Show eugenie in her glory from an article by clara morris in the magazine we clip the following description of the empress eugenic the empress of sorrows as miss morris quotes it from one who was connected with the american leg aaion when eugenie was in the height of her glory and who was permitted to escort her to her carriage on the occasion she was greatly addicted to wear ing all the varying tones of lavender but one shade of mauve a pinkish mauve she seemed passionately fond of she wore it that day the sun was shining brilliantly the air seem ed full of that suppressed excitement peculiar to paris the empress gown was of a transparent stuff women call organdie a white ground with a wonderfully natural looking flower on it then this thin flowered stuff was worn over an under slip of mauve silk there seemed to be yards and yards f it it billowed all about her and airey airly filled the open landau her slender little feet rested on a cushion and they were gleaming in mauve silk and narrow strapped open sandals of black satin from th vague rosy purple mass of drapery the clear lines 0 her stately body rose round waist superb shoulders I 1 queenly head the pale blonde hair crowned with a bonnet composed entirely of violets a great bunch ot violets upon her breast and over all a tent like sun baade of mauve satin flounced all over with white lace lined with white silk while cuenl bigly between mauve outside and white insle was stretched a pink silk inner lining so that when the sunlight struck fairly upon the parasol an evanescent pearly pink tint fell upon the fair face beneath it and when the great open landau rolled swiftly toward the bols it was as it the carriage was full filled with the plumy extravagance 0 the lilac s bloom the poignant per bums of violets massed beneath tha loosely opulence of the purpled fleur de luce from this tre cendou mass of perfumed bloom her lovely face smiled forth as though the prodigality of spring had been per in her |