Show k aa Q k AA A 0 A J mrs huo hughson ahson of chicago whose letter follows is another woman in high position who owes her health to the use of lydia E pinkham s vegetable compound DEAR MRS PINKHAM KHAM I 1 suffered for sen several eral years with general weakness and bearing down p ims caused by womb trouble my appetite was fitful and 1 I 1 would he aw am ake for hours and could not sleep until I 1 seemed more weary in the morning than when I 1 retired after reading one of your advertisements I 1 decided to try the merits of lydia 10 vegetable compound and I 1 am so glad I 1 did bo noone one can describe the good it did me I 1 took three bottles faithfully and besides building up my general health it drove all disease and polon V put u t 0 of f my body and made made me feel as spry and actie as a young girl r Pink hams liam s medicines are certainly all they are claimed to be Ms MRS M E HuGn sox east ohio st chicago ILL mrs pinkham tells now ordinary tasks produce displacements apparently incidents in woman s daily life frequently produce di flis placements of the womb A blip on the stairs lifting during menstruation st landing at a counter running a sewing machine or attending to the most ordinary tasks kiy result in displacement and a train of serious evils Is is started the first indication of such trouble should be the signal for quick action 1 don t let the condition become chronic through neglect or a mistaken idea t that you can overcome it by exercise or leaving it alone more than a million women have regained health by the use of lydia E vegetable compound if the slightest lightest trouble appears which you do not under understand stan write alte to mrs Pink pinkham liam it L ann nn maas for her advice and a fe few timely words from her will snow show you the I 1 light ight thing to do thia this advice costs you nothing but it may mean life oi 01 happiness or both mrs leiah lelah stowell wellington st kingston ont writes DEAR MES MRs PINT you are indeed a 9 godsend to women and if they all knew what you could do for teem them there would be no need of their dragging out miserable hes ines in agony 1 I suffered for years with bearing down pains womb trouble nervous nervousness nes ind excruciating headache but a few bottles of ldla ID E ftc ft 5 vegetable compound made life look isaas new a and oa promising to me I 1 am light and r 1 J happy and d I 1 do not know what sickness y a i is 0 and 1 I now enjoy the best of health mm 9 lydio lydi E Pinh hams vegetable yf vl compound can always be relied upon to restore health to women who thus suffer it is a sovereign eo cure for the worst forms of female complaints that bearing down feeling weak back falling in n I 1 d ment of the womb on of the ovaries ovanes and til all troubles of the uterus or womb it dissolves and expels tumors from the uterus in the early stage of development and checks any tendency to cancerous humors it s excitability nervous probert t on and tones up the entire female sa s stem its record of cures is the greatest in the world and should be relied upon with confidence FORFEIT if we e cannot forthwith produce the origin original letters and signatures Ig nature of above u testimonial testimonials which 11 prove the r absolute genn lydia I 1 E pinkham medicine co lynn maea mat t A P HALLS CANKER AND diphtheria REMEDY y FOR THE MOUTH THROAT NEVER FAILS FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS STOMACH AND BOWELS 1 AND GENERAL STORES helden nolden judson drug co general agents salt lake city utah ufa h the FREE homestead LANDS OF western canada are tho STAR attractions for 1904 14 11 II oni ons of acre of magn dicent gra n and graz inc lurid landi to be bed i as at a f ee t ft or by purchase from rom ka ra iway compan es land co po pa a ons etc THE GREAT attractions good crop crops delightful climate splendid chool school system perfect social conditions exceptional railway advantages and wealth and nd affluence acquired required eally easily the populate on of wes a e n canada nc eased by mm e it on du ne ng the past ear over SO b be ng n ame cn cans W te to nea est a ho iced canad an government Go ment for canad fin an at as and 0 her afo ma on bor ardd add ess bupt of imin f g at on 0 awa canada BENJ DAVIES DAVIE ro 1 M I TI 11 A I 1 ORI RI AT ALLS 1 MONTANA when hen answering advertisements kindly mention this paper v the th I 1 A PRODUCE CO OGDEN UTAH buyers end and sellers of co w F R mal alm ilm I 1 im CAB CAR LOTS ONLY buyers and F A I 1 X 6 LL ED 6 se era ers of 0 iu sf any quantity send for on I 1 utra ed free see geee cata ogue and free A fa fa book et men on th a paper estabi shed 11 14 years that count counts for something So COPIES MOW STANDARD PIECES 10 COPIES postpaid 1 00 send today to day forbat tor cat a lopue A eo so won PIAN 0 S d fro from m factory darful barga bargain no la in a mg big 81 sav to you wr e 0 at once fur for oata arta ogue a and pr ces ce arzo mandolins 01 guitars strings and 1 bittings THE mckannon BROS MUSIC CO 2283 washington ave ogden utah T 11 IS B C MORRIS FLORAL CO best F oral designs for all on oss prompt and careful A tent on G ven yen to M ma a I 1 order ode PHONES 1011 SALT LAKE CITY masquerade AND theatrical 0 cos 08 FOR RENT SEND FOR CATALO GURS AND PR CBS 5 SALT LAKE COSTUMING HOUSE PHON 70 67 TAT ST T sata MEN ARE LIABLE TO LDa olds invariably result in catarrh which sets up a host of distressing diseases P PUNA E both protects and cures a cold proof fo L ON 0 lei P 0 1 11 crawn 01 miss rose gordon 2 10 oakland ave oakland heights madison wis writes A few years ago I 1 caught a severe bold sold which resulted in chronic bronchitis and catarrh oar our family pi pro pre scribed medicines wl ich gave temporary relief only I 1 began taking peruna and improved at once two bottles cured me I 1 recommend peruna to all sufferers and km am most roost grateful al to yon you for your tillable medicine biles rose pose gorlon washington D C n street X W dear dr hartman artman II I 1 used to think that the doctors knew all about our aches bad pains and were the proper ones to 00 consult sult when sick lei but since I 1 have bee been lick sick myself I 1 certainly had good reason to change my mind during the winter I 1 caught a I 1 eavy cold which developed into catarrh of the bronchial tubes and an inflamed condition of the respiratory organs the doctors were afraid that pneumonia would set in and prescribed pills powders and packs until I 1 sickened of the whole thing as I 1 did not improve one of the ladles in the home had a bottle of peruna and she advised me to try that shortly after I 1 began using it I 1 felt that I 1 had found the right medicine ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR quit coughing why cough when for ac and this notice you get 20 doses of an absolutely guaranteed cough cure in tab tablet et form postpaid wib DRUG CO LA WIS W V N U I X flo do not believe piso s cure for consumption bas has an equal tor for coughs and colds JOHN JOELS S 10 trin ty springs ind feb 5 1900 7 5 BUSHELS ifor SALM CH JJ I 1 J n largest seed nil n tie e E degant stock tremendous y e da ds from am to 1000 bubbels per acre FOR TO 10 CENTS and th s notice we send you iota lots of farm seed reed samp es and b f g cats cata ogue tell ng all about teosinte aerold ak band 11 ai bazz bar ey macaroni wheat heat bromus aarl 1 est cane etc eto fiend lor same today SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS FRESH AND RELIABLE SEND FOR CATALOGUE HEINECKE 64 IS E SECOND SOUTH ST TELEPHONE eos SALT LAKE CITY ALFALFA SEED BAILEY SONS 61 E second south st salt lake C ty are headquarters tor for the best quality alfa alfalfa ift seeds also grass gross and garden eeds eds grain hay etc in seed bul nebs 40 years mall mail orders given special attention GREGO SEEDS Success successfully full saia catalogue free bown for ne nearly 7 A J H G gy g y s aa h if ifa a century visaw 21 u h iid hd h d un NEW PENSION LAWS irrea ENT apply to NATHAN BICKFORD V st D C I 1 I 1 used two I 1 attles and they restored me easily and pleasantly to perfect health while my stomach was very delicate peruna did not nauseate me in the least but gave me a good appetite and I 1 wish to express my gratitude to you tor for restored health otiss rosalie von enning CATCHING COLD la Is the beginning of most winter ailments pe ru na protects against and cures colds there is no fact of medical science better established than that a teaspoonful of pe runa before each meal during the winter season will absolutely protect a person from catching cold now if this is true and there is no doubt of it thousands thousand of lives would bo be saved and tens of thou sands of cases of chronic catarrh prevented by this simple precaution within reach of everyone every one after a cold has been contracted a tea spoonful of peruna every hour will shortly cure it leaving no trace of it behind after chronic catarrh has become or tha the first stages of chronic chrome bronchitis or consumption have been A FREE PERU PERUNA NA ALMANAC EVERY DRUGGIST HAS THEM sacred heart hearl academy OGDEN UTAH Q MJ it 9 we F conducted by SISTERS OF THE HOLY CROSS SEND FOR CATALOGUE S M 0 K E i aar 1 0 vot ot how cl el cap pap but tut how bow good weaker dallas makers SALT SAVI LA ku f aty 1 UT UTAH RELIABLE R ASSAYS gold t 75 1 go d and E 81 v 1 00 lead 75 r 5 I 1 bo d 8 v r cop r 1 60 prompt returns return s on ma ina I 1 samp ea es ogden assay co 1725 D ENVER yo COL O 0 ST howard E burion burton bismayer chemist W and spec men p ces co cod d S ve lead 1 go d 8 1 ver do go d soc Z nc no or copper 1 cyanide ca e a mal mat ing enve 0 ea es and fu 1 pr ce 1 st sent on appi appl ca on contro and ump e wo k so c ted lead valle ill colo col kete rele ence ece carbona A e nat I 1 baak bank re H OFFICER CO 9 ASSAYERS AND CHEMISTS samp el et by mail mad rece ve p ampt salt lake city utah and careful a en on aft afta ifta P 1 L 0 U R BEST AND PATENT MADE BY OGDEN MILLING ELEVATOR CO OGDEN UTAH 41 VASELIKE PUT rp IN TUBES A tute for and super or to mus inus a d dor or any other plaster and w 11 not bl ster the m boxt 0 s t del cate ek sk n the pa n allay allaying inq and cura 1 iv v e t es of this a cle a e bonde ful it w 11 stop the too hache at anc once e and rel eve bead head ache and sc sea a ca we recommend it as the beat and safest ex ercal ernal counter rr tant known also as an efte nal remedy tor for pa ns as in the chest and sto and ai a 1 beuma c eu a c c and g 0 u y compla n s at abw 11 prove what v we a da 1 m for t and t w I 1 be found to be avalu able in the household many people say it s th the best of all your prepa a ons pr ce ca IS ce cents n ts at all drugg s 9 or 0 her deale s or by send ng th a amo nt to us n postage s ampsie amps we w 11 send you a tube by m I 1 N 0 a c e should be accey ed by the c unless the same cabnet our label aso herese hedw se t chesebrough CO 17 state st beet NEW YORK CIT CITY reached it will tae tale much longer to effect a cure it seems strange that as well known and ana well established as these facts are an one should neglect to profit by them an alq yet no doubt there are many who pay or no at attention to thun r and nd go on catchin catching cold acquiring chronic catarrh and consumption fon catarrh may permeate the system mrs mary E sampson west derex rock engham county N 11 II writes I 1 bad had terrible headaches both ears and I 1 was nervous all the time also ha triable each month was deaf in onaca me as f for r t thirty years I 1 took six ix bottles harand foe ru 4 and one of canalin and am ha happ to say that it Is the best medicine thai ever used I 1 am not so nervous my app tito is good everything I 1 eat agree agrees wit it me and I 1 am feeling better in every wj a I 1 think peruna is a godsend to worn women an ani a blessing to suffering humanity E sampson it if you do not derive prompt and math afao tory results from the use of peruna writ at once to dr hartman giving a full state meat ment of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis atis address dr hartman artman 11 president presiler Pre of IS hartman sanitarium columbus ohio commission GRAIN A STOCKS BONDS S STOC 7 0 C K KS S BOUGHT AND SOLD ON MAR GIN OR FOR CASH I 1 we have a department tor for buying and selling 1 block and bo do di for linnio immediate diate iella e ery ry invest ra rs and ba a her kers will save t me and money by bv biving us their orders in that line correspondence SOLICITED we offer pedal ind ioe ments F and liberal s I 1 commie commis I 1 ns to out of tonn town corr awn en ent ta i our out book 0 of info mellon how to speculate ma male if I 1 free LONO DISTANCE members salt lake mining exchanges 32 headquarter I 1 L R OFF I 1 cea ROOMS DF D WALKER BLK BLIK LAK CITY UTAN ggs demand the utah hand made horse Collar fron t A C 0 1 L l your dealer deile 01 a kv S 5 superior u p a r I 1 0 10 V to the n chine china mada MADE MAEDE you will wll never have trouble with 1 ham arne hold CURED 3 oSti the beelel keele institute S t lake city MAN HIGHEST CASH PR CE PAID FOR RAW FURS AND GAME HEADS THE FURRIER PR CB LIST SALT LAKS OITT wet we e sob tin the barber narber erkd la in 8 R week weeks md d gorju pos lion arl write is for nl lui A E N MOLER S BARBER COL LEOl DALLAS DAIL fax SALT LANZ C TT V hores ore L when anaw ring kindly mention this paper W N t U salt lake no 6 1904 4 audes ES A H LSE wa lt J belt cough syrup arup as e a bood of laj ID in t me go d b draag ata t I 1 |