Show FRIGHTFUL OF MALADIES dreadful suffering caused by dread of 0 hydrophobia it if as Is suggested it be a fact that there Is no such thing as hydro pho lata lita it Is appalling to think of the mental and physical agony that has been undergo najiy those who believe themselves to threatened with this rightful malady lt daw while in in itself a dreaded dieva disease se has s esq been regarded as abdol ely une arable and no ph cian clan has been unwilling un unwilling willin to attema the treatment of such a case yet in the past when the dis cutting the flesh from around a bite to avert hydrophobia from front a woodcut pub shed at nu aremburg in 1428 case has been diagnosed as hydrophobia there could not be found one practitioner of standing who believed that his science offered a cure both literature and popular legend are filled with the dread story of the horrors of hydrophobia there is not cry that can be raised that will spread such stich terror and consternation as that of mad dog men alen will attack the flee ing murderer the thief will be sei ed in mid career and the drink maddened giant will find his master tut kut the mad dog has the right of way new york world JJ J J professional DR J A HENSEL EUREKA UTAH omen otna baas baos STORE 0 residence leadville eow ROW SAs bury house DR J W dryborough PHYSICIAN and SURGEON special attention given to diseases of 0 aad end chi drea dren nervous of eye ear throat and nose age low 10 to 12 a in m 2 to 1 p me to ap 9 in ARTHUR M BOWEN ATTORNEY AT LAW PRACTICES IN ALL COURTS AND V U S LIND office beott building eureka etab telephone 26 25 3 rings ij B R N C STOTT ATTORNEY AT LAV LAW EUREKA UTAH TIME TABLE 1 log rom OU 1 soil lot h between salt lake city and tinola district Kead Read down bead read ay dally daily STATIONS dally daily AM lv ar PM 8 00 salt like city CRY 6 33 35 9 15 tooele thoele 4 25 stockton 4 20 11 15 junction 2 47 11 19 mammoth jet 2 44 11 27 mammoth 11 4 45 5 edreka 1 iroka 2 40 mammoth 2 22 11 59 ar r city LT ly 2 OS for particulars call on or addres address agents salt lake route or E W GILLET gen pass agent UNION PACIFIC and CHICAGO MILWAUKEE ST PAUL RAILWAY THROUGH LINE the union pacific and find chheam milwaukee st paul rail 0 way ways are now running airet class sleepers elee pere tourist sleeper elee per and I 1 ee recil reclining ning chair car cars through to chicago for tick ete eta sleeping car ana and further information to P F A MILLER GENERAL ttE PASSENGER PASSe NOEH CHICAGO CLAUDE 8 WILLIAMS commercial toe 00 brair SECOND GOUTH SALT LAKE through service TO AND THE V VIA n a MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY THROUGH SCENIC V 0 10 R 1 I effah FERTILE KANSAS M 0 ht PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS 4 observation DINING CARS LIGHTS ELECTRIC FANS reclining CHAIR CARS SEATS FREE DATE DAY for berths folders ditc itc H C TOWNSEND |