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Show .. ,,,'1' ,4 : - V. , ' - - 'j?.- - ; - fchibs v,.. . 'V; 'J ''&, '.t " v j. ; -- .iflCc.rieAWNa3&iJSdiflufitrtehaaL dmw2Viv f.jtuSltiW- .ct- .. F V-'- ., t ..$ 4 ; - 'i'K ,C .. - . : , .s v;t' C - v: iV----- , v.- .v-- vvt-- '"' , li I! ..1 ' X 37 Gleanings. iiT? W !Mi(? it :. . i 4t . V, r T '- - V ,Uyai t ; rv : a-'- - peopleware' pro hot o"eat mithudtdaluititTlia ad Anttger of f , f; .' . i - . :. , ; ; .: - ' . ;.' - i datMlcio tttue:.) Sir lsaae Newton often dined on a ; ' worth pf bread ' j his per cored apd indigestion, Aynothr ' t 'A ' SujmnT S.- - to yourklnd communication j and I hope its signification, by this, early retaliation, may be a ratification of a future prolongation of bur epistolary relation, of, which consummation I express approbation and give intimation of hearty cooperation ' - ' y'e - - why dayour Sbarch ppojple have .. WhereTs-'ii';'- ! . . . I"-- ?: J- -. Crya loud, 'and ,Why,the Prophet sys, spars hot; lift np thy voice like a trumpet,' 'which means that we should holler in meet: ing, if I understand the :JBibJe. ..Hem! yeet, Susan, that pajsage has not in ;lhat light. tappeued to occur to my mind TTiank you for-thideal : t But to epange oe subject,. Susan I want yon, the next fine jyou go to, mooting, to tiiko a dose of s': ?. not tv. V' i IpecacJ I'm sir. , Ipecac, sick... '.Perhaps not; but yon ioughttoj take if. . Why st, sir? . Bet&ure tbs Bi'rle sa'yi that pu should, -Sis'ahi nh;.nCiV ,;:i ' , Tba Bible says jthat I should take Ipecac? ; Why, hot exactly Susaui But it says that you ought to taka an eimettcrbf spme kind:I ; merely J men0ohAe.cac bft9.a.Qoo it is thi mildest apd safest ; fi I :oM Vi " What aZ you mean? r 8n I'll .tell Th&saxne Wny, ryou,f Prophet, whom ypuuuoted as. eniolQing up-- oa Geds Children, toe duty of shouting in mcetmgi ssys also, "Cast, ye upf 'Cast ;ys ! . ;o e grapes and raisins. They1 '.arc-thDimpiegrseefplactivty cheer piSst . ., -- ,ful,r as4- ,yen ;be lnerrlsat peoplejntha " " ..: i' vbrld. . ' Grant Thortrurn attributed bii: cheerful yla age'to: the'fatt that he unever eat aod thousands of bis .couhty-,- t' :ji'enougjV out their bodies, not bo are weajing pen jt m ul-- f .' niuch'by.tbe excess of. business over-work (ip licitytof Cares, ashy the lhaij r& thedrowd-ppoihamittiEcatlng eurplua ' fed MimacrMBKytfoodrRfh& it i. Livixa jsa Macaws. The world Is full: do-people wto i"csutlmagina,why they ' prosper' like theff . neighbors,' when the ' - r phstaeih not in banks :o; tariffs, in bad publlc pQ lcy ,CkT hard times, bnt in' their .yxtraSrsgViice '.or .reckless 'management ' u The 't ''yoixfcg.cletlci marries d and takes a v lh(uxse, vhich hdrPJoceoda to furnish, twice ij j. V Bs expensively as'hecin afford,' and, then h'avw'a hired servahtLW Help J ? iLi ifrlS? must ax- limited earnings.! j ;ipeiHl:his YJt 'rr r toward you ; find him struggling jeans oh .under ' & lpadf debts and children,1 "wdiUehis ' fiionds regret his unhappy' destitution and i tfiiiaucialj ability ; Hyd they from the Brat been frank and honest, he ped notliars y - Geek sVtafclueky j The single mah hired outlnf thA country, who contrlyes: tg dia-- ...' v' solve his year'k eariiipg. in froicko- - ?nd VV fine clothes; the clerk who hav five rhiuj-J-,' draff a rear and melts fifty of if info cl--' ' fruUs--fig-v ; e - . . . o-t- n -- vf 9-9- ttPlJ.-iutin-i r It :Ur. V S?heflw,i?.'. And ihat meant ' '' t f--i .O, Mr; howesn yon talk so.. - .yah 1 cant; Susan.. But "why.' shouldnt I, when yon say that the command you just : -- , guotsd makes hollowing and screaming and shouting in religious, meetings' A duty? '. f Poor, nifc .thBros hs baby crying.. . . I 'r mnslfeh this ihihnte.' - f w.ut; 5 it ;i . wTHk, weight of wool willnpjt balnpreased by eiposing sheep to the full severity' of viiterS'.'1 Im growth depends latgely epoix conmtioh.of the snimsi If popr- ee.gO'.d scanty nourishment, after leive llttle' surplus to' be appropriated forwbola Shelter during excessive eqld diipinieheathe amount of fooa needed to eypply nimal; heat: and-m1 fund therefore goes Iq producing wooV .are all sold w.yi; his gpedemaii peels to realiseall have and hie notes ,i Iy was judicious resolution of a father,' psid,' Ltt a when beirg ssked whstbe intended to' do rgebftiu for 'ipibidlngi' 6A frhsther hit ;tveatna be a daUariSdayor h 4ollaf .g.ia ,, with his glrlv, he replied:;! intend ta nf . jo, 1thcirt excellent; mother, ute, lt iai equally' certain to jrqs;aade-v;that ,: they.mbjLicsrfiihe art.Of improving quate., fime,ana bp fiftedto beer me;wives, mothers 'NcTW xr 'Boiiiir. ls:' strarigV . how mid heads 'of familesr useful insmbers. of , it wiU affect difftre'- sbeiety. . (Irmhla m94ct J .;!.vlr&-- i .differently' AdR . ent people. One crles aloud foy sympathy,- 3 fa lo brrrf CbtfS vir'jl. Th MrcBOSCpr. UThe microscope tells V Vitb outstrfcicrted bends Of khguiah. 'Ano-J- ) teethatinlhe leavcj&oftheforest, sad luthe therclasiw tbedmndt tightly abio:the ygkters M . W are there , Another afy rivulet,. worldq teeming .,snd silently diesf.palJS-- '1 from 'on wfth lls, VnnmberleM Sf the'goi'ieA oj . Ife'sts jollity, and1 Hsht OhalnjerJ';.J,-1 ; for nothing, the firmament. njpypvqt to another," homing . f ; -- -- or . ovev-thepor- - 1 .',W - 1 . jr . . 1 t ; T I1?' 4i . y. o - to-the- ' - ir e jive-alUh- J - Sum or itu.8mr . years ago nails used I? he f old by the hundred in England;. and (he ' terms- - fourpenny, sixpctmy, &c., referred to sneb nailaaq.wgra sold At fohr- pencCyvsixpieDos, .Ac,, per bandied nails. The length qf (he nails,.of that day that Wcerfadesfgb&fsd,:wa8'exaetly the tame as.thjqsc iow,kaoinirf. ? 'Vi S3"S purgeoii someUmM cokieS OUt kith thtnt: VBrfetichaSId he f God haqrStfervcd the ifk to a Sebmniittlee Ok a; good Nayal Affairs, ipri&y .opinion it wobldnH ' HAVd;Baedbdflfylifc1snT hi Arvodd1 i ? -- I I - j ? ! j farmer khejmTlW hlq; : fences aqd;a villain by Ms qffqitcbss 3 i 1 t n m-dire- , ap-pren- tics 1 as often as your occupation will permit the ' application of a little consolation' to. One in my situation of .extreme 'alienation from all information regarding the nation igainst . whose administration tne confederation Is in insubordination, with vile machination of, long doration in anticipation of entire usurpation of eternal domination; and in great desperation it the proclamation of. ecsancipstion, which tn and predestination of Old Abes calculation togive liberation without remuneration, to oe. colored population, and af-in whose estimation such determination to violation of ford' amelioration is. their appreeis'tloii.of civilization, and will, cause of u ter desolation-an' great.- - devastat ion - with sore conflagration 1 u vocifera-tioan and much tribulation; their, is foir a dislntcgratl0n,whtch they bar had in contemplation Tora time or long duration, without cessation or justification. : V je r: Jr:-. ,rr Vcxios or To-uaA traveller writings to he CkriMtian iogatt tAja of Yenicei We louuged'in a; ffondola through' the grand canal, passing palaces awlmmiagoa the waves flowers that; had pasted their hour of perfection and were fast hastening to decay. ;Ita grand quay is void of ships, its marts of huisnees, its people of wealth. With alTits charms as a place to visit, it has 'done :as aplsce-tdwsll, fn. '; Land, horses, cows; chickens, and : children, are are what mankind chiefly desire. Nona of these; r keept 'the last, era fouhj here, and children seemed scarce. Theyimiat be tied chairs, for a run in- the .streets would, soon be followed by;a plunge in the waters. A'fuw dogs, cats; and rats were all the .animals' jve saw. there, and' these didnt seem at home. One gets tired of the intense silence.': The drip. of the suspended far, (h cries of theboatman, the pattersounds of VeniCf,savs ing of f set its bells. When these ceise the silence is like Egyptian darkness;, it is felt.1 ' We long for the undertones with which; nature else- where freaks np the; (op) oppressive still- iness. '. The. yea, cveinL is voiceless here, ad 'well is the iand. 'Ixis so quiet ia Its 'rise and. full that ho. ripple breaks on shore or quay.. No wonder its population .fled when I its poster and.business disappeared. They have not all gone yet, for Ir till supports nearly- a hundred; thousand psopjaiby its moderate commerce, and some branches of manufacture, chiefly in glass. . i themis.a-fereordi-natio- ;1 i.--.- l Mr Dxam Bsothck: Tours of Dec, 30th, was reesived on the 5th ins.t.,snd I have-nhesitation to express the gratification, and intense edification .with which Lgave Servanti ln a Quandary. j. "i'y j 1J4 i . Extract from a Soldiers Letter 1 Mchkioisyu exhortations 'in. your imeetings 7 If seems to pirn not' very be coming m a ; : Chrisrisp asaetublyj t os , to; ths Niblebids vWhy,ir, ' ' ThsJBibfa. . - 'ii a V .. Jefferson say that No min evfr repents psn-I'r-n- &,:i jo c A : aieo Z .. j'fch.us (elljnahat.Ua gluitonl'shall gained. bis fle sh by goinginto the'fcomifry,' where h W get good milk and rggSyAnd Uying npon.it thr times & day, with no drink but ginger water. On this Analify of 'ibod be regained liia flesh and ' j ?r; Mni formiy got better.' .. ; . v jdrioB-ad-bi- a men. waxed. Strong and 1.,; with no. food. but- syeet. potatoes, Reliant diidb but' irateir, and ho shelter biit the i.yl !v forth, in.flie 0i . . i,. - v ' . iC n ; !.o poverty,,.. Warns us flbt to be ':" 2 v - Fa -- ,. ,s i . . never to be : left hothlng.-sarone meuent alone withbia misery .V Which of these. is the great sufferer God and his sottl only knoweth. ' To fly is .Sot always to than. Jie, who placing- - j chair for .Misery '.accepts him for adlinetilable guea V ind kocs 'en with bis ordinary cm. pi 03 ipents rJl tbs same as; if he Were not there, stands the' sorest chance to be rid of him.' or grow-- Indifferent to his nnweleome presence. To all; however, it ii not giver, to do thlij Dutat least even for them there Cometh aa end to' ill things Fanny Fern. Among riotous eaters of flesh? and even bids Us to pain knife Into oar throats if.We. be given to ppctUig?rJ.Iilbere no less despe- - ( I 4 - l- jtsraperatellting are wejl 4; following. paragraphs rf 4 "i fe 1 garing for AmatWaAsVaa ' Iv.Soloffloo : 7 ? h :b 'f'jr1. 90 . t' 'S' ' |