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Show ll w vy P e our. farmers kno w that a toiler is almost ind is) ensableonlighi soil irW-cense lt presses the' earth; cioser:! ardVmdtl -- small': seeds that it 'is sandy soil, and this poorestis'aheaTy; I mast farorabte j tqtheinaarncaof I yfald f ftnit ftin otiishards.TOrclArdSiJon VheaTy 0ij,beaMe;i?;ern&ja blay sotl:.' ''' j:' compact In transplanting ; dorian orchard, this 1 onnojlhejTOhnUidea seldom fmitopro clodsj and brings the piilrerised earthui i.f.rii of: ahorteninginr thesbOots ps o on leTeUandareliat direct; eohtaet with the seede.1thsit.is - practice bte oil ed. shall be invariably attend toas itis aTeyand those oosontberti good on 'grass field becaastr ft presses X ' t.Vi - - i tof tth &A 4 4j sniall 'stones, Ae'Vbicb roud otMririrti!vHi inj are tbe 8Cjthe;blades, into thb earthy . thafe.it'Iereis ant and 1 mote-hiliatba- iis trees are ieWef uktapoxi wheat 2 eIda and. eont thailit exerci sesa m ostba pp laTl oenos u. reepectiTellessli aponoatyfWed afler!.thpljuii;hTa:raf? , common distance f orcrsbardsjbu t I able ta.be killed bjlateirosts.IthereK attained heightpfiheeeor'leMncheiiJrjj r better-cropand better froit is ob- - I fore recommend jas the. bcitground to It is good almost every where,'and ranks- - "tv?: ibeads are' kept rwell I plant'orcWrdsWrtherh hillsides for terj property ;w i th the; most important vfj ' the jtrhere tned T ehoriehed-in,- and conseqoCntWwitbin I the insurahetbf 4 regulWannu&l yisld implements of this armif ' " - -- "" v?l '"Jl a distance of IjtwolTd' 'feet ' V t' be foudd s uoi eh t ... tSaLTsbaWari'Saltishet,' prWpv 'f' " Iuite aewebseryy'a thfhealth jjf shiep Whensoils.are very hallowVtopdres-MDjfInrpro in winter af n summer but stiQ, allrf Ptely barren, ntbagbbe f J&Qil- sing with manursin; aufcamn,and the, iwdii been imperil wi : 4nee,beyies h arro good sjiepher dsrrgardi i as i nd i 8p eo iV freely ngVbeTO foundbestj1 gnent; Jd will notlnkrrow .; If thef seed 'Hhe'roots bioingthns brought nean the ;lj iwiU inariens. deep proses ;iJriarfaee; ' - j - 5 Vi-- 7. r:;;ys s ; ; - 4 i4 T , f-- , 5f 1 . - - i'- ! .Lm w-- ? i xue psnnip ur gira or i MUU.,v ?U4W vTwmg ao Val ix abl e; roo ts .tsa t cah be eeed. abbnt pne ijtteepth Jef an inehjtnd ttemostAwif (grownIn the Island cf Jersey it is al- - pot letting ,wsbii; nnder enj eireoms t?: 74 -- - 1 '1 " 1 most Wed' eztlnst rely for fattening eat- - tanoes,beWnl ?dry,.; or; erer try rfet. he Ohio Pomarogioal Soeistt, atiTole-- i ewiW'fttrsnipi gireiMo rebws ,1 They'vwill 10,tho ptCTailing Opinion w;as ttifsW little' hay, in; the' winterjseason, j QaTOTOerf'.-MWtMt&- jtrroind.tAlMt .obw . if- A' ' jtT A-- a. tiro y earsi'Ai-'.-h thowatWr efapbrates t i'H fMl J ? : r-- k !. r f40ariXA', correspondent of the Osfnir try Gentleman rrrxtes that:, he tormtrlyV j sowed tw6 : boshels of , seed oatS to aerevand ; was glad i ko get a return; of vV 1&'X ' Aw.exwtlWt rimedyfolfsore tbWatSi i .Hoiifas are usiiany raised froin ber--' Wnti tybf I ti WThWardheptin' Ihe p fdr nf J sslratus in strong! rtnegar!- neat it and Vy ear, then so wn i n bedsbf rinh sandy Mgfs' so loaded dOdP wlth S7An a he that froni could not fiywas ;;inhale tbe;famet through tunBel.It oam. ThalW copi cuttfng need fire Grunge a iewwefka sfnee. J. ue maenksdi wil - ctirs sore .throat or-- . djptheriarW bnt are dIffieu!t;tatrike,'-W;i et any kind,' is td dissplre rot-heii- - !- I .V 'if J, 5Ti 3U:' |