Show SHIP GREW the story whether hand dapollo sot more welcome la homes where dapollo was old and tried friend or where it was stranger Is question where women bad come to rely oa dapollo for rapid thorough clean lag la every part of the bouse except the laundry they commenced without ass of time to avail of this new prize grubby little bands and stained work worn older ones whitened softened ml smoothed out as it by magic callous spots disappeared end corn cleared children ceased their strenuous objections to the scrub hog up process because it became pleasure it freshened up the bands after dishwashing dish washing removing the most disagreeable feature of that necessary task it was found to keep delicate baby skins from chafing better than salve or powder and the crowning note in the song of delight came when adult member of the family used it in a full bath and realized that a turkish bath at a cost of one dollar was outdone by a small fraction of the little ten cent velvety cake but strange though it may seem there we who bad not learned to prize dapollo to these the advertising of hand dapollo came as a surprise dapollo Sa pollo a scouring soap adapted tor the hands the face the general toilet impossible it would be horrid aho vho ever beard of such a use finally a bold shopper carried home a cake does it look like kitchen dapollo Sa pollo no one Is sure and a cake of that Is bought and comparison made behold a family using both the Sa pollos for every conceivable purpose and comparing notes after easily end quickly cleansing a greasy pan with dapollo Sa pollo jane thought the other would be gritty and was astonished at the smooth dainty lather another was certain it would harden THE DISTRICT SCHOOL OF SPOTLESS TOW CLASS III ALGEBRA let home wife equal X pine E let the sign for tor dirt let minus X be hid X then all these symbols we will add the X and n nun X drop out E A anyone can see no doubt and leave what must the housew ft please the happy symbol we call ease the bands and could scarcely realize bow soft end comfy they mt after the washing then began the excitement of adventure what would the new soap NOT do A girl tried a shampoo her hair pretty soft and silky went up perfectly with none of the unmanaged that generally exists for a full week after the usual process A man used the delightful lather for shaving and felt ao seed for cold cream after wards A pimply face was treated to a dally bath ing with the full suds and promptly became clear i tartar on the teeth yielded to it and feet X that WHY TAKE DAINTY CARE of your mouth and neglect your pores the myriad mouths of your skin HAND does not gloss them over or chemically dissolve their health giving oils yet clears them thoroughly by a method of its own bad tendency to wards hardening of the skin regained their natural condition till another family bad joined the chorus of friendly acclaim and so it is everywhere those who know the elder brother welcome the newcomer for the sake of the first known and those who meet both for the first time ere plunged into a whimsical worry as to which they could better feare if they bad to make choice TRY HAND its steady use will keep the bands of any busy woman as wh te and pretty s if she was under the constant care of a city manicure it is truly the dainty woman s friend in the suburb or on the farm those ugly dark browa streak on the neck ans ng from tight collars and the line where the sunburn stops can be wiped out by the velvety lather of HAND it is indeed the dainty woman s friend CHEAP EXCURSION TO CITY OF MEXICO under management of the utah lean sugar livestock company only round trip tickets good leaving utah october final return limit december 1905 route going via rio grande santa fe and mexican central railways returning via mexican central san ta pe and union pacific railways for further information see local representatives of above lines or heber M wells president or james hammond secretary utah dexl can sugar livestock company salt lake city utah tea is TEA almost nothing how much weight do you think there is m the taste of it weight is no measure for tea here is rel ef for women mother gray a nurse in new york dis covered a pleasant herb remedy for women ills LEAF it Is the only certain monthly regulator cure female weaknesses backache kidney and urinary troubles at all or by sample mailed FREE address ahe mother gray ao leroy N y the machine MACHINERY which skims the cream from m ak does sot lose a drop while the old skimming process was crude and wasteful washing ma chines which will relieve woman of the drudgery ot cleaning clothes have not proved an encouraging success up to date but when it comes to manlutac turing exclusively by machinery with out the touch of human hands there is nothing more interesting than the history of Pills burys vitos the best breakfast food in the market today the white heart of the wheat ker nel is cut out by steel rolls conveyed to sterilizers and then packed in two pound air tight packages this Is the whole story all by polished steel ap no handling no cooking no coloring no adulteration just the white heart 0 the wheat berry sterll iced nothing added nothing taken away i pillsbury s altos Is therefore a healthful substantial breakfast dish actually the meat ol 01 the wheat price A package will supply a week s breakfast tor five persons see the economy ask your grocer today to day it is a most TEA mild delight but it is a delight good tea fine tea tea intelligence TEA what do you think that is write tor our know euge book A S al ung A san franc aco DONT A large 2 package hed cross ball ue only cents the buss company south bend lad in scotland the subject of a cal joke on the 1st of april Is called a ahil in france he Is termed poise of davall or april fish I 1 ft J THIN NERVES one follow the other but dr williams pink pills quickly cure both the steady use of a particular acet of muscles tends to chrome fatigue which produces faulty or difficult motion trembling cramps aud even paralysis writers telegraphers tailors aud seam stresses are among the classes mosi threatened m this way with the loss 0 their power to earn a living the fol lowing instance shows that berve powel may be recovered after it seems entirely lost it the right means are taken mrs 0 S blacksten of no north bow man street mansfield ohio rays for vears my hands would become so numb at times that I 1 would drop anything I 1 attempted to lift latel they became so bad that I 1 could not sew any longer and at last I 1 could scarcely do an thing at all with my bands at night the pricking sensations would come on worse than ever and nay hands and arms would pain so that I 1 dreaded to go to bed my fan ily doctor gave n e some nerve tablets they helped me a little but only for a short time after I 1 had taken them and if I 1 happened to be without them for a day or two I 1 would be as bad as ever or even worse finally I 1 got a box of dr williams pink pills and began to take them the result was surprising by the time I 1 had taken the last pill in my first box I 1 co ild see a gain thanks to dr williams pink pills I 1 am now all right I 1 can sleep undisturbed by pain and for two years I 1 have been as well as ever dr williams pink pills feed the neives by making new rich blood and in this way have cured nervous diseases of every description from simple rest to paralysis they have ban dished the tortures of neuralgia the weakness of nervous prostration the disability and awful pain of ataxia they are sold by all druggists or direct by the dr will ams medicine company si N TEA 3 which do your family think most of tea or coffee your grocer beturne your you don 11 he ung beet cider nas first made in england where it was originally called wine the best cider now made comes from new jersey and quantities of this are sold as champagne piso s cure cannot lie too highly spoken ot as a cough W 0 SS ave N M M nn jan 6 1800 Is it tea that TEA makes the jap what makes a russian to make cheap gaslight gas light for country homes a con tion clay pipe TAKE put a simple acetylene on its stem nd the two in position with a t p of rubber hose v then fill the bowl of the pipe with fine ground cat awin carbide next tie a rag over head of the bowl to keep in the carbee now put the p pe into a glass of water as in picture there you have a complete gas plant for 23 cents touch a match to the irner and you 11 get a beautiful white gas ight of course this is only an tapen ment but it shows the wonderful sim flinty of acetylene lighting that very simplicity city gave acetylene light a setback at first jt seemed so simple to turn calcium carbide into gas 1 that over different kinds of tanks and E acetylene mach nes were invented patented and A marketed for the purpose by about as many different people well the thing to be expected certainly happened 1 about of these acetylene machines had been invented and sold by people who knew more about than they did about gas making A the calcium carbide was all right alt the time but of the machines for turning it into gas v ere all wrong all the t me so acetylene gas got a bad name though it is clear enol eh that it never deserved it at any time it was ike selling wood stoves to burn hard coal in and then blaming the coal for not burning lots of things happened to grieve the owners of these makes of alleged acetylene mach nes but very few accidents occurred from them even in the days of rank exper ment and dense ignorance among generator makers of arse a gun will go off unexpectedly now and then if the trigger be pulled by a person who d t know it was loaded t no fault of the ammunition is it well finally the insurance compan es got after these odd makes of acetylene mach nes that and the insurance board made an invest gat on of all generators that were suba eted to them then out of the odd machines patented pi tented only about 70 were permitted by the insurance board to be used oh what a howl was there by perm eted I 1 mean that affe insurance board was willing that any build ng should be insured with with a att a FISH BRAND S acker used for 1 i pommel sucker an overcoat when cold a dmd ceat when windy a ram coat when it ra bcd and for a cover at n if we got to bed and I 1 will say that I 1 have gotten conre comfort out of your s icker than any other article that I 1 ever owned the name and add 0 he writer of th ed ie r mar be bad ba ap pp wet weather garments for rid ag walking working or sporting HIGHEST WORLD S FAIR 1904 fth A J TOWER CO era V A ubi TOWER CANADIAN fassas CO limited ft canaba a MUST FULLY PROTECT AN INVENTION MASON FENWICK LAWRENCE patent lawyers washington D estabi shed 1861 send for our anniversary free book et chow ing I 1 ins cattone of macban cal movement references BrailE treet and thousand of fatle ded e ente communications W rite us to day when answering advertisement kindly ment on thi paper out extra charge which used any one of these 70 acetylene generators it had fo ind safe and effective just as it permitted houses to be p ped for city gas or wired for electricity under proper conditions now the insurance coracan corapan es ought to know whether or not these 70 d efferent makes of acetylene generators were absolutely safe to use because they have to pay the bills if fire or explosion occurs from any one of the acetylene generators they authorize and heres a proof of their good judgment though there are now two million people using acetylene light in america there have only been four fires from it in one year against fires from kerosene and basol ne there have also been fires from electricity 1707 fires from city gas and I 1 ires from candles beside these there have been 26 fires from the suns rays but only four fires from acetylene that shows how careful the insurance board wa in its examination of acetylene generators and m permitting only the 70 makes tl at were above sus dicion of the experiments that were once on the market well the boom in acetylene lighting made lower frices possible on the material it is derived from viz calcium carb de a material that looks like granite but acts 1 ke magic today acetylene light is a full third cheaper than kerosene light or gasoline light per candle power it is not more than half the price of electric light nor three fourths that of city gas if I 1 can t these statements to your full satisfaction my name is not acetylene jones but acetylene is more than the safest and cheapest light of the year 1005 it is also the whitest light the nearest to natural suni in health giving blue and violet rays and because of this with its freedom from flicker it is the easiest of all artificial light on the eyes it is so much like real S ml that it has made plants grow 24 hours per day in dark cellars where no ray of sunlight could reach them it made them grow twice as fast as sun lar plants that had only the sunlight of day time viz half the time that was proven by cornell university in a three months experiment made this very year now I 1 ve saved up for the last a point more important to you than all the others about acetylene light it consumes only one fourth as much of the vital oxygen from the air of living rooms or bed rooms as either kerosene or city gas light consumes a tremendous difference in a lifetime mark you three fourths of a difference because oxygen is life and every bit of oxygen tolen from the lungs of women children and men through lighting is a loss eliat can never be made good again A 24 candle power acetylene light costs you only two fifths of a cent per hour that s about 5 as per year if burned every night in the year for four steady hours A kerosene lamp of equal capacity would cost you a third more viz three of a cent per hour for kerosene alone or per year exclusive of broken lamp dimness new wicks and the everlasting drudgery and danger of cleaning filling and tamm ng daily I 1 want to these fig ires to you reader if you are a house owner or storekeeper tell me how any rooms you ve fot and tell you what it will cost to 1 them v th brilliant beautiful sanitary cy saving acetylene write me today ta my flee bo k about S ml on tap just address me here as acetylene jones 8 adana st chicago III pleases the most particular housewives it clears whitens and purifies the clothes to perfection try it your remember the that you will not be deceived 2 for 5 cents grocer sells it A large ounce package PUTNAM FADELESS DYES all eibers they dye in cold water better than an other dye you can dye colors colon than other dye one we color more goods br enter and laster an DRUG CO missouri booklet how to dye baci and M x colon any garment w phout pp ng agart wr te for free WE TREAT and CURE 1 CATARRH nd all curable d ex A f S of the eye er nor shrof luni lorn lj 1 A ach liver bowel kidney bladder and ill chron orivl d eada of both exe ind of ehi alren horn t cure rite fur free leftt if yoa dot call tree 1 special offer in private diseases DB 0 w bhea who are k affer 09 froal private D adalea whether ca bed by beon looked upon a leg t inte prey by t e ihrk nd ance excess who or con spec a d rob alie or wor h en treatment I 1 KB n n DO toi t oi poe ASK YOU lo 10 aay 1 adu TO 1 14 01 I 1 ra TUBY CURE AND IK and to it the r kl 1 in th an of at menu they treat and oure euca baes beford abe patient la red to any on 8 ho one do ar 01 he tea n ma I 1 week or mon u anial menu the cure benei 19 mar PLAN pay OF 1 BAL nd ciril de adea h ow to the and fak r who all cach in exchange for empty prom ees did you berer bear of refund nf a to a pat ent lak no yo cannot io conr money if you aon I 1 pay 11 out penny ed weaknesses ot HEN are mp the re t of en eed or N ne ten ha of 0 o ca ine tined eland arl shore new LOCAL for daei ABLY CUR curtik ber doctora how many they cure under the d and of ment tor atals roah e we re loir bern 1 tre SYPHILIS aud k adred e in ie t me and for leu money than any maln the west ere casp Is oo 00 |