Show COW WENT SUDDENLY CRAZY snapping turtle gripped her nose in pasture field peacefully grazing on the arm ot harry garddner near course s land ing N J with plenty of grass in sight and nothing to the pleas urea of life a cow suddenly went vio i bently insane the first anybody knew of her malady was a loud bellow foli lowed by wild flight with tall extend ed and head high in the air the rest of the herd looked on astonished at the ungraceful exhibition but the mad one continued to race about the field and to bellow most dolefully the while pawing the earth and shaking 1 her head most violently rhe attention of the farm people called to the unseemly conduct of the otherwise well behaved cow and they discovered that she had been attacked by a snapping turtle while grazing near the bank of a small stream which flows through the pas ture field the snapper had grab bed her nose and all her antics to dis lodge it were futile after a deal of effort the farm people managed to cor ral the crazy cow and knock the tur tie into soup shape |