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Show eoewwnaeew-- -- 1 i rS n it nS' e f H onLcr?;'The that r a c l e. will unlock ihe out of the clutches of the law. It is a. aeoret. ia indaatry, pcraereranco ana de- luxury, of which a few .doses would ruin termination. Begin at eomething, and a poor man. So mind our injunction , , never let go until you hate accomplished . "Keep Clear of Laie the to week, it. Work steadily six day Enterprising. and fifteen hoars to the day, (meals incomcluded,) anti you arefble to lire Payson', a flourishing village full of ' do Save what ten. you fortably upon life, bustle, business and enterprise, 3 or it! riotous in living, 4 miles north of usj gives us almost, ah eamf nbt squander in unnecessary, and expensive luxuries, hundred subscribers,, and tri overgo in imported apparel. You will .eyer bo that number, whilst Santaquin, the skmo distance the, other Way, ahd in sight of ppor , until you. become; so far as to produce all you need, our sanctum . window, gives on t glo; off visiting, from ' our .kindred and a little mote, six -- subscribers. a riding, fishing, &., five or six days in Among those who. dont take the- Oracle-ithe enur. Well, there are people who month, nor spend long mornings about the house, nor chatting with, a neighbor, th ink they have acquired al 1 necessary and then say you keep, busy all tho time. information, and this may be a ease l in Start business at sunrise and work 'till point. .One thing, however, we predict ; dark if you have business, it-- i pays all Payson will prbspcrV.lt is . said that n 'ihe better tb: be pushed. Keep up this prophet is not without honor, saye-itcnslon pf the nerves until your circum- his own country ' ft is sometimes hr- -t allv tho ease with editors. stances enable yeu to relax' them,1 apd . .. ; few 'will; Complain of poverty, or that ' a - 82 home To Agricultural and kindled ' they are.unable to pay' for ' T.i ' -v '" -- ; Soclctle, Mperr-: v .'t r f it, - Poverty here is generally inexcusable The jCommissionef of Agriculture rat --cur opiiiion V Our mission is Washington desires to have tho qamea, ooe of let Us magnifyit.-s fand. addresses of the officers pf nil the Tudustry; J. 1' i J .V, :.vA !.:: ?r Agricultural Societies in the' States and Growlngi.Tlmbdt..ferxitorics,as thie Commissioner inten is . hereafter to distributo seeds,' cuttings i ft is quite as important ' that early "steps to produce. .artificiaKforests and bulbs as well assgTicuIt oral reports : and groves in these valleysisthey. of through said Societies. : c ; '"'1 Government is dcai- Inasmuchas the Prairie regions.; 1 Gwytres . will hot . bur tr I. vi of distributing through the country .only I shelter. mbnCand'cast from the r us !tbe ohoice varieties of eeeds, cut-- ti most ct seorching'sun of stunpfer, but also pro-tiand. plants,' to.' bdvenee And assist fromejehi ilipgr mouqtain blasts th igs e agricultural and horticultural inter-e- s of: winter, and hiraidesjl gives us useful a it is certainly advisable for all S U tuber jsndfuel2 e5sjBHj& ijrrti ig o key - ; : ' r'v V't-- ; fubluhed theJint and third Tuesday in ,??.l;o4A'epefc enA-h- t 1NDE-PENDE- '! ! JOHNSON Eritox a Ptoushzb. ji E.' tWJ DA.JOHH(fOffi ;V- - r.?; ;V'OWC WFT IOr raAMa ADTERTISIXSXTS. 40 Mata mkJIm, MMklmMr- awl raarljr adTrtir Un. A WtiiiMiii t libaral -. porta ( J ' OnnitlXaaafaetariac n OUtairj Med tea; aad RaEaeietieo, Literary ul ul rltunnl, , .! folia Mlahal'wltfctailaharfa;, t, tiliiwwl Va ilfftwwiiwftm piat ' U tii' Ulter, '. ;V ivii p . ; f, ).- - W I. f 1 S 2 ; r-- Xi- " v. !' JOHN-F- : ' t. - v, yPTw-'- m 'rfift' 11 . . ' ? ' " t-- KINNEY. .r-.- .v--- - Plant; Evergreens. js'v -- -' .kf $0W ia the time - ' ; .7 1 i - For,r Delegate to Congress. ' i - '.J . . it . y:. . ; yt-.5u- - r . - - . S well-d&h- t j . ... 1 ' ; f v - i . , i . : r-- - tri : ; - - i i K-- a. . 6-- ci( tics and Clubs !thrcpgh.th Territory to respond' to the calf; Oornmis siuncri' Would it not be weir in all of th i more thickly setti ed counties and .. towns to organize Branches of the Agricultural Society or fonnFermers pr Gardeners Clubs and .correspond with the Burean of Agriculture at Wishing ' , W ir li i ;v benefit?1; Address Hoy oilt generally eeats. twic what incomes ton, for mutualCommissioner Isaac Newton, of Agricui ture, Washington,1 D.C. . ; ' Letters endoried Official Business, more common a misunderstanding, in a will go" the. Commissioner free. . . ecd wnii- t ,wiHcrve t sujt iniwiha s'f . t 3 g j , fJ Ill SI J j irj Jug senbeatnds Jinsepupiaous .lawyers, Gazdzzjrs Ctra VNoticz. A meet-in- g and empty :y6ar' Own'p'6okfetJ NWhilst of Jha Payson Gardeners Club will ' .n- - -- f . , . of-th- e ? . 1 . that. . . ."4 - aBstter"ite than heveilA. few dy - i Dont wait another nays aooner woold hare beenn prpfitable now that will he A' izqe bnt if " ' to grow- Alice I v lr' Dig-.-a hole lergcir than j. Hqxd to U rediredf orthe io ae ia hat r!fixif mellew dir i near thet rootg; lcrel p i .l.'the bottomof ypar pit to wrthin six.vor A eight jhdeher Of e eufabe iVujp the a m with e ns atUohcd earth. rtr r poaaiile.y Keep the joota well eorered v r. jihd hnoi at bntil pfantedf and. if' pcaai "... ainiVoiae bf 'Uieiiarih' hie . .wura r nlwHieh tbe a fS-- . pew to dux Arotfiid therciota-cS- et aboui i;house or,: lawq will hot Vv v . in, fnd.filW9imd nntil;theholeiie:.Iialf r!Tjcs woo fto cooling brees'ebut the wild riiie then ponrin 4 hdeketer twoW only; songs terslo their shade-- ; ;wa r iblLih this' week sn artide on the haa eett fill the waftr the dng i Vhp U. V ssleqtion of timbers for artificial forests earthin leref.' preeainebtxtiliehtry. 'Sot, : IXtorl v . ra a take' nearand tiojoar treetoitnqijr amtgrotes ' CiP'K'! M 1'- - .j i La S Keep clc&tr of, Eaiv. ;; ' V' s . . 9ris uta ruiM ! - j - , . A- - NT - 4 od-th- e ti i yj&i&j i :.t . . r 4.' il !? ri. ta 3 Xas, MOM ai lYliatjle JRoweriy J - i -- y ; A atate birnaotiredependenoejbroaght V boat hy'iiltheai miaabplied laSor'or J - ;- i,- -. i tbplajce. atthe sehool-hqusel- n Payson, on Saturday. the:4th proximo, at h p.m. Members Af the Agricultural Society and .n J Upi-'- i i e At:- -t . |