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Show 'A i N attall ? && : ;. l&drawfofc J yl i WBaraettrif .A Koj JJDdrfef rMendjimb'VDayi if otniondnlredi;' $lKGU2$&2f A D;jGambleite(i' JJobVmor followexampl as so good.!V Wecertain-- : BrbwningJ J- - OWelderberg,? . Jy every expectto-bearfro- seeksStrBSTAfcTlAJ onapf our NpwMonHfojgftjlntiadi, that ve most VW.iXeommi';: hare money tVbuy Pper inkVnd AfeO .,? ;'J,Wy Browning, Vi t Ilf.''-- ,'1 .'DE.ljrowningf V .1 I. . f WiJf- - r r pACEAOES rcctiTed sinee lastiBsne; , - - . '!.hw v- . . .winv-OiowniirL-v- r J 3 Ti:WJ,.-lIIIIar- Boren,; i J.W . -: W." Manning i ':vtjj ' iHOHaightg jJ M&dicbg !; Sfi-'- ;i,"i'i jfi.j- - s;.: ' ... . 1 S :." . sh:froin.rMr&wd- - .Border r- oartiL? .'Vkv I.. - Artiflcial bed e f S'v' A f q: i'1'. p'.J V-- ; l i-- lefinite VVD warf gVXrees made vdini 5 nutarbfhr graf ting or budding opOn stocks of exnall natiTerplants j Oitf,' Ia. a hundle of JiowerMid rege table iitt:B.lAini;6addttAy,0i jl Miller? V . - Jv -- . ,, a H- - . r,j.- Crawford. Wahington,IJ., iworeansof HjSteedi- ';IXA ..... ! bandleofHcherrrxuttingsiAl .''r . J- &&&&$; (3;Johns6n,ebriaiIli man jehligati pbstpnr deIegatCjlIon. ' V IaW an fe rareltimbeir'seeia 5 Smith.pitte Fair h&reii Conn.V n ease ofa pronted chestA vitnaVi ?? JT. ' '.mV ftT ' - f S'- - hrvVi i V3t;ndC?piir?s'JiuinlUUe'ihBga r rjf .teiligenee;.ahd .datspohend'rnuiessfo.r ; toorewp seB Of bars iu6 i ght,T as' Igentie- themthft&ioTe welikeem.Weire still displayed S;.. ' -- 0OTne.-Th- : - ' -- e by-tb- it an tn the Halls of .Congress. VlfehaTe rnabsorl- -' semididg IhenaihM otany nf JT; s 'i- ' 'Cl " an .known, hunt as.. a, fearless '. bersf jL pricepyear. flino&iOg', Democrat, kait kiow w& know 1? Hand id toot $2 mnd arBc. !staasp. Ths as of man that ii Mt afraidto do ob nrti .. dg,,VnrraT i n g "iaf ihes,present v Shis dutyA' Honor to whom honoris diac ! in d eh ted ytoV Hn.ilsaao New t PeteinonMlj Oonmisiioncrhf ;A87tealtare,and oomes ; fo Tttme; and ssr j time.and erer vT i ta iTivaiso .ISanndszspmental lades ' interesrForJTLiJibA wefuifnih I "lit'tftV Gardener for mahy..T&ttable seedS hairv i V. TV rVSVfvt vrverar A i.- - with-ltheclo- ' TS ..V-- . k- -. -- . al 8 's1 b niy the foots Lay in by the Heelc-T-o of tfeeatemporafily te'd'trencto'?' W ntis Leading Shoet-Th- e longeat bi ' ghopt Cf a "': in 1 Logwood fv ortree.':h-K- Tv T - As :anr. AntiseptlCt':; -- Dr.iW N. ol es ays J) r D eamartis V?' bad 'Cisrcral etui8erou,patientanhderhisyi; oaf e;kll presenting large ulcerouf sords,A ' emitting: amoatianaeonis amelKA'An atengentbipg'oonaidered'expedieni,jriT a - "iJ ,z ,W - 5 h!' r- 'X' ine arest wnereupon,V tor tne dolors fetor disappeared complete.0 Iw a! wmmu k ? a? it maS anSiaalit' ld son S.' - & mu tka wio, cuiimi yn 01 ter was ; mnch atten d ated. V Log wood AT oanaes gangreoe to tl iaapoear, if :. e fall '.v'.y'dj.irapesi; stiawberriesAc.-'Wenchantment.' ''D n D has 'also found it $&f ' V's appreciate all Tsdch :fayors,ahdhonnt jpreTenting or atopping'the;' Vi,4 aicTJfdn thlytyhki- hafi beccme sScaciopfsin which harthe gifU more preeidns thah old.;? We oecnrs often alter erjsipelas " utationV' orltheSnflietipn Down ofthisezcdJIentmontfj.-iWehano- t iu-- ; arc.iinder lite to0 obligations . fi .ii , entiry remorei tiieputfid-T- v seenitf ortra'sge C0hie Icoae' 1 ! lets woandavlt ity Of pleerpua.oaiicers emitting iaangiB;1 ct J andf in ahortj of the noit fetid tiah Ameri ean Jonrnal. Prank iA4a-lllasiatSfowspap r O orHri j :.fV 1v- A' V jf 'ten ,Sl fp p A j- . A" - f ..... j '' lvT-e- a: I; - T:6f-votherA- : 5 -- Z.-- f .. .V? '- - 1. d .. 'Kansas s . forms IstneBddr'piisenmaojfpas i - . VnArnfasnadalljwni-areffwiKi;- andexeitingeTTOtsviitisdwee fliehnA-uvhiiaaapdaj- g : - XMrhpeil. Hi iMgeiiieandZdreiiintere around..Shis" destroys the surface Mbtop'f fv and the whole fores of roots being tn tha v ''a.aubBoilj away'from .thaTjiataral supply'., A l'?edonUvN.Y.,'ahd other t,These geb- of aiftiongoneealsht growth Xexcel-.-,;V-4i i' H'M01ettienh4Tedbhe:!mnch'"tbl'iVi8tAqV sW?$ Ient if yWwaxit' ta growOabhagesjl is TTT HxvAm&KatrptQpelyafbteijithe growth will not .mS-V-li manar of fowls Is.moreValaable th&n the .qreau 1 t.V crop ;f fruit, often r erdrian gnanoiirhioh co8la $100 rer tdrealarge fruit to ne thinned so as KrldbanghjS . Si . j 1 . . . ; top.ItVdiOTtidv'heK; charcoal c dst dry rnuickjxnduld from theVoodsir ditco. and road." scrapings; thesemayhespread nter thsfidorof 3ie pOul tryjhofiie immedia tely fonder 'the toequiT, maVSi ihghe j '?vi-.fc- a ft! ut "sqw-.a?- : , .v : i- - - , 'j3 $ VT ' haTing previouBlyyAl'.A 'f. oropwiont ropsts, and occasionally the. floor shod Id !0aked;lhexr 8eeda in' dilated mahur tf- 'A.' 7 b Sprinkled .iwi thy slaked ime which " will absorh ktl bad ;pdonf and! together 'keeping'them'thareefentintiltheybe-'V' d hoi that sVi thisnol gin toaprouLThey Wjth freqdent white washings of the pre? V 'onljgives' theplantsanearlyand mi iesV pretieht thef atWamulationCof . vyer oua star t, bu t preaerrea tho deeds frota';iyj: J JtA . 1 A j, ,. . iA - j c&. igofSbig p A l |