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Show kffcct of Cold TFeatl&er on vIJie i J ReuhetsX1'- psiL i . f Heparatlou of Cream. r ''kT - r. ifi e- - . Treesi Pruning V;. v , The Dubuque Farmer's Club hare beeu In erder to make goodchCso itUr inThe talking oveb lliis mailer. After aomedlqr whlea de dispensable, to- ha ve good "rennet; 'Thera are several conditions rueeion participated in- by. quite. a large1 of asueking'calf is the' best-fortnOehktOrmodlfythe ; quantity; Of ''cream stomach taken-frobeit-Utf number. of. gentlemen thefollqwing.reeor the that from 4ny given piirpose3 f hiiphi may $ lution waa declared the sense of the meet Remain and cairil should ht which jiid v " r .. qn tnttt ofmllkv'TheUlty matter filtf 'V' r with contents in.' the . hours'; Is held 'in tw?nty-fo.thebutter afterward compotes i&.l:' should then be .'emptied.- tuttiedaneLk oHvea, That tbe best tlme .fer prtiil-ln- g Suspension by the wsteroftbemilk," gad It fruit trees, is while- the tree is. in full , hence; when standing In the udder--- pf the all impiujtes removed, by wiping with the or a doth, taking care not to rupGff growth- cbibineneliig. dt the" time b soon, ?: cote, ua beat and most rich portions; rise hand the which is the curd- - after the leaves- - begin to develops : slippery.substaucq,, gndconseqqentlyare last lgj8pefty bribe WuHiFT" iotbeJop, It should be "ceasing bbfofeihb'gfdWthfif '. drawn. In most of the large.Eugliih season tie and V.is; copipleted with giving the salt, again Thorongklysprinkled soma of Ute best regulated in; oir a plate; Tor' other convenient 5" reference to Mhb months of June aiid ' yj this country. It is the rule to'; divide each laid away dish, to remain another fwenty--f our hour! uly,. and further, it is advisable j to cover ' milk intojwoportlone at the time wlienit W; turned; stretched on "a ell large ';wbnnds witji ' coating' qf guid of mil ting, anrtheAe two'pottlons are kepf bowed should: " and stick, again thoroughly sprinkl- ah ellac end alSobl, paiut or otuer appli-' cream is all ed-' withentirely separate until; the i raised both ou salt tides, and hung up cations thatTwillr exclude air and water. ... ., dt has been' stated! bet If the first to vif Rannels 'two-thirdry .f HiJnrtHisway re the' prepared from ; fs kept' separate jS .mauidar, atleast 1 0 .cent. ; more cream. may he kept'Iu a place any- - length of A Couutrypia n ance' brought a piece of; per 'Ume, and are worth, nearly twice a much board to anartilt with the" request that hi obtained. ...;aaybe ? that It fit. Christopher aa old as new-onebut would! paint upon ts mistake bftbn madb Very Another ' tjtbreeears life. as - j Urge to salted he keep' sufficiently iheyjnuat W puttingnatoo idiibh milk In the pans. 01, returned tfie artist, the board IS two thfmjia the least taintin' rennet,, gives a too small take that proton .' for thal, purpose. to ' ll'tJiere flivor ehefuV tht disagreeable' 'VC,.'! eqeaL quantities of. milky'atfd place ate in. is fooked perplexed at The cffbatryman of: heir jnfesWA any danger being V Jj,-pansvto the depth of 'Hwi with bugs; they shbuid; be packed a wag this unexpectei disfcntorv- y.-- other to the- depth; of . ' ' bail jbt,M-slonly two but a. loek'.v; in ha, In Cloth. or ' :?;,;Thlp salt;'7 'completely wrapped inches, the latter will yield from. seven to Boms down . can ren-ne- ts let hia feet here,ye theirsir; ye harg always put Ighf per cent.- mereeremm h a n'the toriner: : in briueiuid keOp them Ini that way. over. the edge. of ttbe vboard ' . ' i ' the Warmweathki processes Oi'course;jn .SMS'.-think-ed bdt them huvenevor I Uf t so, ' mors rapid than s.liould noc like I hem' so, for a small 'dairy, . SixeuLAsX-- It la said that the' rose, dt 'V'Cermautown Fibrtda, the moat beautiful of flower! though it may i f:very good w ay in Urgy emits - T no fragrance. The bird of Paradise, r. dairles.-TCo. American. Rural p, . 4 Xs Coon JLnviceIf the body Is lrfd rest j ..a- k. j ... the most beantlful of birds-- gives, no song. if the brainUf tired.slelp.' Iftfti btiwete ;rto. sn Rooiroiix SjfVTHi a, e press, tree :of Greece; the finest of 'The Set The are looae, lio dowu in' a' warm bed and frbiU Dali.dies, the ehini- trees, aik rariXXathuBRhowhowtimeiii. estof yieldaJnb and' eat nothing nntli'-jot- f no. sense;. and. ball-roohave men, s .fkeH. . an action of the bowels deep not been economisfii ' jby.-- j ihe i applies tlofi- - 6f bliee, the loveliest creatures in the wvridg . J . ' v r f ' heeur at the usual, hour,; eat notlan'atom are very oftendilto eply more eo I " maihlaery V:Swotil thav'do act,' at least for. thirty-six- ! in ' ' hours: One man can spin mbre- cotton yarir now he eitteth , at " The Pkivter :Uneen meauwhilndrinalargely ot cold than four himdred have done In y our df ; pu sues you' closely in you? .S :. m e. ti meiaj;1769,'whcn't Arkwright, tbeaa and with walkxt 47' daily ejs. the fiiqt coUoa ispibuer,iook out the firsl and acuta mind,, solves-you- nieeiif, iwn ; word - . Tis op.piitil tilings art all righted erdry n1 and act,7 and from.' time to time roughly sagies'lonT. if. practiced, would ' One man canjnrake. as much' flour in ons scribbles for his memento and ;.yeur com-- ! of. If res every year, nSth' in fe;thlsbne a?hsn4cd-sod-fift' could a ment. eountiry, ''.The best medicines day hour as . .T'iw.JwVV 'lw the world and One woman csn now makq as much lace f Hmsco- - We epnsider the old man "r? i Hoalth'feff'' Vey9M.tiipitl of. in one day as k hundred womea could ..a feplv to his: scJn, as to tiie' ifieaniBg ; ofihb. "V". " ago.' i": t".',;4.1 itordhumbdg nearer esfrreql' thin-.- Web-- " Kitb aratu.- - Takewhite glaps hundred XfindTo-bestee - It nowyears' only reqnlfes days to ster.s. ?Hnmbag, my s&n, is' when your; fine as Vmoal ; then mix up a refine sugar ds'it did montha thiriy yeare mothef'saye ehe ipvee me, and dont SOW of corn meal with' mUk until it it in a Onart S'-; the bnttona ou my ahirt. Vi'. hrobsr.Stato for baking t Add to that, one ; It cnciii to months put required :;ir hal teacup of file finely, powdered glass. : 1 V; Ir a few- pivii words will render a man quicksilver on;a glafes y no it needs bill y 'Stirring itxhoronghiy.:. Place portions, of tort y minifte.jv awi;,:;;;:y r. .. ; naat oe a. wretch iada-s- .'who. , ; bappy,;hetiihyniztur in', thes monthsof. their dena, not will them to liim.;. Met another9 first-clajron-clad of iv giVe Tln engiue s ti also v bndTthenibid thepu farewell man candle; bv'yeur own, endj rauch will as .in light. wdrk out git perform 'goid for, miee:nd squirrels-A'Jcorres-Jos ss none of its brfijiancy by what v hordes t forty-'twBl thousand jours Sl-Hs V . i' ' pendent of lbs Oregon Jtarm? sayqit.ha ; i H Fasmess wh.9 make the. meat rapid .. Moth e a said a little felhjw the other in husbandry; are Iikely .to be 'bx Tda PoDcis diipf saxo, or; those there any harm' in breaking egg- - l: who mad nioit bo the subipctof yhelr dey,ia seed- and llie .some ? grovrera, ; hells not, my child,-ou- t , edaboBy ' IdddSf hr sorgobre cohsiderfed eqnal In vocation ; . The-- mari nAho rea as little,' no whr'do'yott Certainly' a4k.7,, k Cause I dropped thd ;S reference to bssaet jttst row, and see wLelsmeaa I am ifmeteit so highlyi lhough?a agree that- tradth nk JiH1, in. withnhe yolk tormer generation : CitV stock wilt thrive sndfatteo'upoii v of on imi ta elde'Jn. lion . ,what; pr while die prefeVthc fodder to the beat.hay, manners cenaist in tha art : ood 1, ia ' eobut of.a him.lbare alvVays hope indkinfi. those peope easy with whom we Iv Ue seed iScorisIdered fally eqsisl t to bata; . I' ir , r converse. Whoever makes .the faWfat-;-;y.' beat bred BOORS A perbons ndeaty ;Cprr rpon ;,Son G Yorker that writes ' RitraLJfev company;.;;..-the dent hoven of s;. ',... in rattle; draw; - rV .,50 To cuax bloat or :ir- sod.grovnd is entirely .iha beat or odt thetonneSs :far as possible, put;m 'rrit'.know, a preacher whe,' mdehjcse..caltivatipn handful 3of fine falt as farLback-o- n it as ; si onionsj r equirlbff Eryr hammers the desk ieonalantly " tod be lo careful hot plow; spesaing,' He esys deep. possible, and Ute apunal will be relieved. fifth of his attention the rivet lb his -r result'of the th&i h lift, as Be ;xperi-C'& fXf "' gives' r. auitfeheVRX l$H s4 ..V; i $ in Englan X .'.sr&mv- Whenever Cabbaoe is greatly extolled Gfeh. Mead, has ordered soldierf JJlrxrBTQ.KuiuMfTiBii. for feeding milch cowy, store cattlCf sheep ;.y:(ggr y fefuie to do.; wy to (be who & awine-ftiAtheumatlsihVcommences,' put 4&d acre will preduee 2 tone is anvpSinaof trJal4i-Xfi iitile flour on .a rsg the Vpot fSr-vr& 'of a SbaksperlaTv t I yrhere the painris felt, snd change two fiyJi'he xofner-stb'.A,' M'-iz- i , -- - . . d . - Hr r - aty j ; - --i - , V' 7 ' them-eelveea- iid v'low,i -- : - ds -- " : s at-tw- - - Ex-rperlm- ent T- rf-w'- s - - V n3-a,-h- blf - - sts V-- - dairy-'Womta- ' i . ik - !'. k: . 1 .. , . Fv -- , re; A'-- jn vf "L. I. . 'jb . - . - . men-conl- d fir-si- .. r - (ft1 y, x - 11 , - as-mS- nj - s i-f- . 4 -- EV . lltl -i . ,; ss d . 'V ent SL - ; J actwith j g . ,- -. 5 ' K ..v-.-- ji. ,i if I. -- !., . - nORii - .. te 'r- - - ; -- .. f w. i i r 1 -- ...... a' and-Tcove- : r ne shot-dsad,-witho- : |