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Show ft T.H'jE-Jt' ' .7T. B. H. Stenhouse, of Salt Lftke-City' I-- . :" AB a,: O :HAXJ jH- ' Abstract of Correspondence 2 .. n;ltEcABCB, writing from' Stl Geojge, ?pm-- : menoeTthe, issue of a daily in that city soon, 'f bis will be a lively sheet and post i one in every department of interesting intelligence by. telegraph and otherwise, making the exciting events transpiring .in the Ecraky Mountains a specialty . Thomas,, we like r your enterprise, v If you can't manage this matter, in a master y manna W h your 1 ong experience - - V t : nave ito gtoW ir'e , 0: Ont DiTf-2Ai.w- e own bread, and help oouloVnpt be giil t seed time, editor,' f bremaneomposiur ' devil and a hands' have been but er'iv ping and'gardening for a month; but a ohcetmore' oing again and in ptirn; office feel quite comfortable,nd hope tu;, j.li.- .' push alongVithout further hindrance ' Three more "numbers oIosq .the present volue.Iietts see ufho will be with un 7 ;,. for the next I f v. - ; . , jJj.xC-y- sayj: "The health of Jhe peopleiere at present is quite good, and prospeots for an early and x emunerative harv est nattering., Wheat is heading out and lookj well. Wei- have.' just Jiad a fin o rain whiehmakes all the "vegetable family look lively" and pleasant,: while the high mountain to the north of us is wearing its white' eap.Vr:4 ; ' , - Another correspondent, under. date of Tassikc Awat, The SxecutiveUom Stthat June 5 writes from George, mittee df the tl. S. Agricultural AssecU mo and aad been had wed,, peas ation were called to meet inuheOapitn) barley ibeen-onsome the for table beans had in Wahiogton,-Ala- y 17j t'show testt, 'worth of : the ' late l Hot;" mony: of the woekj...:f - in connection with the pres, and superior literary and; financial; utility, we don't know who canl'r Oo inj and suc--, .ees attend you ; but go in,' anyhow, .even if you should get shaved.' It won't . o.V.." hurt you. rr.-- i - v j annbiincear his determination to - It--' r ."! ..aw - :r j . ..v.-- - ;; ; Charlm , 1 ! : , -- 1 ..; one"; of theapOH- - B.' GixTXKT writes from Fair- - ties of Agriculture, whohad been.sud- - t Indime of a send view'Tlease parcel - "Naves by death.; Apprfrtittii-.-.y.i';- . of subscribers who have "paid seed thai I may try it. I receive d of remarks go weremadajby B. B. French, nJ" since our last issue: a and few last Artichokes, year President you' V pf ': theO Society - and H on . G. A; Smith; v J. H. Martineau, 5 eed. f I raised 18' bushels- - 1 planted Isaac Newton offered sympathetic Res- - . : il).IJ5. Dill, ; i . . D. II. Wells, $5.' one and this ' v?. O. S. peek, AV Crocket, have, spring, pianted whieh were adopted. , Perry, ' iutios, " 7 : O: :f A W; U. Wright i Crandall, expect to raise 100 bjiele. t,. V- j - Exglstd ; denly-remove- - d "- - John Wiser, M. fcf p E.'t3olIardi ; RCL: Johnson,;;: CrUollard, . W. Garter, ; TB. V'.W SJenks, I i ': v J.. A. : . k .: Durrant,; .J. Lewis, ;O. A. Xeixy,' Q. A. Borgun, , llolmam, ; : "r. J. D. Bayliss, r Personal. 0 Eoamer, Pascals received, by mail, sinee our B. Steele, " Green, T Orowther, Pi Crandall, U last issae ; perfsj J . il. Thorbnrn, N.Y dahUas. and tuberoses.' , k::'- -: i? r One. from S. Tuttle -r- - blackberries,' Two from ; : ' vi oar TaU:l The May and June numbers of Har-- . Godest Arthiirft Pefno's, ; tbo , ;r l,ady Friend, Kna jfallou'a are before us, and a rare and choitfe melange of IU r , terature, , faihi on,! needlo work, , useful' . ' x t information and raspberries periwinkle. spice, poetry and humor 'V From L. W.' Puffer, one eaeh.f flow indeed are the or tarn of literary ef vi A. L. ;V Smith. West, J." they ering ehrubs, gladiolus and tuberose. fort, combined with skill and artiatic I R. Ballantyne, D.. MePhersonV 7 M. II. Slack, Pi G. Tdyfor, : h From A. ff. Emerydahlia UUies, elegance beautified by tasty illustr- - ; j: V Webster Steele, P; From '"C. Downing JJ. Bulkley, II8.MeFarIane; .gWiolus tad Do other U.M. 4 Thisn, if an elegant family of ; Month ugall, tbalbj.;;':;:rv';:v,,; f' JXflatterley,, V Hillo-UFrom B; T. UXunt, patsel eaoh liesy thai TOuld graW e sweet poutoes ana 01111108. 'f'S brary; or ocnUr table. i: Terms to our subscriber are the low- - .to Hon." G. A. Smith's inquiry, we reply: . - . anamm-nowermg snruoo ana 'rotes. est elub ras, which we will eheerfolljr v. that the' rabbits damaged pM'nursery I From B. Darby-Ho- aa ot rooto and send, when; desired The family tlift and orchard severely in our absenoeUst plants. ' .From I!.. Gl Jonnson con ajfford to do without a part, atleajt; s;. winter' and we .are at a loss for the package of of these monthlies must lack a., great tmfidj, unless we shoot or snare them for seeds af ornamental trees. v'-Owhioh makos table use. We remember, when a boy, ; From Oom. Agrfeulturepaokage of amount:: of refinement J;; ko. dkurnip seeds, with jryrags' seeing trees wrapped .around From Tnpt. Meeham--3ee- da of : ever and. flexible barks, and even barks peeled The JIaryland FarrAer and MB&atticr ;;: W ;,, in: lengths1 to suit and the flesh side greens.:;is thii title.of a new monthly for the fa' From Henry Wh-fl- er parcel of Bus-se- ll turned to thelatent of the trees' so that -f and gardener Stra wherries- all dead. published by Si S. '',''.'.'; mer v in drying, the bark warps around, form-at&fOd"; Baltimo'Md'at inc a sure remedy. It 'will; not do to v StiKRiKG. Thepeople of SpanishFork peir ye'at. It ii genteel an appearaho4 uw greaao or tar on the stems of trees ehoie in its and arable la J:. as a preventive for these are affected so are getting awakened in the hortieultu-ra- l its informHtion-Th-selictions, e editors are wetlg interests : They have organised a bytempefaturo as to injure if xtat kill known for: their competency in such ..' the trees.Gardener's Club, and are moving in the J.- V vHtrhVVV: ' work.'. Come along friends". and better light right directionw-- i Go dn, gents 1 ; be'punO-tu' i Who east give more in your meetings, and let every one The Cfffturtt is another paper devo upon this subjeef? ihe ehow up the light possesses and; ydu ted to the Bural-Arts- . Published by 'A. ' BiTtrittV-7-Die:. of lung fever; after bV M. in and enlN V Sixth St., odmfortf, Spakclkb, 25; a short illness, on Sunday, April 17 i at wiirgrowtip and emboHished Yened Jsento 85 at y by beauty tasUy s'yearTTo dont St. George, Washington eo,'i Utah j Mrs, Henrietta Pearee, wife of Harrison refinement and the. home comforts that think that speculation would , hirst aiwb.1 4arthean be.mae tojield. .poay--z- oc .retcej in her 4Vihyear or oe. s joriZTnontuiy numban. Koyle, - "1. Ivins, R. SHimmingff, '.y-.--- : ; JP, : :.. Ik: na . ' . - . -- . ; i 1 - f ".. :-- J - ; . 9 P. ; ci-:?- ; . - - i' : ; ; s . ; ( ; V : al ;. d, Phila-delphia- ; V" :; V -- ' -- V . ; ? vv:.- : -- J : -. |