Show coper ia 1905 by dally story pub co the apple of the widow s eye was her alean freckled youngster this peter biopsy and silas briggs captain and mate the falmouth Sal mouth siren vied in making much of him the bar of her ern the t the widow remarked to the two that she was wor ried about whereupon the captain responded quickly that it was a shame to see sach a bright handsome face looking lasut the mate outdone energetically nod ded his sympathy blew the captain following bip h sl advantage recommended a then the mate was idea what this dear needs is an ocean ly take him un captain biopsy give him a fathers eany cai bring him back with roses in his clucks delighted ter the cap tain immediately responded slapping his knee to show of the plan although darkly at his mate when that gentleman s back was towards him mrs stubbs after hesitating long consented and the many warm glances she bestowed upon silas convinced him that he had made a ten strike As was their custom the rival suit ors met in the widow s parlor upon the sunday evening following their vessel was to set sail the next morn ing so each was anxious to unburden his heart to his hostess when the clock s hands neared eleven S las see ing that the captain had determined to sit him out arose with a malicious glance at his rival he excused himself for not staying later S nee samuel whom he was to assume charge of that evening was used to retiring early he announced he meant him while in his care to continue in the wise habit his good mother had taught him As the wily mate had counted upon the appo unit wt lie he was waiting at the door for the boy mrs stubbs was qu te overcome when he stammered his petition a condition which while lamentable at the time gave silas blissful memories to carry with him since during the moment of collapse the widow s plump form re posed in his arms recovering she told silas coyly that the memory of her dear stubbs had not allowed her to contemplate a successor to him but that she felt indeed honored at such an offer from such a person and that she would try to see whether stubbs place in her heart might not be shared by another silas who had not expected a more favorable answer at that time bade her adieu contentedly feeling that the captains persuasive powers could earn him no better answer than the one he secured and that it he could retain possession of his trump card sam he would have nothing to fear from the captain upon their return the surly greeting he received from that gentleman the next morning went to confirm his belief the falmouth Sal mouth siren sailed and after an uneventful voyage reached her destination and discharged her cargo As they were about to weigh anchor tor the return trip a boat rowed hastily out to the ship A rough looking tello v came aboard and was ushered into the cabin the cur ious silas took his stand a few feet away from the open cabin skylight the stranger was speaking mf boats off blemley cove were the first words silas heard A day s trip this side falmouth Sal mouth then you can look for us about the calta n biopsy first next week the captain replied I 1 don t want ter run agin the law said the stranger hot came from the captain fol ler my directions an you 11 come out all right the night after we reaches blemley cove I 1 comes ashore with the mate and the kid you toiler us the mate an I 1 goes in fer a drink at some longshore tavern leavin the kid out side the company inside i ot being fit fer one of his inner cense to with the place I 1 s out ter leave him Is a lonely un so ou ames along an nips him you keeps him on 5 our boat till I 1 tells ou when an whar ter land him when ou brings him ashore I 1 happens along huntin fer the lost sammy we has a beetle set to an I 1 rescue the kid it s simple im if I 1 likes the job the stranger answered pshaw responded the captain taint bothin but a beetle joke an im goin ter pay you well for it the two arose haggling over a price for the job silas walked away the mate was aghast at his rival s cun ning plot he trembled when he thought of the pinnacle the captain would reach and the depth to which he would sink in the widow s eselma tion if the plotters succeeded he S las briggs ft as seized with a wild desire to flee the vessel with sam but his charge was nowhere in sight and the sailors the stranger having pulled off were weighing the anchor when he grew calm he set himself to plan a way to frustrate the rascally scheme tut al though he spent many an hour in thinking over the situation the only determination he arrived at was that when the falmouth Sal mouth siren reached blemley cove he would stick to sam like a leech the boat w as within a day s sail ot blemley cove when a severe storm arose in the evening as great wind driven sheets of ram beat the deck and vivid flashes of lightning lit up the plunging bark weirdly the captain sought his mate s company for the first time during the trip silas occupied by his troubles seeing that the captain had been drinking paid little heed to his maudlin tall but as the cap tain growing superstitious under the combined influences of the liquor and the storm unfolded his pet belief that the destinies of ships were controlled by strange sea toll S las grew in te rested and then agreed heartily with the captain when they separated si las was deep in thought about midnight sobered by the storm the captain had tal en the wheel suddenly above the noise of the gale he heard a strange voice call ing him by the faint light from the cabin air ports he made out forward of the wheel a prostrate figure As he peered a continued flash of light ning disclosed a mermaid A mass of long lellow hair half veiled her face and streamed over her shoulders and from her neck to the end of her long fish like tail phosphorous radiated the captain spheres who air youa he gasped the mermaid what looks after this here craft s fortune the creature hoarsely answered I 1 hev come to warn ye peter blowsy that destruct alon waits the siren at blemley cove it air a punishment fer yore i evil doings 1 I jest meant to hev a beetle joke good merma d bawled the captain in his excitement letting the mer maid s peculiar pronunciation escape him no answer came the mermaid was vanishing the skipper remained transfixed with terror until the gleams of phosphorous shone no longer then he staggered to the companionway and bawled for the mate when after an exasperating delay silas appeared the skipper with an oath instructed him to set a straight course tor falmouth Sal mouth and went below two evenings later shortly after his mate had gone ashore captain blowsy entered his cabin intending to don his shore clothes he found upon the cabin table a huge bundle opening it curiously he discovered a mass of unraveled hemp fashioned into the shape of a woman s wig a huge fish tail made from two pieces of old can vas cut to the required shape and basted together with an opening at its largest end large enough to admit a man s body and a DOX of et sul chur matches labeled the you seed with theae articles was enclosed a note stating that the remainder of the mermaid what looked after the siren s fortunes could be found that evening at the mariner s rest where a full account of why and how she appeared could be heard silas had conquered his discomfit ed rival sought liquid solace that even ing in a strange tavern silas ft hen sam had been sent to iv J M bed seeing that bis highly colored story of his rival dastardly plot and its frustration had caused favoring winds set sail for and reached the port love |