Show TROUBLES OF BUSINESS LIFE men s struggles underestimated by women says a writer the average woman seldom hears anything about the appalling cannibal ism of the struggle for life and money from the cradle to the grave she la much in the position of a man who has a fixed and certain income over and beyond that he acquires by his own efforts the actual battle tor never comes directly home to her women are prone to underestimate the terrors of this homicidal strife they look upon a man in business as a being who achieves large profits from small exertions and entirely escapes the dull plodding routine of housekeeping and children rearing that they must face As a matter of tact the average man whether he be a bank president or a day laborer spends nine tenths of his time performing drudgery of the most depressing sort it is a rare moment when he Is not compelled to do something that be doean doesn t want to do it Is a moment rarer still when he does not find him self in conflict with the aims or ambi eions of some other man baltimore herald |