OCR Text |
Show fv '&:- - isv7; ..'.;j.'--- .V" . ,V "f 'V nh nEsnbicHbor bai a good. AdobioJIOUSlT, effecVas ..in the barrel ef ,a blT.' keif, t ''.Bi. ";$5 r 1, ffi- - pyO'Sargentt of :'t haepine hens'iirhfchhave "v' during. three months; Y ! '1 to the subscriber, at his reWanr::f-'American Fork. - REUBEN -J Mnikirrfi laidj.,39&eggs i:' sTon ;v .; : LLjf)GEf ' Homisi-ifin.;iind j:theJgest;Stak-bin the' Territory;, frem ii4 oil fifwl4''ASil f i9; 'oV; 1 . niadmJitcMJtf .Ead SIioei vIiiaYi WAVS now' aK abbs '! repay Attachment,'. Du Damper. andSnlKBassj: iitiU XhUitint ooia! I ATTtiEBOKO. Utr ; EUtUtyildrtop Booty alIthe expense. of the Selge. r AaCTOwRTATB KS':J&8 Parties eonaingtp'; thecity topiihsmf Taraoat a Philadelphia Rostov, fork, ' ' ipiela The rebIeGen.'Beaiire?aTl:ha '..' .V y - vJ.' Vn ;'A ' others or ' baying a qasntity. cf for .aDy tisc fUVuIMt world MbnrlitioVOiiftfiwiytl ittMISdatiMi V IorY EEDUCTION" LABGB wiuhoyilowed ANT star tkm otbr.tiiluft 4- ; A- - til to than $0 be tha Mail Tilublt CksWtS: epptlad Tha Hvxiat Iw wutmM that. It a; PEESOITS FORHINO CLTJBS rat iamM,' pnr-ehis proposed to use the' steamship toblM .',V of tha lastrtntil to whlah it is 6f ten pairs of sny kind, will he presented Eastern in i ring the Atlantic cable. lin.-slilHi) tha pawerJawaaains Tha f tbt'subw raad.i; laft-kBaa Otapw-niatha ewar af tha vhuj. or piur of & similttr kind,' free of ttuagojtha tra--' yithnd riOottalhtliai wusTfie ddoiua d of lattrnzncnt Sg50.CCO.isi paid ipH,yer.by the hla orf ''if tba tha ; part (Wiif. Everyvarietyof ;Home3aannfaetnTe on ehle That Sab- -, Solo.: a rry i n g the ,0 v erla nil a apUaflid oKio t ii nUrtn;tob IMlt o farGovernment! ta tha laatramaat, aM . r j A dB J f I.. Builiite (thearr OrrtB - tba hoara? Xhti eomWaii tha ixiaaialf rats,. af. tithed lefsht' liiaia( totiui lablino atraiB at a1arfipa fact, i Sonth-westararyeompCtejlt jadga aojaj-Mii8Quri,chop-woodftl6thaj dcfyampatitioB ''ffeVi thw- - pBtanoA fore -p- t - - ;4? j , ij vjr -.-- .. i ,1-"Grea- VM j fiseated property. t':V;' iH'-i'.'jSf.f- c f . w'?KAtB,;STRBgT.v--- Vv!-'fv;:riU)rwcpxs);- - ,1 'I J - fnAnKISO?m& ' .r .v v OO TO. THX'Vi C SV ' L- i fit WixclesalBootand ShocFactory, I ! .wishes friend gfretf fayagarifc 8Wbm th?eelebratei V SfwafiwtttmV,, boryaur 'yonif money,- consider, trhleh of d the fw j?n would, rather loeevK.' Harmonic Oran Perfect Stelodeotf 1 1 ? esti mated that, the Vain of eep- Oiuarctihi; fitter Patent Cor'Harmonio V v- : maskeUaseist iX; oha:LQT of ? aewe FOE $AXd37 exchange for good' Oxen, Wagon aadYonog iitocsk. Tho?e' wishing to exchange yW rboeiro jood encouragement by applyingimmediatelj ' ..I ye . I k ue ui - rizM-haa- W, 7 v V. - BB B B . .A ioL-aa- c :''ti,Vest'lfnown am bl a ahaan kaa it .for.-yar- if .w ia.&ilcitj: VV'S Solo Agent pit Utmh'jraiTitry '' C.talOgnM.nd oirtnlsrs sent orfappliextiODt' ban isobe had f...,JOJBlfSONv. Spring Lak V-- fvTdns of thou nnktoi aH aiV li, C' .t, rr-7- . imi tnra rla kly S 'BeaaaapBBlad iU;rtr with 'the Caah, (r' ntiiott n Sew yarn. X v ''s. ; sapply ail laeeil otlit ejst favorable arraa)macau laada to r roc air lag SMekan(itira)aiB pajmiit,, i - 1 hare- 'i- - "' i i1- 7 .A.Bfcf CHORES t 1:3;,.ate a ' table for seedif-- appSicaMohbomado f- -' s' sotm, I am also aettaf MageBtfrthepBrehataaf' Pisnofortss Music and, Eusicsl. JSdse term- - .A?: ''; qosntir ' . ... . ,:!r Unu.t 0 ern V- - J . A V' ' '. i' v 1 - f. iLattara'of laeBfcjr ahciarfnTlyBBtWered W Xctarh wail; BBd bbjt faltnattifi rolatirata priosrh.farloickcd. ' - , - n ) ' . I' s' 0- ' . fx 'A X7HITEGEEytiTIMBEIt;V7lt -- iVy,; LQ VyAv.GrOws'rapidiy , makes s' gdod hedge in fire years Splite well,' hnd is the best softwodd for GuitCings htin. the fall; by mai l.'i t $ per h'ond red "K-t, sCn thy mall, FLoWEE-fiEDS,- ' l5i hfJi 'American flagnbw sail Between Europe the United P. 0 OloecountyiNehrasks 'NbrseryHill; ' - ,y-'.h j S&JV4 '4 - Tv j- jA. 7 ''f'-'- poet-pai- t qsnal retail priccki d, nesTrfenc4; f SVI . , a Vf --- tf S A N DA VEK$I 10 liA D.jf O it? 3 ,fitrong'hnibs.jfhia,m)8t:vmagiflecntfi o ring. plant win'be sent lby .iiii r It ;" ; se-psi- dj ChlcagpfAriciiltaraiFarelidjBse. H&uZk' a.1". . ?' SMB .' I.ISV 264.V 'B.bWW1.1' bijlb. pfgl.SO' iBCth. pe-dort- these varieties Are pf isarpassing beaaiy nnd ' vifcv ;vdaress,!n A.EEEYCrfeccni Cjtf; h ,r . si giVeJWHB AT for athw CHICAGO WAG 0 Eringpn yourwa end receive your'wbeftL'i' Vi-- i ;5yj'e;wili '.Vgdiis i'iAfl5C.er Li.KDST&ieET. cHTGAoh. S5s v. Jv ?iSVc? TM-f- r'JSsr entire ptix? Stpekf .E.T j i;Wbi ".-ft- And ?sriH.ey echteon .brdifjflB with'pmrDtness Jebrhteci KhitUhg'ilIaehioes;:;:Jt'ivLll.Chrpi and desmtU ibavhemaybeTito.wl 1te ;bStvinlihirtyy day Price pomplet e f ;t: s.; fef iWPosBEssicnr ' " .f. tjVj . 'k - . ' " j h .1. - - 'r; " , - . ' V1 ' V ' T". if ji -- P?sT:GnjOotf- .- .tjAttDS''iy: &ih. v;; v |