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Show VV!, ,1 t. H B AICA 1SZ H-Jg- ItS E t 6 R A 0 LV --r- V&EJI you Y1SIT THE CITY ao totuk I Wholesale Boot and Shoe Factory, ItaltagO Agricultural IFirehoiise, - Advertisements. f r in ' u-- iwj Grown, selected and pqt 1 : up with eaije and personal: attention Seeds; cf Vegetables; Fruite, Flowers, ; Timber, Herbs, ABU) &BED8T0RE, TJUATKI STRUT, . Ac. A better assortment than was over offered V J ; HARRIS ; TU LLID QE ON. ' 04, LAKE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. before to the people of Dtab;:, ' - ' k. Jyy. v Also for Sale, a limited .quantity 'of fine will find-the- . pXeede by inail )(See&e by mail J I Largest .8 totk of HomeNURSERY. TREEJ3, Shnjs, Root, ' Boots and Shoos in the. Territory, fronv young rsecnt action ofCongraks, meda now made Flowering Plants, Artichokes; Peanuts, do.. Ac. .. rf sent by moil at the rate of four ouneei for which you: can choose any Sise and Stylo, and Dealers with aoeds for sale. furnished ' than-th- e CITY STOZUQ, '' YALLEY-TA- N - -- lj .uir eu eente, in packages weighing four pound. ,s-- j j T. las. fi VvTbo Subscriber ha an ontiro Now Stock of w-- a st Prims CHEAPER eheapest. Lake Villa, LADIES Boot or Gaiters, English or Ame- - Spring " . - FCGSU 6AllDE8EGD8vi And I ; - wUl execute any. orders with prousfaiN deepatehthaihemay ho fovored with. will bo pit up lu eafe packages. waa , i (roriETo), 3.8Ji .. . - .J. E. JOIlNSOJT FRUIT TREE8.4 LEiOlfrS tllfor Stoga Boot.' nou .ro tmi iijbi , . sale a good ' stotk i of. assorted XHAVE for of this best vabudded and . giafted, LitO Ckildrtn BooUI littUCHldniuBooU! rieties. Plnmr Cherry, Apple, . Pear, Peach, ' 'Also shrnbs. emning, to the city to purbham Aprlcot,Nectarine, JPPtrtiei far others, or buying a quaatity of any siso, G. S. L. City i ' L. S, HEMEN WAY. VriesJ catalog may w had upon appliea-tf-e will bo allowed LARGE REDUCTION for U the puUieher, (Mr. J.E.' JOHNSON). j- 1 CaOh. : ; T. ALBERT Address, EMERY, CtUBS for the pur PERSONS PClRlflNG chase ef ton pairs of any kind, wffl.be presented with ono pair. Of a similar kind, free of charge.-Err- y w brooklet! fhm, rV Om light rod warioty of Homo Xansfaetur os tali swallow fork in aaOh eacbraed on the left hip nA i NU (joined. Ona; blaei'Eyr' old ow,Uno !;.Hf A.! TERRY, ; . VleM, white tall, and whiu;in the faee, old cow, rod Mel in Garden. Field aid . flower Seeds, orup off tho loft oar.' ; One 4-nul white,' head and .nock' all rod, slit in .the CRESgENT CITY',.IOWArv' oar and crop off tho loft. . One blaeAl.yr rf.kt GAifiOEN; SEEDSCTof aU the letting Tine-ties- ,. 1 1 hoifery white tho in face, swallow fork in tho o of my own piihg, aid .warranted fresh, oar, under bit forth brand Jn h loft hip; Ona 'red heifer, yearling,'., lino 'sent by mad, post-paiat ns oil retail prices. FLOWER SEEDS, of ihe. finest , rariotles, backed, crop off tho right oar, hauqrop off loft, at 60e. per dor . paper.. branded T J on left lido. Oho red year1 sent by mail, post-puMS da GLADIOLUS GANDAVENdlS. right bipTeroprand sUt in kg steer; ' ftgut g oar, erop off left. One2--yr old roan hrf- -. S trong bulbs of this most magnificent ttho loft lUa One rold brown at 'fr. nos post-paisent will be nail, plant by baiter, some white on kipmtsiL' One light- -: 20o. uaeh, or S3 pr doran. ' Also 3 and slit in steer, yowling orop 'right ; ; .TIGRIDIA CONCHIFLORA-.- y T aid onflow fork in left. CteSbiijkroiRi, At l5e. per bnlb. ot $10 jer doswn. ' Botir Lno crop Aff loft can Oho 2y qM Ted these varieties an' of sarpassing beauty and breaded O on loft side and under--. in rery eolleetion- - - j ohouldbe in right oar, crop bff loft. Ono old, Vrtu-rod heifer - no mark or braxdr . AddressIL A. TERRY, Creioenf City In heifcr,'AN . . One yearing steeir, pale d O on left aide, J on right hip.1 JTOV. TG' THE AFFUCtTEITI ' K.n bid otoer, .deep red, upper, elope in the bjT earj white on the flank. One yearling J;D.M,CROCKWELt, Dr; triad! bull, crop off the right oar, sli t in loft. of the Preident,1iar rod and off jjy tfio advice white, crop left,"nnder y off old, himfielf in v.i tocatf h.t right; brand On right side not legible--: brindlo leyoardng heifer, swallow forfein the . hrin ear, hole in the left; One all.of steer, under'slope in right ear, halo in each Where i.uhe treats, wlth..necee, . ,4' or --yye.'': One yearling red atoeiyunderbitin rjght :.Vbr, half wop in left; branded JS left. hip One. BTES, EAB8 - heiferbranued ix whiteand curee RHEUMATISM Vithoht fall I lingered J eu He ' ) hjp; ' He reUeTee ll; Chronic Complainte of mop and elit in left ear. Oho reg, )iw back, broosla foee ; fcranrfodon left Uie LIVER , LUNGS;. . . One pale red eow; ' -old, slit in left BREAST, BOWELS, , , branded figure 3 on left side; bob taiL: One CJKT, READ oldfwhite with black spots,' square crop 3yr AndiLIAfB-S- . and. underbit In right esq figure 3 on yft t'; old speckltd steer, branded. AO on vHe'bensfite all IADIES that call 6n hip. " Ono r, old stag,". red ; andjwhito, him a'uffering from Fallings of the Womb, ; bft branded S on left side; ' One brown ox, Weakness of the Back,. Whites, Painful, or n reft. branded on oU, loft too free'i or Stoppages, of the 'MENSES,' bom,' li BltAxirpp X4lo and figure 2 H.on left hipr Ono old BARRENNESS, Ac., Ac. .4 ..... rod ears. - Ono red yearling, crop wuww wo steer, . - ifl anderblt in loft oar; figure 8 on lofo side; All wishing to consult him by mail, will on left hip;-- ' ;. ;&M not known, receive prompt attention by enclosing $1. : CALVIN W. MOORE, ' ; . "JtZ iuir All c.ommnicationa ttnictly confidntial. y. ia . - V 1-y- old-co- ir. . b)rr yr lJt ; ' d, - d; . low--erin- 1-y- -- d, rd be, . l-- .t 1-- yr . k Ond2-XroHj- sd rL-brande- , pet-manon- tly 1-- yr -- f'-C- J-yrc- ht ;? ;pRovor?oiTrr-- y ; AD;TEETHT 1 rs -- T- H ; 1-- yr 3-y- 8--yn , 3-- yr 'eelo 1 V , i;.iy:pijffe r, Aurteryr&any- fSeedsnian arid ;Florikt9 ' A " ' ' ' ' - ; northbridgewater; mass. ; ' t -- . HEW-TOK- Ki St AKE at the old stand manufacturinf tha PREMIUM SPINNING-- f HEELS, SASH, FURN ITU RE, and a hundred other things, aft reasonable prices .' .f v: Grain' and eeuixtry produce taken in payment, and the highest preminm, allowed on Gold.:. P-A few good Carpenters and CibX-na- ft makers wanted immediately. . 4 S. . OS SECOND .SOUTH TEMPLE ST., Opposite Hoi. W H' Hoons'i Bej-p- , 'denpe, inJthe aASkiicNT bf the. Store-- ' tl , formerly occupied by Moore A Grehie. ; Wa have on hand, ..and are constantly manufacturing; a superior Article of POTTERY ijARE of .every description, which Will ba eold on reasonable ternas. r. I (J3FLead, Wood and all kinda ef Pro duvO taken, in wexehSnge. Dont forget k, , -- . ' . r. -- ' IN f THE BABElfENT CROXALL, CARTWRIGHT A Oo. . ,4 3 - . Mttch audit I Outfitting, and General r HEGEATH BRO&. A. CaV oxaiiacittJ' WshaAskil ' : '4 a complete Stock of Merchandise ' ani ted to KEEP the' Utah apd' Emigrant trader ,8ales at. wholesale or re- tail at tfie lowest price for Cash; Furs or r .1 .,; . - Skins.; NE1P GRIST 9nx.ii 4 & ,V e pal ronage public,- of ( V'AfT sa- mi;i T.a etiqrw'u WA GONER'S . iiv GRIST-MIL- L, VaUey,:ia doing a capital ;buM-nes- s and warranted to : give, satisfaction. ahdjieel ,. iQbpe; Vials, PiU'Bozes, old Iron and brov Try it for yoursClYeB' r 8jA June 15.;Cnzzk, w I: m 4; Wasach. : Cor XI i: . -- VJ. - : y :V; ;:SEHOOl - - ' ; CARDS. OflkG'Tfr,, OratU Farmeri the at Cssrha'had j X. r if taiit-- sin lut mwmnFr They they will be able to give full (Where may be found a General Aesort-ment- believirg tiaf aeftion.. Medlfcinee,' r.t I)ysStuffs, rDhigfc Extra Aleo cts. and Flavoring 'Perfumery g&mmnm 'rzf " TENNEY ; TnonBrns.t c;,?, jn, ilJOHN.'STHKBT, 1 . I s . -.. j- 4 fr't(PfflsE(i! FlNLATSOlT ! M - 'and Nolarge stock of; Ribbons;1 Laces Cktalogne and elrenjammi on applieatioiu wanted, in exchange, also be had of J, E QflNSON Spring tions, for which-iL ike villai to whom referenm may be mada. Money, all kinds of Produce, clean cotton, ZZZ flannel, linen 7 and hemp Rags, Sacking, . ' s r Crfek,4-iJleB-aboT- ''ev'W . haveitbtir 3few SMlTH A jIIIR ahd in order on Salt jf;p orncse 'at ths riinnlog Gothenv ; ; SJlMJlRITJUf DRUG STORE,- - V. of. thtf inxiftethe ! ',Pouhdkeeperr j..' Orore- - vi. peasant , . , Grower of Grape Tines, Lawton .Blackberry', Strawberry, Raspberry and Gooseberry Plante; Soeds,' AO.'Rosea, Flowering' Shrnbs,-FloweDelaware Grape Vines; Seeds, Plants, Aq., in variety, sent by maQ. Catalogues gratia. -. -- - V'" .w foftr-eom- :! - ifUlilfcRintfAlV AND FLORIST, r; r. SJ1NDUSKY, ; OHIO, -1 .::v;vV vc : v y . ' Jf |