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Show Wwfitffid T fi'Z ;: ;. , ' p V'i s'-r- h haftaMii ". -' tn "'Vi i1fnTfT, liMiii , t" i ' v: ;;j at p; rfc'bf JiimiST .,;'i-7,v;;- : , -'- xT:a ii- -- 'flyrtiiRRTTi - . : Ptit.R: (v-lt- ivsi m; SPINNING- - WHEELS, SASH, FURNITURE, and a hundred other , B. HANCQCKB XOG GBI3T WILL things',' at reasonable prices. ' AUt, in Connection; a WOOD WORTH 8 la in first-rat- e parking order- - toGeneall. PLANING MACHINE for pla nir-- floor-inr.aSatisfaction can;be guaranteed ral lumber: of any. tbickness from . for grinding, Th. tenth uahaj aocharged to that. customer from Business ai ranged any width up to .: othei settlements can be ; accommodated Prices for planing flooring, for' any amount ifcraediatelf.'2 "Vi'TjT lroiu 23 jto 4.rents per. foot,. according to KIT. 'I BENJAMIN HANCOCK, miUef. v' amount, and 'quality of lumber. Th$ flooring that ia planed bv; this, -machine la .of STKAVEDV '-H equal width and tbickneva,- aad any man ean lay doilIe ths amount and' a better three a this place, year ago; floor4 than ha can, w Ith fleoring that la EROM about aa memory S,' described ,'b near 7 and planed by hand.1' white red a. One aa follows: 'allows, i Grain and ccnhtry vprorfocs" taken hr fotMT-fold, well shaped. One a brindle red five payment, and th e h ighest pramia m- allowed J from sixjto light .year old. l. ; or six years old. Had-k- t rad heifer calf onP--Gold. A. few V ; good Carpenters and CabiwlthbeV a year ago.. Each cow havrngon net makers wanted, immediately. , the left flionider.a brand cf v a' 5 or 7 I .. circle, with' J ia the centre, ; 0T; TO RENT. Jlho, several yearlings, with aamf brand ths city of Provo, the STOR ,, A Iso,' a roan speckled cow, three years left hip, Jy' 7 ; formerly 'Occupied by Birch fc 'old, brandy Ej D on the eoneern- -, Information JL'Stubbs, situate on Main street, corgiving, perron Any tff:lhe Editor, ner of Centre inc any of the above, stock V-.wiU b liberally rewarded, Apply toBUhop W.' E. j, NUTT ALL; ' f Prove, or to E, W. CLARK, Spring .Lake ' tApREWIUM :. Hi' ntf g i-f- 90-in- n- -V- y1-.- ea - S. -- ch . .) - . -- riviiTiusci cotta a r, nolo, riiu,;.;. nATE8, ;;; of. Choice Seeds and PlantSj , ANT person S 6f few days , choice POT Y'Ibb hayelnV foftaale.- - Several klnddof W ..- ' Btr " .! CON&LIN BALYK I H Is a eewplete AdheaivV Plasters it fa an excellent atrengthener, if curea Pafo the Sid and Breaat;Jt cures weak- aiuf lamo Backs; it .cures Cuts, Wounds and! Sores; it is good for Burns and Schldsf ft; is good for svsrybody, every family should " , ; - f' - ' .have, it.. . ; ; The above, .together with; a complete;M ASSOSfMXat-Ov- " FAMILY AIEDICINE8, . Are prepared at the laboratory : of the In- -; ventoi-SpriLake , Villa, Vfftah county j Deseret- - and iiold , by himself and AgcnVei through the State f;;. ; ;J.i E-- JOHNSON. JferpoHtible Jfgentt, tvrry eettlement j tupptied 'o reatonablt termi. ng BROOM MANUFACTORY, fsraiab sills, Bksxxet. xjkxk : 'BROOMS sweep all ; before Made from corn of superior quality, grown on I he premises, they are believed to be the best orooma in the. Ter- -' riiory. Taper handles, plain or colored; brush long and straight. Use the beat. ' a broom Pr . .Buy ' Sold wholesale and retail, for grain or country produce. .. THESE . 1 . i a-r- ed r-o- ld . rn er ANTI-CORROSI- San-laqui- ;lDinDTJri 1I.II. - j .. , add ijugthr ' to 'life; they are J .. J T 7. ; INK, INK ! wishing to.know the where- four-ye- a STE ER, JET ! a crop and hole in each ear; that has JOHNSONS with - Mar- : fiaeat in tlie market y UABB AGE PLANTS,' raised : from pure uponthia range yeari change and dealera furnished on fair terms, seed; also 1000 roots of English :iHYME. may Inquire of thk. for.cesrly.two Pound-keepn, of by addressing 'an order; or calling at a: : JOHNSON- B.F. SPRING LAKE VILLA.' - ... i . : ;, E8TRAY NOTICE- - Importer H --.V .- thT an universal cure. TENNEY A FINUTSON K Eat the Old stand manufacturing the A i L'E . a yatem, fP yiws cn nr I ? ffidfvp ri ? Q;ft: A C I SHOP!' CLUkF, nee toHhe CABINET it.: tj FRUIT AND OTHER ky ESP ECTr ll LLY antJon that of Utah coanty. they -- . ;:V, UTAH;. NOYEITIES-- ' VTE W VARIETIES.' of Native flowers JLN and fruits.. We ran ar.ewer a limited BECOME INDEPENDENT. HAPPY ' yr ' number of orders for seeds and roots .prepaied tofill all orders for FURNITURE jWJ ' 'with dlepateh d their Sho U Provo-on- e X DESERET CURRANT, ;V; BALM IN GIUSAD -Block north-ea- st ettlie TitmegoAiee block. I GlLIA Scarlet). LONGAFLORA, 108 S CHAIRS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS,' SCARLET PEN ST A MON, abelnfiful' IHEILEMENTsTor Older. EOpTEfET AB0DT,JI3 ! f LOUNGES dtc.made.ii.go9d native evergreen, of drooping hdMtf, ' Thousand-flowere- d kinds of grain- - and lumber taall Caah, CONE CAOTFS-i. r'-ken in exchange. Uie HotQ&made 'for all your wants v' beantiful WHITE r VARIEGATED tv i ' v j f ; j. , ' ' 7. . .'LILT.. BTA gofid yhwhrright wanted, alee two , . , ' a few other desirable a:id besatifu cood eaLinht .makers , or three PATBOHZE ;'And HOMEMANlTACTtJBE AND ; other-do- '' r T r' j I ' sorts ..Or we will exchange -airable articles for gfcrden, nnraery; or- - i ij ax At WANTED . .j v. : J. E. JOHNSON, 7 lawn. chard or. VaLLET-TASUSTAIN THE N PRINCIPLES TJAB1NET TUE AT BUOP, rjSOTO ' f ' , ; . $:.-- , : 5,000 feet of 4- i 4.sontUi&g:ri DESERET CVRRANTr r , i j rhitlO etipf.J r if iOrn' f,jl native currant id 7 : . K OF EISENCE THIS easily d propagated ; 5,000 feet if 1 -- incwbite pina.j, J ' exceedingly V;?. Telisvea pain instantly; it cures. Cho-- i. cottonwood ,anf quakin6,000 fet qf a desirable shrub for the ga Xi '57 is prolific Cholera-morbus '5'.-1g-asp Isrja add Dysentery; it cures lumber. even for thq beauty and fragrance ef and ChalicsLit cures , Toojth-- s she and den, timber, r, coni of qiiakJrg-as- p The fruit is very excellent toij it bloom,'. iojthe-Tacsltcures Faintness and Folr which Furniture of anyVkind .will be pains for pastries,: Sweeimeata,7or fof : .eating, 77 '.'" 'made in paymant. 7 UOngbi; itcfflsvea ths Fro: it acta w ine. - Some grow to. a ' . great size from 9- quick and magrcaL . two to three inches in circumference. BUT jpqxgoxra There are three distinct sorts Red, Yel"V.W t II are. ? low and Blaclr.-- " The cuttings and roots are t Bone" Unfmeiaf 'Nerve 7ahf y:Land you SlieepT . I.. fT1HI?subecribifrf having located' at the - It cares JHrgbonea and Spaviria; it cures 'easily and safely transported by mail to "A head--of SPRING -- GREEK between Sprilai, Bniiaea, portiou . of the United. States. The Galls and Cnte; ft cures any Editor has some very choice roots of the Shd cures Scalds Cracked cm of it' and Burns,; best PayaOn (he SanUqphftrupdn Skin; 44above, -. most agd will flll orders for reeds, raota i aha extensive sheep ranges in this Ter- Gout, and RheumMiam; it cures Korea and ,tri tor y. proposes to take sheep on shares, or Swellings; it cures Inflvmmationa- - and orcuttinga1 the .coming : autumn; erwil 'for roofs or cuttings of herd a limited number for the season, t An Painsjit and bsast,.. ? make'flXcharge iagood- ferman 1 eholce-hard(i Ji.; i. or ether commodation atteative and apes,"ftne good, shepherds, A ei-4oaxecara r n : f usbt. r roots,; choice er frnlt moiiataln shrubs,' Flea floweringend " ..U'i behchrarge. iv J I. r ; l' Boneset rerev and bulbs beautiful seeds' and r 'Brlngaiongyouraheep Pills of Compound ffbm the hare ranf ' 7: J .Indigestion .and .flowers. ; gee; 3dimplbattona uAZ aalerstuabede; ;; TiieT-dur- e .Djspepsisi . relieve Paui In theBowels dice ;.7th be with J . accompanied ? aim and ey latnbs hre OrderfTpliould : may not be left yoiVoW orafticlea aaabove V. iadroar hfeeep.becomt victims of the scab. and.Ptoiqach; Ihjy cure Agues,' Chills' and money, postage-stamp- s v'-.-; :if . B. F. JOHNSON ; Fevers; they enrols II Bilious Complaints i AH roots or cuttiaga oftha. currant-.;t:'. to be received in good order, vi 7. they rare Colds," rains1 snd.HeadacRe; '; J.f V. Spring' Lake Villa Jane I. i sad health to the- ' I J. E. JOHNSON. Vigor ions, they girt 'llr -- 'I-:-- . r SO-,?A- -- 1 v j-- 1 . . . jammy 'ik - fr - ! --v- 7 - !i fV- - ,v LiFET. ,'H cl 0 highly-improve- '. - . V: ; : . , : . -- -- , . m J a s - -- - - y ; - - - , . . y - ar-rjan- ted '' . - s i - . , A- 1 4. i 4 J'. |