Show afu ht J vf W ssi als W nh t improving the famous old mammoth appears to be improving all the time the new strike en the 1700 foot level ie turning aut ranch better than was expected when the ore was first opened up the principal value are in gold with a small percentage percent aee of copper and silver about men are now upon the pay roll the number being inere aeed from time to time in addition to this t here are in the neighborhood of twenty five leasers at work in various parts ot the mine work at the abaz the mutual amount of work is going on at the A ax at mammoth the company is doing considerably prospecting on the 1000 and foot levels the work however being carried on entirely by contract ahe money which the corn pany is receiving as royalty on ores taken out by the leasers is paying the expenses of the prospecting which is being done on these three level mhd management states that the mine r showing up well at the present time and that the contract system as well as the leasing of certain portions of the mine is proving entirely satisfactory to the shareholder bond the apex mining company has given up its lease and bond on the three claims comprising the apex group on godiva mountain moin tain the company wab organized over five years ago by local people to de celep this ground under a lease and bond the bond was tor and the lease was to ran tor six years we understand that no payment wag made when the papers were signed and that the owners of the ground have received no thing since that time but the shareholders of the apex mining kompany have ireen working the ground almost continuously during the last five years by means of monthly assessments and many thousand of dollars bave been expended those who bold stock in the apex mi ning are of the opinion that the round will some day be Drode etive of a large amount of rich ore but the carrying OB et the development work has become too expensive and consequently it was de aided to give up the bond and lease which jaoes not run out until next october the three patented claims are the uncle 1 ien and aro owned Captai ETH 11 andor the refused an offer of tor bis interest several years ago samples from mammoth A few pounds of ore from the lower levels of the mammoth mine as well as some of the slimes from the the mammoth mill were tent to W V lander and prof carmichael Care ichael at boston this week to be ased in the tests which these gentlemen are making with a view to handling the lew grade ores this ni ne by As soon as these gentlemen return from the aaa they ex hect to be able to euba t a proposition to manage chieh will be entire ly satisfactory in every respect with the proper means of handling low grade orea this old time bonanza should be re stored to the dividend column in short order untie to eater contest the brothers will go to provo during the elks carnival and en berthe single and double handed drilling contests they are both splendid ham and have won several prizes in contests of this kind abo her team will probably compete for the more ground for little chief ahe little chief mining co has ed a three year lease on the wolf tone and robert E lee claims which are owned by mrs T D sullivan the ground lies aorta of the little chief ground and is within the limits of eureka city prospecting at la oledo thomas weir was at the la clede mine last tuesday M weir ie doing some prospecting at the present time which should be productive 0 good results bat aide from this there ie change at the mine another another tatie mine has bees placed among the utah dividend payers at a meeting ot the d rectors ol 01 the mining company held last saturday after noon it was decided to pay a dividend of the distribution will be made on the first of july and the company g bechs will close on the instant A great deal of stock is held by cintio people who u rejoicing over the fact that they are to be rewarded for their faith in the property ancle sam election the annual meeting of the stockholders of the uncle sam mining co was held at salt lake tuesday the following board of directors being chosen john dern jas Chi jos L llev wood joseph nelson and george haverkamp mr dern succeeds eucce eds mr chipman ae president and general manager the mine is looking better at the present than at any other time since it wag purchased from jeene knight the original owner the financial repert shows a balance of 8 64 on hand the receipts from ore and concentrates during the past year were 61 23 bat the operating expenses and the new mill and other improvements have cost the company a fully as large manager hie was at the eagle and blue bell mine last it ie estimated that the dividends from the utah min esnil for th month of july aggregate regate almost 1 according to the report of the trea there is BO lees than 35 to the credit of the mining u dividends will moet likely continue reg nearly william Sta effenberg was in from bis west property last saturday and mr is confident of being able to open up some high grade ore inside the next few week surveyor H button a former re vt i in el A ho served as a city councilman doing mayor ta uffer s tuna of office was in mammoth last tuesday and wednesday mr barton came out from the capital to do gome underground work at the ajax J W green who recently moved to eureka from diamond is exhibiting some nice gold ore which was taken from the ju lia lane property a short time ago mr green says that the work the south end of the n confined cen fined principally to the la clede joe bowers cornucopia and one or two other properties pro pertie but that he looks tor increased activity before the end of the present season drilling contest at st louis it ie proposed that there be held a drilling contest at st louis hope that the efforts now atine exer ed to that end will be ful it the manage ment can see its way to offer purses in the amount suggested i e 10 to 20 it will brin together in corn petition the most expert bullers in the united states and be an educational object object lesson to many thousands of people who although in mining have never visited the operate ng mine denver mining reporter ore shipments the ore shipments from gintic tintic tor the past week are a fol aws name of mine carloads south swansea 4 laclede 1 R A brown 1 centennial eureka 43 uncle sam 1 victor i 1 aiex 5 mammoth 11 grand central 24 bansa i 4 bullion beck 3 gemini 18 total miners union excursion next monday ie the date of the miners union excursion to lagoon the special train will leave the san pedro depot at 7 clock in the morning arriving at salt lake at 10 the eureka union band and the eureka ball team will go along with the excursionists and from the indications the excursion will be one of the largest ever taken out of gintic tintic there will be two special trains return ing one at 7 p m and another at mid night |