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Show ' . a'v'J. V Vtg v! -- -v. canhoi trtei 'Thiopit suV.i aforMtJbrchard.yineyd,eldnrgar" den.plantr&tliaVatree.Tineor.hr.lb' J ry y v &; .: . - ; V Vb r" , a ysg:- - ... tom&rkadear spot.nr utUue.or beaaV tify come w&ste place, that, nianj years .hence, wheafruit or flowera may adora 'Shaae, you;may hare the happy reflee ''., .- -. , tiea, 5(llniVedone !,, F in nelarlbMafor T02fr'- -; ' ;":. .. TheMe:few a. CiRO that sometiiihgi.t; acUf ones Retime LoUr bripgs :;aigrtw,;phenfei.v pf SbWbriptiMU.;,.' 1 and profit 'inyeaii- to come, 1 11 SX MatrlmrllM, ENT9 AOTIBT pleasnre t t fcr s4. ' 'rf' afe tHMrtloa. i tf(U dr, lM4hs OaD4Ur. thanihe ut o treeal of for planting iil.RifW ! 4ful'OMniijr " ' Sfilnl. nwp f u '. ftllv" - iritllliwlf fruit, the Recompense cornea; gtuckl y. : t J..,V;.-' wittwl twif . iLf .' a. : . 'IRl - FahiUa for shade, niuts fiowers or dniber, the, i ;V V UU iltUi niTW l CjprMadtat tllrmi -", nriii Uki Till. rewardthodghSrhapsilittledayed,' 'y TiS.P ' y comes quite; as evrefa&tf& Age should fit not.be aq exeuse, ; for. erery. one has April thestnmpwill ro t and 'UieyneTer .v V' f j i J' There Is an endless excitement in re chiidrenorfridrtoenjQywhatU 1 nyiil . : it 7V-- W lf 2 JA Ir--- - S'- .; i And besideswhsn' ones rae is naarjiy gold 'J- throngis at the CWhole ahoald haste tO 'da whkgood yrJS ocky II o ant&mi Yegio n- - Quarts rfbck, ruh,they still toaccozh ie t '1. a lftfoirtheiaV '. i. Jiiowr tea r rieVhas been founditf al- - thwe;u.. eYery loe lily at ileastebitis Whence werea boj we Anew man ' ... , ,S '' reported, aidthotmuidsof miners are yi'jf plant ; miiorobard,for IT :.1 inning here and there, prospecting and feaTihe sho Wdotlire t ; . . - -- I h ; ; ' i .. m. . . .. .. s f .A E '.-..- f - . ... 1 jp - who-wboidnO- t 'In W(MternNew Torki we'prhne pies,;, pears and other hardy bruits 'soonas qur.' .serere'froste'are joreri'. IT. pruned sooner.the ; ends' of . the ihooUji'f are Hablq to be injored, and na.bud so.weakened s not to fulfil iteS'l .. : 'the.'-termi-;;- ? ZM, tQeaiefrait; and I dllbie iired, for yeiai7.to heg And leaf'bads ;'sieXtheh: easily distinguished frora'eaeh otheri and t the pruning ao- - ' pilfer Ule fruit of his peigh bora, who had s' with thoe Oa : ethi pgcias ta sur d ly,T.and ,T" jthese sanltUudss &iust;eat bread---if Vrilt hay, it! , Then what abetter ; f wniers of Cftah want ' !' ir' vtliin what is enclosed in their fields? IToheI These are good enongh and-wil- l ' Tjs ; iSread.srill eohstantl bsf high and p' y:'da " ' dan anij.' J et : others! ig what they i' ?leS8 :tai' let vus 'dig end wratW' onr J : i and. .we shall. sj A; ;elda .with cll earnestae88, . y tf :l lAva all the money we want. - ? vV ..V-'.W-'-'-J yJHowi dont- - get' npamaniaf or ' gold f ; h untic 'abroad, 3 but taker h old wi th a , uc. utli, w aM . j prepision',, plaht orehards at aperiod later 'than eomplifthed' w SalliTAnjlewe Agent whenAe him-...should AaTe.proTided.4Cor ' t . .' San FraimiscO,iCar.,'trilLplease aeeept :V--.- . ' 'V-.- L- -- vF - AV . Je A ArilctaoUea 1 Al1 ' ( I'S. : Vi . 'i' ; p. us li ng dip artiebokeAhC writtea upoh will Again gire th At any tim e af er ftfoa tis soaitof the all 'f thd' AmerioSnBritish French.''i Qer';-beforai i - &ouiBd;ui fsaTl ier tho. h e tter.) put'tlmni roOtajCthe s . i '; f I4'! as yon wouldv potatoeoeae gooa.eyo qji t iA uVfr i ; " one a picedrplant thenf in drills, eye &n fi f eet apart th thedrilhi and usraiaetwice the or- - aZ- plac sar t f '.f. ' .Jv 3l to foor feOt the other wayv after the, been . prepared, I a' for; pota- ground W.has ? 'i 1 ' f toes.TV G ol tixate sunef"I.-as yeorn prp ots. , ,i ,4 ; , Vi5T j V .r, - .J w r- . " V.S . - . jtug.uiv, cmp : iPVVue.tiir ku wy ab undance.Ofwat er inSepteinber--aft- er bl. .r - To -- Sirs .Txsral la future Vwe -- !' s ;giUs.rA; vH -'- j"'KTT'.owtyAliiet , jf4 ' d7e hare receired eererat5...letter ofiB- - iPv. r .v y : , iylfthe ground . s gpo d,tell-inanrre- d khall, and- 'thO r6pVvvrpli aittendediiT Qumay . ' ', i?j's ; '.1 sr. expect to digifrom twelre to twenty hhn-dre- d bashele to dhe Acr.1iThey inay ; out ; aliHwiuter' withput;nmry ;.gr ' 'Ir I , F - ' y. r w he-left- ' ,:vT',L' if ''f. - e a. .T- - . V ' A. b 9 . 1 . |