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Show i adtteq':jr5. x m Alr iu Typlioid Ctetli Forer. v r:vl.?.w E.T.V BehIhe .hi:an4 inf'due ' hatchedfoo t i;"doxen .he ' ii&tn a n '$ ' S .? Y Tlia liras agaf n iuiw' jY M?.,. p ton; of,Paris, publishes cljJckena.' .''Dr. key 1 d re fn rrt '. con lie cures a be , butho w wasli the) v';Mverjvlremarkabe e. topftjphoid.fe : the free kd--- A td Tetprh theg vAjuither do'eaWanc yer, chiefly' aUribatnM Amission of njfia the potfwtldjrppidi' : wboyer saw it e" Yanke ey? ID rou t? tn e he wo'tild kjCrp the lien tlutilShehad. laii V ' .He consider y a typhu feyet.to bd a kind rdot'-Vlheii're4 eggsjThiehedidahd v C" paralysis 'or asphyxia ef.all'thQ vital t Orbed the to (Self iresjcirf ' hen nd gz ancti onsrocoasioned.' bytberespirntiort owners, remfcrking as he did.BOi''WaJI of a deadly atwsphere,emanating either reckon; dozen ofchicken Ivegotasfinea ; "a from 'typhoid.', patient or;'from ;aii y ..' V ; .other, morbid eo uTcbV The patieht can- - '; f ;i -- ii couTe i- jyj ? - -- y fc'' r. 'e .J . ' fCoirheri? .a. '! x- v' '; 1-..-' vf , .JL--; i. j! ; :f " ' f - n -- -- r Ind ianAdyen tu re. : . of l 8l2, as ...oneRtiirpfiy- mi ,(-- lab or'ki cle ar i o a pieCia. ot wood la a ,he ' a w"a wood rail Indiih.apr6Achfiigtiiai fraid-th10 A X. Med- - ..- - A kiuita - .. A" r & Poflf iVrsfY a.JiaTgot the natrai w$i j ''Hjf. nothing, said the I.iidian, appareathevkili . Ind bfo.tber ! iarv-Leec- - ray fpdiam alp chae thd rfriyi.r .three ' miledV.'witheat eny' oraklia. TmxnJer aid lightning! fwlvat. a a Let ' BarnOui get hump l what Im at.T Lbtiip; mm 1' i k; ; V A splendid .bnmp.J 'It feelaIlke a diinor Si pointing in a AwayvoffyoitderJC .. k raLik hump, too;v'Meony a' mari hae got wrong rUrflctloiij bat what do; yoa ,want ,j-v V at'Sprv&ep6rtorifj 0911; scalpingknti'e.; that.wa partial fy r his' iled'byve Vargs hUhket throwd-bWhibh vay' kre you traTelJingt asked urgent andi more necessary plirehologikal ItarackterVof A name ?' ? 6fd iaatncient useful Id th : ; V . 1 WhUa iny whoh? is used in .making a hA.V'y.;.' ; li? My sseond part's Seen iathedell of a mountaiXi.A tii porer teen in thefast flowing fbnnts3n;X - v' tbiU has cajUed man's body te somothin Tu thesiz of a: lima JiisanAlfl had ibis bjiihp ,v- - AVf i' n;Uid'yoii 'eYshwtiat-- i yes doyoiiehopt al.4;maril UOh,'. S, - Well 'HI l t . A fdrtiblew.eimyWani .karffilelp but die ritch.'if ,thl b'uinpdpnt .go fcak oa yu Gorjjeoiis': bamp , ;; ; ' peons butpp. P P po H tryjVsaiil MtUrph: .a ll "A .( E. Ahdt trarels - KA' , tkronzliepaee at. near' Kithtoin rV-i!:- . sama ira 1 am atsaAA lsw Afnavh tiaeiW IwMi li I " i'is YVi j Yon shoot Urst, said No sa id; M nr p h y tb e.Iadihfen'sh ashoo tfi fa jyo a nd id the aat on" trT,1 f islunehtot Uurpby,jiercei flip mart.-Thrifl: warihdO ijd baRJ arjbyi Wha e re-ioti- da ? 1h Murphjiippig4 r aiei tlir b ugl th a ' h iU at jreTbf am Te ivyeil s.5 r. - boon used mornor less in ?Yery nation . fvf t. A if many thousands kaffe held eonsul-'-4 ' Si h . ) X,'ll ?; '.::V w tha standiUrd oi .llcaren .had pas nd And o'er to wards Murjihyj;butj8rfthefryertvhedhiijQa;taIi d raw. log hisniahUbgfiYifeaptaitg. It mam from .tho ightvnruck.hVmth1h hyd'no; y.a '!y ch:cke:ie.':;llit wariod honest to StaV them ' ait J 'uot Fitm nl tadfTiftnnrh' uolhiij.. voaVlend ine a-- few ;Veeki,; he Yar.hpe took Ihe hett haraej aml then And. its used by. the sleTen m ft, Tfellu tbenasrU ' |