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Show DoosBvell Office Address: East Highway 40 722-229- 4 vernal Office Address: 635 West 2nd South 789-610- , ' . 0 the twenty-fiftday of the quarter, the Center Director must and this may be done only upon a withdrawal approve demonstration of conditions beyond the student's control. The term "conditions beyond the student's control" includes incapacitating illnesses which prevent a student from attending cleases .for a period of at least two weeks, a death in the immediate family or other emergencies which require a student's absence for a similar period of time, and failure of the teacher ' to meet the requirement of giving the student information ' of his or her grade' by the twenty-fift- h concerning 30 day of class. DDocu mentation of the circumstances cited to justify withdrawal is required wherever possible.. Under no circumstances is withdrawal after the twenty-fiftday permitted for the purpose of avoiding an unsatisfactory grade; neither shall "N" or "I" grades be given to avoid the consequences of inadequate performance. Appeals to the Director's decision. may be directed to campus. h The Uintah Basin Education Center is a resident center of Utah State University, Logan, Utah. The Center is ap- ' propriated operating funds by the State Legislature. The Center's intent is to assist with the higher educational and cultural needs of the residents In the Uintah Basin . . . , PLEASE NOTE: NEW REGULATORY PROCEDURES 1. REGISTRATION: ALL FEES MUST PAID AT THE TIME OF BE REGISTRATION ' . i . the event that a student registers for a course which is later cancelled, it is the responsibility of the Center to notify the Office of Admissions and Records so that the student concerned can be properly withdrawn from the course. In a. No student will be allowed to attend any clan after the second class meeting if registration has not been completed. b. USU reserves the right to cancel any class In which there is not sufficient enrollment. 2. ENROLLMENT FEES: 4. INSTRUCTION TUITION AND REGISTRATION TIME: Instruction time is equivalent to Campus: Ten (10) period for each hour of credit enrolled. Activity classes usually held for 20 hours of instruction per credit hour. te , 5. ; . 6. 1. Ten dollars of every registratin fee is WEEK OF QUARTER WHEN WITHDRAWAL IS EFFECTIVE nonrefundable. - i 7. GRADUATE STUDENTS: fee paid, ' - TOBE EFFECTIVE . .100 First Second Third fifth' With verification of a degree. Graduate Student Status will be acknowledged. A student can register for a Graduate Degree' Seeking Program on a enrollment. (Some departments ddo not allow graduate status). Those not seeking a graduate degree, but taking classes for classification. ' special purposes, are placed in a non-degr- 80 60 40 ; Fourth Sixth SPECIAL CLASS OFFERINGS: Students wishing to attend a class for which they have not registered must obtain a "Vistor's Permit" from the UBEC Office in Roosevelt or a proper source. Fees will be assessed the seme as for credit students. The "Vistor's Permit" must be submitted to the UBEC Office before often- -' dance to a class can be permitted. No credit will be allowed. . - - PERCENT OF REMAINDER ' ...... AUDIT. . Assessed enrollment fees will be refunded ONLY under the' following conditions: a. If a course has insufficient enrollment b. If the Director closes registration due to limitations associated with enrollment, facilities, or for other justifiable causes. c. When a student withdraws from the University not later than ' the end of the quarter, he is entitled to a refund of registration fees according to the following conditions: ; 2. After $10 is deducted from the registration refunds are calculated as follows: GRADE REPORTS: The instructor will send your grades to the Extension Class Division Office on Campus as soon as the course has been completed. Official report forms will be sent to you from the Office of Admissions and Records- on Campus approximately a month after classes finish. - Over 25 Additional fee of $17.00 per Credit Hour Admissions Application Fee (One time assessment for matriculated students) $15.00 are . and later 20: .0 - . 8. INCLEMENT WEATHER: f Classes will be cancelled when weather conditions prohibit professor's travel from Campus unless telelecture is utilized. Cancelled classes will ' be rescheduled. 3. DROPS OR WITHDRAWALS: Drop and add cards will be issued by the Vernal and Roosevelt Offices beginning on the Monday of the second week of the quarter. Through the twenty-fift- h day of instruction a student may be permitted to drop classes without notation on his or her transcript. Beginning on the twenty-sixt- h day of instruction a student may be permitted to drop classes without notation on his or her transcript. Beginning on the twenty-sixt- h day, courses dropped will be on the transcript and reflect withdrawal (W). Withdrawals shall be permitted on the student's iniative through the twenty-fift- h day of the quarter. Veterans must have a signature from the Veteran's Office. It is the obligation of instructors to provide evaluation on material that will determine 30 of the final grade prior to the twenty-fiftday. Following 9. ADDITIONAL CLASSES: v i ' i ; be happy to offer any class wjth 10 enrollments or. more, provided we can secure an instructor and proper We will facilities. Please write or discuss your ideas with the Uintah Basin Education Center. . 10. TELEPHONE NUMBERS Roosevelt 789-6100- .. 722-229- 4; Vernal Line, 789-368- 9- Vernal Office, v . |