Show FEAR FOR NIAGARA IMMENSE VOLUME 0 WATER DIVERTED FROM FALLS commercial re making heavy drains on this flou show place its electrical power the inducement niagara falls augut 7 the volume of water being diverted from the historic niagara fall 1 reaching such that the people of the state are trying to jaee laws which will prevent the ity ol 01 a practical wiping out 0 thi sublime natural spectacle water sufficient to develop nearly five hundred thousand horse power continuously twenty tour hours per day for industrial purposes Is now being taken from the river above the falls and further developments re quiring more water are contemplated probably the largest user ot the electricity produced by the waters 0 the mighty river 1 the concern which by the five or six thousand degree heat ot the electric furnace brings ime and col e into unwilling union hereby producing what Is known as calcium carbide dry calcium 1 carbide Is ll leless as eo much broken rock but in contact with water it springs into begets abundantly the gas acetylene the light resulting from the ignition of acetylene acety lepe Is the nearest approach to sunlight known these facts though of campara lively recent discovery were soon seized by men with an eye to the corn mercial possibilities and today to day cal clum carbide Is being shipped every where and used to ill spelling dark ness in buildings of all descriptions from the ordinary barn of the farmer to the country villa of the wealthy a well as for lighting the streets ol 01 a lare number of towns acetylene can be easily and cheaply installed and the manufacture and sale of acetylene generators hag become a business of recognized standing has assumed large proportions and ie steadily growing |