRII REPORT ON and & vote of thanks X) yuan' practice. Befia-tereto be a foretaste of the resurrection quests all his clients in Salt Lake was extended to the Chamber of ComPatent Lawyers. Write or come to from the dead. County and vicinity, for whom he has merce. the Glen wood and the newsns at MHQ7, 7tk St.. WASHINGTON, D. C. Free XUallnlBf Chair Ora. Dining Oar San Bernardino has a population of undertaken claims for recovery of Mr. Servian, a la carta hfcpurh trains. papers for courtesies extended. 12.0iH and is the capital of San Bernar- money paid on land entries, to comFor roldara, Iltastrafod Booklets, ala.. Carey spoke briefly, as did also others dino County and Is situated on a gen- municate with him at once and send as of address . , . the asosclatlon. tle slope. Just before the mouth full particulars as possible of their No set program was followed during "Gates of Cajon Pass, the through cases. Ail ot Mr. Lakes records were BALT LAKE CITY, ETAS I L JL BENTON, Gk A XX so we inspected the Which enters the Santa Fe railroad, destroyed by the San Francisco fire, the afternoon, and house court paid hotel, library, and also the route of the Salt Lake and information is desired from clients visits to the newspaper offices and road. It is therefore on the direct line in order that no time need be lost in White Park and wandered about town of railway travel the prosecution of the cases, and to at will. To fully describe Hotel over those two great systems, while save the delay rendered necessary by HOME8 PROTECTED is impossible, It must be seen three miles to the south passes thea making up new records from the land to be appreciated. The architecture offices. As some of these cases have is somewhat or 'he old Mission style, Southenr Pacific railroad, with By Life Insurance are always happy branch connecting this city with Col- been in litigation for a number of beautiful and characteristic. The inRemember that the homes. laid out, years, but are nearly ready now to be side is ton. The city Is regularly magnificent both in design and with broad, clean, streets, well paved successfully concluded, all claimants furnishing. are No two suites alike, INSURANCE LIFE BENEFICIAL in the densest part of the city, with who have placed such claims in Mr. and none are like any other you ever shaded and by at in time Lake's hands the cement sidewalks, any past saw. It is the most uniquely created COMPANY OF UTAH good San are requested to communicate with semitmpiral trees and shrubbery. court In the world. It occupies over him. Address Fred W. Lake, No. 909 hosteliy Bernardino has a magnificent of ground and Is surrounded acres two Is purely a home company and worthy house, constructed entirely of material Linden Street, Oakland, Cal. and flowers. President Roose-- 1 by palms of your patronage. found within the limits of the county. relt spent a night here during his visit Issues modern forme Life Contracts The source of water supply is the 10 California, and in the main' court at the lowest possible rates. mountain melted snow of the rugged of all the Washington parent replanted of the Homs Office, Beneficial Life Insurpeaks and the infiltrated water Navel orange trees. Deseret News Co ance artesian well. Beyond the range of At 4:56 we reluctantly bade farewell Lake 8alt City. Building, mountains lying Just north of the city to thla lttlo paradise and arrived exis a vast mineral region, rich In precactly two hours later in Los Angeles, minother ores and and ious metals whore we at once proceeded to Hotel excellent an tl has eral products. lAinkcrKhlin. one of the finest hotels oAsa at car the street car service. The first in the city. A committee had been name 44 depot was a fine one. and her to receive us, but as we appointed it take we didnt but was Maud; were to leave the morning following 44 we waited for the next one; not that for San Diego, all arrangements for we were snperstltitlous. oh no! We till deferred were our entertainment 44 located at the Hotel Sunset. Shortly our return from there. fol4 4 after our arrival at the hotel, the apWednesday morning we board-- 1 fr Early beon having lowing gentlemen, wl the train for San Diego over the 4 4 on reception, committee a points Santa Fe road, to whose management 4 4 waited upon us: E. P- Roberts. Preu. we arc indebted for the interesting trip C. National Bank; 44 of San Bernardina south of Los Angeles. 4 4 W. Monahan, president of the oBard 1:20 p. San at at arrived We Diego of 4 4 of Trade; W. M.- Parker, president m.. and were met at the depot by a fr Ra. trough the Board of Education, and James 4 of members of committee reception Thlatls 11:0 a. Lhtn Flemming, a wealthy orange grower. 4 After 4 Commerce. of .... Laavea Provo a. m. the Chamber After partaking of a splendid break4 fr 11:40 a. m. luncheon we met 3 o'clock p. m. at the American Fork ....,.U6 for Lsavcs Leaves Lehl .................... ..11:17 8l SB. Chamber of Commerce where Doctor fast we sauntered around town court 4 4 Leaves Bingham Junction .... 1:11 p. m. C, coves of San a while. The city and county 4 fr Diego welcomed the two Arrives gait Lake City tn. fine a is l:ti p. records of hall and house 4 fr BINGHAM bAaN&L AmVes pencil pushers from Utah in a speech Jail Is in the base- Leaves. story building. The out A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. which showed him to be an orator of 44 street, the to ment and fronting I:M 1:00 Salt Lake City 11:10 1:4 no mean ability. -Measra Felt and 4 and costs 1300,000. I peeped through l:tt l:Zt Bingham Junetlan 10:17 1:17 Fleer of the association responded In 10:40 14 Revere 4 one of the windows, but was scared 1:40 1:40 1ST Lead Mine 0:M 1:41 veiy neat speeches. 4 4 , away by the following sign written IJI 4:10 Bingham 6:N 00 4frfrfrfrfrfrtfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfr44e misebevious some window . by 4-on the L A. BENTON. T 4 4 4 4 4 4 . 44 44 4 (Continued on Page 5.) Ore. AmLaJu Xtot street urchin, It Is your turn next. BEAUTIFUL CALIFORNIA Illinois Central Rail sigh-seein- g d 61-0- Trt-Cit- y AS-PAR- T 627-6- 19 1 0. good-nature- r t 4 TO CALIFORNIA FERGUS COALTER SMU5IC COMPANY. ee ee e e-f- r e - 444444444444 444444444444444444 .4444444444444444444444444444444444.1 , -- . 3 MWRR- - 3 d f. trans-continent- Glen-woo- d 214-16-1- 8 GEflNH cm r - 4444444444444444 mm. -- I I? 4444frfrfrfrfrfrf 4444 |