Show WENT OVER THE CHEF flag frightens horses who dash over a cliff and go down in a frightful mass junction city private albert laste ot the twenty ninth battery or field artillery was killed at fort riley at noon friday privates john connolly Conno liy and J G simpson of the same battery are thought to be fatal y injured and privates leary nor man lancaster and allne ol 01 the same organization are in the hospital with broken limbs and internal injuries A arge number ol 01 other artillerymen were badly hurt the accident that caused the death of laste and injury of the others occurred about two miles north of fort riley the twenty ninth battery la one ot the six making up the first provisional regiment of field artillery at target practice the battery s guns had been placed and its eight limbers loaded with ammunition were at the rear with six horses hitched to each timber the drivers bad dismounted when the battery was ready tor firing large red flag was run up on a staff as a signal to the range party at the targets to get out ot range ot the guns i the wind blew the flag out in the faces of the horses and they stamped ed at once some drivers succeeded in getting into their saddles others were dragged but the most ot the drivers were left behind the horses dashed over a small cliff and went down in a frightful mass |