Show r t OUR BONDS fewer outside this conn cout try itry than those of any oil er land probably fewer united states bonda bonds are owned outside of the country than those of any other first class aft nation ti O 0 in the world this Is largely account acCo lill aw ed cd for by the fact that the bonds have hav a peculiar value to the nasonal bank banka n which raised raises as a basis foi their marl mirl et pike to a point where they cease to be desirable for ary investors the total of b bonda heli held by foreigners to day is 15 oba 5 01 0 this amount individuals own than 4 the rest belong to the toy foro eign insurance e companies doing ness in the united states before 91 foreign insurance company can do brif bu iness in the united states it must dea posit with the insurance ei ci of that particular state it seeke seeks to invade a certain amount of bon bonda in the name of the insurance Commiss ionel tor for the benefit of the tho policyholders of the company in thai that state thus it if the phoenix Ins company of london england desire to do business in ohio it deposits wital the insurance commissioner an amount of bonds determined by the value of 0 business Ins cubed as follows the tha insurance commissioner of the of ohio in trust for the policyholders of the phoenix insurance company of residing in ohio as london of the individual foreign lol holdings dings of united states bonds nearly half of them for some reason are in cuba our neighbors aie doubtless attract ed by the security which the bond of fers in earlier stages of the country history large blocks of its bonda bonds were sold abroad and branches of the ury department were opened ift in lori don for their transfer and exchange 4 the french people today to day are great holders of the bonds of various otheto nations but they are handling very few of the united states quite a I part of the loan made by the lash IBS cleveland went into the tho hands of foreign investors at an early date in its history but with the increasing means of the american people and the growing demand of the tho national natio niI bani s these securities have begun to come back until now the world may be searched almost in vain valli foi fol them N ew york post rost |