Show ame mme caspa day at the cons mine F J brinton haa over a carloa I 1 of arenow awaiting shipment from his ielse at the cureka hill mine most of the larger mines of the camp including ohp centennial eureka eagle ind blue ba uncle barn gemini and paid their employees during the week earl 40 shares ot star cons tod was sold at the delinquent sale saturday but it brought about 8 cents a hare or a little below the market everything is now in first class con at the raymond illinois property porth of erieka and development wort will be spurted within the next three days directors of the lower mammoth have levied an assessment of 5 cents per or 7 on the stock of the payable oil or before sept blui september named is the sale james A iward left just saturday for frisco utah where he will do some wire cable work for the horn silver mining company mr aylward will be absent from eureka for a couple of months mills tite bacen and den nis shipped another carload of ore from their ie ise in the eureka hill mine wednesday frank anderson also sent out another carload on the same date the mckinley mining company held its regular monthly meeting fast tues day apt levins report showed that the drift had been run in a distance of about fifty feet during the past month the fice of it naw being feet beyond the shift and feet aiom the mouth of the tunnel chis agn es the workings a depth of feet and the character of rock encountered is i ery encouraging the laying of the rails on the eagle and blue boll spur of the grande railway was completed yesterday and it fa thought that the output from the mine will be shipped out over this new road by the first of the week the ore house tramway bins etc at the mine have been nearly completed and the mining company has everything in hape for the handling of the ore by the new method F fleiner was in from his property in the erickson district this week re maming long enough to get another lot of supplies he sa that he en countered a nice body of ore in the bot us tom odthe foot shaft but that the ive up sinking drain tunnel ai camj feted this tunnel will be run fu beneath ohp shaft and then sinking will resumed |