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Show - . .t r h;;'A ihE OLD CHIEFTAIN I 4 FTe took aebieftein in the fl A chieftain gray nod ol . , Though ho had fought with skill and mighty And hono eonld be more bold. , As wo boro him from tha field, . .f. Hii bosom heared no sigh 1 ' Wo little thought at light of dawn hero 'die. . .. ,1; ." Wed, see .that ' M ' Bis hair was white as winter snow, j Bat his eje was bright spjl clear and manly brof And on his eaJm ' .. We saw no sign of fear. J Within that warrior liyed a soul, v ;.. loyripg officers were unanimously elected t -- ; (ns-.chtn- ics :;i . Within the mountain dell, And oy the deserts burning sand As many.a tongue can telL He lefthphind no weeping wifv Or little ones to bry i 'YetI at the eariy light of dawn r V.; - - . Witiuff Compositions. it 'J ' f .. . . . V. Wo saw that nero die. df - zr . , i . . . . . j It may be sweet to sit at morn ' ; - - the mas ierr w r - V . ;, air ..', Well j'iat think about something, and write down wbatjrou think, and bring it sAismx. sokcuh. s : t. BcjrDT CAN 2. EXTRACT, Q - eir. ; V fashington, U. : '.A sehoolmaater told one of his smaller boys :that' he . waiilod him to ' writo a r. Yl composition.- - ; I dejnt know bow, ?0, 1 said the boy. In he 'greatost trouble.: ' said But yuu eau thiuJE, caui'- - you j And foel tha breeze that pastes;; (Tit swsetor still to 'take a horn . O'f some lovely Cana molasses. , Bx tract of beets (?) oh, horrid stoff-Clis enough to tun one sour. I ' jsFed j - ; that' will be eomposllion.. :(Kbw I wirrexcuse you-fo- r a little while, and you may take your slate and go out, and the first thing yoif find that' interests you,' you think' about what it i there for,wnat it' is good for, sad what will btcome df it etc nd write it down .and bring it to 4 'i ' - 3 ;a aii?. that I. I And make a pleaiut ain look grnff .'Prom morn till evenings hour, ;. While some may write in r-apraise of beets. : Be it mine-th'C' me. pleasing lesson, iv To speak of eanes delicious sweets : went The sfter looking and.. 'out, buy . By thi power of sweet expression. b.fi at Uqt' came across a about sometime,' ! Sweet Muse the very name of eane large turnip behind a barn, growing among 'Tills .me ith delight and wonder: looked at it a Thers nothing grown oh earths green plain acme weeds. He stood and he few.momenlt, payer dreamand'thougl wee tec than. thou art by thunder ' ed he wii to become a fiai(ugutelied poet, Lb . 8. 8 City, June, 1864. hie thoughts'1 began tb come to him In. a . ... - e l j '.' . . , 1 "i ,l " 'v , . , ' .. .. i .m. j . ' . I " Uf f CorpTer. Cooxtir Poax Take a nice piece, of lea nr pork, boil tender' then two thirds 'a many potatoes aeyeu have moat, a liberal sliee of spread,-cho'fine, then- nfake into--. ;. balls, floor thenf a little. and fry .in batter; until brown.":; For a dinner .dish boil eggp v bard, aifee nicely; lay a piece on each bail. A Nice ,Poax Sopf.Take fat and lean' ' pork cut very, thin, bU an ".hour. Slices . potiitoee and onions (and esm ts if lixedA when tender, add a cap ot sweet :Cream '1 and onktableepoouf nl or floor. Line your' , with' pieces of stalajbread,. pour. r pver it. the soup, and you. have a nice dish. ; Rax ao SaUc. Boil.rthe.'erumbs of bread with a minced onion and some whole. white pepper; when the ouioii fa; coekkd, ' take ff put, as also the pepper ebrnsan put the ; bread, carpfuily crushed ; through a seive into pan With cream, a v little butter and salt stirring it esrefull Insiait Ucit PiRfuau. Taku cpj. or btiiteimilk, two eggs well beaten- quart a bulf.a-taen- p of " sour cream,; a ' of seleratue; a little salt; stir .. . in a small pf floor,' and enough ; Indian meal- to make, lb baiter, spreed V ;.V, nicely' pn the griddle:' - . - . f . -- !il . large-tea-spoonf- tea-cupf- ul . Tii Car : One. egg Aw Exoxlumt bealen in of water until it foams? StiiJn.'luflicieht flour to make' a mliffin liitie f salt; aitd bakeiu mutfin.4 batters or roil rings pan.' "You will find it an ex .. i eeilenttea cake' ' r ' . - ft - reak the egge care fully into a pan of boiling water, slightly sjlted; wlieii this white is etnck threuja taCe.them up,, upon a platter, by themi elves or on slice of toasted bread, t ; battered:' ry. ; AxTicaokxs roa'' TABLx UsK.T liava three j Ways of preparing.' them'Wasli aud tiirpw into cold vinegar 'Jr them, simple-rUYme- , and he tarole i them - down withscrape ! liorse-radlssu of elirez A, little thM.t.,-jvv:4-;.v'kf:'-- v gar and ppicos (s a great addition. ; i Mr. Finney hadjs turnip, ' W ash and peel fqdan AxoTBxa is . And it grew behind the bars; ? ' : w : ( ' And it grow, and ft grew, tity of a rtichokes, si ica thehrand.boit in.--- i little water until.yery soft; then. add but' -' Bat it nsver did any harm . ter; salt,, and pepper. ' teacup ofsweet ' And it grew, and It grew, milk .with a of floor stir eonld no there taller j it grow red in will make a aoup the flayor re.;' -Mr.Tuuey palled it up.? aembling V' regetable.oyaterv ;; Andho pnt it inhiscellar. : J. : it VL?J. !V T i . .r . AnotUxb Modb. tbem T - ; Vsh and.peel ' And it lay, and it lay,'. V ld and boil soft. - Mash them fine, as Till it there began to rot; add butter and salt. petatoe; ? And.bisjdangliter ' :.r Susy washed it .CC jf ,, v AndTahe put it in the pot. .K.:' . Aktichokxsj Wash eleaa itit them in cold epiced vinegar ; fa' fronz 'And. it boiled;' and it boiled, V ' bree to six weeks they'are fit for. use. V ' : .As.long as.it was ablo ; " . took Liixio hi it of enion and other; Tbu daughter op;-'- ; Kttlxs sre cleansed C' odbrs; ! And put it on tho tablo..; v a pf pear. by dlsolyi.ng lAsh oc salcratus in waterf aod washing. ? MrC'Firmey arid bis wife, ; ' ' Z ; i A fV-i them... They both sat down to sup and tfiey eat .And they eat HaIr, removed by fevers and sickness, ' Till they eat the tdrnip up. - 1 ' Housewife's . . n . . , , ,.: , Ttir.1 R'S ORA OLB Thomas Day, President Edwin Scott Secretary ; Samuel Cornaby, Treasurer. . The ; chair hi a.) and others gave some timely tamra tion. upon the subject of Ag riehirare and Homo' Maiufac1ure, ahd I i)iiik i that, ri b shall be n'be lo keep pace with her progressive influence Ib&t.pre-vai- ls among tb citizens oi Utah. ) If the farinersth ' gardeners ami the. in each eettleim nt were to organ (ze a ud hold similar gatherings, frequent y, they would pbtaiu much knowledge thaY would amply repay them fqjr the. time meetings. rifr;v,- ' they spent' at such V:. Yo art truly ' Which danger did defy, Edwin Scott. . hongh conscious, eer the morrow dawned, ' Thstke was doomed tp die. V ''; $pansH Fork.; Bo long had led that warrior band . i v-- i -- ws ;s . ' b. Correspondence SiDITOZ Fabhck's ! . OlACLC l am bach pleaded with .your energy in Importing eeda.an4 plant,' and publish yfcur sheet Urithout the encouragement log ktSr ah Agricultural Journal le bound to have afler i.t becoii(es better- known. . 1; 140 apo trere cboipe J hare plated varieties. .05 peach- aha a plum 'trees. In Prevo city. Hope to have anbrchard; but what .shall 1 do to prevent, rabbits girdling the trees 7 Gan the Oraclt divine feidrc remedy 7 Many trees in revo and elsewneraJiAVi been much' injured by the, Rabbits during the-- ' past.: year.; Much has heendoue to young orchard in ; r ; .. ;(lieTie1fci'yof. this ci,ty. - - - ! c da--ma- ge . ;. . Si ' !' ' . .f ; " Ipanlrii v EniToa Work. Gardener? Fuxsa held Osaci.k t Yl- t v: tj , s' able .to. benefit .each- other by Apart. dually, improving iU'thof e. sciences that are t6.m ke- - the 'Wild'ernees bloeiom ae the rose. s 1' -- . - ; ing lnforjinatL n sad experience . thus mo - ft. Mr, I J.V E. Johnson, 'Chairman. ' . V-s - V fiv;-- : . :s vc . The ? 4 you-wou- I To-Pic- s fol- - V C. , . ; . . teq-spoonf- . ul . V . Jjmddeto : ; boy,' tt is said he jceuld not rafrala from tears. Now thenjboys' end girlg, don't get fright ened at the- thorfght of a composition j but find aometMng; that riiitsresU. joq, and write, downwbat you. think nbcut it, and that wilt be, a eompositlon' Yoif need not try to wrife iti Thyme, uni e sky oaV have A a grer talent for. it : f.'r poor Teraes deal poorer than, poor proto. I The Wolf .v Spring V v - ' ' .1. ..A . V .c . V V r I"" i ' ' ' . grow; by wsshiugtho. sralp ..7A...V - . sage leayei ; 8qx TxAsv Always wash with water' this. ; , before milking drafter isofcshsufficient.; If moreso, apply, eqsal, limiewater 'and llnaeed. oil. v-parts of VV's : ' ; & a - ; V. inatanianeonaoften , Srixcs and bites are 7. ly cured by washing them In' harlahofh or turpenlloe V like rii whafe 7 85Wby',a a watar-lit- y Becauie.. it.earuesjo the '?,surface to blower,; f ? V1 -- ; caif-zucki- ng . . - 'v V-'-.- - 'V o I r i- r--i y.-- , jyf' .'.'V . ; - V- - of-tale- - a meeting in tills eity 0n We evening, May 28th, for the pur $&tdfday ose of orsaniziiig a' Gardener Club, to $ta - Tle little; boy brought in his compos! with a strong; decoction of when the master canpe to read it, onee or twice a day. vf tioV,apd Club and-salbs evidence in the iL' : s f. V . .h ? ! . A thle-spoo.uf- ul 1 ,.- For reply see art ciq, cji Babbits Gird on page 165. En.j . l, ling-Trees,- - iCily. 'Smith. G zo. A. .V7.;r .' V i A |