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Show - v. : I dKSiSfl jjnfciwgwiifa : : --- 1 t ?D T.ffbi flowcri on .,t . ii ' uni of ill BtMUk a rota kaik alasping TM ' ' That Spirit to wboao ctn i j ly iraa Ip 4ov rum I!htii tidi Tf,ttihffmf Awakaaiaf from pit illflil IIi ipuM, '!'. Tho ApkI whUparoJ to'tbo imO)" O, f omloot old act of a car. ftiMt a oad wkara alllaro fair; ir SUIT Vor tha awact lhada than slvat to me, ' Aik prhat thop wili, Uigrai tod tU Than laid tba roaa with daapi aiog glow, . baataw. PMiothn giaea 'Tba Spirit pattiad la lilent tl iwgiil j What (rua jrat tbara tkitli weobad'aaU r Twaa bat a mqmaat o'er tb itless vail of most tha Angel thr iwa,t A ad robad ia natara'i limpl ft wacd, Coald tbara a ilowar that Hop aaaaadl i , I : MxU ... 't'- - r ' j i'4' I ' v.: r tu'--f-i art; : ht ns wUa-watpr- r r- r rr.N; .) in r if f 4' - --- jr ?' ihrea ounces if5. Bobnt; BaTTsaT-M- lt fresh buttef, in frying-pakeep it etirred slowly ove a gqntle fire unt;illtief a dark brown color, thenpoar to it a ceapleOf ta-- i i spoonsful or good hot rinflgar:Tand sea- - y n; son it witM pepper'and siliL la Franco, thia is is favorite' sauce With1 boiled fish, hich ia served with plentyjof crispcdpan- ,i ley strewed over it. . : V. V V . !rr c g'H of frMh yeast-- . one gttl kf mol asses, pr the taste., and xma notosuit, 4T.--teaapo6nfa .of saleratas. M I Bonnst trimmlilgs can,te c wdndejiful inventors. aciences - dv against blistering of quickest,! lighting a ta Uow candjsand letting the. tallow Into cyldwater, then cobbing the tallow on the hands or feetmixed with brndy or a.ny For mera j tendernessotherlatroifg'apirits. nothing fs- - hstter than' thefibove orrlnegar !a llttie bdUtfled - -- - , Busts axo Hands awo rz v'rAs a vera-e- . . is s - how.wehtaypoa- -' i.;? NowdaweeverlKiolc Do .we use the means in ; snch.adyahtages onr power to forward those portions of sqU ,.,'iHica and skill lht now: surround ui, ' i'x to'e Advanced, arts may find a ready place o stay ona accompliih their work. maate rplec e so f bei u t yad oru Tgfeat onr earth have all been produced j by the achoLar. oud te .untfoubtedly chrec-- ; ed by V Supreme power eat sla team rp, I translators; camptlork of writers ic'bo9hs, of learning and deejily-sougand J - e . sings--ble8si- nga ;; . ', The. land is' Bofrich and summer so long, that several crops cab 'be .produced', from the aame pieceof groadd in one.seasonj for instance, after digging bff the potatoes last fail ! sowed turnips; onioaa and lettiicer .on the saxce'groundi tho result was, we had the ,winter, acd lettuce turnips to go to all in' add the spring.' I havw jparly. water-meloon the same ground, pow-fidwhile the o.n ions will soon be ripe Wheat and. corn, or peas and , beans can. be sea duced bn-- ; the flame: grb and the aims jro aoni , Melons dnd fruit of almost .every description are perfectly athomehere., Jdany of my apple and peach. trees,1 only sot ra full of frnit. year ago last April, are-no- i ; I thiuk. sugar from the- Chinese; C&ob can be produced here in great abundance;. and as I have often been asked the' question, ; How did you m tike that sugar f I will answer it here?fIn? the fail of 1857 1 gathered, the seed from- which the cane rw;.frbofp Ai;Terrj?s garden Greece t city, iowa, and abont The middle, bf J upe, 1883, I pTantedit at thld plaoe .injlriirsj three feet spjirty and when the head! Were fairly, out, 1 stepped watering entirely, ayd ds of the seed, was 'when about two-th-if Hac.lf cut'iip the ' fc'ane by the groUDd;caft ling oil .the tops between ;the head andb-th- As a Community ire pretend to greatness, more so.iu the future thir in: the present; and fondly anticipate. the tim a ,wlien this peopleshall be looked up' to t ythe worlfl at large, aud he a palteru for future gene rations. We behold the works of-- art spread elemeuts of j" throughout the uuivfcrae-r-t- hi this our gloiufcfving ben mulded and classed by the means of science i; and nature So beautified that jqtnanyplacra and forms perfection hits al'xost been att lined to; and we Woalq fretly adyRncott When Uhii community halPpoisesi fuen bles-- 1 Ihi ipiud ahdve that' ; J the every day matterscarry of this rtundane ex y , fwt!? self-sustaini- ng - i Edito? h ? V - v: prairies' stand 'so;tbatj mobs c'imot find their way across ihemF- Vet there .is iaAdefiough along the.jbase'of the and margins of this streams to " Pjrt orthe- - boaeft-Shlcproduce alt the cotton, tv I ne, sugar, indigo, skim out and save for,ihe grape viner and fee. necessary tooiusathe inhibitants-o- f JDeseret tq became a people: mq-unteiii- ss Classification odlabor. Esitoa oir thV Ora cl: - . edge-ways- .. rvy Dixie. miM Sia: It is little otCT a yeat since I beedine a resident of this deligntfu land; delightful Is ajjr, not fbr its broad spread prairies Covered, wiih tall greed: grass ing and millions of miikltoea and flies, hot because (here! is poue of, these .thing 3. V The ;; Correspond nee. i -- t. ' Soar Wood ashes; made from' - Modyrfll nf hard htaksjuarpiiie- .' ashes are- hefrlyorthlesTBeechlnapie, birch, hiCkory are ambhg the best for ' straws and fekklnthebot- - ; leaching.. tom of, the leach-tu- b, packsd. close! and four quart df lime: to l barrel of. saliva. ii0ud ' tb dot 7 you I put.tnen.lOj.afd pat on y oar a aterelew- : y two daVs before you let the ley run.-an- d it will cotrie optfstrougbfitiitf shbold boiled still stronger bsilbfe du putin thi , gre Ae t iBones, r inds;t gristldand hard scraps, ' most goiinto reryistrong ley, and the grease wdl thea toon be eeten '; ' Dxa i ' tl s'SV' . , i' Housewifes Conier Lo-Asi- sai . Spring JLake Villa, June 2S ' ' i ': E 1 fences, racketty bridges In a word,4 blissful ignorance, worthy .of scorn instead :of' ' - i; CAN . honor. ; : A K3 ! '7 , rfi- a THE MOSS ROSE. rt OR ;, A K;A ;E M EjUfS .T; H E worn- - mheh ' - '1 ,leav,es and lodger, : if Itbb dost 1 IsroitfaU' retorted , M bivb palaces and tnansidnshOblontnictures.' first joipt; , I. stripped offtbeiron" 1 ed an" the! oiif n ftejt walking. RibbCqs jfticb press imonUifients,statues,- ? pi larsi victorious nadr e Fl no alcohol, Ihs goodarclf,' timoyovera io tb o' injury cadyat or pa radis aicaK ga rdeis, and proves) shoctTiron And fifeiid in thy aldoKr, Qua bottom boiler; pan (wittithe ' the p aimers art, the coihbinatipn of musi scoured bright, say J:fjL long by 2 flovide, upog the jwrong'b hfVi? t ? the steam sides l6.ipV.high, wonders'; thallghtnlng-rad- ; ts'hr iii to1 which" 1 strained, -tiutcaitse th present' age through, ja cotton biothy twenty fivar galldus i bo .a. io iafibxd aRmistakabls of that a remdyor the poison "fstryrfiBfcie ; woudertr;aad juice, making a very: hot ;ire, and ;; I . signs ' of latter times,liave ,each 'occupied slimmingsooqasany'scuia Cros,. in a bf a persbn or persons to consists tbo life-tinmaking ptiijsdnea persbnr pro' sbd Continued until 'the joicb: began tb1 - - due ny,of the above ycsulia. ; o t nirv&i t .foniiin the ,'paq.: then, kept U paddled or : I Vo f consider that;wn ar to'even hatted down, to prevent its running joyer, tnally stei ahead of all that is powhnpiyh, hntil it began to throw out little puflfs' of f hb' is ft wo sb' grossly err as the Very steam and strin gor fope from the paddlef gallon bftr.approachi ; I toeatTi'spocfaily, I thorfaef thetbm y bntbC .grottnd, aafl until nearly, or fit blood --wirm .watet ba each retoaeti soak Continued. atirring-nrpidlclassifying ii?enuity,scieace ohd Villi 'that we have Ip out miut." t wen hours; strain qhifei4!d then dipped intbrnnsb.1 .From aft dtf )irriiig,.for lefit sitiltf iu!ratB 'tnust 'every nlatf tutnTT firmer when' Why with . v, they thirty, to f ortr miautesis(suficiept to,je-daq- e the liquor ; 1 Off :Could benefit society otuoh. more Irtr fbllow salt ski sefint,'-':and as such a in ip twenty-fiv- e any pan gallons ' j 4 aft Will that ?ig,lheir pursuitS; rihs archi 1 h&ve described ntSTfom th s'ravages efih s ;;tbct, thepaintet, the teacher,, the' blacks granulate.1 ITUs quicker reduced the Vhiter hams irr sUppetsUnmedlatalyhftetsyodr . smith, the cafpepter; the tailur; the! ayef of and mare apt to. grain, Every twenty five properly a(ficed,-tak- e " them down, placj ; cO least five d III ed ; ropk or edobies,-- '' of it prod ; 'my gallons them 1a a boxicompactlyuabd hlottw e ifTke reSsofi why mechanici'do hot fellow gallons of syrep. s clears nd white as any - . ! icahbe-wnKjiiH- - wilh-jfttleo- .4chs rla.-Wss- r. h iron;--whilejdam- lirtM4rcbaatW8 couf-mence- 4 . ie : r- oa-:rt- of ofe ltho ty-fo- nr .. 1 : . iHc-Iearn- 'Ki fWo-third- ed fs S' j t .mwtvfhiazimliAour fortheduetdea'daii duivi V tik.haYtn i&yVtfxb'YCsd Sun-theV farming land; Isereralhiiiiex tt!om 0brbdWcW' y o grow near It fork ualngwiltsOftiurtheekih; Mg: hich it caii hybridfse; and ShaU be sll;. aafiTef, nothing-t- ipplyany dbinaadJW ctrdytdw. j jtishCVe thig .fal:geveylhgsh-- ii. . : r. v t;V - . thris$scM V mayijBotjbe; etrangerq Irt this'TiwrUory; and that We may . not., hq or 'lbg hcuiea agTy qbhflaied tb fiwd-buW wt at lisiindSest&Ssgi&ii v i ,n4enun who was'h4rimedi(y . crowd a 4 IaU, . Irdhblddw Mcunf'DCfl'Waihingtohcb :'A ' (. t ' k. v I I i. 1..- ."-V. -h V' -itsi c.:-' Tr75- ' - , V-- v a a-,.- r ' ' : w.s 0 f sttle-.eho- a sntch in' flic s1Df L - - a ' : n . . : |