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Show T ITB" Cures Aaun ; ;" Iuuf : if a Haibfa Man. Harry Gordon Singleon made hisdebut into me worm on rida: - ir:Amm thu wonn- cuiDUClluir. alne It waa an ( ... tvant or. fmjMtrtalietf to: our hero, and be .causa we hope.Yio'ihow unbeliever thai f toe old iiw'iif about unluckineas of Fri- ; - - nav v .as mnwmmmw mw . a.... v. . .w i . . wMiHMiMeo.-- . n was oii.ni.J WDm ' the Jaides. came to see' himjn his cradle. . .t a, ....II kl . aim tne express ip on ujiu nine ueauiy. : xne nie pe." would sweet, imie juagwer, ... invariably pat uis fist in him moufb,, and in the pillowy nidejtils inteMsting-Ifcoe ;; Harry grew up to youth (he in,oeV baa 4'tuiil aud fetiil V'of human befiiera. Whe.f' there was company-a- t the house, Harry general retired to an unoccupied i - in rna err in 7" T"yia urnn aaaaaaia "iinim w ea m. uitm fieWa the around "inVit, tovoM ; through T fhg'&lyoung lady ; and when in the street r ffVUlll Maapavt aiv Biwuutd wo - aw VIO leap the fehe?e and' lie j'prbue on the ground ; ntil the Vehfele had basssedkri V Aa liar grew old'er, lie lost none of his '. pecaliartlua-an- d before, he was' sixteen years bf'iige his' mother's 'chief d.fficuljy , was the'f ear that he! &buld live ari old s bachelor. V - B.ut notwithstahdi'iflr Ilarrv'a a una caw f."IF .L CMHmitfI anil nAMi! ' iruuw llri . A . -- utm s - tm em Sa -- d v was note rirl lit town buLwonld have felt jicjpDiL HDajrapy ma preierence, iliarry nOWeVer. BtOOd from 1 I tha I. tanf -- famg sex, , puqrcaa jti .consequence,: Be was ; the F A R M E R '8; O R A not of tRoaalie; but that. of. Mrs. Judpa Flanders' herielf stood before bim. He had, waited on the aunt and not the nefvel He uttered an exclamation and started up good-humtj retire, bat Mra. Fiandera v4.?liim. ..i Don't go, Harry," she said k indljt"yon really 'did bravely.:; I am proud ol you; 1 knew Ironi tbe'first that yon had made a mistake hu e'Caarfulyoa, would never try' again if 1 refused your escort, Rosalie will be 2iii sodn. wait for her.,:- Vj :v "Indeed, ma'am I should be ba'ppy to hot to in. fact, ma'am, I ,bel,ev( I am rassfne 0 . one of hia i temnerament-H- a dared not refuse anything that was sifuie one should look at him.' and the consequence jraa. that Uis plate its weight of .literally ; groanedbeneath eatables Tom a toe ' aauce bia esjeclai horror waa passed afounc 1 a preserve' plate full waa alio .ted to him. Ha tried to swallow some, but it stuck fastSn his throat : it choked and sickened him", and aet bim to epi ghing xioleiitly. N ' cold I pre'- yiu'. have takenaaava a severe ana,. remraea sume, miss xiamneaux. ; T I. . M m,Am lVak Jl aaaamoaaa. Ia.lr' ..... IIP'. TVUy a turned singleton, trembling ou the verge of another sneeze. " Why dou't you eat. your tomatoes ?. & queried Mra. Gruobinga. "My poor aeadj and gone Timothy' used to .say tere aai ... notbiiir in. the whole vegetable empire retjiiai to lomatoes "no .uouot. madam, they are rerv fioei" hnd Singlecon essai ed a second spoonful.' : The second dose had well nigh t much for" h.m,. audWJtb desperate reselvo, he watched until the whole company weio eneaaed in driukin toaata. when li tiliad the preserve' dish ' anil let its ajciueats riii into his pocket, without delay ,aid unjnediV ateiy felt easier.'.-- . .. to a toast drank Harry having to bim, he, thrustto.reply. hia hand In hfs pocket for his hnndkerci.ief.-wbe- n Instead out cams ': the .napkin,, tomatoe ana all.- - He mopped hjs i?ehaadTdvuxaly;.u(ltitu.:U.e vegetable formed an nnctibna pout l!ce tbereou completely transfiguring hit - ?: y countenance Hejeaned back in bis chair to reeover ' bis' breathy and as soon as be ebuld apeak begged to be excused a monent as be did iloFfeer q.uite well. And'? fbrtbwittt horror. and made for, the dooV; but of horrors J he bad aei 90 the pocket eon-- J . ; hie the tainiug aa. ..a napkin of . tomatoe. and rea wim wnite pantaioous were oripping ! v; v. the sanguinary vegetable 1 a uaa.Saa.k k.aaaaa aaai all j .BlIIlUlMnVWaaU UUMA .A UUill UVBI Mi ; assembled; Y No erass grew beneath .his feet as B ; 1. :i.a- lrpsuJ jor iiuuic, uuw .v. iui fii(iiv uaing uii. - ; and he being" slightly flittered, be unibrtunstely mistook, the house, and eutered,' " not hfs own house, bujt that ' of a correct offered-himleas- or - at borne1 ' . .7-- ; -- . Harry had - started for the door backwards, bu t instead of chooin that one utter a single Word his "good night" waa immediately by. a series ' of and rumblings in the. direc'i;on of thumps the cel.ar..: 'V;A;.- - , ' The ruth b'irst upon her at once-- . Harry had taken the' cellar door and fallen, down stairs 1 She eized a light and flew down the step- -. , There lay Hrry with his head, in. a trough of ashes and.his feet mromat-icallyelevatover the shelf 'of a , He. was considers blv hruiaiid alnd "itUcoedtiut hot otherwise in jured. ..' Mra. Flandera would have" raisra him up but he anticipated her, and with out stopping to anaite. jiimeeir, Dounaeu up stairs and iasde a drive for the outer door, the nsh's stream'n" out v behind him like a cloud of grey'smoae :;.v The door, waa opened from without, and Rosalie herself appeared.7 At sight1 ojthe hatlesSsTsmokina: Harrv,.' abe : uttered ai' loud shriek and- fell fainting; to the floor, while our hero dashed over. 'her prostate form and 'took-thtrack ;fbr home at a speedr.anequalled iii.r the annals of foot- raeas Uarrvrwent ,on .bis- - war alone, as his V mother had pfopb-led- . ;"N;v4'''u. .'VJVlr in dabblwd. somewhat oi iugle at thr es rrv rare of thirtv.be waa-elee.ea' Member of Gbnsrfesa:'. In oeLtbra- tion.oiihlaoventgrand sapper was Of U ha honor atbe VbiteatQwn flptaUjivn j succeeded b-- en " ;. : 1,- ed t When, Uarrv was n1nu Rasal i it it ; . ueii rrj r-j- - ( tbii is face of hi ruillnr vin&Tlucr sellool Bis bra iii ; iU at mt nis. jjari pol-ttiesai- eyes to. tne peeriess hnM Irlaa very-bdTdne- sI li-iro- - U-Ui- illiikfrl aerou made it aeexn Ar im 1 , C "apwdild finitrail' itf tiMjlaataav.fIaAdr:hifr!te)Ul . . . . J".. 1...!..aa iieaa,, uub:jii hwih" ' nuii.T(cu.ju mud's a abrlie in ber ra ttiishiak'en. He .. ad .- Uireiou; and touched "M- . Jfenay . . S3 J,oe.wltb; 111 J I . id - lijrry-aeeme- - S ' to d - , ' yon. , ,L. to- - L .la -- W4s : W -- . :''.'; Cy.aivIat-iTDlMia- ji -r i. " - Tk.' houses were, somewhat similar, and Sing- -' Jeton'witnout pansfiig fora light,, rushed , JJJB vmjm vai.aupna aa IIO up.. BMiaJa d exhausted haV thougbwbere bresthies r,, nung mm sen upon tne oeu. v r miss narriet uaa retircu onieiimfjpre vious, a nd lhe sudden advenf of Mr. Sing. lei on aroused, her from? a sound alumber.'i v.. : a. 1. j iu iii... t rww it.. uisu u'j una 0 ' ti uyi.ui. Binj to would Willis listen nothing; -her repute- -' tion waa ruined she : said, and- Singleton f must either settle ;ot marry, her It; A : fifty,,; hdcjjjar oil 1 waa. given freely; mending tDOy oroaena. narartcr, ana sinEiefcvn . . inrnra I I f I a ij .v.Hi. -- fooi' Harrv 1 the Ibontrbt of escOrtintr lie r ca &v vi v ava ih ia aaaaaaa. : r . thai gUnUss into a room filled with people is Mr, Singleton yet. unmarried .as' made him sweat like one tinder the iuflaet.ee line a fellow as you could wish; and if yod; he want to see; blushing just mention tomato ' ofa powerful dose: ipeoa6ua.nba;. him.'- - iiisrftr waa in forlt, and mnat get out tne pee. way sauce to ...v. Msy ... iL Compato. j het wiuld. C ; Mra; GrbbbinM. proud - and rSome of the herdsmen in 'Lower jtrTnniphatit,: prceied him, .breaking- the. '. pas-ag- e, and compelling lesser peopie .0 California have lost 5,000 bead of cattle! viatt tha PTmnid Juat'as she arrived on because of drought. : n'ii';'1' the threshold of tht! banTuetins hall, .she i J2"The;Rip-Rosrersi- s the name of,,. drohnaa her' fan. 'and Harrir stooped to a. lepubliean party In Mp, :. urn 1 cv v. v n avo aAvo. j ibj H.'j'.A4Hr ou is saiu to oe we paat ap gnuasior looking hotiand confused. ' appearea irom niicanon can be made to new boots "4 ;that under the ; folds of Mr, Grub blrg" to them render waterproof. 1 i eaooage measunng.iuo mcnea.M ggTA rue anouncement ocainqerv wh in circumference, wiiltthe refuse outside; relief. i :"vD:Vs;f w4s grow a In Napa Co., Cal Harry Sj pjoiitlan was exceeding embar- leaves uflf, 'ft. Vv. .v .K:;.V-'.'",.''.. .: . .. . . - - treaaou-aiir- . - - ...r-:. - f- ,r-- - I. ..... . nF jjaat wltlidut a word. woall h'aVfbiddn hU At thei-Hurrr- '. cowpani9ftgbo4rAight';but fbe, retained. tMs hand and rBr-- htdi into the parlor t and tbers'tha light otrte ahabdafier fell fall en the face of the laughing; woman, dcd with drea4 dUmay Harry saw that ." .. :,-- . Judge iFrahleK : - a- --- ! oun iu idt; iiiurv IISBU niauiu ana and.lhe.' wet.x.oat UgptLer 'intolhe . urn. a h vm'elve-Kefcrimsbtthb- .- ' "a presadfj an'dtiijete: Temandedtbatlie 'wtiv'Tvwoiiia, vjoaiq gunsbb'uld brina- - !a Udr wrthrm.'eorif- Jft was. an audJcionj act, and Jtarry mittee of arraneremenlaiwaited noon him to irenWetl in every ' limb at the thought of Inform liim of .this' fact, and it may well believed the com muiu cation filled him iti a edld Derutra.Hon aartsd oat of everv be with horror. 1 He begged bfth 6 genllemeh and his , stood erect, pore, bis nearly must have bim a partner, if-onetiDulatin otilv that the Jadyahould be .a 'young lady. In due' course of '' Tha exrrcUea 61 tfce:vening , close4r riot to at Harrv axed liishtdnd,rnsued"fo?be time he was iiiform-- rt that he was of late the widdw Mrs. the tend Grubbins; Iii full bia station tooki Wiitryj.waarebe, . . . ther wealthiest i t.S . ,: D i Grubbinrv ." fit,:,:. Timothy: j w soar inroasnwuiGu " wwjtt fiie - as well as the taHet and fastest Woman in - - Uue--cio-us ? Waters came aome time' wrth 'her aunt, Mrs! udgepass Flinders Jtoaalie rsrasa pretty; bright eiticT.na .fairyf sevfnteenaud fra;h .must she quite a likinsj'fo Hair) Singleton j bat poV of coarse -- . . ' ' ! : by which be had en' ero Vie bblted but into the darlt aitclien and sleied the Handle or the first dour that offered. 'M'ra. Flanders was Iqllowio'g close, but before she cpuld : t O . -- wante.d 6 L B ' anti-Linco- ln i . V : ?. ,.':-'!..;:f:-- : y : |