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Show The Rural Republican have allowed great opportunities to MILFORD ERIK THE LAWN AND LAWN MOWER 'V j1'?' pass by, and felt very foolish later, that they did not Investigate at the Published Every Sunday. How to Keep the Mowsr in Good Or The wedding bells were When In want of help, call upS time, as stocks bought In the promo- the boys with their tin pans dsr Better to How Twice Than or write Strock'o Employmen tion of the great Inventions, ing and the band was pi days Office of Publication Ones a Week. , Agency, 45 West Second So. have, almost without exception made land, and 1 was humming Phones 464. 257 Coml Club Bdg, Salt Lake City. fortunes for the holders. Only a few Home at the Simpkins and i Tht lawn mower is generally much ; of these cases are. Bell Telephone, the ding last Monday. abused by the majority of thoao who Subscription Price: commercial success of which was Daniel Williams of .DM it When nicely 3 One yr. $2; 6 Mos., $1.25; Moa., 75c. laughed at by apparently wise people, Hickory, was. a visitor adjusted and In ood working order it may bo kepi NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT NO. 26. the Westinghouse Air Brake, which Wednesday. JAS. T. JAKEMAN, M by a hairs breadth turn of the was ridiculed by the great VanderShepard David Barton was1 Managing Editor. bilt, the Morse system of telegraphy adjusting screws or bolts and no one BLUE JAY EXTENSION MINING yesterday. hould be allowed to meddle with Company, Ltd., a corporation. that had a very' hard time selling Pat Martin left this these exIts stock to an of of principal place of business. parts unless he fully underenough A. put up .EDITOR. S. KENNER, PtochSr Nevada. stands them. The blades of the lawn Salt Lake City, Utah. perimental line, the Electric Light and LIONEL H. GRAY, , Manager. Superintendent Engols mewer strike the cutting bar In suety numerous other great and grand were Notice la hereby given that at a visitors yesterday, the 6thr A manner as to be achievements, all of which had a hard ley Baxter meeting of the Board of Directors held largely were iau and wife METAL MARKET. struggle In getting started, yet have Wednesday. Mr. Baxter and suing sad no machine, if well oiled on the 26th day of May, 1966, an ascent per share was made fortunes for the ones who were were Milford and adjusted, will need sharpening sessment of visitors the Tuesday, 5. Silver, 66 cents; lead, wise enough to assist In the promo- ing?- unless it Is run Into stones or other levied on the capital stock of the cop cents. $5.75; copper, 18 tion, by buying a little of their stock. hard substances that may dull or bend poratlon, payable July 1, 1906, to L. ' Tuesday, 5. Silver, 66 cents; lead, Angus Buchanan Is In Bea H. Gray, treasurer, at 200-D. F. Wireless telegraph may be very the knives. few days. cents. Walker building, Salt Lake City, Utah. $5.75; copper, 18 mysterious to the reader, but like all The ordinary machine oil used upon Any stock upon which this aasesamenl Mamie Lindsay left for Beaver-day- . Two cars of Alta ore were received others It has its schlentlllc principle, larger machines than the lawn mower, at the Pioneer sampler Tuesday. And In accordance with law and an wUIch upon Investigation, may remain unpaid on the lat day ot Is easily QIMwagons, etc., Is too heavy for thd July, 1906, will be delinquent and ad- order of the Board of Directors made On Tuesday two cars of Stockton understood. The best proof, however, Mrs. G. H. Fennlmore and dfc' law'n mower ore were released from the sampler. s that we are doing It Over land and arrived from Beaver Wednesday except In very hot weath-,e- r vert laed for sale at public auction, and, March 14lh, 1906, so many shares of nd should be thinned with an unless payment Is made before, will each parcel of stock as may be necesTuesday 450 shares of Columbus sea, the DeForest Wireless Telegraph Dr. Fennemore was at Nephi Con. sold on the local market at $7.60; equal amount of kerosene. No be sold on the 25th day of July, 19.0(1, sary will be sold at public auction at have their stations estab- other day. , .J 150 at $7.65; 450, at $7.70; 600 at Company will In at the hour of 12 o'clock M., at 300-- the office of the secretary, 301 D. F. op keep working are perfect and lished, dally transacting George Williams, a machinist, ti $7.75. successful commercial business, with gulte a painful accident Monday;: ;.der for a great length of time with- D. F. Walker building, Salt Lake City. Walker building, at Salt Lake City, Honorlne stock sold at $2.50 on the of which we have out cleaning and the lawn mower Utah, to pay the delinquent assess- Utah, on May 31, 1906, at the hour of abundant proof. If while running a lathe It caught local market Tuesday. is run through so much dust ment, together with the cost of adver- 12 M., to pay the delinquent assessyrlkich will what think the telegraph the drill went through Mr. .William Wednesday, 6. Silver, 66 cents; you ment thereon together with the costs d,rt should be taken apart once tising and expense of sale. business of the world means, and then hand. He Is at the Holy Cross hosplt- cents. $5.75; copper, 18 lead, of advertising and expense of sale. I H. GRAY, Secretary. r twice ' savcareconsider the each results of al. every season, carefully part 6. Silver, 66 cents; Wednesday, L. H. GRAY, Secretary. Office, 300-- D. F. Walker Building. 'fully cleaned and wiped and then ing of 95 per cent of the cost, Mr. Hanchettof the Newouse s cents. lead, $5.75; copper, 18 First publication, May 6, 1906. admit that It Is the greatest passed through Milford the other. even- freshly oiled. The machines with Salt Lake City, Utah. First publication, May 27, 1906. money earning power In the . world. ing. largo wheels and ball bearings run Last publication, June 17, 1906. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT NO. 16. Let us send you by mall, testimonials More easily than many of the older and statements In proof of the success OBITUARY. i.; patterns, but the latter, If kept In DELINQUENT NOTICE. of wireless telegraph from the most Copper Glance Consolidated MinBtrfect order, will run with compare-$yMlnersvllle, Utah, lost one of reliable- - authority In the country. Let ing, Milling and Smelting company a Blue Co. ease Extension Ltd. and will do good service for Mining Jay our agent when he calls at your town, old and highly respected citizens on Location fo principal corporation. Location of of place business, principal years. .Many 31st of May, 1906, at hla home in H. E. Booth, a lawyer of this city, Is Interview you. Get some of our stock the of business. Salt Lake City, place Salt Utah. Lake City, feWhen the lawn are Short, clippings Mlnersvllle, In the death of Jameq Notice. There are delinquent upon Utah. appointed U. S. attorney for the dis- In the original parent company and Barrett. feftt over an Inch In length, they will - ' Notice la hereby given that at a trict of XJtah. Mr. Booth did not enjoy your share of the great profits the following described stock on acdown among the grass stems Mr. Barrett was born June 6, 1844; make an enviable record In a govern- to be derived from the future operacount of aaaeament of cent meeting of the Board of Directors held came to In this Isle the and .Emerald too decay, but If they are long per Bhare levied on the 14th ment position held by him some years tion of wireless. the 24th day of April, 1906, an day of on when a small hay. raiw wet they will bunch and In March, assessment of 4 cent per share was ago, but personally he Is a very agreeseveral amounts For further Information, call on or country set the 1906, At the age of 17 he enlisted In the able man, Is conservative In his so- write to fy warm weather will smother ths levied on the capital stock of the corcivil war aa a Confederate soldier and Erase stalks and roots, under them. In opposite the names of the respective cial views and utterances, and we wish shareholders as poration, payable June 1st, 1906, to follows: H. A. TRENHOLM, Gen. Agent served to the end of the war when be him. the best of success. D. F. H. Gray, treasurer, at 300-fiMjit cases It wll require less tlms Name. No. Shrs. Amt. 17 West Second South, was honor. with discharged o effort to mow twice a week ifiid Walker Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. afif Salt Lake City. state had lived in the Although he The string Is run out now. The naAny stock upon which this assessof Vermont prior to the war he en- lttthe clippings drop on the ground ment tional administration may remain, unpaid on the 1st has no more AT THE 8HOW8 AND RESORT8. listed with the nahi cut once to there but than weaker side, firmly beplums to distribute In Utah. Everyday of June, 1906, will be delinquent k'and rake up the clippings, u in the right of the cause. lieving and advertised for sale at public aucf often be done. Chicago Cbron The Theatres. body worth recognising has been recForty years ago he came west and tion and unless payment is made beognised. The Utah patriots are, one located in Star district, Shauntle, The chilly weather of the past week way or another, all sungly tucked unfore, will be sold on the 26th day. of becounty, Utah, where he der the patronage blanket and made has caused the theatres to be crowd- Beaver June, 1906, at the hour of 12 o'clock, most came one of HATCHERYworkers the ardent WORK MUM secure against wintry blasts for some ed in a manner never known in Salt In the at 300-- D. F. Walker Bldg., Salt Lake development of the riches of Lake during the month of June. All time to come. Now, please, can we City, Utah, to pay the1 delinquent asthat district .Young Fry Turned of amusement have been litersessment, together with the L25 we renegades, , Brockmeyer, .1000 we places all When abandoned others nearly each performance. 603 0Q6l. IJ "traitors," turn our, hands to some- ally packed during the district Jim, .with one or ORA1 thing resourceful without Incurring The Ethel Tucker company, which others remained and kept more majestic wrath?,, which hne. been holding, the 'boards wovk wlth.'the VievTof 24 W. T. Gibson o stake out of his mines. at the New Grand, is still ' 998,000, to be number at 427 W. T. Hoell .. Computed First publication April 29t?i906.?f In lived all this time the he II H. Gray, manager, and J. T. Jake-ma- new friends as well as keepingearning During those In out ths 488 been hatched Last Thomas Allen May 20, 1908,. In been the held has he highest managing editor, of this paper, it gained before. At this theatre the county ' V .9 took their departure Saturday evening bill Is changed twice every week. The esteem for hls sterling qualities, hla Aqhariums model hatchery thus far' In 453 Mabel Y. Mom for Indianapolis to attend the editorial latter portion of the past week East Integrity and hls perseverance and the present season, the last to be turned Come Handy, Might convention to be held there the latter Lynne was presented, and the old love of right. date being a big lot of yellow o$ to some 1 love thee! vowed the sentimen618 F. E. In Pariah In hls he this reof this county week. of The these days latter of from will on early the PWch, eggs specipait play was never handled better I swear It by yon blue sky- talist. turn In about ten days, the former local stage. married Mattie Devoe and has raised mens In the Aquarium, and some from aeaa by the greeu forthe purple by one four of will be gone some time longer. boys, eggs received from the state fish hatchgirl and family Moving pictures of the great San est by the yellow moon by 588 L. G. Robins o Francisco fire, are given between the who all mourn hls loss. ery at Cold Spring Harbor, says the 357 E. F. Hanna He has been a kind and loving father New Say, Interrupted the practical girl. There will be no fusion between the acts. These alone are worth the price York Sun. 3G2 E. J. Petty . a a faithful and It would suit me a heap bettet If citlxen, husband, good of admlslson. Democratic and Republican parties In used These for will be yellow perch friend and a noble man. youd put all that In black and white. .this county next fall, as much as the The funeral wag held at hls resi- restocking with this species the waters 410 William D. Pepper. At the Orpheum, the old play of AlCleveland Leader. chief supporters of the paper which alstands for "straight Republicanism abama, has been running. The play dence In Mlnersvllle on Friday, the 1st in the city parka, and many have ProsIn desire such a consummation. Those is the masterpiece of its author, Mr. day of June, and a large number of ready, been placed In the lake pect Park. who are such mouthy sticklers for Augustus Thomas. The story Is one friends were present. Mrs. Barrett will probably make her the sweetest ever told, and the manNext before thS yellow perch hatched "principle" as to brand any one who of fails to see any such thing In their ner the stock company presented the home In Beaver, as her daughter, Mrs. out here In the present season, were a L. B. Bohn, now resides there. plans or purposes, as a traitor, show play left nothing to be desired. large lot of salt water smelts, these also how utterly false their pretensions are from eggs received from the Cold A joy thats shared is a joy made IN BOTTLES. The Lyric has been presenting The when they suggest such a thing. The salt water smelt Spring hatchery. This American the week. double." Girl, botduring for a established have We o plant Main street house is growing in popu- tling this most popular drink and we goes up Into Inlets In the spawning seaTell your neighbors about JosephThe last Issue of this paper conup manas weeks The the go by. want an agent in every town in' Utah son, find like the shad, for Instance, ine tained an article on the Republican larity Cigars. smelts The streams to young to Is spawn. date, and its paup agement handle it. Good profits. Write ua hatchAsk your dealers for them. congressional nomination, concerning trons are never disappointed when to the in hatched out Aquarium's etc. once for at prices, which Interest Is daily growing. ThinJ Jhey" enter the doora REIGER ft LINDLEY, ery were put over the Battery sea wall Salt Lake Bottling Co. Is proper, because the subject Is. one 3. Box P. O. Salt Lake City. ' Immediately back of Ihe building Into The Whiskey Merchants. of the utmost Importance. That the The Casino Park theatre has been the Hudson. Democrats are due to gain largely In in the hands of the Zinn Travesty Before the liberation of the young NOTICE. the representative elections next fall company. Whenever the weather Is Anyone receiving this paper with smelts there had been sent out from Is at least probable, and Utah's mem- kind, this company Is giving the peoIn various state ber might be the factor needed to ple a taste of light opera. The aggre- this paragraph marked with a red here for planting make a majority. Much more unlikely gation has many fine singers in Its cross will understand that they are waters, all 'hatched In the Aquarium's and the music goes with a entitled to a subscription to the paper hatchery, young whlteflsh, rainbow things have occurred, and in this con- make-unection it Is proper to call attention dash which leaves nothing to be de- for three months from date, and they trout, lake trout and salmon. to the fact that a president has been sired. If It ever becomes summer, this can retain this as a receipt. THE PUBLISHERS. elected since the war by a majority place will be one of the most popular Among eggs yet to he placed In the of one vote. We need the Utah con in the city. hatchery In the present season are gres8man In our business, and will Three cars of Stockton ore were rel- pike perch egga from Vermont, black have him If the great body or the The Bon Ton on Main street Is doing eased by the Pioneer Sampler WedMRRiutiRRRatRstWRStsta(stststststswitwrpnwsww.wstrJMMe.RWRRRRRRRW spotted trout eggs from South Dakota, party is permitted to speak with un- a fine business. It is here that re- nesday last. and the egga of grayling trout from fined is The found. vaudeville always trammeled voice. A new man, a Montana. v. clean man, one with native as well as very best talent to be obtained in the On Wednesday last Columbus Con. The Aquariums hatchery, with Its off 5? a week for at this stops country is we and wanted, acquired ability, V sold as high as $7.90 a share and a eggs seen in hatching troughs and Jars, have many such in our midst. It Is ob little house. deal of stock changed hands. and Its hatched out young fishes In great servable that County Attorney Chrisii South Columbus stock reached 1514 various tensen grows in favor as the days roll stages of development in The Resorts. n and Con. Mercur sold at 65 centa, 200 untroughs and banka, la an object of by, and with judicious work rightly While the week has been one of shares changing hands. : i'S failing Interest to visitors. placed he stands a good chance to profit to the theatres. It has been one A man Is a fool to buy new Watches when he can get an unre- - J. gather the plum. There will be more of disappointment for the resorts. The Some notion of the important factor Luncheon Rolls. to say of him as time advances. weather has been such that no one has that the steam ahovel la going to be J deemed 17, 19, 21, 23 Jeweled Elgin, Waltham or Hamilton movement Make a good biscuit dough and roll o cared to go out of doors for amuse- In the mining of the great copper dethe amount dealers charge for new q good aa new, for Juat rather thinner thnn for biscuit. Cut tones. Some Elgin and Waltham Watches good ae new for $3.00 each a, J The I. M. Rep, while trying to score ment. The bookings for Saltalr go posits of Bingham can be had from It Inches square. J at UNCLE 8AMS, THE CUT RATE PAWNBROKER, 30 East 1st the Herald for arguing that the Ore- merrily on. and when the clouds break the record which the machine now Into pieces about three cold water and in with In course Wet ths which of the time at edges of away, Cactus the q8outh Btreet, Salt Lake City. employed property to next be elected gon legislature fall" would, If Democratic, choose ( they must, this popular place will be the Newhouse Mines ft Smelters cor- ths center of each square put a heap6 All Jewelry, Guns, Musical Instruments, etc., etc, at half the J man of that persuasion, notwithstand thronged. In thq meantime the man poration lg making. Upon his return ing tablespoonful of cooked meat, well is to from mines the price charged by regular dealers. putting everything right yesterday morning seasoned and cnopped fine. Fold ths Ing the popular choice at that states agement election on the 4th was decidedly Re- When the season really does open Manager Lafayette Hanchett stated opposite corners together, pinching the that during The month of May the big edges so that they will not come apart publican. The I. M. Rep. shows or there will be nothing left undone. machine there employed lu stripping In baking and bake for about 15 mintries to show the fallacy of this, while M The Lagoon is growing greener as the great deposit of ore that crops utes In a hot oven. adopting the Heralds blunder abont the election next fall, the legislature the days go by. Bookings here are well practically to the surface moved and AS shoots have been loaded 8.468 three-tocars, or a total Peanut Butter. haring been chosen with the other under way. as The Wa w,l l0an the m0,t monay at the loweat rata f lntere,t " Dla,t S Is also the new dance of more than 25,400 tons of rock and state officers. Democrats' need no completed, butter made at k Peanut easily Is waa debris. a with This Tools AD but wanted sunshine hall. accomplished Nothing lm some more bolstering than of the home passing the roasted and S monds, Watehee, Jewelry, Guns, Musical Instruments, Clothing, to make the pretty recort more popu- mere handful of men and under condl shelled bynuts .4 of all kinds, etc. You don't lose your goods if you Pawn them with sag.4 several Republicans. ported times through Hons that might be considered as allar tliau ever. o we hold them as long as you with. Corner Commercial SL and First knives of n together too much out of the ordinary the finestthe oil In the nutpatent food WIRELESS. South. being magrinder, Big Electric Sign. to quite of aa he eouhted a fair the test fabler's Park Is this year under chines sufficient to make the butter creamy efficiency. Shoots have a new management. Should more be needed, add a little M This is a new system of telegraph- been erected here as well as at the President Walter James of the pure olive oil. Salt to taste and pack a between connection been the without whole has The ing park I.agron. Black Rock Mining company In Bear In small jars. 1 station by wires. Have you heard remodeled and improved, and it is or county has let a contract to drive almut It? Have you read about it? now one of the finest places of resort a drift on the level of the One Mans Way. AT A Do you believe that this can be done? in the state. It will he the main place shaft, north toward the great Iron 2 Hyker Ardujp doesn't seem to worIf not. it is to your interest to Investi- during this summer for the outings of blow out. In A sinking the shaft the forabout anything. He makes light o. A 5 gate It. Remember that there has the Sunday Schools, as ft. will he un- mation was so thoroughly mineralized ry his troubles. all rule. been wonderful things done in the der a strict temperance composed of Iron and copper, and That's right. Every time a Pyker scientific world within the past few gold to the value of $6 tier ton, that creditor sends him a bill he cuts It Into reof A ore were Alta number certain from Two cars of it was deemed the part of wisdom to years. people said it can't be done, and leased at the Pioneer Sampler Wed- drift for the contact at the depth of strips and uses It for Mgarette wrap, have 200 feet. with that assurance in their minds. nesday last ., peri. Chicago Dally Newt. . . n Ixm-tio- self-shar- p 1-- 8 1-- 8 1 1-- 8 i ms--phl- suo-In- 1 g 1-- 8 1-- 8 1-- 8 you-mus- 1-- 8 1 t hf e - one-eigh- th -- 1-- 1 . . - 1 . - .. COCA-COL- Coca-Col- a p' hump-back- ed - sf -- jUncle Sam Says . one-ha- l lf t; Jt sr i n ! ; If Y ojre Broke j it Uncle Sam! 200-fo- alw-ay-s . rs' 1 i I! I v -- |