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Show it V f -- T H Fir th FnMtl(l tHE BIRDS NEST. , W AH lev S Ykiri mm lilo nt frda A Milj llttli bird; tb lunar hon af dijr And - iuthraagh ntrr iiui guard.. Wi liitmud uft U bier It,. ' ' And lured tbu rougiof to oldun Our thought wat hnck jen MThca vu wuu. hut hay, l !, . And rumhlud ihrongh-thforuit. And huuid thu urildrhirdi layi Huur rurrileng ago it Kami Sinoa that bright ohBdiah day Bafour data tine, uuraaagaicr. With ruou and atrarra and uiom. ' Built up neuar little atrat Amid n pcnua truaa huugha. On gg U rrihttu aad pdrLl All apuefclud our Mi. eruit, loMni au if kjrnarir, J ItHas oral into thu ini. Our littl bird aits acirJV ' ; Her taut not far array . H lit upon u phn u , - E FX n r s. e m .1 .. . n O A C L E tho ughj.it is a blirrjlng time) aad, hare provided as .follow Flag and Salutes at Sunrise' .Military parade aud review at 8. ' " Assemblage of citizens at the Hall : at 11, when the.. Declaration of. Independence will be read. Oration to be dell vered Finish-- . ..np with speeches, toasts, sentl-- .' ments asd songs. At 3 oclock, the merry shirt light hearted assembU at tlie; Hall the maze! .of. the dance to .. soul-inspirin- . thats Welj . music.. g, I S 4 ' us V We have before pages j published . r - jf" . . . worK of over 20d byApplgdts A-Co- ., or tilled fSorgh Cincinnati,-Obio,e- n (he Northern, Sugar 'TlanU. d By lsano Hedges. It is certainly aOaefal work, and should bo in the hands of every sh-rand ma.nufaeinrer, or sttud grower ?r 'i ' .f i as it gives important, J:'-'.-" information., uppn all snhjeets connected with tlifi growing ' and producing .these staple articles) : cents.' irioth75 Sent free, by mail, in "r V ; pajor.bbund 0 r ar . ,.; j enough foi ne day! shall Statistics or Oca PRODcqa.-W- e take it as.a great favor. if jSome ei oar . 4r4r Our Ta'ble. , 9 29 : j to-trea- ( . I ... . .. r T TheOcb Sxcomd ExenSKox. r. . Califorv .... , J .. t in' in the ward readers every Territory, pia Farmert published atSanFraneisco Anddiaganjaysua tr, fay. assisted by the Bishops, will send us the and a Jarge and interesting Agricultural . shUdran, da nat toack them amount of land sown or planted to e$ch Journal.1 We pave be'fore'us A file up to' The birds, tha neat, ar traa: Tea'll hatr a aaag much i or, tier. Wn Variety of crop, and estimate yield in the 12th insti: Thanks, Col. Warren.'' If thay'ra untouahad fid fraa. : , limn soa ottirr hirelings ' fwWill Also ihi greet you heartily, Go. onand prosper. their own i ward per aerc.y nastl 'uaath tha heughr ofhar years will bring thuaa . nuramount to Orchard, !.J jv " dud garden, planted With marry suugu.ua uir,' ' currants an exchange dsoldicrs strawberries, from clip sery vineyard,, Estimates made from letter, which jxs qditq V'cariosity in iW . Hon- F. IUnDey. .v and gooseberries. where ir area ef land is way.' Lst the voting folks look the best Judgment,' It is withpl ensure we announce to our not known. Wfc will remihaerate such oaref ally and see if they con understana readers' the hamo of our olijil friend and persons with seeds, Ac. all those .diiuoaMy vWQrdsiAnd leij Democratic veteran John F. Kinney, as . - nVsee who can! mat sh It with sbme other ; Candidate for our 2sw BxsBi'a . TbaT; Srk Thuko.t- -t termination.,,; ;r;. suffrages for Delegate te Congreea. Take board, say a foot wide. wand-fo.kT ' Ilis nJbilitj to VaoWa Aurhai, by indefatigsbl holes ; acrujaa is undoubted,1 feet lone, yrwetnrt it with man bead-board industry and ersevenmcb 'got uiiagea.t . for he. has horo,' mt well ns elsewhere, with usmoJi inside tbe bitput jt Mid inF rov0. yal!y, whch ir ' ,J:i" and next to the bed and pillows; Prist .proven himself not 'only a; sdnnd jurist - 'Euergy Uascrvei tlon. In successful opera but. an upright and hohorablemaji, and if there is a about th bed o will bg to n its this, ail who are inter- j v.; we have full confidence in him as a fiad the .way. lo. ithe holesim the, board patronage! estvd. .j.,:.', u.. .... J., , . ; friend to' Justice.':'' At Hie proper soonTako it: out of its place ctery (V L moment Jet H: W. MiLLxa writcs from.Taro?g-tonU- . every, voter in our county mornthg, hold it over fire. or water, and reward him with a good solid Dcmocra-ti- give it a few Taps with a hammer,1 then J ua i j Sejd mej tcxcjnqrs Wo yoto.r Thats our mind.'put in place and do so more This is numbers of tie Farmer's Oracteni JTtto cotching the insex in a htirryainl upon up heraabelieve- in: home-spuProvo T Jleetlitg arc suffering oonside-- i V philosophical principles tho best anti- crops in our icounty .: ifand. .,j heard-of.a rf'last have ,;.On J5iiturday Sunday, large dote wo yet v. ; ' rably fromdrougbt.Insome otthaaet , number of the citizens' of this county as- -. but about tlementsT the iroApect is have been told, that half a crop.! v'buf1 town, is improving in 'sembled . under an extensive Bowery at Soaa Etxs o - Irovo. Prests. Brigham Young,. II. C; Castor Oil wlll tel iVvo' weakness and in the way of,, building and fencing, .rnoni , Kimball and D. II. Wellsj GA- - Snjith, flammation from the eve. . Wo know it. than for several ' seasonu pasu a T1ii . John Taylor, F. D. Iticbafds, TT, Wood- - is beneficial to plunge the f sco l nto c p o I prospect finldJOruff, Joseph Young, ' and j other- - distin- - or tepid watesroponing and'shultihg .tbe blaek.walnuts 1 , tha :se.ed a ,j-:ad- - eyes whilsC immersed. Bepaat the ope-radgnished. persons were present fill t'jiir'aikl ir last f 2p-;- t planted ' dressed an 'nd oiehoitbre timeSj'a long as attentive, audience. The in-- 7.1 , . tractions were received with evidences the respiration cau-b- Jo TS.-E- . suspended., ry- z P.3J.t hxsox,; Viigia City, f awm rm in; iriStiZiir'j j!of satisfaction.' Jlon.'J. fYKinney being wn tesius to seid t'wenty-fivbn- u ToKiti,5. called, addressed the meeting. for over :'ri t tour the Oracle fQrsnbscrihejfs at. that plgcOjf 'iEmpty? for a few. .that nekfly every an hour on Saturday Ho was 'often night yessol upon -- the heap j Wanted if. Tha family 'Js o rnings, and it J s said that ante 'disap k.,; F'ijiT i1 r' . JJ is with greeted ' J .applause and,. interrupted, i. ,f &A trvi f: ii cotton crop lcioked promising, .by tho clapping of hands. Everybody, pear.lt. ipayibe that; gtrong. brine is ohards' and' vineyards were weU.Jaaen f; ;. we bslieve, liked the JudgesDemoai? equally good,'. Or perhaps bktefi-' 7. ; if "1 tio speech. ZWe attended the J mooting, Chas. Mqke SnEzp.'Our, oldueighbor, let tor ro-and altogether were highly edified. 'Some uiartinteresting onhomewskitl having jWe publish Christman',' . 11 kJ; passed r. J fhead 3000 driven of sheePi thrdngh,over ik T. SOOO purchssedinQalifor-h- i. son. some of oql Pay ..ft w .T7'L- . i.i - H left the flock SouthVMsrd until r jirisuas plesie seud-u- s 4hv The enterprising and pitnotfeeitisons the -- cooler weather and is, i of1 the1 ftam-he- r e bfaubscribVrsihstad heoparr rimes ;i;(iof1ia-plaejoem nnwilling;tolet this ' of papers Tjequ.rcdi 7 :J great1' day pass by without a notice al- - rested . ' - - . -- N. . - 1- - ; J. it-pve- rj . -- i . i --r ur C- i J j ; is-na- . states--manan- d - . '' . . - - f at n. - : . - i , - - -- fr --W- i - - of-.,wh- ih al vT ou - j,-!c- ; o . - . -. n ) Ijl -- - :- - t" v-- : - . I, , di - . - " ,4tbof Julyat k :A |