Show power of a drop of water you have probably heard that the constant falling of a drop of water will wear away the hardest stone here Is an easy way to test the force of a single water drop which we will take as a unit for all the bil lions of v ater stops it tal es to wear away the stone and then perhaps you may get a slight idea of the dous force all those water drops would exert if they were combined into one n ammoth water drop and it dropped you care to be under it cut a notch in the center of a match then bend so as to form an acute angle lay it across the mouth match co n and water drop of a bottle and place a penny on the match you are now ready to demon strate the force of the water drop and also ready to do a neat little anci to surprise some friend ask your friend to get the coin into the bottle without touching either the match or the bottle after he has puzzled over it for a while dip your fanger n a glass of water hold it above the place where the match is notched and let a drop fall on the point the pow er of the water as it strikes the match is strong enough to force the sides of the angle to spring apart thus making the opening large enough to the pen ny to fall into the bottle your trick is performed while the water drop s power Is illustrated at the same time some riddles and answers the first lady of the land in three letterst 7 eve relating to civil life in five letterst 7 civic A legal document in four letterst 7 deed what baby sas about candy in four letters 7 dood something the most stupid person can see through in three letters 7 eye A gentle domestic animal in three letters 7 ewe one of the famous pair of giants in three letters 7 gog something used by burglars in three letters 7 gag part of the verb to do in three let tersa did A small vehicle in three letters 7 rig fhe condition of the grass in the morning in five letterst 7 dewed the cry of a bird or a chick in tour letters 7 peep twilight time in three letters 7 eve giving sheep their dew three hundred years ago one ques tion used to bother the engish farm ers there were more sheep in eng land than in any other country in the world it isn t so now but that Is an other story and yet the silly crea tures were seldom seen to drink to such an extent was this abstinence observed that when a sheep was no drinking it was thought so an old writer declared a prodigious thing that sheep should danke there was he said a cause for their never suffering much thirst there is so much dew on the grasse that they need no other water ancient authors like aristotle were quite mis taken in thinking that the northern sheep had more beede neede of water than the southern in spaine those sheep bear the best fleeces of wool that danke least but if the animals can not get dew they must have water in the seasons of great draught that sometimes afflict the australian sheep farmers the flocks perish by the thou sand game of bouquet this is a jolly game for a number of children to play sit down in a cir cle around your leader let the lead er give each one a flower for his name violet daisy sweet wllliam black eyed susan etc then let her tell you a story made up out of her own head in which she brings in every one of the flower names whenever a child hears his flower name mentioned he must get up turn around and sit down whenever the leader uses the word bouquet all the children must jump up and change places at which time the leader tries to capture a seat whoever gets left must then become leader bear goes to school this Is vie story of a bear in win who goes regularly to school and will be entitled to a prize tor punctual attendance even if he falls in greek and mathematics he came slouching out of the woods one day and advanced directly on the schoolhouse borne of the children had eaten their luncheon on the grass in front of the building the bear stopped and I 1 eked up the crumbs and scattered remnants of the repast and then stuck his head in at the house door the children and the school teacher screamed and the big fellow was so frightened that he took to his lumber ing fieelds the next day however he came to the schoolhouse at the same hour and ate the crumbs and dai s before he looked at schoolhouse door but did not venture there after be had eaten every mor sel he went slowly back to the woods his visits soon became of daily regularity and as it was evident that he came with no evil intent the teach er and now and then the pupils took to tossing him an apple or other dell cacy from that to feeding him out of their hands was an easy step until now the bear never plays truant and lunches regularly with the children and their teacher bast ng threads A dear little g rl once came unto me tier eyes as the tars in their constad her face quite a picture with cheeks all aglow As she earnestly questioned me oh do you know my beautiful lady the one over there ahe one anat I 1 lo 10 e with the wh te and hair why yes I 1 ed but her hair 1 adl ed gray I 1 ve known her for many and many a day the 1 atle maid I 1 with pitying face then will arch look replied was in tenuous grace A look that said plainly Is it you lacka A knowledge of her hair Is quite black with now and then pause a wise shak ing head with now and then jut a white basting thread and I 1 thought me straightway of a truth that is old eternal as ages and priceless to hold of the roadway of lefew th entangle ments wild we are safe there if led by the hand of a child god bless them the children god bless them each one may our faith be like theirs ere life s journey Is done E en though black clouds of sorrow fall er our heads may our faith grasp the sunshine the white basting th eads boston transcript spider web fa ten to the hall chandelier as many lengths of red yellow green blue and white twine as there are boy and girl players tell each child to tabb a length of twine and follow it through the dif ferent rooms until he finds the other end winding the twine into as he goes it will lead him up stairs and down around table legs through cracks in doors in and out through the banis and so on at the end you should previously have fastened some pleasant surprise like a tiny box of bon bons or an or ange when boys play Min strete when you boys want to blacken up your faces for a minstrel play or any other ind of fun here is a good way for you to blacken up take a few galls bruise them to a fine powder and strew the powder nicely upon a towel then put a little ground copperas into a basin of wa ter which will dissolve and leave the water perfectly transparent after any person has washed in this water and wiped on the towel on which the galls were strewed his hands and face will immediately become black circle puzzle draw three equal squares inside the large circle each square to contain five of the smaller circles and leav ing three spaces outside each contain ing five of the smaller circles A soapsuds surprise here is an experiment with soap suds in which there Is no blowing of bubbles fasten two knitting needles or other small rods together with threads of equal length so as to form a rectangular frame A third thread attached to the upper rod enables you to hold up the frame without touching it plunge the frame into strong soapsuds and lift it out slowly by this third thread you find the frame filled by a transparent liquid film like a pane of glass break this film and attach to the vertical threads about one third of their length from the bottom the ends of another thread which is no longer than the knitting needle so that it hangs down in a curve and to the middle of this thread fasten still an other thread by one end leaving the other end hanging down now dip the frame again in the soapsuds and lift it out the last two threads will appear as irregular lines embedded in the film of 1 qu d break the lower part of the film and you will see the upper part contract draw ing the loose thread up with it into the form of a circular arch now take hold of the free hanging thread below the lower rod and pull downward the single arch becomes a double arch but resumes its former shape as soon as iou release the hang ing thread these experiments which might ba frame for the films varied in many ways show that the liquid film is like a stretched elastic membrane or sheet of india rubber it always makes itself as small as pos sible as the last experiment proves and it stretched out by force it con tracts again as soon as the force ceases to act it affords therefore an interesting example of the surface tension pos hessed by liquids the film haa two parallel surfaces and their tensions act together domino fortune telling lay them on their faces on the table and shuffle them then draw one and see the number which has its mean ing as follows double six receiving a handsome sum money six five going to a place of amusement six four lawsuits and trouble which can only be avoided is great care six three a ride in a carriage six two a present of clothing six one you will soon perform a friendly action six blank guard against scandal or you will suffer by your inattention double five a new abode to your advantage five tour a fortunate speculation in business five three a visit from a superior five two a pleasant excursion on the water five one love intrigue five blank a funeral but not a rela alve double tour drinking liquor at a distance four three a false alarm of fire four two beware of thieves and swindlers four one expect trouble from cred igors four blank you will receive a letter from an angry friend the number nine it is a curious thing which every one does not know that you cannot destroy the integrity of the figure 9 by multiplication to make plain add 8 and 1 the product and you have 9 take any other number say times 9 equals 1107 add the figures of the product again and they equal 9 again times 33 equals which added gives us two as by adding 7 and 2 or the three figures added equal 18 or 29 whether the number Is small or large the sum of the figures of the product will always be divisible by 9 how to make a flute A little flute from which a good deal of amusement can be derived can be made by wrapping a piece of paper around a pencil to make a tube paste the edge flat and to one end of the tube fasten a triangular piece of pa per somewhat larger than the open ing to play the flute draw in your breath through the open end of the tube the difference in pitch will de pend upon how hard you breathe t allday magazine A FIVE POINTED STAR the finished star and diagram of its construct on there are many ways of making five pointed stars for the method here described you will need a pair of compasses with these draw a circle of any size draw a line across the circle going through the center draw another line from the center to the top of the circle find the middle point of the right half of the first line the hand in the picture points it out use that point for one end of the compass place the pencil end at the top of the circle and draw a curve downward until it touches the line running across the circle the dis taape between the crossing point and the top of the circle Is the exact dis tance between the points of a five pointed star drawn in that circle A star drawn on stiff paper may be cut out and used as a pattern in ng flags or ornaments |