Show rv s 4 I 1 G D ID 0 41 J 0 0 R ROADS 0 71 D S more than conveniences idt to 14 HE cause of good roads and it the cause ot of enlightenment etc 0 jo 11 and progress are bound to JL gechei 4 in indissoluble t 11 WOW 01 band s syThe the c car P it lt will not travel trace 1 through any section of the country over t haphazard high way paved ed with fill sand bani baill s and mud holes ahe value of the pirmes s pro ducts increases Inc as the cost and labor and time of getting them to market Is deducted flout his total expenses the i alume of the merchant s business in ci eases v with ith the accessibility of his lo 10 cation to his prospective customers good loads mean an tp in value of leal teal estate and every sag in the highway that borders on a mans property means a corl depression in the value of the property pio perty itself it Is aiom sand hills clay banks mud and luts that the most noxious mortgages are grown and bes les its the multitude of direct commercial il benefits which must be taken into considerate consi derat derit or are the ones which will not mak them selves m manifest so quickly laps but NN which aie ate yet of the utmost imbor tance I 1 or not only are they the fibres wl ich tell bind toge together the industrial life of t community but good loads are also the s which strengthen all of the social body of what use are churches schools 13 chums librae les ies and all the concomitants of an enl civilization if they cannot be reached conveniently by those for whose benefit they ire tre designed the mental ind social altitude of 0 f i 1 comma anity depends far moie mole upon the tunit les presente I 1 to its lal abi tints for mixing with one another and with other communities for mutual improve ment th than thin in appeals appe ais on oil the surface isolation has always ili aa s me meint int deter lor aaion human beings are intel depend ent upon one actual ar ity means insularity in thought ideas dent demand ind highways A hermit race would degenerate make alake yourself in accessible and ind the n orld will soon for get you and wag m ag alon ilon as its merrily with out you as is if vou nele really dead in stead of only sleeping good loads are something more than thin conveniences they are institutions it is as impossible biml possible to conceive of the highest typo of prosperity pios plo penty and ind civilize civi elvi liza tion envisioned by an wilder ness of swamps and sand as it Is to lin agine a man attaining the full natural now er of mental and ind physical vigor if he lie up in a babrel from in fancy and all of his food and instruct tion alike were passed in to him through the bung hole it Is only the penny pe tiny wise and pound foolish who are blind to the adian advantages of good high ways and the counties of georgia are awake to these things they have demonstrated and aie demonstrating ther their faith in a manner which Is in it self an assurance of the practical sue cess of the new convict act if further assur assurance ince were necessary of the sue cess of the new system in all its phases it Is given by the many thousands of increased re revenue denue which it brings dl ill erectly to the state atlanta journal bel ile in I 1 the world good roads it if we ue are behind the rest of the world orld in any one particular it Is good loads when I 1 think of old macadam I 1 weep that bene factor chaia ng nothing for his ices embellished england and scot land with splendid highways ills principle was that no stone should be used unless it could be passed chiou through gh a t tw 0 inch ring failing the ring the stone breal breil ers were required to test the size of the stones by putting them into their mouths every stone that would not go into a man s mouth w as to be brol en ell again on one occasion while superintending superintend iD the of a road the Scotch scotchman min perceived some stones of extraordinary size his wrath N was as I 1 indeed against the stone breaker and he accused him of having failed to test the stones the man de nied med the accusation and solved the mystery by opening his mouth which NN was as of enoi enormous capacity and entirely bereft of teeth new ew york pi ess bea beautify unify the HI hw aye ats the country should I 1 beep pace with the cities in the beautifying of public thoroughfares with flowers and trees many of the cities and villages are tak ing steps to plant alees and ind flonell wherever it can be done clone to advantage in some soma cases the corpaci aliens are fur bishing plants to those that w 11 plant them out we hear of localities in e t es wl ere the leonle have been in foi foamed med that they will be agn given ell all the plants and trees they can use the re suit is that whole have been beautified our country roads can be improved at comparatively comparatIve lv small cost but it must be done systematically one objection to hiees by the roads ro ids de Is that they shade the gionni and keep the roads florn dra ing out after heavy rains r this objection Is removed by planting the trees far enough apart to allow the sun in its d urn il journe to shine on all sides of them at diffrient times roads and schools there should be no clash between good roads and good schools eveia county in georgia wants nants good roads before schools or chu churches iches can be reached with pleasure or ease before crops can be hauled to market or be I 1 fore there can be any profitable indus try or social life there must be means of communication c the loss to the farmers of georgia for the lack of good roads Is millions of dollars if farms can be developed in this way property implored impi Imp oved loved and transportation made easy the inci eased values will justify good schools savannah press |